Call for Participation: AFRIGRAPH 2009
The 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality,
Visualisation and
Interaction in Africa
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS.
4-6 February 2009
Centurion Lake Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa.
Keynote speaker: Roberto Scopigno
AFRIGRAPH 2009 (AG2009) is the 6th International Conference on Virtual
Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa. AG2009
is organized by the African Graphics Association
(AFRIGRAPH) and is sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with
EUROGRAPHICS. The conference
will be held near Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa.
The keynote address will be given by Roberto Scopigno. Roberto is a Research
Director at CNR-ISTI, Italy, and is a well known figure in the European
graphics community. He is currently playing a leading role in CG for
cultural heritage and was recently nominated as the coordinator of a
national programme on Cultural Heritage and ICT in Italy.
Academic Papers
AG2009 welcomes contributions in the form of full papers or short papers.
The conference particularly
welcomes contributions that focus on Computer Graphics in the developing
world; addressing the use of
Computer Graphics in urban renewal, rural development, health, education,
environment and the African arts and media.
However, contributions will be accepted from all areas related to virtual
reality, computer graphics, visualization and interaction. Topics include
(but are not limited to):
. Rendering
. Parallel algorithms for graphics
. Computer vision for graphics
. Computational Geometry
. Computer animation
. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence
. Graphics in the Developing Country Context
. Education and Computer Graphics
. Interactive Application Development
. Visualization and Simulation
. Perceptually-based graphics techniques
. Image analysis and processing
. Multimedia
. Medical Imaging
. Computer Aided Design and Prototyping
. 3D Modelling
. Data Acquisition
. Human Computer Interaction
. Special and Visual Effects
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically via the Afrigraph web-site
All contributions must be written and presented in English. Papers will be
reviewed by an International
Programme Committee and the Conference proceedings will be published by ACM
SIGGRAPH and also appear
in the ACM Digital Library. The best two papers (as decided by the Programme
Chairs in consultation
with the Programme Committee) will be republished in the journal Computer
Graphics Forum. There will
also be an award for the best paper.
Short Papers
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of no more than 5 A4 pages
in length. These should represent late breaking results, work in progress or
novel results that are more appropriate to a shorter format.
Full Papers
Full papers should report research contributions, practice and experience,
or novel applications. They must be no longer than 10 A4 pages in length.
There is one day devoted to tutorials in the conference program. Tutorials
must be in either a half-day or full-day format and the proposal should
include details of the presenters, tutorial content, expected level of
required delegate expertise and educational outcomes.
Important dates
Paper and Tutorial submission deadline: 10 October 2008
Notification of acceptance: 12 November 2008
Final version due: 28 November 2008
International Programme Committee
Programme committee chairs: James Gain and Wolfgang Strasser
. Shaun Bangay, Rhodes University
. Dominique Bechmann, Louis Pasteur University
. Edwin Blake, University of Cape Town
. Charl Botha, TU Delft
. Judy Brown, California State University
. Marcello Carrozzino, PERCRO
. Alan Chalmers, Warwick Digital Laboratory
. Sabine Coquillart, INRIA
. Carsten Dachsbacher, TU Stuttgart
. Neil Dodgson, University of Cambridge
. Bernd Froehlich , Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar
. Alexandre Hardy, University of Johannesburg
. Eric Jansen, TU Delft
. Marcus Magnor, TU Braunschweig
. Patrick Marais, University of Cape Town
. Daniel Weiskopf, TU Stuttgart
. Gary Marsden, University of Cape Town
. Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik
. Marc Nienhaus, University of Potsdam
. Shaun Nirenstein, NVIDIA
. David Nunez, University of Cape Town
. Werner Purgathofer, TU Wien
. Eric Reinhard, University of Central Florida
. Theresa-Marie Rhyne, North Carolina State University
. Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
. Mateu Sbert, University of Girona
. Hannah Slay, Rhodes University
. Oliver Staadt, University of Rostock
. Jules Tapamo, University of KwaZulu-Natal
. Alade Tokuta, North Carolina Central University
. Michael Wand, Max-Planck-Insitut fur Informatik
Art and Animation
AG2009 will once again host an Art and Animation Gallery, featuring artistic
works and animations
produced using computer graphics. The gallery provides a unique opportunity
for up and coming
artists, animators and scientists to display their work using visually
pleasing and stimulating
techniques. The Gallery is a platform for artists in computer graphics to
present their work to
peers in the field, exchange ideas and network with potential employers.
Categories of the Gallery are as follows:
. Image Stills: Artwork is to be submitted as an image still, and may be of
any topic
provided the work is produced using techniques in the field of computer
graphics and animation.
Prints of the work are to be displayed in the Gallery, for the entire
duration of the conference.
. Animations: Animation clips may be submitted in this category, and a
special viewing
session will be held for the entries. Clips may contain storylines, or
demonstrate techniques in
computer graphics.
All contributions (artwork and animations) must be accompanied by a one page
of the work, as well as an indication of the techniques used to achieve the
final piece.
Artwork and animations will be reviewed by the conference organisers and
voluntary reviewers
from academia and industry. Pieces will be judged using the following
. Ingenuity of the techniques employed (specifically related to computer
. Aesthetics;
. Creativity;
. Overall impression.
All submitted works will be displayed in the Gallery, and awards will be
made for the top entries
in each category. In addition, the one page abstract of the winners will be
published in the
conference proceedings.
Important Dates
. Intention to submit an artwork (one page description of artwork): 3
October 2008
. Artwork submission deadline: 17 October 2008
. Notification of acceptance: 31 October 2008 (Note that the full sized
piece must
be provided by the artist before or at registration for display in the
. Animation submission deadline: 17 October 2008
. Notification of acceptance: 31 October 2008
Candidates who have only just begun a research project in Computer Graphics
Computer-Human Interaction are encouraged to participate in the AG2009
Poster Session.
Posters are encouraged to be a visual abstract of the research project, and
are challenged to produce works that are not only colourful and attractive,
but that also
clearly convey the scientific meaning of the research.
Important Dates
. Submission deadline: 17 October 2008
. Notification of acceptance: 31 October 2008 (Note that the full sized
poster must
be provided by the participant at registration for display at the Gallery).
The exhibition provides an opportunity for institutions from industry and
academia to advertise
their potential, and provide an opportunity for networking and recruiting in
the area of computer
Academic Institutions with programs in computer graphics or animation, or
institutions that work with computer graphics are encouraged to participate
in the exhibition.
AG2009 offers a unique chance to review and recruit local talent, network,
and offer advice to up
and coming academics, scientists, artists and animators in the field of
computer graphics in
South Africa.
Requests for stall space at the exhibition can be made directly through the
Exhibition Chair.
Stall sizes, availability and registration costs are available on request.
Corporate Demo Reels
Participating organisations will also have the opportunity to present a demo
reel as part of
the Animation gallery.
Parties interested in providing sponsorship to AG2009 will automatically
receive exhibit space
(if required), and product/brand placement at the conference may be
negotiated. Interested
parties are encouraged to contact the Conference Chair.
Contact Details
Conference Chair: Alexandre Hardy (ahardy(a)
Programme Chairs: James Gain (jgain(a)
Wolfgang Strasser (strasser(a)
Web site: