NPAR Call for Papers
Conference: NPAR 2009
ACM International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and
Rendering (co-located with SIGGRAPH 2009)
Upcoming Deadlines:
Abstract submission deadline April 13, 2009
Submission deadline April 15, 2009, 12 midnight PDT
Conference date: August 1-2, 2009
Conference location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Aims and Scope:
NPAR 2009 is the 7th international symposium dedicated to
non-photorealistic animation and rendering, sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH
and in cooperation with Eurographics. For the second time, NPAR will be
co-located with SIGGRAPH which in 2009 takes place in New Orleans. This
will allow us to raise attention for this important field, to open it to
new people from academia, arts, and industry. Once again NPAR will bring
together researchers and practitioners to showcase cutting-edge research
in non-photorealistic animation and rendering systems and techniques.
Non-photorealistic animation and rendering (NPAR) refers to techniques
for visually communicating ideas and information. Such techniques
usually generate imagery which is expressive, rather than
photorealistic. We seek new research on both the mechanisms of
non-photorealistic rendering techniques as well as the principles of
visual communication via such artistic rendering. Specific themes of the
conference include, but are not limited to:
* Simulation of traditional and new graphical styles
* Simulation of natural media
* Hardware-accelerated non-photorealistic algorithms
* Level-of-detail in image space
* Abstraction and composition in rendered images
* Synthesis of stroke-based patterns
* Style transfer
* Automatic painting from photographs and video
* Temporal and spatial coherence in non-photorealistic rendering
* Motion blur and depth of field in non-photorealistic images
* Lighting models for NPAR
* Non-traditional perspective
* Non-photorealistic modeling
* Animation systems
* Computer-aided cartoon animation
* 2D/3D integration
* Live-action integration
* Computer-aided in-betweening
* Computer-aided layout
* Matting and compositing
* Image-based rendering
* Rendering languages and systems
* Practical NPAR applications
* Evaluation methods for artistic graphics
* Computer-generated abstract art
We invite researchers and practitioners of all areas connected to
non-photorealistic animation and rendering to submit papers. Full-length
papers are the primary medium for conveying new research results at the
NPAR symposium. Submissions are sought that describe original,
unpublished work on all themes listed above.
Paper submissions should be at most 5000 words or 10 ACM conference
pages in length. The title page should include an abstract (fewer than
200 words) and keywords. The submission is electronic in PDF format;
supplemental video and images may also be submitted. Submission is
single-blind, so papers may be submitted in "camera-ready" format. We
recommend that prospective authors consult the SIGGRAPH publications
page ( for
information on paper formatting for paper submissions. The accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM SIGGRAPH
and will be available online via the ACM Digital Library.
Call for posters
Like in the previous years we again also ask for poster submissions for
NPAR 2009. The poster session is an opportunity for authors to present
their research results in an informal and interactive setting. Posters
are intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to
connect with each other and to engage in discussions about the work. It
is an ideal venue for presenting ongoing research projects that might
not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already
interesting. Posters describing applications of NPR to animation,
illustration, and/or interactive applications are also welcome.
Posters should be submitted as a one-page extended abstract, and the
format should follow the same guidelines as for the paper submissions,
using the ACM SIGGRAPH format. The submission is electronic in PDF
format; supplemental video and images may also be submitted. Submission
is single-blind, so the one-page poster abstracts may be submitted in
"camera-ready" format. We recommend that prospective authors consult the
SIGGRAPH publications page for information on formatting for poster
submissions (
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: April 13, 2009
Submission deadline: April 15, 2009, 12 midnight PDT
Acceptance notification: May 22, 2009
Camera-ready deadline: May 29, 2009
Poster submission deadline: June 8, 2009
Poster acceptance notification: June 22, 2009
Poster camera-ready deadline: June 29, 2009
Bruce Gooch, University of Victoria, Canada (General Chair)
Tobias Isenberg, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Program Chair)
Craig Kaplan, University of Waterloo, Canada (Program Chair)
Holger Winnemöller, Adobe Inc., USA (Poster Chair)
Marc Nienhaus, mental images GmbH, Germany (Poster Chair)
--[ Tobias Isenberg ]-------------------[ University of Groningen ]--
| Postbus 407, 9700 AK Groningen phone: +31-50-363-5089 |
| The Netherlands fax: +31-50-363-3800 |
--[ ]--------[ isenberg(a) ]--
[Apologies if you receive this CFP several times]
- Submission Deadline extended to April 17th
Symp. of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM
September 08th, 2009, Jena, Germany
3D imaging sensors have been investigated for several decades. In recent
years, improvements on classical approaches such as stereo vision and
structured light on the one hand, and novel ToF-techniques on the other hand
have emerged, leading to 3D vision systems with radically improved
characteristics. Presently, these techniques make full-range 3D data
available at interactive frame rates, and thus open the path towards a much
broader application of 3D vision systems.
