Invitation to participate in the symposium:
| 28 January, 2009 |
| Vienna, Austria |
Visual Computing is the discipline of computer science which deals with the
acquisition, representation, manipulation, analysis, synthesis and
application of visual information, i.e. images and image sequences in a
spatial and temporal context. Visual Computing has evolved from the
methodological merging of image processing, computer vision, computer
graphics and visualization.
The symposium will give you an overview of future developments in Visual
Computing by top-level invited experts. You will learn about key open
challenges and scientific and industrial trends. Participants are
encouraged to participate in extended discussions on core technological
Program now available at
Participation is free, however advance registration is requested.
Please register at
or by email to visual-computing-trends(a) .
Symposium organized by
V R V i s Research Center ( )
in cooperation with
Vienna University of Technology
Austrian Chapter of Eurographics
Austrian Computer Society OCG
EUROGRAPHICS 2009 - Call for Short, Education and Areas Papers
30th Annual Conference
of the European Association for Computer Graphics
March 30 - April 4, 2009
Munich, Germany
Conference Chairs:
Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
David Kirk, NVIDIA, US
Papers program starts Tuesday and ends Friday at noon
Deadlines (
Short papers
Education papers,
Areas papers: December 10, 2008
Authors are invited to submit proposals for short presentations of recent
results, work in progress, and new ideas. Papers should be no longer than 4
pages, and accepted papers will be published in the Short Papers proceedings
of the conference. We encourage submissions from all areas related to
computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation,
simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, and imaging.
In 2009, Eurographics will have a special focus on Computational Graphics,
aiming at the creation of hardware graphics acceleration pipelines for new
graphics techniques and systems, and on Interactive Visual Exploration of
Heterogeneous Geospatial Information. In this way, Eurographics 2009 aims at
promoting geospatial information systems as one of the driving applications
for computer graphics techniques, and it acknowledges the efforts that have
been put into the development of new architectures for visual computing and
The Fifth Education Track, part of the programme of Eurographics 2009, will
be held on March 31, 2009. The goal of the meeting is to present experiences
and discuss new ideas regarding educational issues in the broad field of
computer graphics, visual computing and related disciplines.
Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena
Munich, Germany, March 29, 2009
Workshop Chairs
Eric Galin, F
Jens Schneider, D
Program Chairs
Ming Lin, USA
Michael Jones, UK
Eric Galin, F
Aims and Scope
Synthesizing realistic natural scenes is a challenging and important problem
in computer graphics. The challenge stems not only from the complexity and
diversity of objects and natural phenomena interacting together, but also
from the huge amount of small details that should be modeled to obtain
realistic models and physically plausible simulations. Therefore, there is
still a need for interactive modeling and simulation techniques capable for
handling complex synthetic sceneries. The purpose of this workshop is to
explore novel techniques for modeling, animating, simulating and rendering
complex natural phenomena.
The workshop will build on work done in recent years including simulating
aging and weathering of synthetic objects, plant modeling, ecosystem
simulation, gaseous phenomena and liquid flows. It will focus on non
conscious or inanimate nature like rock, trees, oceans, wind, meadows
(animals and humans as part of nature should be excluded). Work in this
area, promising as it is, is still far from complete. Authors are invited to
submit technical papers in these or related areas. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
- Plant structure modeling
- Ecosystem simulation
- Gaseous phenomena (clouds, fog)
- Simulating liquid flows and rain
- Modeling fire and smoke
- Aging and weathering
- Terrain modeling
Workshop Format
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'09 Conference
(March 29, Munich, Germany) to encourage a broad range of participants. As
such, it will provide a very interesting opportunity for researchers that
want to attend or present communications at both events. The workshop will
be held in one day, including paper presentation and invited sessions.
Participation is open to everyone, not requiring submission of a paper.
Important Dates
December 16, 2008 Submission deadline
January 30, 2009 Notification of acceptance
February 14, 2009 Deadline for camera-ready copies
March 29, 2009 Workshop (one full day)
For more information, please contact eric.galin(a)
Call for Papers:
EuroVis 2009
Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization
June 10 - 12, 2009
Berlin, Germany
* Important Dates
Nov 28, 2008 - Abstract submission
Dec 05, 2008 - Paper submission
Feb 13, 2009 - First reviewing cycle notification
Mar 13, 2009 - Paper submission for second reviewing cycle
Mar 28, 2009 - Final notification
Apr 23, 2009 - Camera ready copy
All deadlines are at 12:00 noon (UTC).
* Aims and Scope
EuroVis 2009 is the 11th annual Visualization Symposium jointly organized by
the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and the IEEE
and Graphics Technical Committee.
We invite papers reporting significant new research results and practical
applications of visualization. Contributions from all areas of visualization
are welcome.
Papers accepted for EuroVis will be published in an issue of Computer
Forum, the International Journal of the Eurographics Association, using a
two-stage review process.
