The EG 2005 Medical Prize
The Eurographics Association organises a biannual competition to acknowledge
the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and
to encourage further development. Entries for the EG2005 Medical Prize will
only be accepted for one more week. If you are a computer graphics related
researcher or developer whose work has provided a significant benefit to a
medical application, then this competition is an excellent forum for you to
disseminate your work. Examples of entries could include the use of new
medical visualization techniques, virtual environments and augmented reality.
The winner of the EG2005 Medical Prize will be announced at EG2005 in
Dublin, and the winning entry will receive a total prize of € 500. The
judging panel will select the winning entry on the basis of its clinical
value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty. The best entries will
also be documented on the EG web site.
The Submission deadline is Thursday 30th June. Please visit the web site for
more information and submission instructions.
The EG 2005 Medical Prize is sponsored by Immersion Medical.
Apologies for any duplicate you may receive.
Please bring to the attention of colleagues / students.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM is the journal of Eurographics, the European
Association for Computer Graphics. Each year we have the opportunity to
the picture appearing on the cover of the journal. This is your
opportunity to
show the world what you can do, a competition for the photograph for the
The first prize winner gets 200 Euro, but the biggest prize is of course the
fact that your picture will appear on all the 2006 issues, including the
conference issue!
The winner will be publicly announced at the closing session of the
Eurographics 2005 conference in Dublin (Ireland).
Federico Ponchio <ponchio(a)>
Deadline: AUGUST 20th, 2005
Electronic submissions may be in all image formats. For production on
the cover
of "Forum", we will be asking the winning submitter to provide a
eps file, saved at 300 dpi, sized at 152 mm x 128 mm. We would also
a GIF or JPEG image with RGB colour for use on the website.
To give you an idea what we are looking for and further instructions,
visit the
CGF Cover Contest web page:
Information about EUROGRAPHICS can be found at:
Prize Coordinator:
Federico Ponchio
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa ITALY
phone: +39 050 315 2925
fax: +39 050 315 2810
email: ponchio(a)
Note: just one month to the deadline !
VAST2005 is the 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage and incorporates the Third Eurographics Symposium on Graphics
and Cultural Heritage (EGSGH 2005). Additional symposium information can be
found at:
The symposium will take place in Pisa, Italy, during November 8-11, 2005.
Important Dates are:
- Abstract submission - July 8th
- Paper submission (full/short) - July 15th
- Review assignments sent to reviewers - July 22th
- Reviews deadline - Sept. 1st
- Notification of refereeing results - Sept. 16th
- Camera ready papers to printer - Oct. 3rd
- Conference - Nov.8th
Vast2005 continues the discussions of previous VAST and Eurographics on
Graphics and Cultural Heritage (CH) Symposia. The 2005 VAST Symposium will
focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research concerning both
innovative CH informatics and use of technology for the representation and
communication of CH knowledge. The scope includes every phase of CH
informatics: initial data capture, information processing, dissemination of
results to the scientific community and the general public, and the wider legal
and ethical responsibilities of Cultural Informatics.
Research subjects parallel the interests of the EPOCH EU Network
(, including culturally significant artifacts and
sites as well as the activities of museums, libraries, archives, and
organizations involved with their care.
Those researchers who wish to participate in the VAST2005 Symposium are invited
to submit papers on original work addressing the following subjects or related
* Multimedia Data Acquisition, Management and Archiving
* 3D Data Capture and Processing
* CAD-based Digital Reconstructions
* Visualization (desktop, VR, AR)
* Computer Animation for CH Applications
* Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data
* Novel Internet-based CH Applications
* Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for
CH Applications
* Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques
* Interactive Environments and Applications
* Virtual Museum Applications
* Story-telling and Design of Heritage Communications
* Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design
* Tools for Education and Training in CH
* Standards and Documentation
* The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism
* Professional and Ethical Guidelines
We are soliciting three types of contributions:
- Full research papers presenting new innovative results. These papers will be
published by Eurographics in a high-quality proceedings volume.
- Project papers focusing on the description of project organization, use of
technology, and lesson learned -- not innovative technical content. These
papers will have a full-length oral presentation and will be included in a
"Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
- Short papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress. These papers
will have a short oral presentation and be available as posters in conference
breaks. They will be published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings
All types of submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
In addition, space will be available for "Live Showcases". If you have a system
you wish included in the showcase area, please contact the organizers.
International Program Committee Co-chairs are:
Mark Mudge, Cultural Heritage Imaging, San Francisco, CA, USA
Nick Ryan, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Roberto Scopigno, CNR-ISTI, Pisa, Italy
The IPC Member list is available on the VAST2005 website,
The Conference Organizing Chair is Fabio Ganovelli, CNR-ISTI.
The Venue is ISTI (Institute for Information Science and Technology), an
Institute of the Italian C.N.R. (National Research Council) located at v.
Moruzzi 1, 56126 Pisa, Italy.
Submissions of full, short and project papers should be made via the VAST2005
EG proceedings style guides are available on the site. To avoid difficulties
during the production cycle, authors are strongly recommended to use them when
preparing their submissions.
Looking forward to see you in Pisa!
Roberto Scopigno
Visual Computing Laboratory
Istituto Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) -
National Research Council (CNR)
Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa ITALY
phone: +39 050 315 2929 cell: +39 348 396 6819
fax: +39 050 313 8091 (G3) +39 050 313 8092 (G4)
email: roberto.scopigno(a)
Co-Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
July 30/31, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Graphics Hardware is a highly visible, established international forum
for exchanging experience and knowledge related to computer graphics
hardware. The event, held annually since 1986, offers a unique
perspective on graphics hardware by combining discussions and
constructive critique of innovative concepts as well as product-level
designs. It is an inclusive forum for the entire graphics hardware
community and brings together researchers, engineers, and architects.
The program features two days of paper and industry presentations,
with ample time for discussion during breaks, lunches, and the
workshop banquet. This year's event will be held in Los Angeles, CA,
USA, jointly with ACM SIGGRAPH.
Please visit our website at for more
The program and paper list for Graphics Hardware 2005 is located at:
Registration is available at:
The discount for early registration ends on 17 June 2005.
We look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles this summer!
Second Workshop in:
Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations (VRIPHYS '05)
Pisa, Italy November 7 2005
The workshop is organized in cooperation with Eurographics
and the Italian Center of Excellence in ENDOscopic
Computer Aided Surgery (ENDOCAS).
We invite communications that describe innovative research
in the domains of dynamic simulations and physical interactions
in virtual reality. We also welcome papers showing on-going research
with promising results.
Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Collision detection techniques
- Deformable objects (e.g. biomechanical modeling of soft and hard
- Physical standards for assessing deformable objects
(e.g. performance metrics & validation of medical simulators )
- Natural phenomena modeling (hair, fluids, ...)
- Geometric algorithms for physical simulation
- Haptic interactions & virtual reality interfaces
- Physically based dynamics ( video games, medical simulators )
Papers are allowed 6 to 10 pages and formatted according to the
EG publication guidelines for conference submission. For double-blind
reviewing, the anonymous submission version should be used. Accepted
papers will be presented orally at the workshop and appear in the proceedings.
>>>> vriphys05(a) <<<<<<
The works must be sent in pdf and should include the following data:
Abstract of not more than 150 words. Three to five keywords. Your
email must include (besides your paper in PDF format): Contact information of
the contact author (name, e-mail, postal address, phone, fax numbers).
Papers due: July 6, 2005
Notification of acceptance: September 12, 2005
Deadline for camera-ready version: October 3, 2005
Cesar Mendoza ( co-chair )
Departamental II - Desp. 147Escuela Superior de
Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnología
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
c/ Tulipan s/n,
E-28933 Mostoles (Madrid) - España
tel: +34 91 488 8300
Fabio Ganovelli (co-chair)
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI-CNR)
Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa - Italy
phone: +39 050 315 2927
(Apologies for cross-postings)
Eurographics 2005, Dublin, Ireland
The evolution of graphics: where to next?
Registration details:
Accommodation booking:
Email: eg2005-info(a)
(we apologize for multiple postings)
Registration is now open for
__ __ __ __ __
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Third Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Vienna, Austria, July 4-6 2005
Program Co-Chairs:
Helmut Pottmann, Vienna University of Technology
Mathieu Desbrun, California Institute of Technology
Organizing Chair:
Werner Purgathofer, Vienna University of Technology
Now in its third year, the Symposium on Geometry Processing is the
premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and
cutting-edge results in Geometry Processing. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and
engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for the
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
For information on location, registration, program, and other details,
please visit: