Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message!
*********** CALL FOR PAPERS ***********
*** Education Programme at Eurographics 2009 ***
****** Munich, Germany, March 31st, 2009 ******
**** Submission Deadline December 11, 2008 ****
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
* teaching computer graphics in a computer science curriculum;
* exploiting visual tools to teach other disciplines;
* teaching graphics programming;
* designing curricula for computer graphics and related disciplines
(e.g., image processing and computer vision);
* experimenting educational programs mixing computer graphics
with other disciplines;
* teaching computer graphics in curricula other then computer science;
* setting up collaborative development tools for visual computing;
* development of video games as a way to teach computer graphics;
* teaching the mathematical foundations of computer graphics
and related disciplines.
*Important dates*
* Submission deadline: Thursday, December 11, 2008 (24:00 GMT)
* Notification date: Monday, January 19, 2009
* Final paper and panel proposals due: Friday, February 6, 2009
Looking forward to seeing you in Munich!
Education Program Co-Chairs:
Gitta Domik domik(a), University of Paderborn, Germany
Riccardo Scateni, riccardo(a), University of Cagliari, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik
University of Paderborn, Department of Computer Science, Warburgerstrasse 100, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany
Telephone +49 / 5251 / 60-5388 or Mrs. Haupt +49 / 5251 / 60-3312. For Fax use -3530.
We are pleased to announce the fifth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 08.
The workshop is hosted by the Grenoble Universities, France, November 13-14,
2008. It is organized in cooperation with Eurographics.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality.
The workshop provides an opportunity for researches in virtual reality and
computer animation to present and discuss their latest results and to share
ideas for potential directions of future research.
Looking for forward to meeting you in Grenoble,
Matthias Teschner and François Faure.
Call for papers
The Swedish Chapter of Eurographics invites contributions to the conference
SIGRAD 2008, which will be held at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
in Stockholm, Sweden, November 27-28, 2008. The theme of this year's
conference is "Interactivity". We invite full papers and short papers on all
aspects of interactive computer graphics and related areas describing either
proven and tested solutions or novel ideas and concepts. Topics for
submissions include but are not limited to the following areas::
* Graphical user interfaces
* Interactive visualisation
* Computational steering
* User interfaces for visualisation
* Training and simulation
* Real-time rendering methods
* Systems and software architectures
* Solutions and algorithms for virtual/augmented reality applications
* Experimental studies of existing methods and techniques
Instructions to the authors
Submissions may be full papers or short papers.
Full papers should not exceed 10 pages in length. Short papers, describing
novel ideas, work-in-progress and/or recent results, should be no longer
than 4 pages. Note that both types of submissions must be formatted
according to the same recommended style mentioned below, and all accepted
papers will be published in the Proceedings of the conference.
Authors are requested to submit their paper by September 30th, 2008 by email
to submissions2008(a) The subject of the email should be "SIGRAD
submission". Authors experiencing problems with electronic submission of
contributions should contact the conference chair directly. The submission
email should contain the names and institutions of all authors, contact
information of one contact author (name, e-mail and phone), and the title
and abstract of the submission.
Use the guidelines and layout found in the SIGGRAPH author instructions.
Conference committee
Nils-Erik Gustafsson, IT-Arkitekterna
Anders Hast, University of Gävle
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Telestream AB
Lars Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology
Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University
Until today (September 10) there is an early registration discount for
the first Eurographics workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (
EG VCBM) 2008 that will be held in Delft, The Netherlands. The
reduced prices are shown on [1]. Could you possibly remind interested
parties in your research group / network of this fact? The VCBM 2008
program is available at [2].
