2nd call for papers UDMV 2015 (with extended deadlines and a point cloud
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the modelling and visualisation
of the city at various temporal and spatial scales, and aims at sharing
associated techniques, methods, uses and points of view.
Important dates
July 3, 2015 (July 20, 2015): Paper submission
August 28, 2015 (September 4, 2015): Author notification
October 9, 2015: Camera-ready paper
November 23, 2015: Workshop
After being organised in Spain in 2013 and in France in 2014 as a co-located
event of the Eurographics conference, this third workshop moves on its own
to the Netherlands in autumn as a stand-alone event. It is organised at TU
Delft on 23 November 2015 by the 3D geoinformation group. Once again, we
expect fruitful exchanges by the involvement of the computer graphics and
the geoinformatics communities.
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city (spatio-temporal
Multi-scale geometric data (from building scale to urban scale)
Multi-scale temporal data (from real time to history time)
Visualisation of several urban data layers (aggregated indicators)
Visual analytics using urban data (decision making processes and CAD)
Expected contributions are research papers, 6 pages in EG publication
format, presenting unpublished methods, algorithms and techniques with
established results. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the
conference by one of the authors, and will be published in the EG Digital
UDMV 2015 LiDAR/3D modelling contest
Within the workshop, a "3D Modelling of A Complex Urban Structure contest
is taking place. More information is available on
Filip Biljecki (3D geoinformation group - TU Delft - Netherlands) Workshop
Vincent Tourre (CRENAU - École Centrale de Nantes - France) Programme
More details to be found on the website
The PDF of the call for papers is available at
Two positions open for PostDOC fellowship at the Institute for Applied
Mathematics and Information Technology of the CNR, Genova Dept.
( <http://www.ge.imati.cnr.it> www.ge.imati.cnr.it).
For both positions, the ideal candidates should have a good background in
geometry processing, computer science and mathematics.
Candidates with good research experience and programming skills, willing to
spend one year with the Shape Modelling Group of IMATI are encouraged to
Details on the research programmes and application procedure can be found at
the following links:
1) Reference number IMATI 004 2015 GE: Innovative methods for 3D shape
exploration guided by analysis of similarities
Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application
domain of Cultural Heritage.
2) Bando IMATI 005 2015 GE: Innovative methods for the representation and
analysis of 3D shapes
Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application
domain of 3D printing.
For any information, please contact:
<mailto:bianca.falcidieno@ge.imati.cnr.it> bianca.falcidieno(a)ge.imati.cnr.it
or <mailto:michela.spagnuolo@ge.imati.cnr.it>
Dear Colleagues,
This is just a gentle reminder that the deadline for submissions to
COMPUTER GRAPHICS & VISUAL COMPUTING (CGVC) 2015 is fast approaching: June
22, (GMT 24.00).
Hosted at University College London this year event is looking to be a very
exciting venue attracting both researchers and industry partners from across
the country and from further afield.
Looking forward to see you there!
Kind Regards
Rita and Cagatay
CGVC2015 Co-chairs
The 33rd Annual Conference organised by the UK Chapter of the Eurographics
16-17 September 2015, University College London, UK http://cgvc15.cs.ucl.ac.
Call for contributions: 22 June 2015 (GMT 24.00)
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2015 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstracts - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK programme
committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to give a 15
minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial sketches - a technical sketch of 1 page or an abstract of 250
words, demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
sketches will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a dedicated poster session.
Accepted abstracts and sketches will appear in the Eurographics digital
library. An extended abstract and industrial sketches will not be considered
as a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
* Computer animation and image-based animation
* Computer-based arts and entertainment
* Vision-based techniques and image processing
* Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
* Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
* Medical imaging
* Multimedia visualisation
* Modelling methods
* Rendering techniques
* Scientific visualization and big data
* Information visualization and visual analytics
* Augmented reality and collaborative environments
* Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
* Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
Important Dates:
・ Submission Deadline 22 June
2015 (GMT 24:00)
・ Notification of Acceptance 20 July 2015
・ Camera Ready 03
August 2015
・ Conference
16-17 September 2015
Conference co-chairs: Dr Rita Borgo, University of Swansea, UK; Dr Cagatay
Turkay, City University London, UK. Contact: chairs-cgvc2015(a)eg.org;
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr Tim Weyrich, University College London, UK;
The 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
(VRIPHYS) November 4-5, 2015, Lyon (France) Submission deadline ** July 9,
2015 **
<http://vriphys2015.sciencesconf.org/> http://vriphys2015.sciencesconf.org/
We are pleased to announce the 12th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2015. The workshop is hosted by LIRIS and
the Université Lyon 1 and will take place on Nov. 4-5, 2015. It is
organized in cooperation with EuroGraphics (EG) and will be preceded by a
Sofa-users day.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researches in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research.
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to:
* animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style, and the EG exclusive licence form has to be filled, following the
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the SRM portal before July 9, 2015.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the International Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. A full
proceedings with all accepted papers will be published at the time of the
Important dates
Full Paper Submission: July 9, 2015
Full Paper Notification: Sept. 4, 2015
Camera-ready: Sept. 24, 2015
Conference: Nov. 4-5, 2015
Poster/Work in Progress submission: Sept. 17, 2015 Poster/Work in Progress
notification : Sept. 24, 2015
Best papers award
The "best papers Award" will be given to the author(s) of full papers
presented at the conference, selected by the Organizing Committee. The
authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to
the journal Computers & Graphics, for publication in a Virtual Special Issue
SOFA-users day
Following the half-day held in Lille in 2013 (
https://vriphys2013.inria.fr/sofa-users/), this year VRIPHYS will once again
be preceded by a tutorial/workshop for SOFA-users. SOFA is an Open Source
framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on
medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research community to help
develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an efficient prototyping
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Gabriel ZACHMANN University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit
See you in Lyon!
The 2015 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2015 (MIG)
November 16-18, 2015, Paris, France
Submission Deadline: *** July 7, 2015 ***
The 8th International Conference on Motion in Games will take place in
Paris, France from November 16-18, 2015 and be hosted by Telecom ParisTech.
MIG is sponsored by ACM and held in cooperation with Eurographics.
Conference mission: Games have become a very important medium for education,
therapy and entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer games.
Characters move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical
constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene.
Even the motion of the player is used as input to games. Motion is currently
studied in many different areas of research, including graphics and
animation, game technology, robotics, simulation, computer vision, and also
physics, psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization between these
communities can considerably advance the state-of- the-art in the area. The
goal of the Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers from
this variety of fields to present their most recent results, to initiate
collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the research area.
The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, poster presentations,
as well as presentations by a selection of established researchers in areas
related to games and simulation. The conference program will also include
cultural and social events that foster casual and friendly interactions
among the participants. MIG provides an intimate forum for researchers and
practitioners in to present their research results, inspire new ideas, and
promote cross-disciplinary collaborations.
We have an exciting program planned for 2015 with keynote speakers that are
at the forefront of research in character animation, games, and artificial
Invited Speakers:
(1) Robert W. Sumner, Associate Director, Disney Research Zurich
(2) Jean-Paul Laumond, Directeur de Recherche, LAAS-CNRS, France
(3) Nadia Berthouze, Reader in Affective Interaction and Computing,
University College London
(4) Alex Champandard, Editor in Chief, Technical Director & Entrepreneur at
NEW this year! We are excited to introduce a "Games meet Academia" panel
whose aim is to stimulate an active debate between practitioners and
researchers alike, in an effort to bridge the gap between advanced research
and development in computer games, and fundamental research in interactive
computer animation.
Please stay tuned for more information and refer to
https://mig2015.inria.fr/ for regular updates!
Conference chair
Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS - LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, France
Program Chairs
Marc Christie, University of Rennes 1/INRIA Rennes, France
Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University, USA.
Submission Deadline
*** July 7, 2015 at 22:00 UTC/GMT ***
There are several options for submission which are detailed below. The
review process will be double-blind.
Long Papers
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers in any of the topics
of interest (see below). Each submission should be 7-10 pages in length,
and will be reviewed by an international program committee for technical
quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. All of the accepted regular
papers will be archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries. All submissions
will be considered for Best Paper Awards. Best Paper, Best Student Paper,
and Best Presentation awards will be conferred during the conference.
Like in previous years, the best papers will be invited to submit an
extended version for publication in the journal of Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds (CAVW).
Short Papers
We also invite 4-6 page submissions for quick dissemination of fresh ideas.
Short papers should include an augmentation or new application of existing
work. Short papers can also contain the mature seeds of new research. These
papers will undergo the same rigorous review process as regular papers, will
appear in the electronic proceedings, and will be archived in the EG and ACM
digital libraries.
Two types of work can be submitted directly for poster presentation: (1)
Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular relevance to the
MIG community can be submitted as a poster. This work and the venue in
which it was published should be identified in the abstract. (2) Work that
is of interest to the MIG community but is not yet mature enough to appear
as a short or long paper.
