VRIPHYS'13 - last call for Abstract submission (deadline September 30)
In the scope of the <http://vriphys2013.inria.fr/> VRIPHYS 2013 conference,
an oral session with short presentation (typically 15~20 min including
questions) is organized. These presentations should focus on aspects related
to Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, unpublished or recent results are particularly well suited
for this session. The presented work will not be included in the
proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work without
preventing from submitting their work later. This workshop is therefore
mainly (but not only) dedicated to Ph.D. candidates.
To present your work during these sessions, please
<mailto:jeremie.dequidt@inria.fr?subject=Workshop-Vriphys2013> send us an
abstract (2 pages) by the 30th of September.
More information about this "Work in Progress" session can be found
<https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/work-in-progress/> here.
VRIPHYS'13 - Registration
The <https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/venue/registration/> registration website
is now open (early registrations are before 19 October).
Best regards,
VRIPHYS 2013 organization committee
Seeking candidates for Ph.D research position:
Job Title: Graphics PhD
Context and Mission:
We are looking for a student to pursue a PhD degree in the areas of Computer
Graphics and Visualization.
The student will join a collaboration project between the Atomic and
Electronic Protein Modeling (EAPM,
group at the BSC and the Modeling, Visualization, Interaction, and Virtual
Reality (ViRVIG (MOVING), <http://www.virvig.eu/> http://www.virvig.eu/)
group at the UPC.
This collaborative project aims to develop biomolecules visualization
(interactive) techniques.
Main Responsibilities:
* Design and development of new algorithms for the visualization of
large models of molecules using GPU capabilities.
* Design and development of new algorithms for expressive
visualization of molecular simulations.
Skills required and/or beneficial
* Background experience in graphics programming, including GPU
* Additionally, knowledge of HCI and mobile development is a plus.
* Conversational technical English is required.
Qualifications & Experience (as example)
* Undergraduate degree in Computer Science.
* Capacity to interact and build strong relations with a diverse team.
Call closes: Saturday, October 19, 2013.
Applications: through BSC's website:
Further information: contact directly <mailto:ppau@lsi.upc.edu> Pere-Pau
Vázquez or <mailto:alvar@lsi.upc.edu> Àlvar Vinacua.
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences III
published by Springer Verlag
We solicit research and survey papers for the Springer book on
"Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences III". Papers shall discuss
visualization research with application in medicine and life sciences
at large. Research papers have to discuss original, unpublished work.
All submitted papers will undergo a thorough (single-blind) review process.
Like the first two Springer books on "Visualization in Medicine and
Life Sciences (VMLS)", this book will be published by Springer-Verlag within
series on "Mathematics+Visualization". The first two books VMLS I and VMLS
were both one of the top 50% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant
Springer eBook Collection in 2012. Since its online publication on October
23, 2007, the VMLS I book has had a total of 5,564 chapter downloads on
SpringerLink. The VMLS II book has had 2,775 chapter downloads within the
last 3 years.
The abstract submissions are due October 24, 2013.
The full paper submissions are due October 31, 2013.
We request that you format your paper in accordance with the Springer
guidelines for contributed books. The LaTeX template is available at
using the "contributed books" link. There you will also find our "manuscript
guidelines" and some "Key style points".
Paper length:
Research papers may be up to 20 pages in length,
survey papers may be up to 25 pages in length.
Please submit through the Springer Online Submission:
Unfortunately, we had to find out that the Springer submission system is
German language. However, it should be clear what to enter, namely
Title, Keywords, Abstract, List of Authors (first name, last name, e-mail
and Paper. If you have problems, feel free to contact us.
Lars Linsen, Bernd Hamann, and Hans-Christian Hege
Open Position with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group Bremen
Two PhD research positions (full-time)
with the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Group at the University of
Bremen, Germany, to be filled as soon as possible
Project: Interaction with a Simulator of Autonomous Navigation in Space
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TV-L 13, gross salary
approx. EUR 40,000 p.a., supported by the BMWi).
Project Description:
Autonomous navigation of satellites and space probes is becoming an
increasingly interesting research topic. One possible application could be
mining of asteroids for precious resources.
In order to develop such autonomous systems, a complete simulation of them
is necessary; moreover, a range of interaction and visualization techniques
must be integrated in the simulator.
The work will include 3D reconstruction from point clouds, rendering and
simulation of asteroid surfaces, proximity computations, and
physically-based simulation, among others. In addition, a software system
for simulating the whole probe including the environment will have to be
designed and developed, plus interaction metaphors to interact with parts of
the system, and visualization methods to visualize parts of the state of the
complete system.
About us:
The position offers great opportunities for collaboration with other members
of the project, such as the institute of space technology and space
applications at UniBW, Munich, and the institute of cognitive
neuroinformnatics. This project provides a vibrant research environment
where a broad range of activities related to space and virtual reality are
being pursued (computer graphics algorithms to neuro-informatics to space
exploration). The successful candidate will be working with a dynamic,
friendly, and helpful team of computer graphics researchers. Our research
group is part of the school of computer science at University of Bremen. Our
university is a mid-sized university with about 20,000 students, a lot of
them international students, offering a broad range of fringe benefits such
as sports facilities, cultural activities, and daycare.
