******Extended Deadline for Scientific and Industry Posters****
EXTENDED Deadline for poster submissions: 9th May, 2008
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2008
July 7-9, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Symposium's web site: http://gv2.cs.tcd.ie/sca08
TRAVEL BURSARIES: Please note that there will be around 25 student travel
bursaries of up to ?500 each (US$790) this year to help defray the cost of
travel. Preference will be given to authors of papers and posters and to
students with larger travel costs. Exact award amounts will depend on the
final number of awarded bursaries.
A poster and demo presentation is the perfect opportunity for authors to
display and discuss late-breaking technical achievements that are either not
ready or not suitable for publication as full papers.
The poster and demo session will be an integral part of the SCA program,
with specific time allotted for poster presenters and symposium participants
to view and discuss the work. A pamphlet containing summaries of the posters
will be distributed to all participants, and all presenters will have the
opportunity to give a one-minute description of their work during a poster
fast-forward session.
Poster presentations are not formal publications, so work submitted as a
poster is still eligible for later publication in a journal or conference
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
* Up and coming computer animation research
* Technically novel production work
* Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR, or the SIGGRAPH Sketches program.
* Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing animation-related
research at a given institution.
Please note that in order to maintain the quality of discussions and
interactivity at the poster session, there must be at least one dedicated
presenter for each poster.
The submission for a poster should consist of a summary of no more than 2
pages in length. Each submission must be saved as PDF and formatted
according to the EG publication style. Latex example available at:
http://gv2.cs.tcd.ie/sca08/SCAPoster08.zip. Submissions must be
camera-ready. This means that author names must be present in the
submission. The review process will be single blind.
****Supplementary Materials
The submission of supplementary materials is not required; however, a draft
of the poster in PDF format is encouraged. For the final presentation,
videos and interactive demonstrations are also highly encouraged. We will
provide electrical outlets and tables so that authors can display such
demonstrations using their own equipment.
****Electronic Submission
All PDF poster summaries should be submitted via email to
SCA2008.Posters(a)gmail.com by the deadline. Due to GMails limits, each email
message must be less than 10MB. If this is not sufficient for your
submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission in parts
as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials, links to
external websites are also allowable.
****Fast Forward Slide
Authors of accepted posters will be required to provide a PowerPoint slide
describing their work for the poster fast forward presentation session.
Details about preparation of the slide will be provided later via email to
accepted presenters.
IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics
August 10-11, 2008, Los Angeles
co-located with ACM Siggraph 2008
Abstract submission deadline: May 02, 2008
Paper submission deadline: May 09, 2008
Volume Graphics 08 will be held in conjunction with the Point-Based
Graphics Symposium 08, under the auspices of IEEE VGTC and
Eurographics and will be co-located with ACM Siggraph 2008.
Volume graphics deals with the analysis, synthesis and presentation of
volumetric phenomena, both static and time-varying. Specifically, it
includes topics related to the acquisition, reconstruction and
transformation of volume data as well as feature analysis, information
extraction and rendering. Research papers are solicited that present
original, unpublished results concerning all aspects of volume
graphics. We especially invite research contributions that report
computational techniques derived from existing knowledge in numerical
analysis, signal processing and statistical modeling. Furthermore,
papers are solicited which demonstrate the efficacy of the methods of
volume graphics in enhancing practices or understanding of specific
The accepted papers will be published by Eurographics Publishing in
cooperation with IEEE VGTC Publishing. A selected number of the best
papers will be further invited to submit an extended version to the IEEE
Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics. A joint track on
'Sample-Based Graphics' will be organized to evaluate this as the
umbrella topic under which the two symposia will proceed jointly in the
Please refer to
for submission instructions.
Important Dates
May 02, 2008 Abstract submission deadline
May 09, 2008 Paper submission deadline
June 13, 2008 Author notification
July 17, 2008 Final paper submission deadline
All deadlines are at 24:00 Pacific Day Time.
