Cyberworlds 2013
Call for Papers
October 21-23, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Cyberworlds are information worlds or communities created on cyberspace by
collaborating participants either intentionally or spontaneously. As
information worlds, they accumulate information regardless whether or not
anyone is in, and they can be with or without 2D or 3D visual graphics
appearance. The examples of such cyberworlds are communities created in
different social networking services, 3D shared virtual environments, and
multiplayer online games. Cyberworlds are closely related to the real world
and have a serious impact on it, augment and sometimes replace the real life
and become a significant component of real economy. The international
conferences on Cyberworlds have being organized annually since 2002 with the
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society and special issues published
in multiple journals,including The Visual Computer and Springer Transactions
on Computational Science. Cyberworlds 2013 will be organized by the Society
for Art and Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University,
Japan, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS, and supported by
The topics covered by Cyberworlds 2013 will include but are not limited to
- Networked and shared virtual worlds
- Virtual collaborative spaces
- Shape modeling for cyberworlds
- Virtual humans and avatars
- Multimodal interaction and rendering
- Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
- Cognitive informatics
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Affective computing
- Social computing
- Online communities
- E-learning in cyberworlds
- Multi-user web games
- Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
- Cyberethics and cyberlaws
- Cybersecurity
- Welfare in cyberworlds
- Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
- Visual analytics in cyberworlds
* Publication *
Subumission categories include full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up
to 4 pages) and posters (1 page). All accepted submissions will be included
in the conference proceedings to be published by the Conference Publishing
Services (CPS) and placed in the IEEE Xplore and Computer Society digital
libraries, and submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex),
Thomson ISI, and other indexing services. Selected full papers will be
included in the special issues of The Visual Computer,Springer Transactions
on Computational Science and International Journal of Art, Culture and
Design Technologies
* Important Dates *
- Paper (full and short) submission May 17, 2013
- Poster submission June 30, 2013
- Authors notification July 19, 2013
- Authors registration August 2, 2013
- Camera-ready paper August
2, 2013
* Organization *
Honorary Chair:
-Tosiyasu L. Kunii (Morpho, Inc., The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Steering Committee Coordinator:
-Alexei Sourin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
General Chair:
-Issei Fujishiro (Keio University, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
-Xiaoyang Mao (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
-Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Special Session Co-Chairs:
-Gianluca Mura (Politecnico di Milano University, Italy)
-Lichan Hong (Google Research, USA)
Publicity and Finance Chair:
-Masahiro Toyoura (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
>>> REMINDER WSCG 2013 Call for Papers <<<
>> Please, disseminate the Call for Papers <<
Dear WSCG friend,
please, find Call for Papers for the WSCG 2013 useful and circulate it to your colleagues as well.
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W S C G ' 2013
21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2013
http://www.wscg.eu or http://www.wscg.cz
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS; SIGGRAPH and ACM listed
will be held in Pilsen [Plzen] (http://www.pilsen.eu/en)
close to Prague [Praha] the Golden European City, Czech Republic
June 24-27, 2013
Program Co-Chairs
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSB-Technical University, Czech Republic
Important dates
Abstract submission: March 5, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Paper submission: March 15, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Poster submission: April 29, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU graphics, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object‑oriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, CAD and GIS systems, geometrical algebra and related topics.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN.
The proceedings will be sent for indexing including ISI/Thomson Reuters, Scopus.
All papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site after the conference with no access restriction for wide dissemination.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.21. ISSN 1213‑6972
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala http://www.VaclavSkala.eu
c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science Dept., Univerzitni 8,
CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG
Conference office
Vaclav Skala, Union Agency
Na Mazinach 9, CZ 322 00 Plzen, Czech Republic
Feel free to visit http://www.WSCG.eu
All papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)
3IA013 - Submission deadline extended to March 10, 2013
Please accept our apologies for receiving multiple copies and feel
free to forward the CfP to colleagues who might be interested
The New 3IA Conference 2013
The Graphic World seen through Intelligent Computation
In Cooperation with Eurographics
6-7 June 2013, TOULOUSE (FRANCE)
Call for paper
3IA 2013
International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence
Date and location: Toulouse, France, 6-7 June 2013
Papers submission deadline March 10, 2013
Selected papers will be published in a special Springer volume Studies in
Computational Intelligence
<http://www.irit.fr/3IA2013> www.irit.fr/3IA2013
The fifteenth 3IA conference on Computer graphics and Artificial
Intelligence aims at providing an international place for researches to
exchange novel ideas, challenges, and state of the art solutions in this
evolving field.
Origin and evolution of the conference
The 3IA Conference has been created 18 years ago by Dimitri Plemenos,
honoring chair of the 2013 event. After numerous editions in Limoges
(FRANCE), the conference moved for five years in Athens (GREECE).
For the next editions, the conference will take place in different
countries. This new cycle will start with the city of Toulouse (FRANCE) in
2013 and will next be held in Hamburg (GERMANY) in 2014. Others countries
are candidates for the future editions such as Canada, Spain and China and
we hope that this new organization will increase the interest of researchers
in this exciting field and the attraction for this dedicated event.
Main Topics
Artificial Intelligence or Artificial life techniques for
- Core graphics (modeling, rendering, animation)
- Virtual Humans and Virtual Wolds
- Artificial Creatures
- Games, Serious Games
- Art and Design
This includes but is not limited to:
* Declarative techniques in scene modeling
* Scene properties description techniques
* Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds
* Intelligent collaborative design
* Semantics-based approaches in design
* Artificial Life for Virtual Worlds
* Generative developmental systems for graphics
* Artificial ecosystems
* Behavioral animation
* Design of intelligent graphic interfaces
* Computer graphics and learning
* Combination of classical and AI techniques
* Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS
* Intelligent techniques for 3D printing
* Intelligent visualization
* Intelligent computational aesthetics
* Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics
* Evolutionary Art and Design
All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the
3IA'2013 Conference.
A selection of extended papers will be published in a special
Springer book: Intelligent Computer Graphics 2013.
International Program Committee (currently being extended)
* Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
* Christian BOHN (Germany)
* Rene CAUBET (France)
* Pierre De LOOR (France)
* Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
* Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France)
* Yves DUTHEN (France)
* Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
* Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France)
* Andres IGLESIAS (Spain)
* Andrey IONES (USA)
* Prem KALRA (India)
* Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia)
* Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic)
* Jean-Claude LAFON (France)
* Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland)
* Michel MERIAUX (France)
* Georges MIAOULIS (Greece)
* Wolfgang OERTEL (Germany)
* Zhigeng PAN (China)
* Pascal LIENHARDT (France)
* Dimitri PLEMENOS (France)
* Mateu SBERT (Spain)
* Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic)
* Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland)
* Theoharis THEOHARIS (Greece)
* Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece)
* Jiri ZARA (Czech Republic)
Paper submission deadline: March 10 2013.
Paper acceptance notification: April 14 2013.
Short paper submission deadline: March 31st, 2013.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 14th, 2013.
Final papers due: May 4th, 2013.
Conference date: June 6-7, 2013.
Honoring Chair
D. Plemenos
General Conference chairs
Yves Duthen ( <mailto:yves.duthen@ut-capitole.fr>
Hervé Luga (herve.luga(a)ut-capitole.fr)
Program and publication Chair
Georges Miaoulis
Local Chair
Organizing committee
Web Site / Electronic Publication
<http://udmv.udg.edu/> 1st Eurographics Workshop
on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation, 5 may 2013
EXTENDED DEADLINE Submission deadline 5 March 2013
1st Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation
5 may 2013, Girona, Spain
Join in to discuss the modelling and visualisation of the city!