Kindest regards,
VCBM 2008 chairs
EUROGRAPHICS 2009 - Call for Tutorials and STARs
30th Annual Conference
of the European Association for Computer Graphics
March 30 - April 4, 2009
Munich, Germany
Conference Chairs:
Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
David Kirk, NVIDIA, US
Tutorials Chairs:
Ken Museth, Digital Domain Inc., US
Daniel Weiskopf, University Stuttgart, Germany
STARs chairs:
Marc Pauly, ETH, Switzerland
Günther Greiner, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Deadlines (
Tutorials: October 3, 2008
STARs: October 3, 2008
Eurographics 2009, the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2009, in
Munich, Germany. It will be organized on the Research Campus Garching of the
Technische Universität München. Eurographics 2009 will provide a unique
platform for the computer graphics community to showcase latest techniques
and educational work, and to explore new trends and ideas, and it will also
offer the opportunity to demonstrate products and services to this
To: general(a)
W S C G ' 2009
(formerly the Winter School of Computer Graphics)
17-th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2009
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
to be held at University of West Bohemia, Pilsen [Plzen], Czech Republic,
close to Prague - the Golden European City
February 2-5, 2009
Program Co-chairs
Min Chen, Swansea University, U.K
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Min Chen: Visualization in Flatland, Swansea University, U.K.
Eduard Groeller: Visualization with Knowledge and Style, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
Information for authors
Paper and files uploads: October 15, 2008 13:00 GMT (London time)
Up to 8 pages of A4 format, additional material
(video as MPEG, AVI, color plates etc.) up to 5 MB
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition,
fundamental algorithms, GPU computation, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling,
computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality,
animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object oriented graphics,
parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD and GIS systems and others.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN
and all papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site.
Selected papers will be published in the >>> Journal of WSCG, Vol.17. ISSN 1213 6972 <<<
Organizer and conference office
Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science Department
Univerzitni 8, Box 314, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a) Subject: INFO WSCG 2009 Fax: +420-37 78 22 578 Tel./Fax: +420-37-763-2457
Feel free to visit all papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)
The Eurographics Association is pleased to announce:
Pre-Ordering of
-- Pacific Graphics 2008
-- Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine 2008
Eurographics Members and their colleagues, who will not be able to attend
the conferences, as well as all professionals interested in these fields are
invited to pre-order these books via the EG ePayment System:
-->Pre-Ordering CGF
The price will be 40 Eur, incl surface mail (+ 11 Euro mailing costs for
Non-European countries)
This is the only possibility to get a printed copy of the Proceedings.
They will not be available through any bookshop.
With kind regards
Eurographics Association
Pacific Graphics 2008
for the first time being published as
Special Issue 7 of Volume 27 of
Computer Graphics Forum
EG is proud to offer a new and special service in pre-ordering CGF Special
Issue proceedings in printed form.
Since there will be no other possibility in getting a
printed copy in future - use the offer in ordering your personal copy well
in advance. Furthermore, this service will enable all those who cannot
attend the conference to have a printed copy forwarded right after the
This book contains the papers to be presented at the Pacific Conference on
Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics) which will take place
from October 8 - 10, 2008 in Tokyo, Japan.
Geometric Modeling
Computational Photography
Physically Based Modeling
Point Based Graphics
Geometry Processing
Interaction Techniques and HCI
Volume Rendering
Rendering and Illumination
Image Based Rendering and Modeling
Image and Video Processing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Web Graphics and Computer Games
Graphics Systems and Hardware
Graphics Applications
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine 2008
This book contains the papers to be presented at the first Eurographics
Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine 2008, organized by the
Eurographics Association, which will take place from October 6 - 7, 2008 in
Delft, The Netherlands.
Interactive segmentation and registration
Computer-aided diagnosis and detection
Facilitating medical research with visual computing
Intervention and therapy planning (e.g. pre-operative surgical planning and
radiation therapy planning)
Intra-operative guidance for surgery
Ultra-sound based planning and intra-operative guidance
Visualization and Simulation for Surgical Training
Coupled simulation and visualization
Multi-field medical visualization and processing (multimodality, structural
+ functional)
Processing and visualization of advanced modalities
Molecular imaging
Perception-based studies for medical visualization
Anatomical reconstruction from microscopy data
Creation and visualization of biological atlases
Ontology-based visualization
Visualization methods for neurobiology, plant biology and developmental
Some single copies are still available of (see for the actual listing
and ordering information):
-- EGPGV 2008: 8th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and
-- Eurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
-- Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2008
-- Eurographics Virtual Environments (EGVE) 2008 (together with the Poster
-- Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2008
-- Computational Aesthetics 2008
-- Graphics Hardware 2008
-- Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008
-- Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH 6th Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008
-- SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2008
********* PACIFIC GRAPHICS 2008 CONFERENCE ********
October 8-10, 2008, Tokyo, Japan
The Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific
Graphics) is an annual international conference on computer graphics and
applications. As the 16th in the highly successful series, Pacific
Graphics 2008 will continue to provide a premium forum for researchers,
developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to
present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in
computer graphics and related areas.