Candidates should have an excellent Master's degree or equivalent in
computer science or mathematics, or related disciplines such as physics,
etc. Ideally, you have specialized in real-time computer graphics or
physically-based simulation, and you have good knowledge about applied
mathematical methods and parallel programming. Required skills are solid
experience in C++ software development, and a good command of English
(reading/writing/speaking). In addition, the successful candidate will be
highly self-motivated, passionate about their work, and have good ability
to work both independently as well as in a team in a multidisciplinary
Conditions of employment:
The position is available for a period of 4 years (under the condition of
job release).
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of
equal personal aptitudes and qualification, disabled persons will be given
priority. Applicants with a migration background are welcome.
How to Apply & What to Do in Case of Questions:
Applications should comprise a cover letter, complete CV including any
achievements, degree certificates (including list of courses and grades),
names and contact details of at least two referees, and other credentials if
any (e.g., recommendation letters, publications, etc.). Please address
questions about the position and send your application (preferably by email)
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann, zach at cs.uni-bremen.de
Application deadline: October 12, 2013 (or until a suitable candidate is
G. Zachmann
University of Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen / Germany
For a paper-based application, please make sure to only send document copies
as all received application material will be destroyed after the selection
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) that provide an up-to-date and
comprehensive overview of a special topic of current interest related to
Computer Graphics will be included in the EUROGRAPHICS 2014 conference
program. We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS. This
year we would like to encourage submissions in the following areas:
Rendering from large data (point clouds, compression, large environments),
machine learning for shape analysis and synthesis, fabrication technologies,
sketching and hand drawing, sampling and filtering for rendering. A STAR can
also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different
scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable
STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library (
<https://diglib.eg.org/> https://diglib.eg.org/ ).
At EUROGRAPHICS 2014, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to
present the report at a level that also allows non-experts in the particular
domain to follow this presentation. The conference registration fee will be
waived for one author per accepted STAR. After the conference a selection of
the best STARs will be referred to Computer Graphics Forum. Acceptance of
the revised, enhanced version of the original STAR will depend on the
outcome of a second review cycle.
For any question concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs by e-mail (see below).
*Submission Details*
A STAR proposal should be, in essence, a short version of the planned STAR.
The proposal will start by outlining the topic, its relevance to
EUROGRAPHICS as well as the target audience and its expected background. The
proposal has to include the planned table of contents of the final STAR with
brief summaries of each section, as well as the complete set of literature
references. We encourage submitters to include results of experiments or
comparisons. Brief biographies of the authors should be included,
demonstrating their qualification to produce the proposed STAR. Such a
proposal should be at most 6 pages in length (not counting references). Each
proposal will be reviewed by two experts in the field selected by the STAR
STAR proposals (in PDF) should be submitted via email to the STARs
co-chairs. Authors should expect to receive a confirmation of receipt of
their proposal and should request confirmation if one is not received within
a day or two. Some problems may arise with large e-mailed attachments (over
3MB in size). Therefore we advise to e-mail a link to a location from which
the larger document can be downloaded.
The deadline for the submission of STAR proposals is October 6, 2013, with
notification of acceptance on December 4, 2013. The full length version of
accepted STARs will have to be submitted at a later date for a second short
review (due date to be announced shortly).
If the authors have already prepared a longer version of their intended
STAR, they may contact the STARs co-chairs ahead of the submission deadline
to check for the opportunity of submitting a longer STAR proposal (in
principle, this is appreciated).
*STARs Co-Chairs*
Michela Spagnuolo - <mailto:michela.spagnuolo@ge.imati.cnr.it>
Sylvain Lefebvre - <mailto:sylvain.lefebvre@inria.fr>
Researcher Position in Scientific Visualization at Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt
About us:
The Interactive Engineering Technologies group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD) in Darmstadt, Germany pursues applied technology research in the area of design, analysis, visualization and interpretation. Our research enhances human-computer interaction and supports the user’s workflow using computer graphics technologies. This simplifies decisions during the work flow and operational sequences become more reliable and efficient.
Our main focus is enhancing the interactivity of simulations. We leverage current GPU computing methods and integrate modeling, simulation and visualization. In this way, we shorten the design process and enable users to directly manipulate simulations.
The successful candidate will work in the context of an interdisciplinary European research project regarding the combination of in‐situ processing and query‐based visualization (QBV) with modern OpenGL and GPU‐based techniques for the interactive analysis of extremely large-scale simulations. Employing advanced features of state‐of‐the‐art graphics cards and modern OpenGL programming will allow for new result representations and faster image generation of complex scenes while maintaining interactivity and intelligent analysis using graphics hardware on a local workstation.
Candidates should have an excellent Master’s degree or equivalent in computer science or related disciplines. Required skills are solid experience in C++ software development, and a good command of English. Ideally, you have specialized in real-time computer graphics, scientific visualization and/or GPU computing methods. In addition, the successful candidate will be highly self-motivated, passionate about their work, and have good ability to work both independently and in a team in a multidisciplinary environment.
