Call for Participation
***** PACIFIC GRAPHICS 2010 *****
The 18th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
September 25-27, 2010, Hangzhou, China
Pacific Graphics 2010 will be held in Hangzhou, China, during September
25-27, 2010. For the first time in the series, Pacific Graphics 2010 will be
in Hangzhou. The widely expressed Chinese proverb, "in heaven there is
paradise and on earth there are Hangzhou and Suzhou" and the words of Marco
Polo who described this place as, "the most beautiful and magnificent city
in the world" have helped to make Hangzhou one of the biggest tourist
attractions in the entire country. Hangzhou is also famous for its silk and
tea. Please come and join us to have a successful conference and enjoy
fantastic nature of Hangzhou.
Early registration due: September 4, 2010
Conference: September 25-27, 2010
Invited Talks
Hugues Hoppe
Principal researcher & Manager, Computer Graphics Group of Microsoft
Editor-in-chief, ACM Transactions on Graphics
Niloy J. Mitra
Vision and Graphics Group
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Holly Rushmeier
Professor of Computer Science
Yale University
For more details, please visit the conference web site,
WSCG 2011 - Call for Papers
19th Int.Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
in cooperation with Eurographics
January 31 - February 3, 2011
Plzen[Pilsen], Czech Republic
(close to Prague approx. 60 mins. by a coach-good connection)
Conference Co-Chairs:
Gladimir Baranoski, University of Wateloo, Canada
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Important dates:
Abstracts: September 30, 2010 (recommended)
Full Papers: October 14, 2010
Acceptance decision (expected): December 4, 2010
WSCG conferences are held traditionally in Plzen, Czech Republic since 1992
Accepted and presented papers will be published in WSCG proceedings with
and selected papers are published in the Journal of WSCG. Proceedings and
the Journal of WSCG are sent for indexing (see the WEB page of the WSCG
conf. for details).
All papers are available on-line with no-access restriction at
that leads to high dissemination of knowledge world wide.