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
- Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city (spatio-temporal
- Multi-scale geometric data (from building scale to urban scale)
- Multi-scale temporal data (from real time to history time)
- Visualisation of several urban data layers (aggregated indicators)
- Visual analytics using urban data (decision making processes and CAD)
- Acquisition and generation of real or realistic urban data
Two types of contributions will be considered :
- research papers, 4 pages in EG publication format.
- position papers, 2 pages in EG publication format.
All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference by one of the
authors, and will be published in the EG Digital Library.
Important dates:
March 5, 2013 : Paper submission
March 25, 2013 : Author notification
April 7, 2013 : Camera-Ready Paper Due
May 5, 2013 : Workshop date
Please visit the conference website udmv.udg.edu for more information.
And spread the word!
Organizer : CERMA, UMR CNRS 1563, France
Conference host and co-organizer: Universitat de Girona (UdG), Spain
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
With kind regards,
Ass. Prof. Dr Vincent Tourre
[UDMV Workshop co-Chair]
École Centrale de Nantes
[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP; Please
distribute to anyone interested; Thank you]
Pacific Graphics 2013 Call For Papers (Website: http://www.pg2013.org/)
The 21st Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific
Graphics 2013) will be held in Singapore on October 7-9, 2013.
Pacific Graphics (PG) is an annual international conference on computer
graphics and applications. As a highly successful series, Pacific Graphics
provides a premier forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the
Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Paper Submission
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics
and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling,
rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer
interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new
ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.
Paper Publication
The conference will have a full paper track as well as a short paper track.
The full papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will
appear as a special issue of the Computer Graphics Forum. The short papers
will be made available to the participants in electronic form through EG
digital library.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission May 6, 2013
Full/Short Paper Submission May 13, 2013
Author Notification July 10, 2013
Camera Ready August 19, 2013
Conference October 7-9, 2013
Conference Organization
General Chairs
Michael Brown, National University of Singapore
Aaron Hertzmann, Adobe Systems / University of Toronto
Program Chairs
Bruno Levy, INRIA
Xin Tong, Microsoft Research Asia
KangKang Yin, National University of Singapore
Organization Chairs
Philip Fu, Nanyang Technological University
Ping Tan, National University of Singapore
/// SIGRAD 2013 - First Call for Papers
/// Conference of the Swedish Eurographics Chapter
/// <http://scivis.itn.liu.se/sigrad2013>
SIGRAD 2013 will be held June 13-14, 2013 in Norrköping, Sweden, and
focuses on visual computing. SIGRAD solicits the submission of original
research papers that advance the state-of-the-art of one of the subareas
of visual computing, ranging from computer graphics and visualization to
Covered Topics
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
* Real-time rendering
* Global illumination
* Image-based rendering
* Computational Photography
* High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Graph drawing
* Volume rendering
* Visual Analytics
* Vector field visualization
* Virtual reality
* 3D human-computer-interaction
* Advanced user interfaces
Important Dates
* Paper submission: April 21, 2013.
* Paper notification: May 17, 2013.
* Venue: June 13-14, 2013.
SIGRAD Co-Chairs
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Jonas Unger (Linköping University, Sweden)
Program Committee
* Tomas Akenine Möller (Lund University, Sweden)
* Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Francesco Banterle (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
* Stefan Bruckner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Michael Burch (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Gerd Bruder (University of Würzburg, Germany)
* Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick, UK)
* Matt Cooper (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Michael Doggett (Lund University, Sweden)
* Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Eduard Gröller, (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Diego Gutierrez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
* Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
* Lars Kjeldahl (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
* Tomas Larsson (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
* Rafal Mantiuk (Bangor University, UK)
* Tania Pouli (Max Planck Institut für Informatik, Germany)
* Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
* Stefan Seipel (University Gävle, Sweden)
* Heidrun Schumann (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Veronika Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
* Ivan Viola (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Ruediger Westermann (TU Munich, Germany)
* Thomas Wischgoll (Wright State University, US)
* Burkhard Wuensche (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
* Anders Ynnerman (Linköping University, Sweden)
Further Information
* http://scivis.itn.liu.se/sigrad2013
NPAR 2013 Call For Papers
Submission deadline April 7, 2013
We invite you to submit your work to NPAR 2013, the 11th international
symposium dedicated to non-photorealistic animation and rendering, sponsored
by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with Eurographics.
