Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to submit a paper to the 3rd Workshop on
"Visualization in Environmental Sciences" (EnvirVis).
The one-day workshop is a co-located event to EUROVIS 2015, the European
Conference on Visualization, held at Cagliari, Italy, on May 25/26, 2015.
The EnvirVis-Workshop aims to bring together researchers in the area of
visualization of geo-scientific, environmental or climate data to present
and discuss recent developments in the field.
The workshop "Visualization in Environmental Sciences" invites both
contributions in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data
integration with a broad application area in environmental research. The
proposed scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of
* Climate research, atmosphere modeling
* Geology, geography, geophysics
* Soil and groundwater research
* Energy resources and waste management
* Land use research
* Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Important Dates:
Short Paper Submision Deadline: February 18, 2015
Final Decisions: March 30, 2015
Camera Ready Versions Due: April 13, 2015
Conference: May 25-29, 2014
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English and should not exceed a length of 4 pages
without references + 1 page of references. Paper submission instructions can
be found at the conference website:
Papers will be published online at the Eurographics Digital Library.
Workshop Chairs:
Ariane Middel, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig,
Gunther Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California,
For further and updated information please see the workshop web page
Best regards
Ariane Middel, Karsten Rink and Gunther Weber
EnvirVis Co-Chairs
Sorry for duplicates.
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
2015 ( <> by submitting a poster.
Posters provide an informal but interactive forum in which authors can
present their work to symposium attendees during the poster session and
during conference breaks. They describe works-in-progress, novel ideas,
novel systems, or present the latest implemented applications. Posters are a
great way to let others in the 3DUI community know about your work as well
as an opportunity to discuss and make potential collaborations!
Poster submissions should be within the scope of three-dimensional user
We would also like to introduce a subtle shift in focus for 3D UI research.
Given that this is the 10th annual 3DUI Symposium, and that significant
progress has been mode over the years to address the "classic five"
low-level interaction tasks of Selection, Manipulation, Navigation, Symbolic
Input, and System Control, we strongly encourage posters that attempt to
address higher-level tasks that draw on three or more of the lower-level
Topics of the symposium include (but not limited to):
* 3D input devices
* 3D display and sensory feedback
* 3D interaction techniques
* 3D user interface metaphors
* Mobile 3DUIs
* Non-fatiguing 3DUIs
* Desktop 3DUIs
* 3DUIs for VR and AR
* Evaluation methods for 3DUIs
* Human perception of 3D interaction
* Collaborative 3D interaction
* Applications of 3DUIs: Games, entertainment, CAD, education, etc.
Authors should submit an extended abstract as a two-page manuscript in the
IEEE 3DUI Proceedings format. It is recommended that authors submit a draft
of your actual poster in pdf format. Poster sizes should be no more than 36"
x 48" (any orientation). Please submit your extended abstract in
camera-ready format.
Important Dates:
* Posters Abstract Submission Due - December 28, 2014 (midnight PST)
* Author Notification - January 6, 2015 (midnight PST)
* Final Camera-Ready Abstracts - January 10, 2015 (midnight PST)
Authors of accepted poster submissions are expected to prepare a final
version of their two page extended abstract and present their poster at the
conference in a special poster session and at designated poster breaks.
Authors will also give a 1-minute presentation of their poster during the
poster fast forward session. Specific details will be sent to authors later.
Poster submissions should be in the form of a two page manuscript prepared
in IEEE VGTC format and will appear in the printed proceedings. Please
submit all materials via
Please see <> for more details on the
submission guidelines.
Thank You!
IEEE 3DUI 2015 Poster Chairs
Amy Banic, University of Wyoming, USA
Christoph Borst, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Robert Teather, McMaster University, Canada
Contact: posters.chairs[at] <>
Call for papers: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and
Editing (WICED 2015),
Zurich, May 4, 2015. Co-located with the 36th annual conference of the
European Association of Computer Graphics.
Deadline for submission : February 28, 2015.
The expressive use of virtual cameras, mise-en-scene, lighting and editing
(montage) within 3D synthetic environment shows great promise to extend the
communicative power of film and video into the artificial environments of
games and virtual worlds.
Cinematics produced in virtual worlds play a role not just for
entertainment, but also for training, education, health-care communication,
simulation, visualization and many other contexts. The automatic creation of
cinematics in these environments holds the potential to produce video
sequences appropriate for a wide range of applications and tailored to
specific spatial, temporal, communicative, user and application contexts.
At the same time, recent advances in computer vision-based object, actor and
action recognition make it possible to envision novel re-cinematography
(re-lighting, re-framing) and automatic editing of live-action video. This
fourth workshop on intelligent cinematography and editing is intended to
bridge the gap between the two areas and confront research being performed
in both domains. One common area of active research is the representation
and understanding of the story to be told and its relation to teaching,
training or therapeutic goals.
The workshop is open to researchers and industrial experts working on the
many related aspects of digital cinematography and film editing in their
respective fields, including 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, computer
vision, visualisation, interactive narrative, cognitive and perceptual
psychology, computational linguistics, computational aesthetics and visual
These researchers will draw upon cutting edge research and technologies
regarding both the production and comprehension of cinematographic artworks
in virtual worlds and the real world.
Topics of interest
o Camera path planning
o Visibility computation
o Viewpoint entropy
o Navigation techniques and proximal exploration
o Interactive camera control metaphors
o Approaches to framing and composition of individual shots
o Automatic lighting design
o Intelligent staging and blocking of virtual lights, cameras and actors
o Expressive performance of virtual characters
o Intelligent video editing tools
o Efficient algorithms for camera placement and shot sequence selection
o Natural user interfaces for camera control and video editing
o Parallels between cinematic and linguistic communication
o Cognitive models of the comprehension of virtual cinematics
o Re-cinematography, re-lighting and re-framing of live-action video
o Computer-assisted multi-camera production
o Virtual cinematography as a pre-visualisation tool for real-world
o Intelligent tools and novel interfaces for in-game cinematics, replays,
and machinima
o Intelligent generation of comic book layouts
o Evaluation methodologies and user experience
o Interactive and generative cinema
o Cinematic serious game and applications
o Collaborative visual storytelling
o Non-linear storytelling
o Transmedia storytelling
o Creativity in cinematic communication
Researchers should submit one of:
. 8 page paper reporting new work or new ideas in a relevant research area.
. 1 page abstract describing emergent work or a vision of the near term
future of intelligent cinematography.
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee; review criteria will
intentionally be inclusive rather than competitive, to encourage work in
progress and a broader participation in a nascent community of researchers.
Reviews will include feedback for authors regardless of decision for
acceptance or rejection. All the selected papers (excluding 1 page
abstracts) will be published in the workshop's working notes.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published by EG Publishing provided in
the EG Digital Library.
Please refer to the workshop web site : <> for submission information and updates.
Submission Deadline: 09 January 2015
Notification: 20 February 2015
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to acknowledge
the contribution that computer graphics is playing in the medical field, and
to encourage further development. Originally called "Eurographics Medical
Prize" the competition was renamed to "Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine" in 2010 -- in honor of Dirk Bartz who passed away far too early
in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly recognized and enthusiastic
scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual Computing in Medicine;
furthermore, he was an active member of the Eurographics Association and
Chair of the EG Medical Prize 2007 and 2009.
Submissions for the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2015
are being invited from researchers and developers who can demonstrate that a
particular benefit has resulted from the use of computer graphics technology
in a medical application that they have produced. Examples of entries could
include the use of new data visualization techniques, interaction methods,
or virtual/augmented environments. Further information is available at
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing
in Medicine 2015 will receive a prize and their submission will be published
in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital media proceedings.
The judging panel will select the winning entry on the basis of its clinical
value, use made of computer graphics, and novelty. All three winning teams
will have an opportunity to briefly present their results at Eurographics
2015, which means that at least one author of each winning team must attend
to present the results.
See the Hall of Fame
<> for previous
recipients of the prize.
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages and
must be formatted according to the Eurographics Medical Prize Guidelines:
<> The submission of
complementary material like videos, demo applications, and references to
additional publications of the authors, theses, etc .... is highly welcome!
Submissions will be made electronically through SRMV2 at
<> Winning entries will be
published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital media
proceedings, and in the EG Digital Library.
For any question concerning medical prize submissions please contact the
medical prize co-chairs at: <>
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Timo Ropinski, Ulm University, Germany
Postdoc in Computer Science, specializing in Parallel Processing of Large
Mälardalen University (MDH) announces a Postdoc position in Computer
Science, specializing in Parallel Processing of Large Datasets. The Postdoc
position is intended for research and development of efficient parallel data
structures and algorithms that by efficient utilization of heterogeneous
computing platforms enables novel important real-time applications, for
example in computer graphics, visualization, image processing, or data
mining. The area of research can be adapted partly after the expertise of
the applicant. Teamwork with senior researchers and PhD students is assumed.
The employment is planned for a period of one year with a possibility to
prolong it one year more.
The applicant is required to have a PhD degree in Computer Science or a
closely related field. Good knowledge in programming, data structures,
algorithms, and parallel computing is required. In depth knowledge in an
application area where efficient handling and processing of large data sets
is of importance is advantageous. Relevant areas are for example computer
graphics, visualization, image processing, or data mining. Experience in GPU
programming is a plus.
For more information, see the full ad, see
Dear colleagues,
The Architectural and Urban Ambiences lab may welcome full time CNRS
researchers from several research fields (namely sections 39, 7, 9 and 52).
Applicants who wish to obtain more information on the hiring procedure or
advice on how to apply are invited to contact the head of the laboratory
before December 12th at this email address
<concours-cnrs-2015(a)> by sending a resume and a project, even
in preliminary version. Depending on the received applications, the
laboratory council will evaluate the opportunity to produce supporting
letters for the applicants.
We wish you pay specific attention to the full-time researcher position (CR2
07/05 position) in section 7 (Information Science), directed towards the
Nantes part of the laboratory on the following theme: Modeling, analysis,
data processing, representation of activity in urban areas.
The laboratory, known as UMR 1563 Architectural and Urban Ambiences is a
common lab between CNRS, Ministry of Culture and Communication (Graduate
School of Architecture of both Grenoble and Nantes) and Ecole Centrale de
Nantes. Its activities focus on the sensitive dimensions of architecture and
urban spaces, through several approaches depending of human and social
sciences, engineering sciences and information sciences. Applicants may find
complementary information on the websites of the CERMA (
<>, the CRESSON (
<>, the LAUA (
<> and the International
Ambiances Network ( <>
Sincerely yours,
Daniel Siret, Thomas Leduc, Anthony Pecqueux, director et vice-directors of
UMR 1563 from Jan. 1st 2015
Contact: <>
The website of 2015 CNRS:
Vincent Tourre
École Centrale de Nantes