33rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 13th to 18th, 2012
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
*** Recruiting information
Double Negative (www.dneg.com) is an award-winning VFX facility based
in the heart of London's Soho. We work exclusively on film and handle
projects from initial design, through on-set supervision and
production, to post-production.
Our R&D department is constantly developing ground-breaking software
to ensure we remain at the cutting edge of global VFX.
We're looking to expand the team with talented programmers. You will
be working with visual effects artists in a dynamic and challenging
environment, helping to produce world-class projects.
If you have the passion and drive for a career in film visual effects,
please visit our booth at Eurographics 2012 and/or send your CV with
covering letter to jobs(a)dneg.com
*** Conference registration
Eurographics 2012 is the 33rd Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 13
to May 18 in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. It will be organized by
CRS4 Visual Computing and University of Cagliari. Eurographics 2012
will provide a unique platform for the computer graphics community
to showcase latest techniques and educational work, and to
explore new trends and ideas.
The 2012 program ( http://www.eurographics2012.it/program/ ) will
be bigger than ever. May 13th-14th will be dedicated to co-located
events, while the main conference will open on Monday, May 14th
and close on Friday, May 18th. In connection with the
conference there will be a technology exhibition in the
Main Hall of the Conference Center.
Registration information is provided on our website:
Accomodation should also be booked as soon as possible, as May is the
beginning of the main travel season in Cagliari. Hotel information
can and travel information can be found on our website:
Full details on the conference, co-located events and program
can be found through the conference web site at:
Conference Chairs (co-chairs-eg2012(a)crs4.it)
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Italy
Riccardo Scateni, University of Cagliari, Italy
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
May 29th, 2012: Deadline for full and short paper submission
SCA 2012 will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, from July 29-31.
The venue is the Polydome at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
with a welcome reception at the Rolex Learning Centre and Farewell drinks at
the Château de Glérolles.
The Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premiere forum for
innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. The 11th
annual event unites researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of
time-based phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with single track
program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to
exchange research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations. Don't
miss out!
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on computer
animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying
phenomena. Each submission will be refereed on the basis of technical
quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. The SCA 2012 electronic
proceedings will be archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries. There will
be best paper awards, and honorable mentions to the top 10% of submissions.
Top papers will also be invited to have extended versions appear in a TVCG
Special Section.
NEW THIS YEAR: we are also inviting short paper submissions for quick
dissemination of compact and good ideas in a shorter presentation format.
Short papers should be 4 to 6 pages, and will be included in the main track
of the conference and will also appear in the electronic proceedings and be
archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries.
Authors of some declined papers with high potential will be invited to
submit their work to the combined posters and demos sessions.
We invite work on a broad range of topics, including:
2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
animation systems
autonomous characters
clothing animation and simulation
expressive motion / communication
facial animation
group and crowd behavior
intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations mathematical
foundations of animation methods of control and artistic direction of
simulations nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, ...) new
time-based art forms on the computer novel time-varying phenomena perceptual
metrics for animation perceptual foundations of animation physical realism /
measuring the real world for animation physical simulation planning /
learning / optimization for animation real-time and interactive methods
sound and speech for animation as well as on related problems in robotics,
game development, human-computer interaction, simulation, visualization,
computer vision, and others.
We also invite submissions to the poster and demo session. As in previous
years, the poster and demo session will be an integral part of the SCA
program. There will be a posters fast-forward session during which all
presenters will have the opportunity to give a one-minute description of
their work. The poster and demo session will be integrated with the wine and
cheese social event. Note that posters are not formal publications, so work
submitted as a poster is still eligible for later publication, and will be
exempt from inclusion in the ACM and Eurographics Digital Libraries. Details
regarding submission format will be announced closer to the deadline.
Important Dates:
May 29th, 2012: Deadline for SCA paper submission June 25th, 2012:
Notification of conditionally accepted papers June 30th, 2012: Deadline for
poster submissions July 12th, 2012: Notification of poster acceptance July
16th, 2012: Camera-ready papers and posters due July 29th-31st, 2012:
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee
members. Given the limited time between submission and final version, papers
will be evaluated as submitted.
Please check the conference web page for regular updates and more
information: http://conferences.inf.ed.ac.uk/sca2012
We look forward to seeing you in Lausanne!
Conference Co-Chairs:
Ronan Boulic, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Taku Komura,
University of Edinburgh
Program Chairs:
Jehee Lee, Seoul National University
Paul Kry, McGill University
Poster Chair:
Manfred Lau, Lancaster University
Dear colleague,
We would like to invite you to join us in College Station, Texas from
May 22-25 for Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2012.