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) refers to computational
techniques for visual communication. Such techniques usually generate
imagery and motion which is expressive, rather than photorealistic, although
they may incorporate realistic elements.
NPAR 2013 is part of Expressive 2013, a joint symposium that combines NPAR
with Computational Aesthetics (CAe) and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
(SBIM). It will be co-located with SIGGRAPH and will take place in Anaheim,
California, July 19th-21st, 2013. A single registration for Expressive 2013
will include all three symposia. The Expressive 2013 web site can be found
at <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/conference/expressive-2013/>
We invite researchers, artists, and practitioners of all areas connected to
non-photorealistic animation and rendering to submit papers and posters on
their work. Submitted papers should be self-classified into one of the
following three categories:
Research: new algorithms, scientific studies, analysis, or data (i.e.,
traditional NPAR papers) These must contain novel results that make a
substantial contribution to the field.
Production: candid discussion of the process of creating a work (e.g.,
film, image, game) or art tool (e.g., paint or CAD program, software
Meta: statements about research that do not contain new results, e.g.:
grand challenges, position papers, evaluation standards, surveys, and
primers on art / aesthetics / psychophysics for a computer science audience.
All work must be previously unpublished and contain a novel contribution.
Production and Meta papers need not contain original research or results.
Topic areas of the conference include but are not limited to:
Expressive character animation and physics Abstraction and stylization
of images/video Interaction techniques Accounts of real productions
(e.g., animated films) NPAR in real software products (e.g., modeling,
visualization, presentation software) Visual composition Hardware
acceleration Evaluation methods for NPAR algorithms Psychophysics of
NPAR Rendering and layout for text and presentation graphics
Quantitative analysis of human artists Generative or evolutionary
approaches Style transfer Temporal and spatial coherence Adapting
classic CG effects like motion blur, depth of field, and lighting for NPAR
Simulation of natural media and traditional styles Non-traditional camera
models Position papers on grand challenges
There is no absolute maximum length for paper submissions; please use the
SIGGRAPH length guidelines, found here:
In particular, note that papers longer than 8-10 pages must make a very
significant contribution to be accepted. Papers should follow the ACM
SIGGRAPH-sponsored conference formatting instructions (
http://www.siggraph.org/publications/instructions), including a title page
with an abstract and keywords, and a bibliography. Submission is electronic
in PDF format; supplemental video and images may also be submitted. Research
papers are reviewed double-blind and so must be anonymous when submitted.
Meta and Production papers are reviewed single-blind and the authors
reputation and institution are a factor that reviewers may consider.
Information on the submission process will be available on our website.
Accepted conference papers will be published in the conference proceedings
by ACM SIGGRAPH and will be available online via the ACM Digital Library.
Posters will not be archived. Posters may be submitted in PDF format as
either an extended abstract or as a draft of the poster itself. Rejected
papers may be considered for the poster track.
Presentation of work previously published in a journal: The intent of this
change is to allow authors who prefer (or need) to publish their work in
journal form the opportunity to present that work at Expressive.
Requirements: The work should be published in the July 2012-July 2013 time
frame, and not have been presented at a conference or symposium already.
What to submit: A copy of the paper abstract and a link to the published
paper or a pre-print of it. Submissions will be reviewed by the program
committee for suitability of content. Note that accepted presentations are
subject to the same rules as regular papers, namely that at least one author
must register for the conference. Deadline:
April 7, 2013.
