EUROGRAPHICS 2009 - Call for Papers
30th Annual Conference
of the European Association for Computer Graphics
March 30 - April 4, 2009
Munich, Germany
Conference Chairs:
Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
David Kirk, NVIDIA, US
Papers Chairs:
Marc Stamminger, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Philip Dutre, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Papers program starts Tuesday and ends Friday at noon
Deadlines (
Full papers abstract: September 25, 2008
Full papers: September 30, 2008
STARS, Tutorials: October 3, 2008
Short papers,
Education papers,
Areas papers,
Medical Prize: December 10, 2008
Eurographics 2009, the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2009, in
Munich, Germany. It will be organized on the Research Campus Garching of the
Technische Universität München. Eurographics 2009 will provide a unique
platform for the computer graphics community to showcase latest techniques
and educational work, and to explore new trends and ideas, and it will also
offer the opportunity to demonstrate products and services to this
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental research,
practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of computer
graphics, and related topics thereof.
Eurographics 2009 will have a special focus on computational graphics and
explorative interaction, including new trends in rendering algorithms and
systems, and interactive visual exploration of geospatial data.
Co-located with Eurographics 2009 are the following Events: the Computer
Graphics Education Workshop, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics
and Visualization (EGPGV), the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval,
and the Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena.
Geometric Constraints and Reasoning
a technical track of
The International ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
March 8-12, 2009
Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Geometric Constraints and Reasoning (GCR) is a technical track of the
International Symposium on Applied Computing (see For the past twenty
years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary
forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and
application developers to gather, interact, and present their
work. SAC is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP), its proceedings are published by ACM in both
printed form and CD-ROM; they are also available on the web through
ACM's Digital Library. More information about SIGAPP and past SACs can
be found at URL:
As a special track of SAC, the GCR is devoted to geometric reasoning
taken in a broad sense. Initially, this track focused on geometric
constraint solving but it appears that geometric computing and
reasoning is closely related to this topic. Our aim is then to widen
the audience and to make GCR a place where the communities of
geometric constraint solving, computer aided deduction in geometry
and related disciplines can meet and have fruitful exchanges.
SAC 2009 is also an opportunity to attend tracks related to GCR, about
combinatorial optimization, constraint programming (non geometrical
constraints), graph algorithms, numerical methods or interval
analysis, etc.
Specific topics of interest for the GCR track include, but are not
limited to, the following:
* Resolution of geometric constraints, with computer algebra, numerical
analysis, interval analysis, logical approaches (e.g. provers), or other
* Proving geometric theorems with logical approaches, deductive databases,
Computer Algebra, etc.
* Decomposition of systems of geometric constraints.
* Mixing geometric and non geometric constraints (combinatorial or
white boxes, black boxes, geometric constraints and constraints
* Detection of dependences between constraints, debugging geometric
* Constrained curves, surfaces, blends.
* Exotic (eg non cartesian) formulations of constraints.
* Comparison of resolution methods or constraints formulations for
the same problems.
* Mathematical background: combinatorial rigidity, graph theory,
matroid theory, computer algebra (polynomial systems, dimension of
* Applications in Computer Graphics, CAD-CAM, robotics,
mechanism design, chemistry (eg molecule configurations),
virtual reality.
* Sensitivity to parameters vales and other robustness issues,
* Geometry of computations: using topological ad geometrical ideas
in provers.
* Dynamic geometry, pedagogical purposes, generating explanations,
examples, counter examples.
* Computer-human interfaces for geometric constraints.
* Geometric constraints and data exchange.
* Topological constraints, eg optimal curves or surfaces with prescribed,
topology (homology, homotopy, isotopy).
* Shape optimization.
* Integration of geometric solvers into modelers, solvers architecture.
* Geometric constraints and Human Computer interfaces.
* Persistent naming problem and geometric modeling by constraints.
Authors are invited to contribute original papers in the listed or
other realted topics in the following categories of submissions:
1) Original and unpublished research work.
2) Reports of innovative applications to the arts, sciences,
engineering, and business areas.
3) Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains.
4) Reports of industrial experience and demos of new innovative systems.
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Papers will be selected based on
their originality, timeliness, significance relevance and clarity of
Authors of selected papers of outstanding quality that have been
presented at GCR'09 will be invited to submit a full length version to
a special issue of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications.
* August 16, 2008: Paper submissions
* October 11, 2008: Author notification of acceptance/rejection
* October 25, 2008: Camera-ready copy of accepted papers
* Submissions will be in electronic format, via the website
* Submissions must follow the template that can be downloaded from
* To facilitate blind review, papers should include in the first page
just the title. Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must NOT
appear in the paper body and self-references should be in the third
* Camera ready manuscripts can have up to 5 pages. Up to three extra
pages are allowed at a cost of 80USD per extra page.
* Papers submitted to more than one track will be rejected.
* Xiao-Shan Gao: xgao(a)
* Robert Joan-Arinyo: robert(a)
* Dominique Michelucci: Dominique.Michelucci(a)
Francisco Botana Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Wim Bronsvoort Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Jean-François Dufourd University of Strasbourg, France
Luiz H. de Figueiredo Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil
Jacques Fleuriot University of Edinburgh, UK
Ioannis Fudos University of Ioannina, Greece
Chris Hoffmann Purdue University, USA
Tetsuo Ida University of Tsukuba, Japan
Ulrich Kortenkamp Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Hongbo Li Academy of Sciences, China
John C. Owen D-Cubed Ltd, UK
Tomás Recio Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Alain Riviere SUPMECA, France
Pascal Schreck University of Strasbourg, France
Meera Sitharam University of Florida, USA
Toni Soto-Riera Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Catalonia
Ileana Streinu Smith College, USA
Jan Verschelde University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Lu Yang Chengdu Institute, China