Call For Papers EGUK Chapter Conference: <>
5-6 September, 2013 - Bath, UK
The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2013 Conference (TP.CG.13). It will take place at the University of Bath on
the 5-6 September 2013, with a paper deadline of May 13th, 2013. All
accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital
Library, and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects
of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and
researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between
participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress
reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
. computer animation
. computer-based art and entertainment
. computational geometry
. display technologies
. fundamental algorithms
. graphics applications and graphics systems
. graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
. fractal and natural phenomena
. human computer interaction
. image processing
. Internet graphics and collaborative environments
. medical imaging
. modelling methods
. rendering techniques
. texture synthesis
. scientific visualization
. information visualization
. virtual reality and virtual environments
. volume graphics
. web graphics
The submission deadline for all papers is 13th May 2013.
Please see the website for more information:
Local organiser
Darren Cosker (University of Bath)
Conference Co-Chairs
Silvester Czanner (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Wen Tang (Teeside University)
A postdoctoral position is available in the LIRIS lab, University of Lyon,
France -- 10 months.
The focus of the project will be on development of novel techniques for
progressive compression of textured 3D meshes, within the context of our Web
platform for 3D streaming.
This work will lean upon our recent algorithms [1][2].
Net income: about 2000 euros per month (according to experience)
A MSc degree (with research experience) is required; applicants with PhD
degree are preferred.
The applicants should have skills in computer graphics and 3D mesh
processing. Previous experiences in compression and / or textured mesh are
Autonomy and Entrepreneurial spirit will be appreciated.
Most programming will be done in C++ ; WebGL/JavaScript experience is
To apply, please send a CV, links to relevant peer-reviewed publications,
and reference letters to Guillaume Lavoué
( <> glavoue(a) and Florent Dupont (
<> fdupont(a)
[1] Lee, H., Lavoué, G., Dupont, F., Rate-distortion optimization for
progressive compression of 3D mesh with color attributes, The Visual
Computer, vol. 28, No. 3, pp.137-153, 2012.
[2] Maglo, A., Lavoué, C., Hudelot, C., Lee, H., Mouton, C., Dupont, F.,
Remote scientific visualization of progressive 3D meshes with X3D,
International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), Los Angeles, USA,
July 2010.
Working condition
The recruited person will be involved in the MAPSTYLE project (ANR French
founding agency program CONTINT). This project is led by
<> Sidonie Christophe
from COGIT lab of the national institute for geographical and forest
information (IGN). The project joins researchers in computer graphics and
researchers in geographical information science, cartography in particular.
The focus of the project is maps stylization and automation of stylized maps
creations. Apart IGN, three research labs participate to the project:
* INRIA Rhône-Alpes/Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, with
<> Joëlle Thollot
* université Paris 5/LIPADE, with
<> Thomas Hurtut
* université Paul Sabatier/IRIT, with David Vanderhaeghe
One of the objective is to define formally what is a map's legend, and how
to control it to allow user to give their own style to a map. This work will
be done at IRIT in direct interaction with David Vanderhaeghe and with a
strong link with the other partners (regular meetings are planned along the
Job description
The recruited person will be in interaction with cartographers, the
researchers in geographic science of the IGN and also with computer graphics
researchers. The first step is to evaluate existing legend models and
improve them for semi-automatic legend creation. The focus of the second
step is automatic information extraction to define legends from examples.
These examples could be maps or other images and feature extraction could be
extract a color palette or some drawing's features from artistic pieces,
comics or photographs. It is a research work which will be validated by
scientific publications. This research work is linked with the
implementation of demos to allow the evaluation by final user. The demos
will be implemented with the free software GeOxygene from the IGN.
Ph. D in computer science in the field of computer graphics or GIS with
computer science.
Desired Skills
Java, 2D computer graphics, expressive rendering, cartography, GIS.
Other Informations
We can also adapt the offer to an engineer's work depending on candidate
Contact David Vanderhaeghe (vdh(a) for further details.
Two Assoc./Asst. Professors in Computer Graphics & Visualization at TU Delft
The Computer Graphics and Visualization Group ( at Delft
University of Technology (TU Delft) is looking for two new professors.