We are very excited to have a great program lined up, including three
keynote speeches, four courses, and 39 paper presentations. The
program, including the list of keynote speeches, papers, and courses
is available on our website: http://smi2012.viz.tamu.edu/
Early-bird registration closes on Sunday, April 29. Please make sure
to register soon to catch the reduced rates. The online registration
form is available on our website at:
Hotel and travel information can also be found on our website.
We hope you join us in College Station!
Best regards,
Ergun Akleman & John Keyser
Conference Chairs
== Further information: http://smi2012.viz.tamu.edu/
Shape Modeling International 2012
Conference Chairs: Ergun Akleman and John Keyser
Shape Modeling International (SMI) provides an international forum for
the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational
techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital
representations of shapes and their properties to a community of
researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a wide
range of fields.
Shape Modeling International 2012 (SMI’12) will be organized in
College Station Texas from May 22nd 2012 to May 25th 2012. The
conference will be held using classroom and auditorium spaces in the
Langford Center of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M
University. The main auditorum will be the Geren auditorum in Langford
Center B.
The conference will have activities including keynote speeches,
technical papers, practical papers, courses & tutorials, and a
sculpture exhibition. The following list is a detailed explanation of
the activities:
Helmut Pottmann : Freeform Architecture and Fabrication-Aware Design
Greg N. Frederickson: Beyond Swinging: Hinged Dissections that Twist or Fold
Carlo H. Séquin: The Design and Realization of Large-Scale Free-Form Sculptures
Abstracts for the keynote talks are available on the website.
Chairs: John Hart and Scott Schaefer
Technical papers, as before, form the core of the conference. 20 full
papers and 11 short papers have been accepted. All papers will be
appearing in the journal Computers & Graphics, and will be presented
during the conference. The technical paper sessions include Processing
Parametric Models, Geometry Compression, Interactive Modeling,
Fitting, Differential Geometry, Modeling, Computational Geometry and
Deformable Surfaces.
Chairs: Carlo Séquin and Wei Yan
Eight papers have been accepted as FASE papers. These will be
published in a special issue of Hyperseeing magazine and also be
presented in FASE sessions at the conference.
Chairs: Cindy Grimm and Ann McNamara
Two 2-hour courses will be presented the second day of the conference,
in parallel sessions:
Quaternions and Dual Quaternions by Ron Goldman
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation: Computation and Applications by Wenping Wang
Two half-day courses will be presented the third day of the conference
in parallel sessions:
Surface-, Flow-, and Volume-Based Techniques for Shape Modeling by
Giuseppe Patane, David Xiangfeng Gu, Xin Shane Li and Michela
Implicit Modelling by Brian Wyvill, Alexander Pasko, John Hart and
Herbert Grasberger
Chairs: Gabriel Esquivel and Goran Konjevod
A conference exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Gallery in
Langford Center A. In addition to accepted artworks, some works from
conference participants will be on display.
Ergun Akleman
Apr 22 (2 days ago)
to Mark
Hi Mark,
I am sending this email to inform you coming SMI conference. See that
well-known researchers related to Architectural modeling and sculpting
such as Helmut Pottmann and Carlo Sequin will give key not speeches
and Weinping Wang will give a course. We will also have many other
interesting presentations. Please feel free to share with anybody who
may be interested in.
Call for participation:
Registration for Expressive'2012, the joint symposium on Computational
Aesthetics (CAe), Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) and
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM), is now open!
Please visit:
Since the Annecy Film Festival we collocate with attracts a lot of people,
we recommend participants to book their accomodation as soon as possible. We
are looking forwards meeting you in Annecy!
Marie-Paule Cani and Beryl Plimmer
Co-chairs of Expressive'2012
2012 International Conference on CyberWorlds
25-27 September 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Notification: 29 May 2012
Registration: 21 Jun 2012
Camera-ready paper: 25 Jun 2012
Papers containing late breaking results can be submitted via the conference
web site until 9 May 2012. They typically have a short-paper format: 5 pages
in English (U.S.), carefully proofread, and formatted to IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. See
http://www.gris.tu-darmstadt.de/cw2012/ for details.
If you consider submitting a longer paper (8 pages), please contact the
organizers first via
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in
business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously
impact our lives and the evolution of the world conomy by taking such forms
as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and assively
multiplayer online role-playing games. The international conferences on
Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the proceedings
published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published in The
Visual Computer, Transactions on Computational Science, and International
Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies.
Cyberworlds 2012 is organized by Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany,
in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS Association and supported by the IFIP
Workgroup Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds.
The 2012th International Conference on Cyberworlds will address a wide range
of research and development topics, but not limited to the following topics:
* Shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modeling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Intelligent talking agents
* Networked collaboration
* Haptic interaction and rendering
* Computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality
* Human-computer interfaces
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* EEG-based emotion recognition
* E-learning in virtual collaborative spaces
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Social networking
Special Sessions:
* Arts, Design and Virtual World: see also
* Applied Visual Computing
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE, placed in the IEEE
Xplore and Computer Society digital libraries, and submitted for indexing
through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.
