Eurographics 2008 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
April 14-15, 2008, Crete, Greece
Co-located with Eurographics '08
Call for Papers
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
Following the success of previous EGPGV symposia, we are happy to announce
the 8th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The
new generation of parallel architectures introduce many exciting research
opportunities. The extreme-scale of these new parallel systems redefines
the scalability problem of many graphics and visualization applications.
The aim of this symposium is to foster greater exchange of experiences and
knowledge of parallel and distributed computing and its application to all
aspects of computer graphics and data visualization.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Cluster based graphics and visualization
- Efficient graphics and visualization for shared and
distributed memory systems
- Parallel and distributed systems for large and high
resolution displays
- Parallel and distributed systems for photo-realistic rendering
- Parallel volume rendering
- Data coherence in graphics algorithms
- Large data set visualization
- Realistic rendering of large models
- Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
- Graphics and visualization in Grid environments
- Parallel simulations for interactive applications
- Parallelism within GPU architectures
- GPU and GPGPU clusters
- Parallel graphics and visualization on multi-core CPUs
and other parallel architectures
The EGPGV Symposium is co-located with the Eurographics Annual Conference,
which will take place from April 14-18.
Eurographics Annual Conference web page: http://www.ics.forth.gr/eg2008/
Paper Submission and Important Dates
The proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series and on the Eurographics Digital Library.
The authors of up to three of the best papers of the Symposium will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers to IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Paper submission: December 10, 2007
Author notification: February 15, 2008
Camera-ready paper: February 29, 2008
Symposium Chair
Daniel Weiskopf, Universitaet Stuttgart
Program Chairs
Jean Favre, Swiss National Supercomputing Center
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California at Davis
Web Page: http://vidi.cs.ucdavis.edu/EGPGV08
For further questions please contact:
Note that this email list is used for the conference-calls for the
IEEE Visualization conference, and similar events.
For removal or duplicates, please reply to this email address with your
respective email address and the keyword "remove" and add "duplicate",
if it is just for the removal of an unused email address.
(The relevant email address is in the TO-field of the email header.)
If your email is a question about the conference, the submission, or
related topics, please contact the respective conference co-chairs.
Eurographics Ireland 2007
Monday 17th December
UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science
Call for Contribution
The 8th Irish Workshop on Computer Graphics and Visualisation will take
place at the School of Medicine
and Medical Science, University College Dublin on the 17th of December 2007.
Previous Eurographics Irish
workshops have been very successful with many top international speakers and
researchers in attendance.
In recent times, the importance of graphics, visualisation and related
technologies in all sectors of Irish
society has increased rapidly. These technologies are not only relevant in
the games and film industries, but
also other areas such as medicine and biology. This year is the first year a
non-computer science institute is
hosting the conference, re-inforcing the multi-disciplinary nature of this
field of research. The special theme
will be "Humans: from the Inside Out ", but we hope to bring together a
diverse group of people interested in
the theory and applications of Computer Graphics and its intersection with
other areas, such as perception,
Games, Physics, Artificial Intelligence, audio and haptics. Please join us
in Dublin and help to promote the
exciting field of Graphics in Ireland.
Invited Speakers
Simon Mack / Torsten Reil, Natural Motion LTD.
Prof. Min Chen, Visual and Interactive Computing, University of Swansea, UK
Submissions relating to all aspects of Graphics and Visualisation are
invited. We invite papers, 6-8 pages
long, in the categories of applications or research. High quality
submissions describing work-in-progress or
state-of-the-art reports will also be considered. If accepted, you will be
expected to deliver an oral
presentation at the workshop, although some submissions may be considered
for poster presentation. All
accepted papers will appear in the printed proceedings and there will be a
prize for the best paper. Please
send your submission in .doc or .pdf format by email to the
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Friday, 16th November, 2007
Acceptance notification: Tuesday, 4th December, 2007
Camera-ready copy due: Friday, 7th December, 2007
Workshop: Monday 17th, December, 2007
Eurographics Virtual Environments 2008 (EGVE'08) Symposium
Call for Participation
We invite you to participate in the Eurographics Virtual Environments
(EGVE) symposium in Eindhoven, Netherlands, May 29-30th, 2008 which is
co-located with EuroVis. EGVE is an international symposium for the
exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers
concerned with using and improving virtual environments. EGVE 08 will
provide an opportunity for virtual reality researchers to interact,
share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss
emerging directions for the field.