Posters will not appear in the official MIG proceedings but will appear in
an online database for distribution at author's discretion.
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference during oral sessions, or
as posters during a poster session. Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards
will be conferred during the conference.
Papers should be formatted using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines:
and submitted using Easy Chair:
Topics of Interest
The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Animation Systems
Animation Algorithms and Techniques
Character Animation
Behavioral Animation
Facial Animation
Particle Systems
Simulation of Natural Environments
Natural Motion Simulation
Virtual Humans
Physics-based Motion
Crowd Simulation
Path Planning
Navigation and Way-finding
Flocking and Steering Behaviour
Camera Motion
Object Manipulation
Motion Capture Techniques
Motion Analysis and Synthesis
Gesture Recognition
Interactive Narrative
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee
For more information, please visit https://mig2015.inria.fr/
And after submitting to MIG, we strongly encourage you to participate in our
partner's nucl.ai conference in Austria, 20-22nd July 2015: http://nucl.ai/
-- Artificial Intelligence in interactive media, training & simulations, and
digital entertainment! Especially the crowds and animation courses are
looking particularly relevant
See you in Paris!
Dear colleagues,
The list of talks at the 2015 Symposium Geometry Processing (Graz, July
6-8) is now available, and so is the complete list of Graduate School
courses (July 4-5): See
The early registration period ends June 10.
Hoping to see many of you in Graz in July,
Johannes Wallner, Ursula Augsdoerfer (organizers)
Miri Ben-Chen, Ligang Liu (scientific chairs)
Dear Colleagues,
Due to several requests we have EXTENDED the submission deadline to the
forthcoming Conference:
Computer Graphics & Visual Computing 2015
The 33rd Annual Conference organised by the UK
Chapter of the Eurographics Association,
16-17 September 2015, University College London, UK
<http://cgvc15.cs.ucl.ac.uk/> http://cgvc15.cs.ucl.ac.uk/
Call for contributions: 22 June 2015 (EXTENDED!)
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2015 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstracts - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK programme
committee. Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to give a 15
minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial sketches - a technical sketch of 1 page or an abstract of 250
words, demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
sketches will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a dedicated poster session.
Accepted abstracts and sketches will appear in the Eurographics digital
library. An extended abstract and industrial sketches will not be considered
as a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
・ Computer animation and image-based animation
・ Computer-based arts and entertainment
・ Vision-based techniques and image processing
・ Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
・ Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
・ Medical imaging
・ Multimedia visualisation
・ Modelling methods
・ Rendering techniques
・ Scientific visualization and big data
・ Information visualization and visual analytics
・ Augmented reality and collaborative environments
・ Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
・ Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline (EXTENDED): 22 June 2015
Notification of Acceptance: 20 July 2015
Camera Ready: 03 August 2015
Conference: 16-17 September
Conference co-chair: Dr Rita Borgo, University of Swansea, UK; Dr Cagatay
Turkay, City University London, UK.
Contact: chairs-cgvc2015(a)eg.org;
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr Tim Weyrich, University College London, UK;
Call for papers UDMV2015
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the modelling and visualisation
of the city at various temporal and spatial scales, and aims at sharing
associated techniques, methods, uses and points of view.
Important dates
July 3, 2015: Paper submission
August 28, 2015: Author notification
October 9, 2015: Camera-ready paper
November 23, 2015: Workshop
After being organised in Spain in 2013 and in France in 2014 as a co-located
event of the Eurographics conference, this third workshop moves on its own
to the Netherlands in autumn as a stand-alone event. It is organised at TU
Delft on 23 November 2015 by the 3D geoinformation group. Once again, we
expect fruitful exchanges by the involvement of the computer graphics and
the geoinformatics communities.
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
. Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city (spatio-temporal
. Multi-scale geometric data (from building scale to urban scale) .
Multi-scale temporal data (from real time to history time) . Visualisation
of several urban data layers (aggregated indicators) . Visual analytics
using urban data (decision making processes and CAD)
Expected contributions are research papers, 6 pages in EG publication
format, presenting unpublished methods, algorithms and techniques with
established results. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the
conference by one of the authors, and will be published in the EG Digital
Filip Biljecki (3D Geoinformation group/TU Delft/Netherlands) - Workshop
Chair Vincent Tourre (CRENAU/ECN/France) - Programme Chair
More details to be found in attachment and on the website:
Best regards,
Vincent Tourre
UDMV2015 - Programme Chair