Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for STARs Please
forward this mail to anyone interested
May 4-8, 2015
Zurich, Switzerland
** NEW for EG 2015: Accepted STARs will be published in Computer Graphics
Forum **
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide an up-to-date and comprehensive
overview of a special topic
of current interest related to Computer Graphics. We welcome submissions on
all topics relevant to
EUROGRAPHICS, and particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been
covered in any recent
previous STAR. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics
techniques in a different
scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable
STAR topics, please refer
to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2015, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to
present the report at a level
that also allows non-experts in the particular domain to follow this
For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs by e-mail
( <mailto:kai.hormann@usi.ch> kai.hormann(a)usi.ch and
<mailto:oliver.staadt@uni-rostock.de> oliver.staadt(a)uni-rostock.de).
This year, STARs will undergo a single blind, double cycle review, similar
to the one for regular
papers. Hence, there is no need to prepare a STAR proposal first, and the
full-length STAR with no
more than 25 pages must be submitted before the submission deadline.
Each STAR will be reviewed by
three members of the IPC who are experts in the respective topic.
Accepted STARs will be published in
a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the
Eurographics conference.
Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the standard
submission track of Computer
Graphics Forum.
Brief biographies of the authors should be included in the submission,
demonstrating their
qualification to produce the proposed STAR.
The deadline for the submission of STAR proposals is September 17, 2014,
with notification of
conditional acceptance on January 14, 2015. The revised version of
conditionally accepted STARs will
have to be submitted at a later date for a second review, and the camera
ready version will be due
about 6 weeks before the start of the conference.
Full STAR submission: September 17, 2014
First review notification: January 14, 2015
Revised STAR submission: February 11, 2015
Second review notification: March 11, 2015
Final STAR submission: March 25, 2015
Kai Hormann (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland) Oliver Staadt
(University of Rostock, Germany)
Computers & Graphics: Special Issue on
New emerging data acquisition techniques provide fast and efficient means
for multidimensional spatial data collection. Airborne LIDAR surveys, SAR
satellites, stereo-photogrammetry and mobile mapping systems are
increasingly used for digital reconstruction. All these systems provide
point clouds, often enriched with other sensor data, yielding high volumes
of raw data. The special issue seeks to present an up-to-date view of
approaches for data management, processing and visualization able to provide
efficiently significant information contained in large geospatial datasets,
and able to derive and visualize important knowledge for the relevant level
of decision making.
In this context, the special issue of Computers&Graphics calls for
contributions on various aspects related to large geospatial data
processing, with the intent of stimulating researchers from different fields
such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Geomatics, Remote Sensing, HPC
and Grid computing working on the common goal of processing 3D data. This
will provide a ground for cross-fertilization and stimulate discussions on
the future challenges in this important research area.
The special issue seeks to present an up-to-date view of cutting edge
computational approaches for the management, processing and visualization of
large geospatial datasets in cloud or grid infrastructures. Original
research or practical applications are welcome in all areas related to
processing large geospatial data. Suggested topics include, but are not
limited to:
. Knowledge-driven processing
. High-quality co-registration from multiple heterogeneous data
. Efficient feature extraction and classification
. Efficient surface generation and reconstruction
. Multi-resolution and level-of-details techniques
. High-quality change detection to characterize dynamic events
. Visual analysis and inspection
. Methods and architectures for data-intensive processing
Authors planning to send a contribution are kindly invited to send an
abstract by email to the guest editors (iqmulus(a)ge.imati.cnr.it) with
prospective title, authors and a short summary of the manuscript (deadline:
July 30). Full papers (12 pages A4, Computers & Graphics style) should be
submitted by September 1st on the Computers & Graphics submission system
(http://ees.elsevier.com/cag/). To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly
identified for inclusion into the special section you are editing, it is
important that authors select "SI: GC Data" when they reach the "Article
Type" step in the submission process.
Jan Boehm (University College London, UK)
Roderik Lindenbergh (Delft University of Technology, NL)
Michela Spagnuolo (CNR-MATI, Genoa, IT)
Abstract submission: July 30
Paper submission: September 1st
Review due - 1st: October 3
Revisions due: November 7
Review due - 2nd: December 3
Final notification: December 5
Starting in 2015, two DAAD PhD scholarships will become available for the
Research Training Group Heterogeneous Image Systems in Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander University
Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany.
The Research Training Group Heterogeneous Image Systems researches
technical systems for processing, synthesizing, and transmitting digital
images, such as those in mobile phones or game consoles, but also in medical
image systems or advanced driver assistance systems. The PhD projects range
from hardware-related topics like intelligent image sensors, to methods and
tools for the design and modeling of heterogeneous image systems, and to
applications in medical engineering and entertainment technology.
The scholarships provide funding for a three-year period, starting in 2015.
Applicants must have earned a Masters or Diploma degree in Computer Science
or Electrical Engineering (or closely related) within the past 6 years.
Moreover, applicants may not have stayed in Germany for more than 15 months
at the time of nomination for the DAAD (approximately September 2014). Good
English skills and the ability to work well in a team are required.
A completed application must include a curriculum vitae, a letter of
motivation, including a specified area of research, letters of
recommendation from two university professors from the applicant`s alma
mater, and pre- and post-secondary certifications including those proving
language skills. The documents must be submitted to
coord-hbs(a)i9.informatik.uni-erlangen.de by the 15th of July, 2014 as a PDF
via e-mail.
Further information may be found at <http://hbs.fau.de/> http://hbs.fau.de/
or at <https://www.daad.de/gssp> https://www.daad.de/gssp
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg possesses the certificate
audit familiengerechte Hochschule. The university aims to increase the
proportion of women in research and teaching positions, and, therefore,
strongly encourages female researchers to apply for these positions.
Severely disabled applicants with essentially identical technical and
personal suitability will be preferentially selected.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Workshop on
Indoor Scene Understanding: Where Graphics meets Vision.
December 3, 2014, Shenzhen, China
(Paper deadline: July 10, 2014)
The best paper will be invited to submit a full journal version of the paper
to Computers & Graphics (Elsevier). The proceedings of each workshop will
also be included in the ACM Digital Library.
Call for Papers:
The importance of making computers understand the scene presented to them
cannot be understated. The ability to automatically infer the semantics and
geometry of any given scene would enable a variety of different applications
in the field of Augmented reality, Robotics, Image Processing and
Visualization. Understandably, a large amount of research effort has been
directed at this problem in the computer vision and machine learning
communities, with plenty of motivation and interest in computer graphics.
The availability of commodity depth sensors have led to a number of
breakthroughs to made in this space. Much of this success can be attributed
to the use of computer graphics for generating realistic sensor data.
We believe the time is ripe for extending this promising approach to the
more challenging problem of full scene understanding. However, to enable
this, we need close collaboration between researchers from machine learning,
computer vision, and computer graphics. This workshop is intended to bring
researchers from these communities together.
We are soliciting original contributions which employ shape analysis and
image processing for abstracting, representing, and manipulating raw depth
scans of indoor environments. Specific topics include, but are not limited,
- Shape analysis
- Scene Classification + RGBD data analysis
- Modeling and recognition of scene-object interactions
- 3D Spatial Understanding from Images
- Physically Grounded Scene Interpretation
- Large-scale Data-driven approaches for shape collection analysis
- Understanding scenes from depth images and videos
- Interaction applications combining raw scenes with virtual objects
- Depth Datasets
- Computer Vision as Inverse Graphics
Important Dates:
July 10, 2014: Paper submission deadline:
August 20, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
September 15, 2014: Camera-ready deadline
Please check
http://geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/workshops/IndoorSceneUnderstanding_sigga14 for
Program committee
Gabriel J. Brostow, University College London
Peter Gehler, Max Planck Institut
Derek Hoiem, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shi-Min Hu, Tsinghua University
Vladimir Kim, Stanford University
Ligang Liu, University of Science and Technology of China
Daniele Panozzo, ETH Zürich
Silvio Savarese, Stanford University
Nathan Silberman, New York University
Thorsten Thormaehlen, Philipps-Universität Marburg
WeiWei Xu, Microsoft Research Asia
Michael Wand, Utrecht University
Paper Submission:
The manuscripts should be submitted as PDF files and should be no more than
8-10 pages in Siggraph paper format. All submissions must be prepared
according to the ACM SIGGRAPH publication guidelines. Each paper will be
peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Acceptance will be based on
relevance to the workshop, novelty, and technical quality. In submitting a
manuscript to this workshop, the authors acknowledge that no paper
substantially similar in content has been submitted to another workshop or
conference during the review period.
The best paper will be invited to submit a full journal version of the paper
to Computers & Graphics (Elsevier). The proceedings of each workshop will
also be included in the ACM Digital Library.
All workshop research papers must be original, unpublished work, written and
presented in English. All submissions must be prepared according to the
<http://www.siggraph.org/learn/instructions-authors> ACM SIGGRAPH
publication guidelines. At least one author of each accepted workshop paper
is to register for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 (full conference pass) by 15 September
2014, and give a presentation at the workshop. To recognize the contribution
of workshop paper presenters, the presenters can apply for a 25% discount
per accepted paper submission.
Program Co-Chairs:
Niloy J. Mitra, University College London
Pushmeet Kohli, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Shahram Izadi, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Casten Rother, TU Dresden
Call for Participation:
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP'14) and Graduate School
Cardiff, UK
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20 June, 2014
Graduate School 7-8 July, 2014
Main Conference 9-11 July, 2014
Conference Keynote Speakers:
Helmut Pottmann (KAUST and Vienna University of Technology)
Wojciech Matusik (MIT)
Misha Kazhdan (John Hopkins University)
The Symposium on Geometry Processing 2014, a Eurographics symposium in
cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, will be held from 9-11 July in Cardiff,
United Kingdom. SGP is the premier venue for new research and results in
geometry processing. The conference involves plenary high quality paper
sessions as well as a poster session for work in progress with high
potentials. The conference will also feature an industrial session. Three
speakers will share their expertise in industries related to various
applications of geometric modelling and processing, and in particular focus
on challenges and unsolved problems within their industrial domains.
A related Graduate School will be held from 7-8 July, 2014, which is
specifically targeted towards graduate students at the beginning of their
PhD studies. The courses will focus on fundamental concepts and important
aspects of digital geometry processing, with 5 tutorials and two invited
Technical Programme: <http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/sgp2014/programme.html>
Graduate School Programme: <http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/sgp2014/gradschool.html>
Registration: <http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/sgp2014/registration.html>
Conference website: <http://geometryprocessing.org>
Sponsors: Microsoft Research, Pixar Research (Disney), Geometry Factory,
Addendum to the 5th Call for Papers:
- STAR / Exhibitions, Tutorials and Workshop Submission Deadline to June,
30th / July, 2nd
- Notification Deadline moved to July, 31
- Updates on registration process and registration fees
5th C A L L F O R P A
STAR / Tutorials & Exhibition Submission Deadline: June
30th / July 2nd, 2014
The 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural
October, 6th - 8th 2014, Darmstadt, Germany
cooperation with
TU Darmstadt
Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
Follow us on Twitter: @EGGCH2014
You are cordially invited to contribute to the 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on
Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) which, for the first time, will take
place in Darmstadt, Germany.
In the past, cultural Heritage scientists as well as ICT experts have
collaborated to find solutions to optimize all aspects of digitally
preserving, managing and delivering cultural information to new generations,
but still many unsolved problems remain.
Among the challenges the community faces are fast and economic, high
quality, large scale 2D/3D digitization, certification, classification,
annotation, visualization, storage and faithful 2D/3D replication of
cultural heritage artefacts, the definition of digitization and preservation
strategies for museum collections, the definition of standard data formats
for digital models, the development of longterm data storage technologies as
well as standard legislation for digital model rights.
In continuation to last years' workshop series and to overcome the
aforementioned challenges, we would like to invite and welcome all relevant
stakeholders from cultural heritage institutions, academia, research,
industry, economy, policy and law makers to create synergies, participate
and contribute to the European Forum for Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) applied to the Cultural Heritage domain. Following a long
tradition, this event focuses on the integration of digital tools and
solutions into the practice of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology and Museums.
GCH 2014 will take place in Darmstadt, the birth place of the last Empress
of Russia, Tsarina Alexandra Romanov. Darmstadt is famous for its
'Jugendstil' (art nouveau) buildings. The establishment of the Mathildenhöhe
artists colony more than 100 years ago played its part in raising Darmstadt
to prominence. Magnificent art nouveau houses give this hill of muses an
unmistakable character. Through science, literature, art and architecture,
Darmstadt has developed a wholly unique appeal that has earned it much
acclaim. Today, Darmstadt boasts a great diversity of science and art, many
publishing houses and graphic design studios, as well as the European Space
Agency's satellite control centre and internationally acclaimed institutes
for ICT, literature, art and music - all of this reflected in Darmstadt's
official name as 'City of Science'.
The 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshops on Graphics and Cultural Heritage aims to
foster an international dialogue between the different fields of expertise
and in particular allow ICT experts to have a better understanding of the
critical requirements of CH scientists for managing, processing and
delivering cultural information to a broader audience. Focus of this year's
forum is to present and showcase new developments within the overall process
chain, from data acquisition, 3D documentation, analysis and synthesis,
semantical modelling, data management, to the point of virtual museums or
new forms of interactive presentations and 3D printing solutions. GCH 2014
therefore provides scientists, engineers and CH managers a possibility to
discuss new ICT technologies applied to data modelling, reconstruction and
processing, digital libraries, virtual museums, interactive environments and
applications for CH, ontologies and semantic processing, management and
archiving, standards and documentation, as well as its transfer into
practice. The result of this interaction will be disseminated through use of
innovative digital techniques in research and education for Cultural
Heritage and through publications: on-going project results, preliminary
ideas and works in progress, and overviews of research in the use of digital
technology in the context of Cultural Heritage.
We therefore seek original, innovative and previously unpublished
contributions in theoretical or applied areas of the digital cultural
heritage domain, challenging the state of the art solutions and leveraging
new ideas for future developments.
In particular:
* 2/3/4D data capturing and processing in Cultural Heritage
* Material acquisition and presentation
* Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
* Data acquisition technologies
* Digital libraries and 3D documents
* Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance,
audio, dance, oral)
* Interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage
* Visualization and Virtual Museums
* 3D printing based on new appearance models
* Preservation and digital archiving of artefacts
* Metadata, classification schemes, ontologies and semantic processing
* Multilingual applications, tools and systems for Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia data acquisition, management and archiving
* Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for Cultural Heritage
* On-site and remotely sensed data collections
* Serious games in Cultural Heritage
* Storytelling and design of heritage communications
* Standards and documentation
* Usability, effectiveness and interface design for Cultural Heritage
* Tools for education and training in Cultural Heritage
* New business models and technology transfer into practice
GCH 2014 will also include "State-of-the-Art Reports", inspired by the EG
STARs. These are longer papers providing useful novel overviews of research
in the fields of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that
can benefit the multidisciplinary nature of GCH. They are survey papers in
what the community considers important areas that have not been covered
before or recently. Their aim is to give a detailed account of the
principles, algorithms and open problems of a research area, so that an
interested reader can quickly become up to speed in this field. We warmly
encourage all colleagues to submit to the STAR reports. Two STAR reports
will be selected by peer review and published in the local proceedings
together with the short and project papers. GCH-STAR authors will present
their work within a 60 minute presentation during GCH 2014.
We are seeking, as of now, contributions by following means:
- GCH-STAR reports providing a useful novel overview of research in the
of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that can benefit
the multidisciplinary nature of this workshop series.
We expect the STAR submissions as full version being available at
submission deadline.
- Tutorials and Workshops: the conference will also host half-day and
working sessions that provide an opportunity to get in touch with ongoing
projects and cutting-edge research in the field of digital technologies
Cultural Heritage.
You should download the form available on the web site, fill it in and
submit it through the SRM submission system of GCH
- Exhibitions: You are invited to submit proposals for installations,
applications, digital artworks or
technical demos to GCH2014. The Exhibition will showcase project results,
demos, applications, inside the
foyer of the IGD. Adequate spaces will be provided.
The best papers of the Conference will be proposed for an extended
submission to ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
!! NEW: All submissions should be anonymized on submission. Please, submit
contributions as .pdf or .zip/.gzip archive !!!
!!! June 30 STAR reports, as full paper submission !!!
July 2 Workshops & Tutorials, Exhibitions
!!! July 31 Notification
Sept 1 Final Camera Ready due for accepted
works, early registration
Formatting & Templates
More details on templates, formatting guidelines and submission/registration
procedures can be found at: http://diglib.eg.org/GCH2014
More details on registration can be found at:
For further inquiries get in contact with: info-GCH2014(a)eg.org
* Event Co-Chairs:
Dieter Fellner (TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
Roberto Scopigno (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
* Program Co-Chairs:
Reinhard Klein (Univ. Bonn, Germany)
Pedro Santos (Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany)
* Program Committee:
Pierre Alliez Dieter Fritsch Fabio
Carlos Andujar Luc van Gool Patrick
David Arnold Sorin Hermon Maria Roussou
Juan Barcelo Wim Hupperertz
Holly Rushmeier
Andreas Bienert Marinos Ioannidis
Robert Sablatnig
Vinzenz Brinkmann Livio de Luca
Michela Spagnuolo
Alan Chalmers Marco Marchesi Didier
Martin Dörr Sofia Pescarin Stella
Anastasios Doulamis Denis Pitzalis
Tim Weyrich
Franz Fischnaller Marc Pollefeys
Laia Pujol Tost
Michael Wimmer Selma Rizvic
Antonella Guidazzoli
* Local Organising Committee:
Holger Graf Arjan Kuijper
Stefanie Behnke
Looking forward to meet you in Darmstadt!
The Conference Chairs:
Dieter Fellner Roberto Scopigno
Reinhard Klein Pedro Santos
Dear Colleagues,
this year's Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and
Medicine (EG VCBM) will be taking place September 4th to 5th in Vienna with
two extra Satellite events on September 3rd!
Due to several requests for a deadline extension the EG VCBM paper
submission deadline has been moved to the end of the week.
The new paper deadline is June 22nd, 2014 23:59:59 CET.
We hope this gives you some extra time to hand in your paper as well!
The page limit has been extended from 8 to 10 pages
to give enough space for your contribution!
For further information, and regular updates and news, visit our website:
<http://www.vcbm.org/> http://www.vcbm.org/
or follow us on Twitter:
<https://twitter.com/vcbm_2014> https://twitter.com/vcbm_2014
Registration is already open!!!!
Best regards,
Katja Bühler, Ivan Viola, Timo Ropinsky
VCBM Chairs
Contact: <mailto:Vcbm-chairs@cg.tuwien.ac.at> Vcbm-chairs(a)cg.tuwien.ac.at
Fraunhofer IGD - ESR 3 year PhD position in image processing and 3D
Job Vacancy to be found under Ref. No. 33936585 under
For enquiries: pedro.santos(a)igd.fraunhofer.de
Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Positions in the fields of
Computer Science to work on image processing and 3D reconstruction of
cultural heritage artifacts
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary
qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Early Stage
Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position within the Competence Center for Cultural
Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research
in Darmstadt, Germany. The selected Marie Curie ESR will work for 36 months
within the ITN-Digital Cultural Heritage (ITN-DCH: www.itn-dch.eu) Marie
Curie ITN Programme which, is the only EU funded programme bringing together
fourteen (14) leading European Institutions as full partners and nine (9)
other as associated partners in a transnational network, aiming at
implementing a multidisciplinary and intersectorial research and training
programme between the academic and the industrial partners.
Cultural Heritage (CH) is an integral element of Europe and vital for the
creation of a common European identity and one of the greatest assets for
steering Europe's social, economic development and job creation. However,
the current research training activities in Cultural Heritage are fragmented
and mostly design to be of a single-discipline, failing to cover the whole
lifecycle of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) research, which is by nature a
multi- disciplinary and intersectorial research agenda. ITN-DCH aims for the
first time worldwide that top universities, research centers, industries and
CH stakeholders, end-users and standardized bodies will collaborate to train
the next generation of researchers in DCH. The project aims to analyze,
design, research, develop and validate an innovative multi-disciplinary and
intersectorial research training framework that covers the whole lifecycle
of digital CH research for a cost-effective preservation, documentation,
protection and presentation of CH. ITN-DCH targets innovations that covers
all aspects of CH ranging from tangible (books, newspapers, images,
drawings, manuscripts, uniforms, maps, artifacts, archaeological sites,
monuments) to intangible content (e.g., music, performing arts, folklore,
theatrical performances) and their inter-relationships. The project aims to
boost the added value of CH assets by re-using them in real application
environments (protection of CH, education, tourism industry, advertising,
fashion, films, music, publishing, video games and TV) through research on
(i) new personalized, interactive, mixed and augmented reality enabled
e-services, (ii) new recommendations in data acquisition, (iii) new forms of
representations (3D/4D) of both tangible /intangible assets and (iv)
interoperable metadata forms that allow easy data exchange and archiving.
One ESR will be recruited by the host organization at the Competence Center
for Cultural Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer
Graphics Research in Darmstadt, Germany
Position ESR7:
One ESR to be recruited by the host organization of the Competence Center
for Cultural Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer
Graphics Research in Darmstadt, Germany for the duration of 36 months under
full employment contract. The selected candidate's contract can be extended
up to 60 months when desired and if performing well.
The fellow will perform research along the following lines:
We are looking for a motivated early stage researcher to join our group and
help us achieve fast and economic mass digitization of 3D cultural heritage
artifacts by automation and parallel processing technologies from images or
videos. This objective implies the sub-goals of optimizing performance and
parallelism, accuracy, robustness and scalability of 3D reconstruction
algorithms. The position will be tightly linked with research challenges in
the computer vision domain, especially optical flow and feature recognition
techniques, as well as development of parallel, multi-core and GPU-based
technologies to speed up 3D photogrammetric reconstruction techniques.
Drawing from a data pool of highly unstructured videos and still images, one
of the challenges will be making the algorithms robust to changes in
background, various lighting situations and optical degradation of input
data, thus experience in automated data selection and filtering
methodologies is vital.
The required competence and experience is as follows:
Knowledge in the field of computer vision and image processing is
recommended, including the tasks of background extraction, robust separation
of dynamic and static content, drawing from methods of optical flow and 2D
features, as well as feature- and marker-based tracking.
3D reconstruction will be based on photogrammetric approaches, and thus,
knowledge and experience in 3D/4D-reconstruction techniques based on videos
and images, using Photometric Stereo and Multi-view Stereo, e.g., and other
photogrammetric methods is recommended.
We also want to process image streams to do 3D reconstruction of dynamic
content, so experience in video streaming and stream decomposition into
frames is useful.
Furthermore, knowledge of parallelization techniques is welcome, such as
methodologies for multi-threading, multi-core and multi-GPU computation, as
well as out-of-core computation, as handling of large amounts of data.
The position will be tightly coupled with active research and practical
implementation within a large software framework, which is why we require
experience in scientific work and publication. From the implementation side,
excellent programming skills in C++ and optional Java, and GLSL or OpenCL,
as well as experience with cross-platform build systems such as cmake are an
absolute requirement.
Since we will be working intensely in a team, excellent proficiency in the
English language is mandatory, and knowledge of the German language is
Professional experience in the industry and/or with previous EU projects is
The ESR is expected to present his/her research results on project meetings,
international conferences and in scientific publications and to contribute
to patents applications.
Research Fields
Computer Science, Computer Vision, Photogrammetry, Computer Graphics,
Parallel CPU/GPU Computing
Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 years of experience (Post graduate) -
According to the FP7-PEOPLE (Marie Curie Actions) Regulations.
Eligibility rules for the Marie Curie fellows can be found at the FP7-PEOPLE
2013 Work programme:
Research Profile
Recognized Researcher (R2)
. Competitive salary to cover living and, mobility costs, social
and health insurance (according to the FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions
Programme regulations).
. In the context of a personal Career Development Plan,
opportunities for international collaboration and exchanges to world-class
academic and industrial partners will take place.
. Possibility for a PhD fellowship
. Training in a range of state-of-the-art scientific skills,
intellectual property and project management skills.
. Secondment placements within the network's partners (max.
duration 2 months).
For more details on salary and other benefits please refer to the FP7-PEOPLE
Marie Curie actions website at:
http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/careers_en.htm and
the FP7-PEOPLE ITN2013 work programme:
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae with all the certified copies of
their awards translated in English.
2. Motivation Letter
3. Official transcripts of grades from all academic institutions
of higher education listed in his/her application, certified copies of
degrees, or/and certifications of fulfillment of the required obligations
for entering a graduate PhD programme
4. Official certified copies of titles and documents in English
5. Names of three referees who, upon request, can provide
recommendation letters
6. Copies of any related research papers or other significant
work by the applicant
Applications must be submitted in a closed express courier envelope marked
as "Application for Marie Curie ITN-DCH Research Fellow Position" - Pedro
Santos, Head of Competence Center
Cultural Heritage Digitization, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics
Research IGD, Fraunhoferstrasse 5 - 64283 Darmstadt - Germany.
Otherwise it must be sent via regular registered post with a clearly visible
post office stamp of a date not later than 30th of June 2014, 24:00 that is
the deadline for the submission of the applications.
Applicants are also requested to send their applications electronically to
these email addresses pedro.santos(a)igd.fraunhofer.de and
marinos.ioannides(a)cut.ac.cy before the deadline of 30th of June 2014, 24:00,
however, please note that the electronic submission alone will not be
considered as a formal application unless the printed application is
received as requested in the previous paragraph.
For enquiries: pedro.santos(a)igd.fraunhofer.de
Start of the fellowship: 1st of August 2014
Comment/web site for additional job details
The Applicant should have:
. Master of Science Degree from a recognized university in
Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Physics, Optics, Archaeology,
Geography, Geodesy or any other course providing the candidate with a
background in image processing and/or 3D reconstruction
. Excellent knowledge of the English language at a proficiency
level (spoken and written) is required, Knowledge of German is encouraged.
More information:
. http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de
. http://www.cultlab3d.de
- The ESR candidate, at the time of recruitment, must not have
resided (or carried out his/her main activity e.g. work, studies, etc.) in
Belgium (host country), for more than 12 months in the last 3 years
immediately prior to the reference recruitment date!
(See also:
- The EST must not have PhD yet.
- Required Education Level
Degree Scientific Master Degree or equivalent, as described
Degree Field Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Physics,
Optics, Archaeology, Geography, Geodesy, Image processing
Required Languages
Language ENGLISH
Language Level Excellent
Additional Languages (optional)
Language German, French
Language Level Good
>>> 40 years of Computer Graphics in Plzen <<<
WSCG 2015
23rd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision 2015
in cooperation with the Eurographics Assciation & listed in ACM & SIGGRAPH
to be held in Plzen (Pilsen) close to Praha (Prague), Czech Republic
Primavera Hotel and Congress Centrum
June 8 - 12, 2015
Conference Co-Chairs
Marina L. Gavrilova, University of Calgary, Canada
Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Keynote Speakers
Agreements pending
Detailed information on WSCG 2015 will be available soon
Important days
* Title and abstract submission: February 26, 2015 (recommended only)
* Paper submission: March 5, 2015 23:00 GMT - London time
* Acceptance decision: April 14, 2015
* Final version submission: Full, Communication, Short, Posters - May
12, 2015 23:00 GMT - London time
Main topics
Computer graphics, scientific and medical visualization, computer vision,
image processing, pattern recognition, GPU graphics, graphical human
computer interfaces, geometric modelling, rendering and animation, virtual
reality, haptic systems, medical imaging, graphical interaction,
computational photography, data compression for graphics, image based
rendering, mathematical methods for graphics and vision, physically based
modelling, shape analysis & modelling & retrieval, surface and volume
parameterization, parallel graphics, CAD, CAGD and GIS systems and related
All papers will be available on-line at the WSCG WEB site with no access
restriction => fast dissemination.
Accepted and presented Full papers, Communication papers, Short papers and
Posters will be published in the WSCG proceedings with ISBN in PDF form
after the conference and will be available from the WSCG site
(http://www.wscg.eu) for download - access free.
Printed version will be made for indexing purposes only.
The best selected papers will be published in the regular Journal of WSCG
(see http://www.WSCG.eu => Digital Library).
Journal of WSCG [ISSN 1213-6972 (hardcopy), ISSN 1213-6964 (CD version),
ISSN 1213-6980 (on-line)] and WSCG proceedings with ISBN will be sent for
indexing to Tompson Reuters/WoS-ISI, SCOPUS, INSPEC and others for citation
indexing and other purposes.
* Scopus
* WSCG proceedings (http://wscg.zcu.cz/Scopus-stat-1.pdf)
* Journal of WSCG (http://wscg.zcu.cz/Scopus-stat-2.pdf)
* Thomson Reuters / ISI (http://wscg.zcu.cz/WoS-stat.pdf)
and other indexing institutions.
Vaclav Skala
Prof.Ing.Vaclav Skala, CSc.
FELLOW of the Eurographics Association
c/o University of West Bohemia http://www.zcu.cz
Computer Science Dept. http://www-kiv.zcu.cz
Secretary: cse(a)kiv.zcu.cz
Centre for Computer Graphics and Visualization http://Graphics.zcu.cz
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen-Bory
Czech Republic
e-mail: skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz
WSCG URL: http://www.wscg.eu
GraVisMa URL: http://www.GraVisMa.eu
Direct Tel. +420-37-763-2473
Direct Fax. +420-37-763-2457
Tel.secretary: +420-37-763-2461, 2462, 2463
Fax Department: +420-37-763-2402
VRIPHYS'14 - Work in Progress Session
In the scope of the VRIPHYS 2014 conference, an oral session with short
presentations (typically 15-20 min including questions) will be organized.
These presentations should focus on aspects related to Virtual Reality
Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, unpublished or recent results are particularly well suited
for this session. The presented work will not be included in the
proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work without
preventing them from submitting their work later. This workshop is therefore
well suited for Ph.D. candidates.
To present your work during these sessions, please send us an abstract
(2 pages max.) at: <mailto:vriphys14@cs.uni-bremen.de>
vriphys14(a)cs.uni-bremen.de by the 30th of August 2014.
More information about this "Work in Progress" session can be found on the
conference web site: <http://vriphys2014.uni-bremen.de>
http://vriphys2014.uni-bremen.de .
Best regards,
VRIPHYS 2014 organization committee