Shape Modeling International 2013
10-12 July, 2013
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University Poole, UK
Conference Chairs: Peter Comninos, Bianca Falcidieno
The Shape Modeling International (SMI) conference provides an international
forum for the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational
techniques for modeling, simulating and processing digital representations
of shapes. Its target audience is the community of researchers, developers,
students, and practitioners addressing these topics across a wide range of
fields. Shape Modeling International 2013 (SMI'13) will be held at the
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK
from 10 July 2013 to 12 July 2013.
The conference will last for three days and will consist of presentations of
technical and practical papers, as well as courses and tutorials. It will
also include an Art Exhibition and an Animation Theatre Show. Details on the
different conference activities are provided below.
Technical Papers Chairs: Valery Adzhiev, Alla Sheffer, Michela Spagnuolo
Submission deadline: 18 March 2013
First decision notification: 12 April 2013 Revised papers submission: 30
April 2013 Final decision notification: 15 May 2013 Final copies submission:
29 May 2013
All submissions will be peer reviewed and will be handled via the Elsevier
EES system at <>
Original research papers accepted for presentation at the conference, both
full-length (14 pages max) and short (6-8 pages), will be published in the
Computers & Graphics Journal.
Papers are being sought in all areas of shape processing and its
applications, including (but not limited to):
- Shape Acquisition & Reconstruction
- Topological Modeling of Shapes
- Shape Representations
- Semantics of Shapes
- Shape Recognition, Classification & Segmentation
- Shape Matching & Retrieval
- Curve, Surface and Volume Representations
- Implicit Surfaces
- Volume and Multidimensional Shape Modeling
- Subdivision Methods and Multi-resolution Techniques
- Parametric and Procedural Shape Modeling
- Shape Transformation and Deformation
- Interactive Design and Editing
- Shape Modeling in Education
This year we especially encourage submissions in the areas of:
(1) Shape Modeling in Computer Animation and Games
(2) Fabrication and Additive Manufacturing Techniques
Indicative topics are as follows:
- Shape Modeling for Computer Animation
- Shape Modeling for Games & Entertainment
- Physically-based Shape Modeling and Simulation
- Heterogeneous Shape Modeling
- Shape Modeling and Design for Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing
- Shape Modeling for Bio-engineering
- Haptic Shape Modeling
Chairs: Ergun Akleman, Alexander Pasko
Submission deadline: 1 April 2013
First decision notification: 21 April 2013 Revised papers submission: 7 May
2013 Final decision notification: 15 May 2013 Final copies submission: 29
May 2013
This stream of papers, first featured at SMI'12, is targeted at
practitioners such as architects and sculptors, providing a venue for
describing methods and techniques relevant to their practice. We expect
these submissions to pose new questions and to motivate further research in
shape modeling. Papers accepted to this stream will be published in a
special issue of the Hyperseeing magazine. Practical paper presentations
will be 15 minutes in length and they are likely to be presented in sessions
that are held in parallel with some technical paper sessions.
Specifically, the Fabrication and Sculpting stream seeks submissions
presenting original research in all areas of sculpting and fabricating of
shapes, including (but not limited to):
. From a creative spark to a first computer model
. Capturing a given inspiring original in a procedural description
. Creative design to fabrication
. Integrating constraints (e.g., developability) into the design
. Integrating parametric shape modeling and sculpting/fabrication
. Weaving, knitting, braiding and crocheting
. CAD-CAM systems for digital design, sculpting, and fabrication
. Rapid-prototyping techniques
. Issues related to 3D Printing, laser cutting, CNC, and casting
. Physical sculpting/fabrication
. Materials technology for fabrication
. Freeform constructability
. Constructing with thin metals and/or papers
. Practice of fabrication in architecture, sculpture, construction,
and engineering
. Pedagogy in sculpting/fabrication
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subsidiary companies via email.
Call for Papers:
SMI/ISAMA 2013: Shape Fabrication & Sculpting Event
We invite you to submit a paper to Shape Fabrication and
Sculpting Program, a joint event by Shape Modeling
International (SMI) & International Society of The
International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and
Architecture (ISAMA). This stream of papers, first featured at
SMI'12, is targeted at practitioners such as architects and
sculptors, providing a venue for describing methods and
techniques relevant to their practice. We expect these
submissions to pose new questions and to motivate further
research in shape modeling. Papers accepted to this stream will
be published in a special issue of the Hyperseeing magazine.
This is similar to the publication of the SIGGRAPH art
submission in the Leonardo journal. Practical paper
presentations will be 15 minutes in length and they are likely
to be presented in sessions that are held in parallel with some
technical paper sessions.