Job description
The Assistant/Associate Professor will carry out research in one of the
following areas:
. Geometry processing, modelling, geometric analysis, or computational
. Massive data analysis, and data-based algorithms
. Virtual reality, augmented reality, or 3D interaction
. Medical visualization, data visualization, scientific visualization
. Vision, computational photography, or image manipulation.
The Assistant/Associate Professor will supervise PhD students, interns,
Bachelor's and Master's students, and will teach at the BSc and MSc level.
The appointee will be responsible for management tasks, acquisition of
research projects, and valorisation. The Assistant/Associate Professor will
become part of the Computer Graphics and Visualization section, currently
comprising three full-time faculty members, two post-docs, and seven PhD
students. The section takes part in the INSYGHT Lab and investigates new
interaction and visualization metaphors.
The candidate we seek is an internationally well-positioned, excellent
researcher. The candidate holds a PhD degree in a relevant discipline
(computer science, mathematics, physics, electrical engineering). Besides
demonstrating excellence in research the candidate should
. be an enthusiastic team player. Experience in initiating and participating
in (international) research programmes and in collaborative projects with
scientific and industrial partners is a strong advantage.
. have a proven record of attracting substantial research funding.
. preferably have experience with different application domains and a keen
eye for technical and scientific solutions.
. have an excellent command of the English language.
Conditions of employment
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work
week, free high-speed Internet access from home (with a contract of two
years or longer), and the option of assembling a customised compensation and
benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the
Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
TU Delft sets specific standards for the English competency of the teaching
staff. TU Delft offers training to improve English competency.
For more information about this position, please contact Prof. Elmar
Eisemann, phone: +31 (0)15-2782528, e-mail:
<> e.eisemann(a) apply, please
e-mail a detailed CV, three publications, three referencies, and a research
statement along with a letter of application by 31 January 2013 to Ms. W. M.
Dicke, <> Hr-eemcs(a)
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number EWI2012-37.
Contract type: Temporary, Permanent or tenure track (depending on the
experience of the candidate)
<> Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution
offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an
internationally recognised level. Education, research and design are
strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for
future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic
vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical
sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique
laboratories, research institutes and schools.
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
The Department of Intelligent Systems (INSY) conceptualises computer science
methodologies to sense, abstract, learn, reason, elicit and adapt data and
their meaning in ways that respect human values in order to increase
effectiveness, well-being and social innovation. At the heart of the
department is its research and teaching in computer science theory,
algorithms and solutions for information processing systems that support
humans (e.g. robotics), new products (e.g. internet services), and science
(e.g. biology).
The Computer Graphics and Visualization Group has a strong research record
and is known for its expertise in visualization, modelling, game technology,
and rendering. Besides these major topics, interaction techniques,
virtual/augmented reality, vision, perception, computational photography,
and simulations play an important role. The group also participates strongly
in the Delft Research Initiatives "Environment" and "Health", thus aiming to
find solutions for tomorrow's problems. The group maintains a strong network
of partners from academia and the industry world-wide.
Apologies for multiple postings. Please feel free to forward.
18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
2013 Web3D Conference - June 20-22, 2013
When: June 20-22, 2013 (Save these dates)
Where: Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Host: <>
URL: <>
Email: <> web3d2013(a)
Important Dates
Paper submission: February 15, 2013
Tutorials submission deadline: Coming soon
Workshops submission deadline: Coming soon
Author notification: March 31, 2013
Camera-ready due: April 15, 2013
Conference dates: June 20-22, 2013
The 18th ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of
research topics related to Web-based 3D Graphics. These topics include:
representation and modeling methods, content analysis, rendering,
distributed virtual environments, large-scale databases, Web-wide
human-computer interaction, as well as innovative tools and applications. On
the one hand, collaborative authoring and delivering of educational,
multimedia, industrial, medical, gaming and GIS contents is one of the main
interests of this edition of the conference. On the other hand, innovative
3D graphics Web applications and novel developments for several sectors
including but not limited to eHealth, Transport, Industry, Education,
Audiovisual or Tourism, aside from contents over 3D Internet.
The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event that gathers researchers,
developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists, and content creators in a
dynamic environment. Attendees can share and explore methods of using,
enhancing, and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as
WebGL and HTML5 (which is a hot topic in Computer Graphics), Flash/ Stage
3D, X3D, COLLADA, and the MPEG family. Relationship of Web3D with OGC is
also a hot topic
The conference highlights capabilities and trends in interactive 3D graphics
across a wide range of applications and supports research from mobile
devices up to high-end immersive environments.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
§ Modeling, processing, analysis and rendering of complex geometry,
structure, and behaviors
§ 3D search, shape matching and indexing
§ 3D City Models & Web3D, Geovisualization
§ Rendering algorithms and standardization and visualization of large data
§ Interaction methods for online 3D content
§ Interactive 3D graphics for mobile devices
§ Mixed and Augmented Reality (including standardization aspects)
§ Agents, animated humanoids, and complex reactive characters
§ Remote rendering and streaming
§ Stereo and multi-view visualization of 3D graphic interfaces
§ High-performance 3D graphics for distributed environments, tele-presence,
tele-operation, and 3D broadcasting
§ Web, multimedia and standards integration and interoperation
Authors are also invited to submit advances in the above technologies
applied to multimedia applications in:
§ Audiovisual, Multimedia, 3D Animation
§ Engineering (Automotive, Design...)
§ Transport, Security
§ 3D Medical Applications, Life Sciences and Healthcare
§ Geospatial modeling and digital cities
§ Public sector and tourism
§ Cultural heritage and E-learning
Organizing Committee
General Chair:
Dr. Jorge Posada, Vicomtech-IK4, Spain
Program Chairs:
Dr. Denis Gracanin, Virginia Tech, USA
Dr. Byounghyun Yoo, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology,
Dr. David Oyarzun, Vicomtech-IK4, Spain
Tutorials Chair:
Dr. Sandy Ressler, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Workshops Chair:
Dr. Marius Preda, Institut Mines Telecom, France
(*special session on City Models and Web3D conducted by Dr. Sisi Zlatanova,
TU Delft, Netherlands)
Industrial Liaisons Chair:
Christophe Mouton, EDF, France
Web Chair:
Dr. Marcio Cabral, CAVERNA Digital - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Leonard Daly, Daly Realism, USA
Publicity and Community-Liaison Chair
Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium, USA
EuroRV3: EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation
in Visualization - in conjunction with EuroVis 2013
*** Call for Papers ***
The EuroRV3: EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and
Validation in Visualization focuses on the need for reliable visualization.
We concentrate on recent and future developments related to the
reproducibility of newly-developed visualization approaches, the
verification of visualization and data-processing systems, the validation of
visualization paradigms, and the effective incorporation of each of these
into modern visualizations. Reliable reproducibility is a given in the more
mature sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology etc. and is a
requirement if visualization is to evolve into a mature science.
Displaying and analyzing data is of ever-increasing importance in almost all
research disciplines. Consequently, the field of visualization is constantly
growing and reliable visualizations are of more and more importance for
domain experts to gain authentic insights. This progress comes along with a
steady growth in diversity and complexity of visualization methods, making
judgment of the reliability difficult. This workshop solicits short papers
and panel statements that address the core questions of the field of
reliability in visualization. This includes
- the reproducibility of newly developed visualization approaches
- the verification of visualization and data-processing systems
- the validation of the used visualization paradigms
- the incorporation of such uncertainty aspects into visualizations
In addition to the above topics, this year's workshop invites short papers
(4 pages) and panel proposals (2 pages) with a special focus on
Human-Centered Visualization and Verification. Topics include:
- The role of the user in the verification and validation of visualization
- Reliability of the human visual system
- Limitations challenges associated with the human visual system
- Verification that is most effective/objective from a human-centered point
of view
- Information overload
- Intuitive interactions
- Human-centered evaluation of visualizations
- Cognition
- Symbolization and abstraction
- Theoretical vs. practically effective validation, verification, and
All accepted papers will be published in electronic proceedings. A selection
of the best short papers will be invited to extend their papers and submit
to a special issue of Computing and Visualization in Science. Panel
proposals describe the topic to be addressed and identify the prospective
panelists. Each panelist includes a short position statement on the topic
and a short biography, the total of which is limited to 500 words for each
panelist, up to a maximum of two pages for the whole panel.
*** Important Dates ***
Short Papers Submission Deadline: March 8, 2013
Acceptance Notification: April 19, 2013
Camera-ready Deadline: May 3, 2013
*** Workshop Co-Chairs ***
Paul Rosenthal
Robert S. Laramee
Mike Kirby
Gordon L. Kindlmann