Special issues of the following international journals will be formed from
extended journal versions of the best papers:
* The Visual Computer
* Transactions on Computational Science
* International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies
To be included in the conference proceedings and special journal issues, at
least one author of the accepted paper must register and present the paper
at the conference.
Please email your requests to cyberworlds2012(at)igd.fraunhofer.de.
Honorary Chair
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
General Chair
Dieter Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program Chair
Arjan Kuijper, Fraunhofer IGD and TU Darmstadt, Germany
/// EG VCBM 2012 - First Call for Papers & Posters /// Eurographics Visual
Computing in Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) /// <http://www.vcbm.org/>
EG VCBM will be held September 27-28, 2012 in Norrköping, Sweden, and
addresses state-of-the-art visualization and image analysis research with an
application in biology and medicine. EG VCBM solicits the submission of
original application-oriented research papers that advance the fusion of
visualization and image analysis within imaging-based medicine and
biological science. All papers should focus on a well- defined biological or
medical problem, and should demonstrate a significant innovation or
improvement in visual computing.
Covered Topics
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
* Applications in cardiovascular medicine, radiology, surgery and other
medical disciplines.
* Applications in cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology
and other biological disciplines.
* Geometry reconstruction from image data, such as microscopic or
radiological data.
* Creation and visual analysis of atlases, databases and ontologies.
* Interactive segmentation and registration.
* Multi-field/multimodal visualization and processing.
* Computer-aided diagnosis and detection.
* Visual analysis of gene sequence and gene expression data.
* Visual analysis of proteomics and interactomics data.
* Processing and analysis of biological pathways and networks.
* Visualization and simulation for surgical training.
* Intra-operative guidance for surgery.
* Perception-based studies with an application in biology or medicine.
* EG published conference proceedings.
* Selected papers will be invited to the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
Important Dates
* Paper submission: June 29, 2012.
* Paper notification: July 29, 2012.
* Poster submission: August 10, 2012.
* Poster notification: August 27, 2012.
* Venue: September 27-28, 2012.
VCBM Co-Chairs
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Anders Ynnerman (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Charl Botha (Technical University Delft, The Netherlands)
* Jos Roerdink (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Further Information
* http://www.vcbm.org/
We are offering a post-doc position in Prof. Alla Sheffer's research group
at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) to carry out
research in geometry processing, modeling, and other related topics.
The applicant's profile should include as many as possible of the following
. Successful research and publication record
. Good written and oral communication skills (English)
. Strong background in computer graphics with experience in geometry
and/or processing
. Good programming skills (C, C++, Matlab)
The position is available from September 2012 (starting date negotiable),
for a period of up to two years. Salary is negotiable and will depend on
candidate's experience.
Applicants must send their CV to Alla Sheffer ( <mailto:sheffa@cs.ubc.ca>
sheffa(a)cs.ubc.ca). Let me know if you plan to attend SIGGRAPH, so we can
arrange a face-to-face interview.
(formerly known as APGV)
August 3-4 August, Los Angeles, USA
Important Dates
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Paper submissions (long and short): 23 April 2012
. Notification of paper acceptance: 22 May 2012
. Camera-ready SAP papers due and TAP revisions due for second
review cycle : 29 May 2012
. Final TAP papers due: 15 June 2012
. Poster submissions: 29 May 2012
. Notification of poster acceptance: 5 June 2012
. Final posters due: 12 July 2012
The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP), formerly known as APGV,
aims to further the development of inter-disciplinary research that crosses
the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics,
visualization, vision, haptics and acoustics. These fields can benefit from
the exchange of ideas and the scope includes applications and algorithms in
any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer
Our ninth annual event provides an intimate, immersive forum for exchanging
ideas about areas of overlapping interests. By co-locating ACM SAP 2012 with
the thirty-ninth annual SIGGRAPH conference (SIGGRAPH 2012) in Los Angeles,
we aim to further promote communication between the core perception and the
core computer graphics communities, and also bring back the symposium in its
new form to the United States. The symposium will be hosted by the USC
Institute for Creative Technologies.
Relevant topics include:
. Modeling, rendering, and animation
. Visualization
. Computational aesthetics
. Haptic rendering, haptic input and perception
. Computer vision
. Color vision and color appearance modeling
. Interaction techniques and interfaces
. Augmented reality
. Virtual worlds
. Display technologies
. Auditory display and interfaces
. Perceptual auditory coding
. Spatialized sound
. Speech synthesis and recognition
. Sensory integration
. Multimodal rendering
. Spatial and temporal vision
. Empirical perception research
. Attention and eye movements
. Statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
. Perception of shapes, surfaces and materials
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and a 20 minute
talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages + 15 min talk), or as a poster
presentation (1 page abstract). Papers that are not accepted can be
considered for the poster session. Authors of posters accepted by this route
will of course have the option to decline the opportunity to present a
poster. Please check the formatting guidelines on the webpage before
submitting your work on this page. Submissions do not need to be anonymous.