The workshop focuses on sensor systems, data processing approaches and
systems incorporating interactive, full-range 3D sensors in specific
application areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Development of full-range 3D sensors or sensor systems, including
- active and passive 3D imaging systems
- sensor simulation
* Multi sensor fusion incorporating full-range 3D sensors
* Data processing for dynamic full-range 3D-data, including
- calibration techniques
- sensor based image synthesis
- 3D object recognition and tracking
- 3D optical flow
* Applications using interactive, full-range 3D sensors, e.g. in
areas like
- autonomous robotics
- medicine and health care
- industrial automation
- surveillance
- human-machine interaction
- automotive
Novel results of theoretical and practical significance based on interactive
3D vision will be considered. All accepted contributions will be published
in a volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Submission of full papers: April 17th, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 29th, 2009
Camera ready due: June 19th, 2009
Workshop: September 8th, 2009
* Reinhard Koch (Chairman), U Kiel, Germany
* Andreas Kolb (Paper Chair), U Siegen, Germany
* Erhardt Barth, U Luebeck, Germany
* Rasmus Larsen, Tech. U. of Denmark, Kopenhagen, Denmark
* James Davis, U California, Santa Cruz, USA
* Joachim Denzler, U Jena, Germany
* Bjarne Ersboell, TU of Denmark, Kopenhagen, Denmark
* Jan-Michael Frahm, U North Carolina, USA
* Günther Greiner, U Erlangen, Germany
* Joachim Hornegger, U Erlangen, Germany
* Gaetan Koers, Melexis, Belgium
* Jörg Krüger, TU Berlin, Germany
* Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert, U Siegen, Germany
* Otmar Loffeld, U Siegen, Germany
* Bernd Jähne, U Heidelberg, Germany
* Marcus Magnor, TU Braunschweig, Germany
* Roberto Manduchi, U California, Santa Cruz, USA
* Thomas Moeslund, U Aalborg, Denmark
* Thierry Oggier, Mesa Imaging, Switzerland
* Abbas Rafii, Canesta, USA
* Thorsten Ringbeck, PMD Technologies, Germany
* Sudipta Sinha, U North Carolina, USA
* Wolfgang Straßer, U Tübingen, Germany
* Zengqui Sun, Tsinghua U Beijing, China
* Christian Theobalt, U Stanford, USA
* Peter Xu, Massey U, New Zealand
* Giora Yahav 3DV Systems, Israel
Contributions to the workshop should not exceed 14 pages. Please format your
article according to the Springer style guide for Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) see or the workshop website. All
submissions will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Accepted papers
will be presented orally or as poster. All authors will be notified about
the acceptance or rejection of their paper after the reviewing process.
The workshop will take place in conjunction with the Symp. of the German
Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) 2009 in Jena. Registration
information for the DAGM Symp. and this workshop can be found under:
Further information can be found on the workshop website:
In cooperation with:
* German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM)
* Eurographics
* ZESS, Center for Sensor Systems, Siegen
Sponsored by:
* PMD Technologies, Germany
* Mesa Imaging, Switzerland
Computer Graphics International 2009:
May 28-30, 2009
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Online registration is open at
Early bird registration fees until 6 April.
Computer Graphics International is co-located with Computational Aesthetics
( ).There is a heavily
discounted joint
registration fee for those wanting to attend both conferences.
Computer Graphics International (CGI) is the official conference of the
Computer Graphics Society (CGS). One of the few truly international computer
graphics organizations, CGI and CGS were started by Professor Kunii in the
early 1980's as CG Tokyo. The CGI conference is one of the top
recognizedinternational computer graphics conferences. Recent conferences
have been held in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Hong Kong, USA, Greece,
China, Brazil and Turkey.