Primary Symposium Topics
+ Representation of Volume Information
+ Acquisition and Reconstruction of Volume Data
+ Volume Rendering
+ Modeling and Transformation of Volumetric Objects
+ Analysis of Volumetric Objects
+ Volume Graphics in Applications
General Chairs
Valerio Pascucci, LLNL, USA
Anders Ynnerman, Linköping University, Sweden
Papers Chairs
Hans-Christian Hege, ZIB, Berlin, Germany
David Laidlaw, Brown University, USA
Steering Committee
Min Chen, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University, Japan
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Torsten Möller, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University, USA
Honorary Symposium Chair
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Point-Based Graphics 2008 - Call for Papers
Los Angeles, CA, USA - August 9-10, 2008
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2008
Co-sponsored by Eurographics and the IEEE-CS Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee (VGTC)
The drive for increasingly complex 3D geometric models, especially
those scanned from the real-world, has brought about a growing
interest in methods that build on point primitives. Following the
highly successful 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Symposia on Point-Based
Graphics, the 5th symposium of its series, PBG08, aims to further
demonstrate the applicability of point-based methods in modeling,
rendering, and simulation, and in a wide range of application domains.
PBG08 will take place in in Los Angeles, CA, USA, from August 9-10,
2008, co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 and co-organized with the
International Symposium on Volume Graphics (VG08).
We invite your original contributions in areas including, but not
limited to, the following:
- Data acquisition and surface reconstruction
- Geometric modeling using point primitives
- Sampling, approximation, and interpolation
- Transmission and compression of point-sampled geometry
- Rendering algorithms for point primitives
- Geometry processing of point models
- Topological properties of point clouds
- Hardware architectures for point primitives
- Animation and morphing of point-sampled geometry
- Hybrid representations and algorithms
- Use of point-based methods in real-world applications
PBG was established do develop and leverage the newly created field of
point based graphics and to establish a community of its own. With the
5. symposium of this kind in 2008 and the broad spectrum of scientific
publications on the subject, we believe that our initial mission is
accomplished. At the same time we observe a natural evolution and
confluence of point graphics and volume graphics into the broader
field of "Sample Based Graphics". In order to address this development
VG'08 and PBG'08 will organize a joint track on the topic to evaluate
its suitability as new direction into which both symposia might evolve
in the years to come.
For more information about submission, please visit
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: Apr 30, 2008
Notification of acceptance: Jun 4, 2008
Camera-ready copy: Jun 18, 2008
Symposium: Aug 9-10, 2008
General Chairs:
Mario Botsch, ETH Zurich
Matthias Zwicker, University of California, San Diego
Papers Chairs:
Renato Pajarola, University of Zurich
Oliver Staadt, University of Rostock
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
Call for Papers
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW 2008)
URL: http://www.china-vr.com/cw08/index.htm
Hangzhou, China
September 22-24, 2008
The conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society
Press. Special issues in SCI journal(s) are being planned.
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information
worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of
information modeling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far
above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database
models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds
on Internet and methods/tools used for creating such worlds.
This year, Cyberworlds 2008 (CW2008) will be held in Hangzhou, China.
Hangzhou has long been a famous tourist attraction. The widely expressed
Chinese proverb, "in heaven there is paradise and on earth there are
Hangzhou and Suzhou" combined with the words of Marco Polo who described
this place as, "the most beautiful and magnificent city in the world" have
helped to make Hangzhou one of the biggest tourist attractions in the entire
Conference Topics
. Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds
. Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
. Telemedicine, healthcare in Cyberworlds
. Mobile computing, mobile graphics, mobile game
. E-learning, web-based learning and edutainment
. Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
. Digital watermarking, Internet security, information hiding
. Distributed virtual environments
. Cyber fairs and digital museums
. Game engine, game algorithm, and multi-user web games
. VR/AR/MR for Industrial design, digital heritage
. Shared virtual worlds, Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
. Human animation in Cyberworlds
. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed Reality
. Computer vision for Cyberworlds
. Cyberethics and cyberlaws
. Communication in Cyberworlds
. Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
. Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine
. E-business in Cyberworlds
. Cyberworlds for manufacturing, civil planning, and bioengineering
. Multimedia information retrieval/indexing in Cyberworlds
. Biometrics in Cyberworlds
Important dates
Submission: 10 April, 2008
Notification: 25 May, 2008
Registration: 15 June, 2008
Camera Ready: 25 June, 2008
Conference: 22-24 September, 2008
CW 2008 will provide an opportunity for scientists and engineers from around
the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these
fields. The conference will consist of full paper sessions and hands-on
demonstrations where research groups, artists, and vendors will show the
state-of-the-art in the field.