Technical artwork submissions: Last year, authors of accepted papers were
invited to bring artworks made using their techniques to show at Expressive
(this was different than the art show itself). We would like to extend this
invitation again, but open it to all attendees. These artworks will be
displayed at the Expressive venue. Requirements: The artwork should be
related to recent technical work that falls under the Expressive umbrella.
What to submit: A one-page abstract describing how the artwork was created,
along with an image or video. Deadline: June 2, 2013.
Unlike previous years, there will not be an official process to consider
NPAR 2013 papers for journal publication.
Merged program committee: Expressive 2013 will have a single, merged
technical program committee. However, papers will still be submitted to one
of the NPAR, SBIM and CAe symposia tracks and reviewed by that symposium's
Posters, demos, and artwork: You are invited to submit to these programs at
anytime before June 2nd; every effort will be made to return a response
within two weeks.
Important Dates
Papers submission deadline: April 7th, 2013 Acceptance notification: May 13,
2013 Papers Camera-ready deadline: May 20, 2013 Poster/demo/talk/artwork
submission deadlines: rolling notification, closes June 2nd, 2013
Conference: July 19-21, 2013
All deadlines are at 17:00 (5pm) Pacific Daylight Savings Time.
Important URLs
Expressive 2013: <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/conference/expressive-2013/>
SIGGRAPH 2013: <http://s2013.siggraph.org/> http://s2013.siggraph.org/
SIGGRAPH-sponsored conference formatting instructions:
SIGGRAPH 2013 publication requirements:
Submission website: <https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/EX2013/>
Conference Chairs:
Forrester Cole (NPAR track chair), Pixar Animation Studios, USA Donald House
(CAe track chair), Clemson University, USA Levent Burak Kara (SBIM track
chair), Carnegie Mellon University, USA
General chair:
Cindy Grimm, Oregon State University, USA
Posters Chairs:
Metin Sezgin, Koç University, Istanbul
Eurographics Italian Chapter annual event 2013:
CGLibs: Smart Libraries for Computer Graphics
<http://www.cglibs.org> http://www.cglibs.org
Pisa 3-5, June 2013
Behind a great application there is a great library! That set of
functionalities and those concepts that are common to so many applications
on the same domain and that we should keep rewriting if we did not have
CGLibs is a series of intensive courses on 6 great open source
libraries for Computer Graphics, written and maintained by well known
scientists and made available to everyone!
::::::::::::::::::3D Geometry::::::::::::::::::::::::
The Visualization and Computer Graphics Library is an open source portable
C++ templated library for manipulation, processing and displaying with
OpenGL of polygonal meshes.
speaker Paolo Cignoni
The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project
for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
speaker: Federico Tombari
::::::::::::::::::Graphics for the Web::::::::::::::::::::::::
SpiderGL is a JavaScript CG library that provides a series of utilities,
structures, and algorithms to serve typical graphics tasks.
speaker Marco Di Benedetto
::::::::::::::::General Purpose Computation::::::::::::::::::::::::
is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical
solvers, and related algorithms.
speaker: Gael Guennebaud
is a free open-source linear algebra library for computations on GPUs
and multi-core CPUs. The library is written in C++ and supports CUDA,
OpenCL, and OpenMP. In addition to core functionality and many other
features including BLAS level 1-3 support and iterative solvers, the latest
release ViennaCL 1.4.0 now includes an incomplete Cholesky factorization
speaker: Florian Rudolf
is an open-source C++ framework for optimizing graph-based nonlinear
error functions. g2o has been designed to be easily extensible to a wide
range of problems and a new problem typically can be specified in a few
lines of code. The current implementation provides solutions to several
variants of SLAM and BA.
speaker: Giorgio Grisetti
::::::::::::::::::Call for Poster :::::::::::::::::::::
Science made Practical: Poster Session
CGLibs aims at blurring the border between scientific exploration and
practical applications which make an intense use of visual computing, and a
wide open poster session will be the perfect place where to discuss new
ideas, new products, or ideas for new products.