Specifically, the Fabrication and Sculpting stream seeks
submissions presenting original research in all areas of
sculpting and fabricating of shapes. For list of topics see
and for examples of papers
from 2012 event, see
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 1 April 2013
First decision notification: 21 April 2013
Revised papers submission: 7 May 2013
Final decision notification: 15 May 2013
Final copies submission: 29 May 2013
Submission Paper submissions should be made via the easychair
conference management system at
For more information see <>
Chairs: Ergun Akleman, Alexander Pasko
W S C G ' 2013
Submission extended
21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision 2013
<> or <>
in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS; SIGGRAPH and ACM listed
will be held in Pilsen [Plzen] ( <>
close to Prague [Praha] the Golden European City
Czech Republic
June 24-27, 2013
Program Co-Chairs
Manuel M. Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia & VSB-Technical University, Czech Republic
Important dates
>> Paper submission EXTENDED: Extended to March 31, 2013 23:55 GMT (London time)
>> Poster submission EXTENDED: May 5-15, 2013 23:55 GMT (London time)
Topics included
Computer graphics and visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, GPU graphics, graphical human computer interfaces, geometric modeling, computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object‑oriented graphics, parallel and distributed graphics, CAD and GIS systems, geometrical algebra and related topics.
Accepted and presented papers and posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN.
The proceedings will be sent for indexing including ISI/Thomson Reuters, Scopus.
All papers will be available on-line on WSCG WEB site after the conference with no access restriction for wide dissemination.
Selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG, Vol.21. ISSN 1213‑6972
Organizer and conference office
Prof. Vaclav Skala <>
c/o University of West Bohemia, Computer Science Dept., Univerzitni 8,
CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
e-mail: <> skala(a) Subject: INFO WSCG
Conference office
Vaclav Skala, Union Agency
Na Mazinach 9, CZ 322 00 Plzen, Czech Republic
Feel free to visit <>
All papers are available on-line since 1992 (no access restriction)
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Dear Colleague:
we would like to inform you that the Eurographics 2013 online registration
is open and the early-bird registration will last only until NEXT WEEK, that
*** March 11st, 2013 ***
so please register as soon as possible to catch the reduced fees!
Registration information is provided on our website:
Accommodation should also be booked as soon as possible, as the conference
is just before the "flowers week" in Girona, a major touristic local event,
and we have also discovered there will be another conference in the city the
same week. Hotel information can and travel information can be found on our
The 2013 program can be found at:
May 4th-5th and May 11th will be dedicated to co-located events, while the
main conference will open on Monday, May 6th and close on Friday, May 10th.
In connection with the conference there will be a technology exhibition in
the Main Hall of the conference facilities.
The tutorial program on Monday is included in the conference registration
and the conference opening with the awards session followed by the paper
fast forward will start on Monday, May 14th, around at 16:30. Take into
account this schedule in your travel plans.
Full details on the conference, co-located events and program can be found
through the conference web site at:
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs(a)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
(CORRECTION - Deadline changed to March 19)
Call for Submissions 3DV Conference (Third Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference)
Email: chairs3dv(a)
We invite submissions for the 3DV (3D Vision) conference to be held June 29
- July 1, 2013 in Seattle, Washington, following CVPR in nearby Portland,
Oregon. This meeting will be a continuation of the successful 3DIM and 3DPVT
conference series. Submissions are solicited on topics related to acquiring,
modeling, analyzing, and visualizing 3D data. The event will provide a
premier forum for disseminating ideas and results that cover a broad scope
of topics related to 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel
optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation, and
transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of
The organizers invite you to submit high quality, original full research
papers by March 19 2013.
Note that the submission date for this conference occurs during the SIGGRAPH
rebuttal period. Accommodations will be made for authors who want to
retarget their SIGGRAPH submissions for this meeting.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
. 3D cameras and sensors
. Real-time 3D systems
. Automated view planning
. 3D sensor calibration
. Image-based modeling
. Shape-from-X
. Shape and appearance modeling
. 4D capture
. Image and video-based rendering
. Interactive modeling
. Augmented and mixed reality
. 3D printing and rapid prototyping
. Psychophysics of 3D sensing
. Geometric signal processing
. Multi-resolution 3D representations
. 3D shape retrieval and recognition
. Shape analysis and morphology
. 3D compression and transmission
. Reverse engineering
. Dimensional inspection & metrology
. Cultural heritage & architecture
. Medical visualization and analysis
. Urban modeling
. Robotics
. 3D television
. 3D tele-immersion
. Forensics and security
General Chair
Brian Curless, University of Washington
Program Co-Chairs
Yasutaka Furukawa, Google Inc.