Web Site: http://www.china-vr.com/cw08
Contact: Professor Zhigeng PAN (State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, China)
E-mail: cw2008(a)cad.zju.edu.cn
Organising Committee
Conference Honorary Chair:
Tosiyasu Laurence Kunii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
General Conference Chair:
Zhigeng Pan, Zhejiang University, China
General Conference Co-Chairs:
Xiaoyi Jiang, University of Münster, Germany
Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland (Special Issues)
Conference Steering Committee:
Tosiyasu Laurence Kuni, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Hock Soon Seah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Program Committee Chairs:
Xuelong Li, University of London, UK
Enhua WU, University of Macau & Academia Sinica, China
Publication Chair:
Yong Liu, Zhejiang University, China
Publicity Chair:
Dacheng Tao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Workshop Chair:
Wei Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
S O R R Y F O R D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!
Athens (GREECE), 30 - 31 of May, 2008
In cooperation with Eurographics
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos(a)unilim.fr)
Local Chair: George MIAOULIS (gmiaoul(a)teiath.gr)
Invited speakers: Alla SAFONOVA (USA), Theoharis THEOHARIS (Greece),
Herve LUGA (France)
Athens Imperial Hotel
Karaiskaki Square
104 37, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 5201600
Fax: +30 210 5225521
Email: ai(a)classicalhotels.com
REGISTRATION FEES: 190 Euro (regular participants)
120 Euro (students)
Payment by Bank transfer (see http://3ia.teiath.gr)
Here is the program of the 3IA'2008 international conference. If you
wish to attend the conference, please fill the registration form
located on the web site of the conference (http://3ia.teiath.gr)
and follow the instructions for the payment of registration fees.
Invited speakers: Alla SAFONOVA (USA), Theoharis THEOHARIS (Greece),
Herve LUGA (France)
Friday, May 30, 2008, Morning
08:30 a.m: Reception
09:20 a.m: Opening of the Conference
09:45 a.m: Invited speaker (Alla Safonova)
Synthetizing Human Motion from Intuitive
Alla Safonova, Jessica K. Hodgins (USA)
10:45 a.m: Coffee break
1st session: Virtual Reality - Motion modelling
11:15 a.m.: Motion synthesis with adaptation and path fitting.
N. Lau, B. Iu, C. Chow, P. Lee (HONG KONG).
11:45 a.m.: Modeling and animation of virtual humans - Advancing towards
A. Avila, F. Luengo (VENEZUELA), A. Iglesias (SPAIN).
12:05 a.m.: Pedestrian behavioral simulation in real 3D environments.
Leonel Deusdado, Orlando Belo, Antonio Fernandes (PORTUGAL).
12:25 a.m.: Virtual humans in the IViHumans platform.
R. Abreu, A. P. Claudio, M. B. Carmo, L. Moniz, G. Gaspar
12:45 a.m.: Cellular automata with biological sequence analysis
approach to robotic soccer.
P. Kiran Sree, Dr. Inampudi Ramesh Babu, N.S.S.S.N Usha
Devi (INDIA).
13:05 a.m. Lunch
Friday, May 30, 2008, Afternoon
02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Theoharis Theoharis)
3D object retrieval: Inter-Class vs Intra-Class.
Theoharis Theoharis (GREECE).
2nd session: Intelligent modelling and rendering
03:30 p.m.: Genetic algorithms for light sources positioning.
Samuel Delepoule, Christophe Renaud, Michael Chelle
04:00 p.m.: Constructive path planning for natural phenomena
Ling Xu, David Mould (CANADA).
04:30 p.m: Coffee break
3rd session: Image processing - Medical Imagery
05:00 p.m.: Artificial ants for spatial image clustering.
Salima Ouadfel, Mohamed Batouche (ALGERIA)
05:20 p.m.: An approach for registration using elastic model,
finite element method and mutual information for
3D medical imagery.
F. T. Andriamanampisoa, J. P. Jessel (FRANCE),
S. Rakotondraompiana (MADAGASCAR).
05:40 p.m.: Neural networks in 3D medical scan visualization
Z. Avdagic (BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA), G. Domik (GERMANY).
06:00 p.m.: Face detection from still and video images using cellular
automata based decisionb tree classifier with trust-region
method & parallel scan algorithm.