* Topics
Suggested topics for research papers include, but are not limited to:
- Visualization Taxonomies and Models
- Spatial Data in Visualization
scalar, vector and tensor fields, multi-field and multi-variate,
multidimensional, multi-resolution, irregular and unstructured grids,
geographic data, molecular data
- Non-Spatial Data (Information Visualization)
graphs and trees, high-dimensional data, dimensionality reduction,
ambient information, text and documents, time series data
- Visualization Techniques
metrical, geometrical, topological, pixel-oriented, point-based,
volume-based, icon- and glyph-based, graph-based, feature- based,
hierarchical, illustrative, view-dependent, focus + context,
statistical graphics, animation
- Interaction
human-computer interaction, interaction design, zooming and navigation,
linking + brushing, coordinated multiple
- Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Large Data Visualization
time-varying data, streams, compression, parallel and distributed,
scalability, visualization over networks
- Hardware for Visualization
visualization hardware, hardware/GPU acceleration, volume hardware,
devices, haptics for visualization
- General Topics
visual design, cognition, perception, aesthetics, uncertainty, design
studies, novel algorithms and mathematics, presentation/production/
dissemination, collaborative and distributed, mobile/ubiquitous,
visualization systems, problemsolving environments, virtual environments,
visualization for the masses, sonification
- Evaluation and User Studies
task and requirements analysis, metrics and benchmarks, qualitative
evaluation, quantitative evaluation, laboratory studies, field studies,
usability studies
We also encourage submission of application papers from different domains,
- Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Earth, Space and Environmental Sciences
- Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, Medical Research and Applications
- Information Sciences
- Business and Finance
- Software Development
- Humanities, Social Sciences, Education
* Submission Information
Paper submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the EuroVis
Papers should be formatted according to the EG publication guidelines
( You are strongly recommended
to use the EuroVis09 LaTeX style files available. Papers should not exceed
8 pages in length. See submission site for full details.
Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and will be published in
issue of Computer Graphics Forum. Supplementary material (e.g. videos) can
also be provided; it will be considered when the paper is reviewed and will
appear in the electronic conference proceedings and in the EG Digital
* Venue
EuroVis 2009 will take place in the appealing Harnack House, an
meeting place for scientists, in Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. The Harnack House
belongs to the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and has been built by their
the Kaiser Wilhelm Society.
* Symposium Co-Chairs
Hans-Christian Hege Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Ingrid Hotz Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Tamara Munzner University of British Columbia, Canada
Victoria, BC, Canada
26-29 May 2008
35 Accepted full papers will be published in
The Visual Computer Journal.
In Cooperation with Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH
A special edition of the journal will be available at the conference and
serve as the official proceedings.
CGI09 will be co-located with Computational Aesthetics 2009 see:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 3 November 2008
Full Papers Notification of Acceptance: 8 December 2008
Full papers Final version Deadline: 2 January 2009
Short Paper Submission Deadline: 1 March 2009
Short paper Notification of Acceptance: 30 March 2009
Short papers Final version due: 15 April 2009
CGI09 Conference: 26-29 May 2008
Computer Graphics International (CGI) is the official conference of the
Computer Graphics Society (CGS). One of the few truly international computer
graphics organizations, CGI and CGS were started by Professor Kunii in the
early 1980's as CG Tokyo. The CGI conference is one of the top recognized
international computer graphics conferences. Recent conferences have been
held in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Hong Kong, USA, Greece, China, Brazil
and Turkey.
Original papers should be up to 8 pages in final format. Submission will be
through the Editorial Manager system of Springer. The website will be open
early in October and details will be available on the conference website:
Conference topics include but are not limited to:
Graphics Systems Architecture
Rendering Techniques
Geometric Computing
Shape and Surface Modeling
Physically Based Modeling
Scientific Visualization
Multimedia and Digital Media
Image Based Rendering
Computer Animation
Interaction Techniques and HCI
Stylized Rendering
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Point-based Graphics
Computer Vision
Data Compression for Graphics
Web Graphics
Graphic Toolkits
Computer Graphics Applications
Conference Chairs
Brian Wyvill, University of Victoria
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (MIRALab, Switzerland)
Program Chair
Geoff Wyvill, University of Otago
Please direct any inquiries to cgi09(a)
Dear colleagues,
please, note that the deadline for the 17-th WSCG 2009 conference Paper
submission is very close
>>> October 15, 2008 <<<<
Please, find all information at
Vaclav Skala
WSCG conference organiser
6th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics,
Visualisation and Interaction in Africa
Venue: Centurion Lake Hotel
Place: Pretoria, South Africa
Date of Conference: 4-6 February 2009
French version available at:
Conference Web-site:
AFRIGRAPH2009 is the 6th International Conference on Virtual Reality,
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa. AG2009 is
organized by the African Graphics Association (AFRIGRAPH).
AG2009 welcomes contributions in the form of full papers or short papers.
The conference particularly welcomes contributions that focus on Computer
Graphics in the developing world; addressing the use of Computer Graphics in
urban renewal, rural development, health, education, environment and the
African arts and media.
However, contributions will be accepted from all areas related to virtual
reality, computer graphics, visualization and interaction. Topics include
(but are not limited to):
- Rendering
- Parallel algorithms for graphics
- Computer vision for graphics
- Computational Geometry
- Computer animation
- Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence
- Graphics in the Developing Country Context
- Education and Computer Graphics
- Interactive Application Development
- Visualization and Simulation
- Perceptually-based graphics techniques
- Image analysis and processing
- Multimedia
- Medical Imaging
- Computer Aided Design and Prototyping
- 3D Modelling
- Data Acquisition
- Human Computer Interaction
- Special and Visual Effects
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically via the submissions page. All
contributions must be written and presented in English. Papers will be
reviewed by an International Programme Committee and the Conference
proceedings will be published by ACM SIGGRAPH and also appear in the ACM
Digital Library. The best two papers (as decided by the Programme Chairs in
consultation with the Programme Committee) will be republished in the
journal Computer Graphics Forum. There will also be an award for the best
Important dates:
* Paper and Tutorial submission deadline: 13 October 2008
* Notification of acceptance: 12 November 2008
* Final version due: 28 November 2008
Apologies for cross posts.