Call for papers
Original, unpublished papers documenting new research contributions,
practice and experience, or novel applications, from all areas of
virtual environments, are invited. The best full-length papers will be
invited to extend their work and publish in the Computer & Graphics
journal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Interaction techniques for VR
- Tracking & Sensing
- Immersive projection technologies
- Haptics, audio and multimodal interfaces
- VR system architecture and development
- 3D input and output devices
- Augmented and mixed reality (AR and MR)
- Collaborative and distributed VR
- User studies and evaluation
- Presence and cognition
- Interactive rendering, modeling and simulation
- VR, AR, and MR applications
Important dates
14th January 2008 : full and short paper submission
17th March 2008 : decisions to authors
17th April 2008 : camera-ready version due
29th-30th May 2008 : EGVE symposium dates
Program Chairs
Robert van Liere, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands
Betty Mohler, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Call for Papers:
EuroVis 2008
Eurographics/IEEE Computer Society VGTC Symposium on Visualization
May 26-28, 2008
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Important Dates
Conference dates: 26-28 May
Fri, 30th November - Abstract submission
Fri, 7th December - Paper submission
Fri, 15th February - First reviewing cycle notification
Fri, 14th March - Paper submission for second reviewing cycle
Wed, 26th March - Final notification
Thu, 17th April - Camera ready copy
* Aims and Scope:
EuroVis 2008 is the tenth annual visualization symposium (formerly known as
'VisSym'), jointly organised by the Eurographics Working Group on Data
Visualization and the IEEE Computer Society Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee.
We invite you to participate in EuroVis 2008, to be held in Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, May 26-28, 2008.
We invite papers reporting significant new research results and practical
applications of visualization. Contributions from all areas of visualization
are welcome.
We are glad to announce that EuroVis 2008 will for the first time publish
papers which are accepted to the symposium after a two-stage review process
in an issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the
Eurographics Association.
* Topics:
Suggested topics for research papers include, but are not limited to:
* Theoretical foundations of visualization
* Perception in visualization
* Usability and human factors in visualization
* Non-spatial data visualization
* Information visualization
* Software visualization
* Visual analytics
* Graph visualization
* Time series data visualization
* Spatial data visualization
* Surface extraction
* Volume visualization
* Medical and biomedical visualization
* Vector/Tensor field visualization
* Flow visualization
* Multi-field visualization
* Time-varying visualization
* GPU based visualization
* Large data visualization
* Feature extraction
* Illustrative visualization
* Uncertainty visualization
* Visualization systems
We also encourage the submission of application papers from different
domains, e.g.:
* Physical sciences and engineering
* Earth, space and environmental sciences
* Bioinformatics, life sciences, medical research and practice
* Business and finance
* Submission information:
Paper submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the Eurovis
Submission site: www.eurovis.org
Papers should be formatted according to the EG publication guidelines
(http://www.eg.org/publications/guidelines). You are strongly recommended to
use the EG LaTeX style files available [zip file, or gzip'd tar file].
Papers should not exceed 8 pages in length.
Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and will appear in the
Computer Graphics Forum.
Supplementary material (e.g. videos) can also be provided, and will be
considered when the paper is reviewed; see the submission site for full
* Conference Location
EuroVis 2008 will be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The region is
considered the industrial and technological mainstay of the Netherlands. 50%
of the Dutch research & development expenditure occurs in this region. A
large number of high-tech enterprises, including the multinational Philips
Electronics group, Océ, ASML, DAF, DSM and the Philips High-Tech Campus are
situated next to the renowned Philips Research. It is an attractive location
in a natural environment that is close to the Randstad
(Amsterdam-Rotterdam), the industrial Ruhr area in Germany, and the European
business centers of Antwerp and Brussels. There is direct connections to the
European road system and the European railway network, and there are
European direct flights to Eindhoven Airport. The conference will be held at
the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology located close to the
center of Eindhoven.
* Symposium Co-Chairs
Anna Vilanova Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Alexandru Telea Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Gerik Scheuermann Leipzig University, Germany
Torsten Möller Simon Fraser University, Canada
This is just a gentle reminder that the Cyberworlds 2007, together
with the two Workshops HAPTEX'07 and NASAGEM'07 will start in less
than two weeks (October 24-27).