P. Kiran Sree, Dr. Inampudi Ramesh Babu, N.S.S.S.N Usha
Devi (INDIA).
06:20 p.m.: End of session
Saturday, May 31, 2008, Morning
09:30 p.m.: Invited speaker (Herve Luga)
Automatic generation of behaviors, morphologies and
shapes of virtual entities.
Herve Luga (FRANCE).
4th session: Declarative modelling
10:30 a.m.: Handling imbalanced datasets of user preferences in a
declarative scene modelling environment.
G. Bardis, G. Miaoulis (GREECE), D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:00 a.m.: Collaborative evaluation using multiple clusters in a
declarative design environment.
N. Doulamis, G. Bardis, J. Dragonas, G. Miaoulis
(GREECE), D. Plemenos (FRANCE).
11:30 a.m.: Coffee break
5th session: Genetic algorithms
12:00 a.m.: A spherical omnidirectional vision system to track a
robot in the AURAL environment.
Sidney Cunha, Artemis Moroni (BRAZIL).
12:30 a.m.: Applying fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm for multi
criteria land valorization.
A. Karabegovic, Z. Avdagic, M. Ponjavic (BOSNIA and
13:00 a.m.: Lunch
Saturday, May 31, 2008, Afternoon
7th session: Scene modelling - Data visualisation
02:30 p.m.: Searching multimedia databases using tree-structures
Anastasios Doulamis, George Miaoulis (GREECE).
03:00 p.m.: Melnikov Grammar.
Daniel Cardoso, Takehiko Nagakura (USA).
03:20 p.m.: Processes aspects of modeling, interactive digital
visualization and multimedia representation of
architectural and urban area.
Stelios Kouzeleas (GREECE).
03:40 p.m.: Invariant problem understanding for structural engineers.
M. Van De Ruittenbeek (The NETHERLANDS), Yeoh Ker-Wei
04:00 p.m.: Correcting for individual distortion of connected
adjacent scanned raster-maps.
Takaharu Miyoshi, Takayoshi Kido (JAPAN).
04:20 p.m.: 3D-model of ruled surface with three curvilinear guides.
Alexander Kheyfets (RUSSIA).
04:40 p.m.: End of the conference
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a)unilim.fr I
I 83,rue d'Isle I http://www.msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/ I
The 16th annual Pacific Graphics Conference will be held in Tokyo on
December 8 - 10, 2008. See http://www.pg08.com/ for details. The abstract
submission deadline of April 23 and full paper submission deadline of April
28 are in a very few days, and the full paper submission deadline will not
be extended. All regular accepted papers will be published as journal papers
in Pacific Graphics Forum. There will also be a poster session. Papers are
solicited in all areas of computer graphics, including, but not limited to:
* Geometric Modeling
* Computational Photography
* Physically Based Modeling
* Point Based Graphics
* Geometry Processing
* Animation
* Interaction Techniques and HCI
* Visualization
* Volume Rendering
* Rendering and Illumination
* Image Based Rendering and Modeling
* Image and Video Processing
* Virtual and Augmented Reality
* Web Graphics and Computer Games
* Graphics Systems and Hardware
* Graphics Applications
Web3D 2008 - Infrastructure Evolution
13th International Symposium on 3D Web Technology
August 9, 10 2008 LA Convention Center
Sponsored & Co-Located w/ ACM SIGGRAPH
Ecosystems of tools & techniques are evolving for standards-driven
technologies. Web 3D technologies leverage the latest informatics tools such
as XML-based solutions, web services applications, and graphics hardware
innovations to deliver solutions across many domains. Topics include
languages, tools, rendering techniques, human-computer interaction,
networked and mobile devices and innovative applications. As in previous
years, this event will be sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and held in cooperation
with both EuroGraphics and the Web3D Consortium.
Thirteenth in the series, the Web3D 2008 International Symposium will
address this wide range of topics covering 3D Hypermedia on the Web. The
annual Web3D Symposium is a major event, which unites researchers,
developers, experimenters, and content creators in a dynamic learning
environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing, or
creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as (but not limited
to) X3D, VRML, COLLADA, Croquet, MPEG4, MPEG7, Java3D, and Canvas3D. The
symposium will also focus on recent trends such as interactive 3D graphics
and applications on mobile devices.
