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REMINDER, deadline soon
Call for Academic and Industrial Posters
Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 2004
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2004
In Cooperation with ACM Siggraph (agreement pending)
June 8-9th, 2004
June 10-11th, 2004
Grenoble, France
During the EGVE and EGPGV Symposia, room will be open to research projects,
laboratories and companies to expose their activities, applications,
softwares or products.
Deadline for submission: April 16th, 2004
For more information and registration, see the symposia web servers:
or contact:
First Call for Papers
SIBGRAPI 2004 / SIACG 2004
17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
II Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics
October 17-24 2004
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
Full Papers : May 16, 2004
Tutorial Proposals : May 23, 2004
Industrial track : June 30, 2004
Lab presentations : June 30, 2004
Educational track : June 30, 2004
Workshop of Thesis and Dissertation : June 30, 2004
Workshop of Undergraduate Work : June 30, 2004
Panel Proposals : July 07, 2004
Technical Posters : July 14, 2004
Videos : August 18, 2004
The "Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing"
(SIBGRAPI) and the "Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics"
(SIACG) will be held as a joint event in 2004 in Curitiba, Brazil.
SIBGRAPI is the most important Brazilian meeting in Computer Graphics,
Image Processing, and Computer Vision. Started in 1998 with the sponsorship
of the Brazilian Computer Society, this will be its 17th edition.
SIACG is a bi-annual symposium sponsored by the Eurographics Spanish and
Portuguese chapters. Its first meeting happened in 2002 in Portugal, and
this will be its 2nd edition.
Attesting to the relevance and quality of the SIBGRAPI series of
meetings, the proceedings have been published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press since 1997. Information on past SIBGRAPI events can
be found at http://www.sbc.org.br/cegrapi/. Special effort will be
made to publish the best papers in a special issue of a journal in the area.
You are cordially invited to participate by submitting your work in
all areas of Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision.,
including but not limited to the topics listed at:
Contributions should be in one of the following categories:
+FULL PAPERS scheduled as oral presentations and published in the
Proceedings as two-column, 8-page papers, in English.
+TECHNICAL POSTERS presented in a special session and published as
two-column, 1-page papers, in English.
+PANELS on topics related to the SIBGRAPISIACG themes, short
descriptions published as two-column, 2-page papers, in English.
+TUTORIALS about classical or timely topics, ranged from elementary
to advanced, consisting of three to six hours of
lectures with printed notes (20-30 pages), in Portuguese,
Spanish or English.
+VIDEOS generated by computer graphics or digital video processing
techniques to be presented in a special session.
invited to submit papers (in Portuguese, Spanish or English).
Special instructions will be given separately.
+WORKSHOP OF UNDERGRADUATE WORK: Undergraduate students are
invited to submit papers (in Portuguese, Spanish or English).
Special instructions will be given separately.
In case of questions please feel free to send an email to:
Conference Chairs:
Olga Regina Pereira Bellon ( olga(a)inf.ufpr.br )
Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brazil
Arnaldo de Albuquerque ( arnaldo(a)dcc.ufmg.br )
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil
João Comba ( comba(a)inf.ufrgs.br )
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
A. Augusto de Sousa ( augusto.sousa(a)fe.up.pt )
Universidade de Porto - Portugal
