Cyberworlds 2004
International Conference on Cyberworlds, CW2004
18 - 20 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Organised by Tokyo Institute of Technology in cooperation with
Eurographics Association and ACM Japan Chapter.
Conference web-page:
Paper/Tutorial submission: 1 May 2004
Papers due: May 17, 2004
Notification of acceptance: June 18, 2004
Deadline for camera-ready version: June 28, 2004
The workshop is organized in the framework of the annual meeting "Encuentro
internacional de Ciencias de la Computación" ENC'2004 of the Mexican
for Computer Science.
In recent years, much research has been done in virtual reality technology
to advance other fields such as medicine, engineering, training, education
and entertainment. Realistic virtual environments require real-time visual
rendering of data and fast computations of physical complex phenomena that
combine movements, deformations, interactions. This problem is constrained
further if some applications require high interactivity tasks, such as
videogames or surgery simulators.
It is a forum for students, researchers and computer science professionals.
* To present high level research in the domains of dynamic simulation and
physical interaction in virtual reality environments.
* To identify and put together the scientific mexican community doing
in the domains of computer graphics and virtual reality.
* Considering virtual reality as a multidisciplinary domain, we seek to
introduce other researchers, from different backgrounds, the potential
advantages of using virtual environments that might open new advantages
in their research fields.
* To attract application developers and show them the envelope of what
can be
done in virtual reality and computer graphics. We seek to encourage
to work together with researchers and provide products that are truely
rather than just a demo.
We invite communications that describe innovative research in the
domains of
simulations and physical interactions in virtual reality. We also welcome
showing on-going research with promising results and new technology with
applications related.
Topics :
Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Physically based dynamics
- Collision detection techniques
- Cloth & deformable bodies
- Natural phenomena modeling (plants, clouds, ...)
- Geometric algorithms for physical simulation
- Haptic interactions & virtual reality interfaces
- Mathematical foundations of animation
- Applications (surgery simulations...)
- Physics for video games
Papers will be blinded peer-reviewed by the international committee of this
The authors of the best paper will be invited to submit an extended version
of the paper for reviewing and possible publication in the Journal
"Computacion y Sistemas" (
Camera ready submission:
Papers are allowed 6 to 10 pages. They can be written in English or
Papers in Spanish must include an abstract in English. Please use the
provided below to format your full paper (no abstracts) for the camera
version and send it to the following email address:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRIPHYS04(a) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Norms for the preparation of works (example)
They follow the LNCS guidelines.
The works will have to be sent in pdf and should include the following
1) Abstract of not more than 150 words.
2 ) Three to five keywords.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE : Do not include in your paper the author's and
name. It is a blind review. This information will be asked after
3) Your email must include (besides your paper in PDF format):
Contact information of pme contact author (name, e-mail, postal address,
phone, fax numbers).
It is recommended to structure the work in the following way:
State of the art
Conclusions and perspectives
The format of the paper must respect the following guidelines:
Size: Letter
Margins: superior and inferior: 4,4 cm; right and left: 4,6 cm
Font: Times or Times New Roman
Title (on the first page): 14 points boldface type. Leave a space of 23
points after the title
Names of authors: 10 points. Leave a 11 points space after the name of the
Address: 10 points. Leave 20 points space after the address.
Abstract: 9 points. Leave 9 points after.
Keywords: 10 points. Leave 26 points space after.
Title of section: 12 points with previous space of 26 and later of 14
Title of subsection: 10 points with previous space of 22 and later of 11
Paragraphs: 10 points Title of figure: 9 points, boldface type the word
fig, previous space of 12
and later of 6 points
Title of table: 9 points, boldface for the word Table, previous spaces of
12 and later of 6 points.
Word "References": 12 points with space previous of 26 and later of 14
References: 9 points
Papers due: May 17, 2004
Notification of acceptance: June 18, 2004
Deadline for camera-ready version: June 28, 2004
Cesar Mendoza ( chair )
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI-CNR)
Area della Ricerca CNR di PisaVia G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa -
Italyphone: +39 050 315 2802e-mail : cesar.mendoza(a)
Fabio Ganovelli (co-chair)
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI-CNR)Area
della Ricerca CNR di PisaVia G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa -
Italyphone: +39 050 315 2927 e-mail : fabio.ganovelli(a)
Scientific Committe :
Carol O'Sullivan Trinity College, Ireland
Cesar Mendoza CNR Italy - Trinity College, Ireland
Fabio Ganovelli CNR, Italy
Isaac Rudomin ITESM, CEM, Mexico
Bedrich Benes ITESM CCM, Mexico
Miguel Garcia Universidad de Colima, Mexico
Roberto Scopigno CNR Italy
Philippe Meseure SIC France
Stephane Cotin CIMIT USA
Christian Laugier INRIA Rhone-Alpes France
Genevieve Lucet Ixtli UNAM Mexico
Christophe Chaillou INRIA Futurs France
Riccardo Scateni Università di Cagliari, Italy
Isabel Navazo Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Gerardo Ayala UDLA, Mexico
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing Honda Research Institute, USA
Coordinators of workshops :
Miguel Arias Estrada, INAOE, Mexico
Alexander Gelbuck, CIC, Mexico>
President of the Mexican Society ofComputer Science (SMCC)
Jesús Favela, CICESE, Mexico>
... Apologies if you have received this announcement by more than one route
Please Note:
- deadline is approaching (April 7th -> abstract, April 14th -> full
- submission instructions are on the SGP'04 web
Call for Papers
Second Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
(SGP 2004)
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH [approval pending]
Nice, France, July 8-10
Program Co-Chairs:
Roberto Scopigno, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Denis Zorin, NYU, USA
Organizing Co-Chairs:
Pierre Alliez, INRIA, France
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, INRIA, France
The goal of this meeting is to present and discuss new research ideas
and results in Geometric Processing. In this emerging area, concepts
from applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering are used
to design efficient algorithms for the acquisition, manipulation,
animation and transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of
geometry processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from
multimedia and entertainment, to bio-medical computing, reverse
engineering, and to classical computer-aided design.