Ioannis Stamos, City University of New York
Camillo J. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
Dear Colleagues,
this is a kind reminder for the quick approaching deadline for the Short
Paper and Workshop submissions for
. EuroVis 2013 Short Paper Track
. EnvirVis: Visualization in Environmental Sciences
. EuroRVVV: EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification,
and Validation in Visualization
. VAMP 2013: Visual Analytics using Multidimensional
. VMLS 2013: Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences
. EuroVA 2013: Fourth International EuroVis Workshop on Visual
All initial submissions are due on
*** March 8, 2013
Details can be found on the conference website
- <>
and the websites of the co-located events:
- <>
*** EuroVis - Short Papers ***
For the second time, EuroVis 2013 features a short paper track. The purpose
of this track is to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. Short papers will
be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international program
committee. They will be electronically archived and are fully citable
publications. Submissions for the short paper track should be 4 pages (at
most), excluding references, and 5 pages (at most), in total. They will be
orally presented at the conference. EuroVis 2013 will be held in Leipzig,
Germany, June 17-21, 2013.
Important Dates for All Submissions:
. Submission Deadline: March 8, 2013
. Acceptance Notification: April 19, 2013
. Camera-ready Deadline: May 3, 2013
. Conference and workshop will take place: June 17-21, 2013
A EuroVis short paper describes a more focused and concise research
contribution and is likely to have a smaller -- yet still significant --
scope of contribution than a full paper. Short papers draw from the same
paper types as full papers, as well as the same list of suggested topics.
The following descriptive examples, which are characterized in contrast to
full papers, may be helpful in understanding what kinds of submissions may
be suitable for short papers:
. A new visualization technique or system and evidence of
its utility compared to known techniques or systems
(described in sufficient detail to assist an expert reader
in replicating the technique or system, but without
exhaustive implementation detail and evaluation).
. An incremental improvement or variation of an existing
visualization technique or system with convincing
. An extensive evaluation of an existing visualization
technique or system.
. A well-proven counter-example to an existing
visualization technique that helps to understand
. A new implementation approach that has demonstrably
addressed a significant technical issue
(without extensive evaluation of the implementation).
. A new methodology for designing or studying visualization
systems that has demonstrable benefits for the EuroVis
community (without extensive evaluation of the
All submissions must be original works that have not been published
previously in any conference proceedings, magazine, journal, or edited book.
The Short Paper Co-Chairs,
Mario Hlawitschka, University of Leipzig, Germany
Tino Weinkauf, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2013)
Leipzig, Germany
June 15-17, 2013
*** Call for short papers (extended abstracts) ***
The third international workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life
Sciences will take place in 2013 (VMLS 2013). After two successful events in
2006 and 2009, VMLS 2013 will, for the first time, be co-located with
EuroVis. The goal of the workshop is to discuss novel visualization
techniques driven by the needs in medicine and life sciences as well as new
application areas and challenges for visualization within these fields. VMLS
2013 intends to generate ideas and concepts for visual analysis of data from
scientific studies of living organs or to the delivery of healthcare. Target
scientific domains include the entire field of biology at all scales - from
genes and proteins to organs and populations - as well as interdisciplinary
research based on technological advances such as bioinformatics,
biomedicine, biochemistry, or biophysics. Moreover, they comprise the field
of medicine and the application of science and technology to healthcare
problems. The workshop will be organized in form of presentation sessions of
invited and contributed talks and will allocate a significant amount of time
to vivid discussions.
We invite short papers (extended abstracts) to be submitted via the EuroVis
submission system.
Accepted papers will be included into the EuroVis online proceedings and
presented in a formal presentation during the workshop.
All presenters will be invited to submit a full paper to the
Accepted full papers will appear in a hard-cover book within the
Mathematics+Visualization series of the Springer-Verlag.
Submission Deadline: March 8, 2013
The workshop will consist of two parts:
. The first part (June 16-17) is by invitation only.
. The second part (June 17-18) is part of the EuroVis 2013 conference and
open to all EuroVis 2013 participants.
. Lars Linsen, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
. Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Germany
. Bernd Hamann, University of California, Davis, USA
Dear colleagues,
we are hiring a new research fellow (PhD candidate) in visualization at the
University of Bergen, Norway (see below for more information or refer to the
official announcement at The
application deadline is March 14, 2013.
Please kindly distribute this information to potentially interested
Thanks and best regards,
Stefan Bruckner
// Dr. Stefan Bruckner, Professor in Visualization
// Department of Informatics
// University of Bergen, Norway
== Open PhD Position in Visualization ==
We have an open PhD position in visualization at the Department of
Informatics ( of the University of Bergen, Norway.
Applicants should have have a strong background in computer graphics and/or
visualization, have excellent programming skills (in particular GPU
programming), and a good command of the English language. Specific expertise
in the visualization of biomedical data as well as knowledge in software
engineering and web development (HTML5, Ajax, WebGL) is advantageous.