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of:
- recent results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects
- recent or upcoming commercial products, ideas for new products
as long as it may be of interest to the general community and
include intense use of visual computing technology. Posters may be written
in English or Italian.
Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a
posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events and
during the breaks. We encourage submissions from all areas related to
computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation,
simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters will be expected to be present at their posters
during the posters session to discuss their work and answer questions.
The abstracts of the posters will be collected in a small volume distributed
to the attendees.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2 page paper which must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines (
http://www.eg.org/index.php/publications/guidelines) and may be accompanied
by a preliminary version of the actual poster if the authors wish it.
Anonymous submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics
Submission and Review Management (SRM <http://srm.eg.org>
http://srm.eg.org) system and subject do a review process. Authors will be
notified in time for submission of a final version in two formats, a 2 page
paper and an A4 version of the final poster. Both formats will be included
in the conference digital media with the proceedings and other material.
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact
<mailto:it-chapter@eg.org> it-chapter(a)eg.org
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59GMT, 29/Mar/2013.
Notification to authors will be on 19/Apr/2013.
PhD School: CGLibs is also a PhD School:
Registration fee:
Early bird (on-site is +30 Euro)
Member: 250
Non Member: 280
Student Member: 130
Student non Member: 130
Paolo Pingi , <mailto:Paolo.Pingi@isti.cnr.it> Paolo.Pingi(a)isti.cnr.it
Fabio Ganovelli , <mailto:fabio.ganovelli@gmail.com>
<http://www.cglibs.org/> http://www.cglibs.org
<http://www.eg-italy.org/> http://www.eg-italy.org
>>> REMINDER WSCG 2013 Call for Papers <<<
>> Please, disseminate the Call for Papers <<
Dear WSCG friend,
please, find Call for Papers for the WSCG 2013 useful and circulate it to your colleagues as well.
------------------ CUT HERE -----------------------------
W S C G ' 2013
21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2013
http://www.wscg.eu or http://www.wscg.cz
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS; SIGGRAPH and ACM listed
will be held in Pilsen [Plzen] (http://www.pilsen.eu/en)
close to Prague [Praha] the Golden European City, Czech Republic
June 24-27, 2013
Program Co-Chairs
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSB-Technical University, Czech Republic
Important dates
Abstract submission: March 5, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Paper submission: March 15, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Poster submission: April 29, 2013 13:00 GMT (London time)
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU graphics, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, objectoriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, CAD and GIS systems, geometrical algebra and related topics.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN.
The proceedings will be sent for indexing including ISI/Thomson Reuters, Scopus.
All papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site after the conference with no access restriction for wide dissemination.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.21. ISSN 12136972
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala http://www.VaclavSkala.eu
c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science Dept., Univerzitni 8,
CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz Subject: INFO WSCG
Conference office
Vaclav Skala, Union Agency
Na Mazinach 9, CZ 322 00 Plzen, Czech Republic
Feel free to visit http://www.WSCG.eu
All papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Dear Colleague:
we would like to inform you that the Eurographics 2013 online registration
is now open and the early-bird registration will last until
*** March 11st, 2013 ***
so please register soon to catch the reduced fees! Registration information
is provided on our website:
Accommodation should also be booked as soon as possible, as the conference
is just before the "flowers week" in Girona, a major touristic local event.
Hotel information can and travel information can be found on our website:
The 2013 program can be found at: http://eg2013.udg.edu/program.shtml
May 4th-5th and May 11th will be dedicated to co-located events, while the
main conference will open on Monday, May 6th and close on Friday, May 10th.
In connection with the conference there will be a technology exhibition in
the Main Hall of the conference facilities.
The tutorial program on Monday is included in the conference registration
and the conference opening with the awards session followed by the paper
fast forward will start on Monday, May 14th, around at 16:30. Take into
account this schedule in your travel plans.
Full details on the conference, co-located events and program can be found
through the conference web site at:
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs(a)eg2013.udg.edu)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya