The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing (GCC,
Prof. Goesele) in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt has two
job openings for
Research Associates/Ph.D. Students
for an initial term of 3 years. The open positions are part of the joint PhD
program in visual computing with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
in Singapore (see <> Both positions include
therefore a one year research stay at NTU in Singapore.
The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing works
on topics at the intersection of computer graphics and computer vision. A
second focus are efficient techniques for massively parallel computing
(e.g., on modern graphics processing units). Both positions should
contribute and/or complement the existing research topics and should also
fit to the research interests of the researchers in the joint Ph.D. program
in Singapore. Potential topics include:
- efficient image-based reconstruction and rendering techniques
- analysis and perceptual evaluation of reconstruction and rendering
- reconstruction and processing or geometry and reflectance
- massively parallel techniques in computer vision and computer graphics
The successful candidate will also participate in the groups teaching
We are looking for highly motivated applicants, which are able to
independently perform scientific research, but are also willing and able to
cooperate with other members of our team. The position requires a Masters or
Diploma degree in Computer Science or a related field and a deep knowledge
of computer graphics, computer vision and/or massively parallel programming.
The candidate should have very good knowledge of C/C++ and ideally also have
very good knowledge in parallel or massively parallel programming. In
addition, she/he should have a strong proficiency of spoken and written
Opportunity for further qualification (doctoral dissertation) is given. The
fulfillment of the research and service requirements attached to this
position serve at the same time as fulfillment of the academic requirements
for a candidate's doctoral degree.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of
female faculty members and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of
equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50
or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries are according to the
collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the Technische
Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt). Part-time employment is generally
How to Apply
Your application should include a letter of motivation stating your interest
in the position and your research interests, your current curriculum vitae,
M.Sc./Diploma certificates including grades, and at least two letters of
recommendation. Please send your application via email to Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Michael Goesele ( <>
goesele(a), including the reference number listed below.
Code. No. 214
Application deadline: June 03, 2015
Online version of the job posting
Dear Friend and Colleague,
I am pleased to inform you that our department is about to
annouce a tenture-track assistant professor position in the area of
computer graphics and computer simulation. These being my own disciplinary
fields I am extremely excited about this.
I hope you will help me get the news out to strong candidates that would
be interesting in making a career here in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Below is a snippet of the call text that soon will go online. Any
interested candidates are welcome to contact me for more information.
Best regards
Kenny Erleben
Tenure-track assistant Professor of Computer Graphics and Computer
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
The Department of Computer Science ( <> at the University
of Copenhagen invites applications for an associate professor of Computer
Graphics and Computer Simulation.
The department is expanding its research and educational activities in
computer simulation and computer graphics. There are excellent
opportunities for working with medical applications and for collaboration
on theoretical and applied development of novel numerical methods, new
approaches for computational meshing, GPU programming and computational
mechanics with researchers at DIKU and neighbouring institutions requiring
advanced computer simulations beyond the state-of-the-art.
The applicant is expected to have substantial research experience in the
area of Computer Graphics and Computer Simulation. Outstanding applicants
in all areas of computer graphics and computer simulation will be
considered, but research areas of special interest include moving meshes,
computational contact mechanics, bio-mechanical modeling as well as the
application of these methods in various domains.
The successful candidate is expected to build up his/her own research
group and apply for external funding (e.g., an ERC starting grant). The
position comes with a competitive start-up package.
Call for participation, SIGRAD2015
Annual conference of the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics
1-2 June, 2015
Information on conference can be found on
There will be 20 presentations from six countries.
Questions can be sent to Lars Kjelldahl < <>
*** Call for Participation ***
EGSR 2015 - 26th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering including the
co-located Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling (MAM 2015) June 23-26,
2015 in Darmstadt, Germany <>
Early Bird Registration Deadline: May 31, 2015
Hotel Reservations still available - first rooms expire on May 18, 2015
Please join us at the 26th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR 2015)
which will take place in the Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, Germany.
Notifications for papers submitted to EGSR 2015 went just out and we are in
the process of assembling an exciting program. In particular, we are happy
to announce Luca Fascione from Weta Digital as Invited Speaker.
Submissions for the Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling will still be
accepted until June 6. All details are available at
CU in Darmstadt!
Michael Goesele for the local organizing team
Jaakko Lehtinen and Derek Nowrouzezahrai, EGSR 2015 Program Chairs
Holly Rushmeier and Reinhard Klein, MAM 2015 Workshop Organizers
5th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine
September 14-15, 2015. Chester, UK
Second Call for Papers
EG VCBM is now an annual event addressing state-of-the-art visual computing
research with a strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. EG
VCBM is unique, as it provides a highly interdisciplinary forum for experts
from computer graphics, visualization, computer vision, visual analytics,
human computer interfaces and end users from biology and medicine jointly
working on next generation visual computing solutions for healthcare and the
biotechnology sector.
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original application-oriented research
papers that advance the fusion of visual computing methods within medicine
and biological science. All papers should focus on a well-defined biological
or medical problem, and should demonstrate a significant innovation or
improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
* Medical simulation, including uses of stereoscopy and haptics
* Virtual physiological human
* Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology,
interventional medicine, pathology, anatomy and medical education
* Visual computing solutions for applications to support biomedical
research in systems biology, omics, molecular pathology, neuroanatomy,
biomedical imaging, ..
* Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Methods might include, but are not limited to:
* Computer models of biomechanical, physiological and biochemical
functions of living systems.
* Visualization and analysis of all kinds of biomedical (image) data.
* Information visualization of medical data sets e.g. electronic
health records.
* Visualization, mining and analysis of biomedical data collections.
* Fusion, analysis and visualization of heterogeneous and/or
multi-source data.
* Multi-scale methods and data structures for large data.
* Interaction and design of visual computing workflows in medicine and
* Data tracking and registration.
* Data reconstruction and geometry extraction.
* Real time rendering and interaction with anatomy models.
All submitted papers will run through a one-stage peer-review process.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the
EG-published electronic conference proceedings. The authors of the best
three papers will be invited to submit an extended article version of their
paper as journal publication to Computer Graphics Forum.
Important Dates
Paper submission: June 21, 2015
Paper notification: End July/beginning August 2015
Camera-ready deadline: August 14, 2015
Poster submission: August 07, 2015
Poster notification: end August 2015
Workshop: September 14-15, 2015
Kind regards,
Katja Bühler, Lars Linsen and Nigel John
VCBM 2015 Chairs
Chair(s) email: <> chairs-vcbm2015(a)
Digital Heritage 2015
The 2015 International Congress on Digital Heritage
28 September - 2 October 2015, Granada, Spain
Just 6 days left to the deadlines for:
- Short papers
- Work in progress
- Digital Heritage Expo
Remember that "Work in progress" is aimed to fit better the needs of the
humanities community; we solicit the submission of extended abstracts
(2 pages-long), describing on-going research activities. The conference
presentation will be either full/short time slot or poster, depending on the
outcome of the review process. Extended abstract will be published in the
conference proceedings and indexed on IEEExplore.
More info:
Computer Graphics & Visual Computing 2015
The 33rd Annual Conference organised by the UK
Chapter of the Eurographics Association,
16-17 September 2015, University College London, UK
Call for contributions: 11 June 2015
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2015 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstracts - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK programme
committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to give a 15
minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial sketches - a technical sketch of 1 page or an abstract of 250
words, demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
sketches will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a dedicated poster session.
Accepted abstracts and sketches will appear in the Eurographics digital
library. An extended abstract and industrial sketches will not be considered
as a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
・ Computer animation and image-based animation
・ Computer-based arts and entertainment
・ Vision-based techniques and image processing
・ Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
・ Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
・ Medical imaging
・ Multimedia visualisation
・ Modelling methods
・ Rendering techniques
・ Scientific visualization and big data
・ Information visualization and visual analytics
・ Augmented reality and collaborative environments
・ Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
・ Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Camera Ready
11 June 2015
14 July 2015
27 July 2015
16-17 September 2015
Conference co-chair: Dr Rita Borgo, University of Swansea, UK; Dr Cagatay
Turkay, City University London, UK.
Contact: chairs-cgvc2015(a);
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr Tim Weyrich, University College London, UK;