Conditions of employment:
The position is at first available for a period of 2 years. The salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TVÖD). Fraunhofer is an equal opportunity employer. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Handicapped applicants with comparable qualifications will be given preferential treatment.
We offer excellent working conditions within interesting applied research topics in an interdisciplinary team. Furthermore, we offer the possibility to pursue a PhD in cooperation with TU Darmstadt. We also encourage candidates with doctoral degree to apply for a post-doc position.
How to apply:
Applicants are kindly asked to submit their application, including all important documents, to:
Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Stork
<mailto:andre.stork@igd.fraunhofer.de> andre.stork(a)igd.fraunhofer.de
More information about IGD and the Interactive Engineering Technologies group can be found at: <http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de> http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de and <http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de/IET> http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de/IET
Juniorprofessor (W1) in Algorithms for Mesh Generation and Optimization
at RWTH Aachen University (Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
Natural Sciences)
We are seeking qualified applicants for teaching and research in the area of
Mesh Generation and Optimization. The starting date is 01.03.2014. The
appointment will be for six (6) years (no tenure track). Recognized
expertise in the following areas is particularly welcome: Computer Graphics
and Geometry Processing.
The position is associated with the Aachen Institute for Advanced Studies in
Computational Engineering Science ( <http://www.aices.rwth-aachen.de>
www.aices.rwth-aachen.de) and the Computer Graphics Group (
<http://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de> www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de).
You should have a completed university degree and a special aptitude for
scientific work which is generally verified by means of an outstanding
doctorate. Ability in and commitment to teaching are essential. German is
not necessary to begin but will be expected as a teaching language within
the first 5 years. The application should include supporting documents
regarding success in research and teaching.
Please send a cover letter stating research aims and a CV to: An den Dekan
der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften der RWTH
Aachen, Prof. Stefan Kowalewski, 52056 Aachen.
The deadline for applications is 01.10.2013.
If you have further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Leif Kobbelt (
<mailto:kobbelt@cs.rwth-aachen.de> kobbelt(a)cs.rwth-aachen.de).
We would like to let you know that we have extended the deadline for poster
submissions to Friday, September 13, 2013. The reviewer's feedback will be
on September 20, 2013.
Best regards,
Jan Ondrej
MIG 2013 Poster Chair
The 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2013 (MIG)
November 7-9, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
Submission Deadline: September 13, 2013
Notification: September 20, 2012
The Sixth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG) will be hosted
in the historic city of Dublin, Ireland from November 7-9,
2013. MIG 2013 will be held in cooperation with Eurographics and, for the
first time this year, it will be sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH.
Games have become a very important medium for education, therapy and
entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer games.
Characters move around, objects are manipulated or move due to
physical constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves
through the scene. Even the motion of the player is used as input to
games. Motion is currently studied in many different areas of
research, including graphics and animation, game technology, robotics,
simulation, computer vision, and also physics, psychology, and urban
studies. Cross-fertilization between these communities can
considerably advance the state-of- the-art in the area. The goal of the
Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers from this
variety of fields to present their most recent results, to
initiate collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the
research area. The conference will consist of regular paper sessions,
poster presentations, as well as presentations by a selection of
established researchers in areas related to games and simulation. The
conference program will also include cultural and social events that
foster casual and friendly interactions among the participants.
We invite submissions of poster abstracts to the MIG poster session. Two
types of work can be submitted for poster presentation:
1. Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular
relevance to the MIG community can be submitted as a poster. This
work and the venue in which it was published should be identified in
the abstract.
2. Work that is of interest to the MIG community but is not yet
mature enough to appear as a short or long paper.
Poster abstract submissions should be no more than one page in
length and should follow the ACM SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines.
Poster abstract should be submitted using the MIG online submission
system. Accepted posters are not formal publications and will not
appear in the official MIG proceedings but will appear in an online
database for distribution at author's discretion.
The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Animation Systems
Animation Algorithms and Techniques
Character Animation
Behavioral Animation
Facial Animation
Particle Systems
Simulation of Natural Environments
Natural Motion Simulation
Virtual Humans
Physics-based Motion
Crowd Simulation
Path Planning
Navigation and Way-finding
Flocking and Steering Behavior
Camera Motion
Object Manipulation
Motion Capture Techniques
Motion Analysis and Synthesis
Gesture Recognition
MIG online submission system:
ACM SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines.
VRIPHYS'13 - Work in Progress Session
In the scope of the <http://vriphys2013.inria.fr/> VRIPHYS 2013 conference,
an oral session with short presentation (typically 15~20 min including
questions) is organized. These presentations should focus on aspects related
to Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, unpublished or recent results are particularly well suited
for this session. The presented work will not be included in the
proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work without
preventing from submitting their work later. This workshop is therefore
mainly dedicated to Ph.D. candidates.
To present your work during these sessions, please
<mailto:jeremie.dequidt@inria.fr?subject=Workshop-Vriphys2013> send us an
abstract (2 pages) by the 30th of September.
More information about this "Work in Progress" session can be found
<https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/work-in-progress/> here.
Best regards,
VRIPHYS 2013 organization committee