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program
Committee. Under a recent agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied
Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted
papers will be offered the possibility to be published as full papers at the
ACM journal TAP. These papers will undergo a second review cycle, during
which the authors will need to improve the paper as indicated by the summary
review (similar to conditionally accepts at SIGGRAPH). Authors of such
special issue papers must agree to present the paper at ACM SAP. As has
always been the case, authors of regular ACM SAP papers can still submit to
TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.
Rachel McDonnell and Veronica Sundstedt
SAP 2012 Program Chairs
Email: sap12(a)confmaster.net
EuroVA 2012 - Call for Posters
Submission Deadline: April 22nd, 2012
The EuroVA 2012 Poster Program offers a timely venue to present and discuss
new visual analytics research and research projects with a clear visual
analytics aspects. The poster track provides an interaction opportunity for
researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their new and
innovative work-in-progress and to obtain feedback from their peers in an
informal setting. It gives conference attendees a forum where they can learn
about novel research and about on-going research projects. The poster track
provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity to receive
invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources. In addition to a poster
being displayed throughout the EuroVA and EuroVis, a one-page summary of
your work will be published in the EuroVA Proceedings.
We particularly encourage contributions that take advantage of the nature of
the poster space and forum to present and raise awareness of the research
work and research projects in effective and imaginative ways. We therefore
foresee three kinds of posters:
- Research Posters - posters representing on-going research that might not
yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting;
- Case-Study Posters - posters describing on-going or recently finished
case studies in all application areas;
- Project Dissemination Posters - posters representing on-going or
recently finished national or international research projects with a clear
visual analytics aspect. It is important that visual analytics represent an
important aspect of the project.
Posters will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee based on
originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
Poster authors must submit a one-page summary of their work in the EuroVA
Summaries should include a concise description of the idea, the results or
findings, supporting imagery and figures, and a discussion of the
implications of the work to the selected domain. Full literature searches
are not expected, although relevant citations should be included.
Project Dissemination Posters should briefly describe the research project
with a strong focus on the visual analytics aspects.
The posters themselves have no predefined formatting, but dimensions may not
exceed A0 paper size (841mm x 1189mm / 33.1" x 46.8").
Authors whose posters are accepted for the EuroVA will be asked to refine
their summaries based upon feedback from reviewers. Posters will be included
in the EuroVA proceedings.
The poster itself only needs to be prepared for the EuroVA.
Authors of accepted posters are required to bring an explanatory hardcopy
poster for display during EuroVA and EuroVis. They should be available at
the poster to discuss their work during the scheduled poster session.
Authors should send their poster through email to the workshop chairs:
<mailto:santucci@dis.uniroma1.it> santucci(a)dis.uniroma1.it
<mailto:matkovic@vrvis.at> matkovic(a)vrvis.at
specifying in the subject "EuroVA Poster : <type>"
where <type> is one of the following values: "Research", "Case-Study",
Submission Deadline: April 22nd, 2012
Notification: April 25th, 2012
Final Submission of Camera Ready Summaries: April 27th, 2012
Dr. Kresimir Matkovic, Senior Researcher, Visualization VRVis
Forschungs-GmbH, <http://www.VRVis.at> www.VRVis.at
FN: 195369h, HG Wien
mail: matkovic(a)vrvis.at, tel +43(0)1 20501 30100
Two postdoc positions available in the Graphics and Imaging Lab (Zaragoza, Spain).
We are offering two post-doc positions at the Graphics and Imaging Lab (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) to carry out multidisciplinary research in computer graphics (appearance model acquisition and rendering) and computational photography.
The positions are available under the European project GOLEM: Realistic Virtual Humans (Marie Curie Industry-Academia program), led by Prof. Diego Gutierrez. Duration is one year each.
The applicant’s profile should include as many as possible of the following characteristics:
· Proven leadership to supervise a project from conception to publication
· Good command of the English language (Spanish is a plus, but not required)
· Strong background in computer graphics and computational photography
· Good programming skills (C, C++, Matlab, graphics hardware…)
· Strong knowledge of math and statistics
The starting date is negotiable, but it should begin between Q2 2012 and Q4 2012. The salary varies between 51.000€ and 80.000€ per year, depending on the candidate’s experience.
Applicants must send their CV to Diego Gutierrez ( <mailto:diegog@unizar.es> diegog(a)unizar.es). Let us know if you plan to attend either Eurographics or SIGGRAPH, so we can arrange a face-to-face interview.