This year, we will have four distinguished invited speakers from around
the world: Marc Alexa, Ken Anjyo, and Henrik Wann Jensen.
Invited talks;
Marc Alexa: Over-sketching as human video out.
Henrik Wann Jensen: Simulating the Appearance of Nature.
Ken Anjyo : Exploring Directability,
Regular papers will be presented in oral sessions and published as
journal papers in *** Computer Graphics Forum ***. Poster papers will be
printed in a separate poster proceedings.
* Geometric Modeling
* Computational Photography
* Physically Based Modeling
* Point Based Graphics
* Geometry Processing
* Animation
* Interaction Techniques and HCI
* Visualization
* Volume Rendering
* Rendering and Illumination
* Image Based Rendering and Modeling
* Image and Video Processing
* Virtual and Augmented Reality
* Web Graphics and Computer Games
* Graphics Systems and Hardware
* Graphics Applications
For further details about PG'08 in Tokyo, see
and for registration, see
Conference Co-chairs:
Tomoyuki Nishita, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Masayuki Nakajima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Organization Co-Chairs:
Yasushi Yamaguchi ,The University of Tokyo, Japan
IsseiFujishiro ,Tohoku University
Takafumi Saito ,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Program Co-chairs
Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Nelson Max, University of California, Davis, USA
Francois Sillion, INRIA, France
30th Annual Conference
of the European Association for Computer Graphics
March 30 - April 4, 2009
Munich, Germany
Conference Chairs:
Rüdiger Westermann, TU Munich, Germany
David Kirk, NVIDIA, US
Papers Chairs:
Marc Stamminger, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Philip Dutre, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Papers program starts Tuesday and ends Friday at noon
Deadlines (
Full papers abstract: September 25, 2008
Full papers: September 30, 2008
Eurographics 2009, the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2009, in
Munich, Germany. It will be organized on the Research Campus Garching of the
Technische Universität München. Eurographics 2009 will provide a unique
platform for the computer graphics community to showcase latest techniques
and educational work, and to explore new trends and ideas, and it will also
offer the opportunity to demonstrate products and services to this
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental research,
practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of computer
graphics, and related topics thereof.
Call for Papers
W S C G ' 2009
(formerly the Winter School of Computer Graphics)
17-th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2009
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS
to be held at
University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
close to Prague - the Golden European City
February 2-5, 2009
Program Co-chairs
Min Chen, Swansea University, U.K
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Keynote speakers
Min Chen: Visualization in Flatland, Swansea University, U.K.
Eduard Groeller: Visualization with Knowledge and Style, Technische
Universitat Wien, Austria
Information for authors
Paper and files uploads: October 15, 2008 13:00 GMT (London time)
Up to 8 pages of A4 format PDF, additional material (video as MPEG, AVI,
color plates etc.) can be submitted up to 5 MB
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and
pattern recognition,
fundamental algorithms, GPU computation, graphical human computer
interfaces, geometric modeling,
computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and
virtual reality,
animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction,
object-oriented graphics,
parallel and distributed graphics, WWW technologies, CAD and GIS systems and
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.17. ISSN
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG
proceedings with ISBN
and all papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala, c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science
Univerzitni 8, Box 314, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a) Subject: INFO WSCG 2009 Fax: +420-37 78 22 578 Tel./Fax:
Feel free to visit all papers are available on-line since
1992 (no access restriction)