Authors are invited to submit their work (short or full papers) for review
by the international Program Committee. Both research and applications
papers are of interest to Web3D 2008. The papers must be innovative and
contribute to the advancement of 3D Multimedia technologies on the Web.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
. Interactive 3D graphics and immersive systems for servers, desktop
and thin clients,
. High-performance 3D graphics for Virtual Worlds, MMOs, Augmented
Reality, and interactive on-line gaming
. Animated humanoids and complex reactive characters (e.g. avatars)
. Integration and interoperation with 3D Documents and
Web/Multimedia technologies, including the Semantic Web
. Methods for modeling and rendering complex geometry, structure and
. User-interface paradigms and interaction methods for real-time 3D
graphics and virtual environments
. Innovative 3D graphics applications for Web/Multimedia in
industry, science, medicine, and education
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 9 pages (including
figures and references) or short papers of up to 4 pages (including figures
and references) in PDF format via the Symposium Submission Site. Papers must
be formatted using the document templates for conferences sponsored by ACM
SIGGRAPH. After acceptance, the final revised paper is required also in
camera-ready electronic form. Accepted papers will appear in the Symposium
Proceedings, published by ACM Press.
Full & Short Paper submission deadline: April 21, 2008 [EXTENDED]
Author Notification : June 2, 2008
Camera-ready due : June 13, 2008
Note that authors who have already submitted papers are permitted to upload
modifications or updates up until the deadline.
General Chair, Co-Chair
Nicholas Polys, Ph.D. Virginia Tech, USA Remi Arnaud, Ph.D. Intel, USA
Program Chairs
Dieter Fellner, Ph.D. TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD Steven Collins, Ph.D.
Trinity College, Dublin
SBIM 2008: Call for demos
A demo session will be organized at SBIM'2008 (Annecy, France, 11-13
June). This will be a great opportunity to show your recent work on
Sketch-Based Interfaces or on Sketch-Based Modeling Systems.
The chair for demos is Cindy Grimm. Please see the instructions for
submission at: http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~karan/sbim/#demos
A sketch-based modeling systems competition will be held during the
conference, sponsored by the company Axiatec. The winner will be awarded a
real object printed from the digital model created with his/her system.
* 3rd International Conference on *
* Semantics And digital Media Technologies *
* Koblenz, Germany, 3-5 December 2008 *
In cooperation with ACM, IEEE, and Eurographics.
SAMT 2008 invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction
with the Third International Conference on Semantics And digital
Media Technology. Workshops will be held on Wednesday, December 3,
2008, before the start of the main technical program.
Objectives and Topics
As the volume of multimedia material grows, so do the problems of
managing of distribution and access to multimedia content. The SAMT
conference series addresses these problems from the perspective of
semantics and pragmatics of multimedia generation, management and
user access. As well as research papers, the conference programme
also includes workshops and tutorials.
The purpose of the SAMT workshops programme is to provide a platform
for presenting and exchanging research ideas in a less formal and
possibly more focused way than the conference itself. They should
stimulate and facilitate an atmosphere of active and constructive
exchange on current issues of interest. They also offer a good
opportunity for young researchers to present their work and to
obtain feedback from an interested community.
We are seeking proposals for workshops that will encourage discussions
on how to bridge the gap between low-level data representations
used in media such as computer graphics, images, and audio, and
the high-level meaning that content providers and users associate
with multimedia content. In particular, from a content perspective,
we encourage workshops that: i) investigate the use and application
of technologies for improving multimedia access and processing; ii)
explore best practices and adaptation of those technologies in these
contexts. These workshops are expected to complement those that
focus on fundamental research issues and multi-disciplinary topics.
Workshop proposals should address current issues related to semantics
and digital media that will benefit from the small-group format that
workshops provide for information exchange and discussion. Workshops
are intended to be genuine interactive events and not mini-conferences.
We strongly encourage workshop submissions on falling within the main
six main themes of the conference:
1) Semantic Analysis and Multimedia
2) Semantic Retrieval and Multimedia
3) Semantic Metadata Management of Multimedia
4) Semantic User Interfaces for Multimedia
5) Semantics in Visualization and Computer Graphics
6) Applications of Semantic Multimedia
Submitting a Proposal
Workshop proposals should be no more than 3 pages in length and should
contain the following information:
1) The title and brief description of the workshop, specifying the
goals and the technical issues that it will focus on. How relevant
and significant this workshop is to the conference.
2) A brief description of why and to whom the workshop is of interest,
and the expected range of number of participants.
3) A brief description of the proposed workshop format, discussing the
mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels,
and general discussion.
4) An indication of whether the workshop should be considered for a
half-day or full-day meeting.
5) Links to relevant material, related workshops or similar events,
project web sites etc.
6) The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the
proposed organizing committee, short description of their relevant
experience and short CVs.
We strongly advise having more than one organizer, preferably from
different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop
topic. Workshop attendees will have to pay the SAMT 2008 workshop
registration fee, and also register and attend the main SAMT 2008
conference. The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be responsible
for advertising their workshop and for the reviewing process for
their workshop's papers.
Please send your proposals by 15 May 2008 and any inquiries by email to
the Workshop Chairs. The submission templates and instructions can be
downloaded from the conference web page http://samt2008.uni-koblenz.de
The 3-day-conference gives us the opportunity to take part in various
additional activities such as: industrial exhibition, social events,
excursions, etc. The conference will take place in Koblenz, a
2000-year-old town situated in the picturesque landscape of the Rhine
and Moselle. The region of Koblenz is also famous for its excellent
For more information please visit the conference web site:
Important Dates
Proposals May 15
Notification May 30
Submissions August 31
Notifications October 5
Camera-ready October 26
Workshop Day December 3
Workshop Chairs
Prof. Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. David Duce, Oxford Brooks University, UK
Email: samt-workshop-chair(a)uni-koblenz.de
* 3rd International Conference on *
* Semantics And digital Media Technologies *
* Koblenz, Germany, 3-5 December 2008 *
In cooperation with ACM, IEEE, and Eurographics.
Proposals are invited for the tutorial program of the 3rd
International Conference on Semantics And Digital Media Technology
(SAMT 2008). Tutorials will be held on 3rd December 2008.
Objectives and Topics
As the volume of multimedia material grows, so do the problems
of managing distribution of and access to multimedia content.
The SAMT conference series addresses these problems from the
perspective of semantics and pragmatics of multimedia generation,
management and user access. As well as research papers, the
conference programme also includes tutorials and workshops.
The purpose of the tutorial program is to provide an audience
of both postgraduate students and senior researchers with a
comprehensive overview of the latest research in the complementary
fields of multimedia analysis and the Semantic Web, with emphasis
on cross-disciplinary approaches. Tutorials should provide the
audience with the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the
important challenges to be addressed in these traditionally
disparate fields, and thereby provide motivation for future
interdisciplinary research. We seek high quality proposals
for tutorials on topics including but not limited to:
1) Semantic Analysis and Multimedia
2) Semantic Retrieval and Multimedia
3) Semantic Metadata Management of Multimedia
4) Semantic User Interfaces for Multimedia
5) Semantics in Visualization and Computer Graphics
6) Applications of Semantic Multimedia
Submitting a Proposal
Tutorial proposals can be submitted in any format (PDF, Word,
text). Proposals should be no more than 2 pages in length and
should contain the following information (note that tutorials
will be 1/2 day long):
1) The title and a brief technical description of the tutorial,
outlining the goals and the technical content it targets.
2) A brief description of why and to whom the tutorial is of
interest, i.e. the target audience.
3) A list of related tutorials/courses/lectures held in the
last 3 years, or to be held in 2008.
4) The contact information (web page & email address) of the
proposed organizers and a short bio for each highlighting
relevant experience.
Tutorial attendees will be required to pay the SAMT 2008
tutorial registration fee, in addition to the standard conference
registration fee. Please send your proposals by 16th June 2008
and any inquiries by email to samt-workshop-chair(a)uni-koblenz.de .
The 3-day-conference gives us the opportunity to take part in
various additional activities such as: industrial exhibition,
social events, excursions, etc. The conference will take place
in Koblenz, a 2000-year-old town situated in the picturesque
landscape of the Rhine and Moselle. The region of Koblenz is
also famous for its excellent wines.
For more Information please visit the conference web site:
Important Dates
Proposal Submission June 16
Acceptance Notification July 6
Notes November 3
Tutorial Day December 3
Tutorial Chairs
Prof. Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. David Duce, Oxford Brooks University, UK
Email: samt-workshop-chair(a)uni-koblenz.de