The starting salary is grade 50 (code 1017/pay framework 20.8) in the Civil
Service pay grade table; currently NOK 416,600,- gross p.a. following
ordinary meriting regulations.
Applications will be solicited exclusively through the jobbnorge portal,
applications sent by e-mail will not be considered.
Please send your electronic application, CV, certificates, diplomas and
transcripts for both bachelor and master as well as scientific works,
including a list of publications, by clicking on the button marked "APPLY
application should include a brief statement of research interests and
motivation, and the names and contact details of at least two referees.
For further information about the position please contact
Stefan.Bruckner(a) or Helwig.Hauser(a)
Closing date for applications: 14 March 2013
(Apologies for multiple copies)
Call for Submissions 3DV Conference (Third Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference)
Email: chairs3dv(a)
We invite submissions for the 3DV (3D Vision) conference to be held June 29
- July 1, 2013 in Seattle, Washington, following CVPR in nearby Portland,
Oregon. This meeting will be a continuation of the successful 3DIM and 3DPVT
conference series. Submissions are solicited on topics related to acquiring,
modeling, analyzing, and visualizing 3D data. The event will provide a
premier forum for disseminating ideas and results that cover a broad scope
of topics related to 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel
optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation, and
transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of
The organizers invite you to submit high quality, original full research
papers by March 17 2013.
Note that the submission date for this conference occurs during the SIGGRAPH
rebuttal period. Accommodations will be made for authors who want to
retarget their SIGGRAPH submissions for this meeting.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
. 3D cameras and sensors
. Real-time 3D systems
. Automated view planning
. 3D sensor calibration
. Image-based modeling
. Shape-from-X
. Shape and appearance modeling
. 4D capture
. Image and video-based rendering
. Interactive modeling
. Augmented and mixed reality
. 3D printing and rapid prototyping
. Psychophysics of 3D sensing
. Geometric signal processing
. Multi-resolution 3D representations
. 3D shape retrieval and recognition
. Shape analysis and morphology
. 3D compression and transmission
. Reverse engineering
. Dimensional inspection & metrology
. Cultural heritage & architecture
. Medical visualization and analysis
. Urban modeling
. Robotics
. 3D television
. 3D tele-immersion
. Forensics and security
General Chair
Brian Curless, University of Washington
Program Co-Chairs
Yasutaka Furukawa, Google Inc.
Ioannis Stamos, City University of New York
Camillo J. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
Postdoctoral Position in Computer Vision Analysis of Growing Plants at U. C.
Davis, California, USA
We have a Postdoctoral scholar position in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of California, Davis CA, USA, for a researcher in
computer vision, image processing, image segmentation, or shape matching,
to work on a project to understand the growth of tomato plants. The work
includes multi-view stereo reconstruction, registration and joint
analysis of multi-view stereo, thermal, and "pushbroom" multispectral
imagery of growing plants, feature tracking in Micro Computed Tomography
images of growing plant meristems, and developing models of plant
growth, as well as helping to mentor two graduate students doing this
research. The position is for 12 months, with a possible extension for
up to 3 more months, and could start anytime in the calendar year 2013.
Appointment as a postdoctoral scholar requires a doctoral degree (Ph.D.,
M.D.) or foreign equivalent (in this case, in Computer Science or a
related filed such as Electrical Engineering or Mathematics). To apply,
e-mail a CV to Nelson Max <> <max(a)>.
The abstract of our
funded project is included below.
"In the near future, population increases combined with climate change
are expected to place unprecedented demands on agriculture. Droughts are
predicted to become more prevalent, nitrogen and phosphorous will become
limiting, and saline environments may be accessed as arable land becomes
depleted. Developing crop varieties to cope with such stresses under
unpredictable climate conditions will require a nuanced understanding of
genetic responses to environmental changes. Additionally, valuable water
and fertilizer must be efficiently triaged to those plants facing the
greatest deficit of resources. In this project, we will study responses
to drought, salinity, and nitrogen and phosphorous deprivation in
tomato, the second most valuable vegetable crop in California and
worldwide. We will use RNA expression profiling to identify those genes
most responsive to environmental stresses not only in domesticated
tomato, but also its wild relatives, which may harbor sensitized
responses to environmental change. We will develop high throughput
methods to measure biochemical markers of stress, including remote
multi-spectral sensing, thermal imaging, and stereo reconstruction.
Additionally, we will analyze changes in the development and morphology
of organs using Micro Computed Tomography to image the meristem and
observe changes in leaves from their inception. We will direct our
understanding of stress response towards the creation of genetically
engineered tomato varieties that, from the outset of specific stresses,
will visibly express a reporter, changing the color or structure of the
plant. Such sentinel plants will allow the application of water and
fertilizer as needed, rather than broadcasting these resources on
potentially wasteful schedules."