If you plan to attend the conference, please register now to help
our planing.
Best Greetings from Hannover;
Ingo Friese
W S C G ' 2008
DEADLINE EXTENDED to October 25, 2007
due to technical problems
16th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2008
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
February 4-7, 2008
Honourary Chair
Wolfgang Strasser, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Program Co-chairs
Steve Cunningham, California State University Stanislaus, USA
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Oliver Bimber: The Visual Computing of Projector-Camera Systems,
University of Weimar, Germany
Anatole Lecuyer: Perception-Based Integration of Vision and Touch in Virtual
Environments, INRIA, Rennes, France
Information for authors
Paper and files uploads: EXTENDED to October 25, 2007 13:00 GMT (London
Up to 8 pages of A4 format, additional material
(video as MPEG, AVI, color plates etc. can be submitted) up to 5 MB
(see WEB for details)
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and
pattern recognition,
fundamental algorithms, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric
modeling and computer aided geometric design, computational geometry,
rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging,
graphical interaction, object oriented graphics, parallel and distributed
graphics, WWW technologies,
CAD/CAM, DTP and GIS systems and others.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.16. ISSN 1213
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG
proceedings with ISBN
and all papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science
Univerzitni 8, Box 314, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG 2008
http://wscg.zcu.cz Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
Feel free to visit http://wscg.zcu.cz all papers are available on-line since
1992 (no access restriction).
Apologies for the multiple postings - please forward to your lists
Eurographics 2008 Annual Conference
Crete, Greece
April 14-18, 2008
Call for Tutorials
Eurographics 2008, the 29th annual conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, invites international experts to present half day or
full day tutorials providing in-depth knowledge and sharing their experience
on a variety of topics in computer graphics and related areas.
Proposed tutorials may address topics of interest to the Computer Graphics
community at large, such as (but not limited to) Imaging and Rendering
techniques, 3D user interfaces, interaction methods and methodologies,
modelling and simulation, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality,
high performance graphics, computer graphics over high speed networks and
others. Proposals are welcome on topics that have been previously addressed;
however, new approaches or insights will be especially valued.
Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught format, ranging from practical
guidelines to academic issues and theory, and may be addressed to an
audience at an introductory or advanced level.
Each group of speakers will receive:
a.. An honorarium of 400Euro for a full day tutorial or 200Euro for a half
day tutorial, per group. If a tutorial is presented by more than one
lecturer, this payment will be divided pro-rata between them.
b.. One free registration for the conference and one complimentary ticket
for conference events, per group. If more than one person gives the
tutorial, only one free registration and one free ticket for conference
events are provided.
All tutorial lecturers are allowed to attend other tutorials at no extra
charge, subject to space being available.
Submission Details
Tutorial proposals, typically 4 pages, should be submitted in electronic
form by October 5th, 2007, in PDF format. Submitted tutorial proposals
should contain the following information:
a.. Author(s) detail(s):
a.. Name(s)
b.. Institution
c.. E-mail addresse(s)
d.. URL
b.. Tutorial details:
a.. Title of Tutorial
b.. Abstract of the tutorial
c.. Keywords
d.. Half or full day tutorial (either 2x90 minutes or 4x90 minutes)
c.. A detailed outline of the tutorial, including possibly schedule and a
list of relevant publications.
d.. A statement of the necessary background and potential target audience
for the tutorial.
e.. A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in the
tutorial area.
f.. If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e. which
conference), date, and the number of attendees.
All tutorial proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers and the
tutorial co-chairs, based on the quality of the submitted proposals, the
qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference, and balance of
Important dates
Tutorials submission deadline:
Friday, October 5, 2007 (24:00 GMT)
Notification date:
Friday, December 7, 2007
For further information, please contact the Tutorials co-chairs.
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Maria Roussou (Greece) and Jason Leigh (US)
Tutorials Program Committee
Steffi Beckhaus (Germany)
Roland Blach (Germany)
Sabine Coquilart (France)
Bernd Froehlich (Germany)
Jan Kautz (UK)
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (Switzerland)
David Nahon (France)
Ana Paiva (Portugal)
George Papaioannou (Greece)
Dave Pape (US)
Simon Prince (UK)
Dieter Schmalstieg (Austria)
Franco Tecchia (Italy)