This symposium follows the highly successful 1st Eurographics
Symposium on Geometry Processing, which took place in 2003 in Aachen,
Germany. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
We are inviting submissions related, but not limited to, the following
topics in geometry processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation
- reverse engineering
- simplification
- smoothing and denoising
- level of detail
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- animation
- morphing
- transmission
- geometric aspects of rendering
- interactive techniques
Important Dates:
Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 7, 2004
Electronic paper submission deadline: April 14, 2004
Author notification: May 14, 2004
Camera-ready copy deadline: May 31, 2004
Symposium: July 8-10, 2004
Submission procedure:
Authors are requested to submit an abstract for their paper (in plain
text format, no more than 250 words) by April 7, 2004.
Title, abstract and contact information (names and institutions of all
authors, contact information of one contact author - name, e-mail,
postal address, phone and fax numbers) must be submitted by way of the
Electronic Submission system.
Instructions for electronic submission of papers are posted on the
conference web site:
Final reminder.
The deadline for submission of papers to MediViz04 * the annual conference
on Biomedical Visualisation, which will take place alongside Information
Visualisation 04 in London, 14-16 July 2004 * is 31 March.
The conference will be marked by the public launch of the Multimod
Application Framework, an open source software tool specifically designed to
assist the rapid development of biomedical application software.
Papers are invited on all aspects of visualisation associated with the
medical and biological sciences. The Proceedings will be published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press.
For details see
or contact Prof Gordon Clapworthy at gordon.clapworthy(a) .
Dear all,
I would like to call your attention to the EG event below, organized by
the EG Working Group on Multimedia
Could you please disseminate through EG mailing lists ?
Best Regards
Call for Papers
EG Multimedia 2004 - 7th Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia
Nanjing University, China, 27-28 October 2004
Important Dates
May 21, 2004 Submission deadline
July 9, 2004 Notification of acceptance
July 27, 2004 Deadline for camera-ready copies
October 27-28, 2004 Workshop
Aims and Scope
This workshop is a follow up on the Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia
held in Manchester, UK, in September 2001 and continues a series of six
successful Eurographics workshops in the field. It is also the first
time that this workshop takes place in a location outside Europe, which
will promote interaction between researchers from different origins. The
workshop will cover a wide range of current subjects with a special
focus on issues related with Multimedia in Mobile and Augmented
Environments. These include approaches for mobile multimedia, using
video in mobile devices, using the physical world to present multimedia
information, and other context aware applications. Authors are invited
to submit technical papers in these or related areas. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Mobile Multimedia
Context Aware Interactive Multimedia
Interactive Video
Audio and Video in Augmented Environments
Multimodal Interaction
Ubiquitous Media
Broadband Personal Interfaces
Auditory Interfaces
Audio/Image/Video Processing
Content Analysis
Media Databases and Search Engines
Content Based Retrieval
Media Information Retrieval on the Web
Delivery of Multimedia Data
Media Web Servers and Services
Video Coding and Description Standards
Multimedia Document Metaphors
Authoring Paradigms
Media Integration
Augmented Reality
Storytelling Environments
Applications: Entertainment, Learning, etc.
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, in the
Eurographics Conference Paper Format. Detailed guidelines will be
available at the EG Multimedia 2004 Workshop Site. Post-workshop
proceedings will be available on-line, through the Eurographics Digital
Library, and in paper book form, in the Eurographics Book Series.
Selection will be based upon technical and scientific content and
relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will be held in two days, including paper presentation
tracks and discussion plenary sessions. Participation is open to
everyone, not requiring submission of a paper. The workshop will take
place just after the ICIG'2004 Conference (Oct. 23-25, 2004, Hong Kong,
China, The workshop will be
co-located with a conference on Digital Media and Digital Cities. As
such, it will provide a very interesting opportunity for researchers
that want to attend or present communications at these events.
Venue and Fee
The workshop will be held at Nanjing University, China. Workshop
participants will be charged a registration fee that includes a workshop
proceedings book (printed by Eurographics Press), coffee breaks, and a
social event in the first evening of the Workshop. Nanjing University is
located in the Nanjing City, the Capital of Jiangsu Province. Present
day Nanjing, with tens of universities and hundreds of high-tech
companies, ranks fifth among the "50 strongest" of Chinese cities. It is
a transport and telecommunications hub in East China, and the second
largest international trade port after Shanghai in the Yangzi River
Delta. Comprehensive information about Nanjing, traveling and
accommodation will be available at the workshop Web page.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Nuno Correia, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Hong Jiang Zhang, Microsoft Research, China
Program Co-Chairs
Joaquim Jorge, IST/INESC, Portugal
Teresa Chambel, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Zhigeng Pan, Nanjing University, China
Honorary Chair
José Encarnação, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
International Program Committee
(to be announced)
Local Organizing Committee
Jian Lu, Nanjing University, China
Xianglin Fei, Nanjing University, China
Zhigeng Pan, Nanjing University, China
Xiaohu Ma, Nanjing University, China
Gangshan Wu, Nanjing Univeristy, China
Weiqun Cao, Nanjing University, China
Weiqing Li, Nanjing Polytechnic University, China
Ruhui Yun, Nanjing Normal University, China
Jun Feng, Hehai University, China
Zongcai Ruan, South-East University, China
For more information, please contact egmm2004(a)
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