Isabel Navazo ( isabel(a)lsi.upc.es )
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Spain
Manuel M. Oliveira Neto, ( oliveira(a)inf.ufrgs.br )
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Mário F. Montenegro Campos ( mario(a)dcc.ufmg.br )
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil
Isabel Manssour, ( manssour(a)inf.pucrs.br )
Pontifícia Universidade Católica/RS - Brazil
Paulo Cortes ( cortez(a)deti.ufc.br )
Universidade Federal do Ceará - Brazil
Marcelo Zuffo, ( mkzuffo(a)lsi.usp.br )
Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Francisco Seron ( seron(a)unizar.es )
Universidad de Zaragoza - Spain
Márcio Lobo Netto, ( lobonett(a)lsi.usp.br )
Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Joaquim Madeira( jmadeira(a)det.ua.pt )
Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Carla Freitas, ( carla(a)inf.ufrgs.br )
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Jordi Regincós ( jorgi.regincos(a)udg.es )
Universitat de Girona, Spain
Rodrigo Carceroni, ( carceron(a)dcc.ufmg.br )
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil
Marcelo Dreux ( dreux(a)tmec.puc-rio.br )
Pontifícia Universidade Católica/RJ - Brazil
Sílvio Guimarães, ( sjamil(a)pucminas.br )
Pontifícia Universidade Católica/MG - Brazil
Ricardo Farias ( rfarias(a)cos.ufrj.br )
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Luciana Silveira, ( silveira(a)ppgte.cefetpr.pr )
CEFET-PR - Brazil
Soraia Musse ( soraiarm(a)exatas.unisinos.br )
Unisinos - Brazil
Gerald Banon, INPE, Brazil
Ricardo Barandela, ITTOLUCA, Mexico
Rui Bastos, NVIDIA, USA
Olga Bellon, UFPR, Brazil
Rafael Bidarra, TU Delft, Netherlands
Dibio Borges, PUC/PR, Brazil
Kim Boyer, OSU, USA
Chris Brown, URochester, USA
Pere Brunet, UPC, Spain
Oscar Bustos, UNC, Argentina
Roberto Cesar Jr., USP/SP, Brazil
Alan Chalmers, Univ Bristol, UK
Paolo Cignoni, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Nuno Correia, DI/FCT/UNL, Portugal
Kostas Danilliidis, UPENN, USA
Alberto Del Bimbo, UNIFI, Italy
João Duarte Cunha, LNEC-FCUL, Portugal
David Duce, Brookes Univ, UK
José Miguel Salles Dias, ADETI-ISCTE, Portugal
Cláudio Esperança, UFRJ, Brazil
Fernando Nunes Ferreira, FEUP, Portugal
Luciano Fontoura, USP/SC, Brazil
Alejandro Frery, UFAL, Brazil
Jorge Galbiati UCV, Chile
Alex Garcia-Alonso, EHU, Spain
Theo Gevers, UvA, Netherlands
Luis Marcos Goncalves, UFRN, Brazil
Eduard Gröeller, TUWien, Austria
Roger Hubold, Univ of Manchester, UK
Robert K. Jacob, Univ. Tufts, USA
Ed Jernigan, UWaterloo, Canada
Xiaoyi Jiang, UMuenster, Germany
Cláudio Jung, UNISINOS, Brazil
Robert Joan-Arinyo, UPC, Spain
Joaquim A. Jorge, INESC-IST/UTL, Portugal
James Klosowski, IBM, USA
Neucimar Leite, UNICAMP, Brazil
Hélio Lopes, PUC/RJ, Brazil
Adérito Fernandes Marcos, CCG-DSI/EE/UM, Portugal
Jorge Salvador Marques, UTL, Portugal
Nelson Mascarenhas, UFScar, Brazil
Ana Maria Mendonça, FEUP, Portugal
Theo Moons, KUBrussel, Belgic
Ronei Moraes, UFPB, Brazil
Soraia Musse, UNISINOS, Brazil
Luciana Nedel, UFRGS, Brazil
Luiz Gustavo Nonato, USP/SC, Brazil
Hélio Pedrini, UFPR, Brazil
Francisco Perales, UIB, Spain
Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet, ENSEA, France
Armando Pinho, UA, Portugal
Xavier Pueyo, UdG, Spain
Maria Andréia F. Rodrigues, UNIFOR, Brazil
Philippe Salembier, UPC, Spain
Beatriz Sousa Santos, IEETA/UA, Portugal
Manuel Próspero dos Santos, DI/FCT/UNL, Portugal
Mateu Sbert, UdG, Spain
Jacob Scharcanski, UFRGS, Brazil
Francisco Seron, UdZ, Spain
Jean Serra, ENSMP, France
Luciano Silva, UFPR, Brazil
Cláudio Silva, University of Utah, USA
José Carlos Teixeira, DM/UC, Portugal
Wu, Shin-Ting, UNICAMP, Brazil
Juan Carlos Torres, UGr, Spain
Clesio Tozzi, UNICAMP, Brazil
Agma Traina, USP/SC, Brazil
Emanuele Trucco, UHeriot-Watt, UK
Luiz Velho, IMPA, Brazil
José Santos-Victor, IST, Portugal
Roberto Vivo, UPV, Spain