Singapore, 3-5 October, 2018
Organized by Fraunhofer Singapore
In cooperation with Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH and International
Federation for Information Processing.
Conference web page: <http://www.cyberworlds-conference.org/>
CW 2018 SCOPE:
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that use computer technologies to augment the way we
interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the
world. CW 2018 is the 17th conference organized annually since 2002. CW 2018
will consider the following tracks and topics:
Applications of virtual and augmented reality; Networked and shared virtual
worlds; Virtual collaborative spaces; Shape modeling for cyberworlds;
Virtual humans and avatars; Multimodal interaction and rendering; Computer
vision for augmented and mixed reality; Social computing; Online
communities; Cyber-learning; Multi-user web games; Art and heritage in
cyberspace; Cyber-museums; Cyberethics and cyberlaws; Welfare in
cyberworlds; Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds; Visual analytics
in cyberworlds
Cognitive informatics; Human factors in transportation, maritime, industry
4.0; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Affective computing; Mobile
BCI; Machine and deep learning for EEG-based algorithms; Multi-modal
Interfaces; Neurofeedback systems and games; BCI applications
Security protocols; Authentication protocols; Privacy protocols; Password
security; Security of personal data; Content protection and digital rights
management; Risk and reputation management; Identity and trust management;
Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy, security and trust in social
media; Security of embedded systems; Behavioral biometrics; Performance
evaluation of biometric systems; Multi-biometrics; Quality of biometric
data; Biometric template protection; Presentation attack detection;
Emerging biometrics
Real-time analytics, modelling, and simulation for the future smart cities
and urban mobility; 3D city modelling, processing and simulation;
Predictive analytics and machine learning for future healthcare; Medical
Computing for future healthcare; Visual Computing for active ageing;
Cyber-physical systems technologies; Computer vision for industry 4.0 /
smart manufacturing; Optical inspection for industry 4.0 / smart
manufacturing; Virtual and Augmented Reality for the future smart cities
and smart manufacturing
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: full papers (up to 8 pages), short papers (up to 4
pages), and poster papers (up to 4 pages).
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference
databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus,
SCI, etc.
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of
all accepted full papers:
Computers & Graphics (Elsevier); The Visual Computer (Springer);
Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS); Advanced
Engineering Informatics (Elsevier); Journal of Future Generation Systems
(Elsevier); International Journal of Art, Culture, and Design Technologies
(IGI Global)
Monday 7 May Papers (Full/Short) submission
Monday 25 June Papers (Full/Short) notification
Monday 2 July Poster papers submission
Monday 16 July Poster papers notification
Monday 30 July Author registration
Wednesday 30 July Camera-ready papers submisson to CPS
Conference flyer for downloading:
Program Chair Alexei Sourin <mailto:cw2018@easychair.org>
Conference URL: <http://www.cyberworlds-conference.org/>
Call for Short Papers
Authors are invited to submit proposals for short presentations of recent
results, work in progress, and new ideas. Accepted papers will be published
in the Short Papers digital media proceedings. We encourage submissions from
all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling,
visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision,
computer-aided design, fabrication and imaging.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work as an oral
presentation at the conference.
Submission details
Submitted papers must be anonymous, up to 4 pages in length, and formatted
according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines. Submissions will be made
electronically through the <http://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/> Eurographics
Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system.
For any question concerning short papers submissions please contact the
short papers co-chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2018shorts@eg.org>
Important Dates
The submission deadline for short papers is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, January
5th, 2018.
Notification of the outcome of the review process will be on Friday,
February 24th 2018.
Eurographics 2018 Short Papers Chairs
Olga Diamanti, Stanford University, USA
Amir Vaxman, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Geometric Modeling and Processing 2018
April 9-11, 2018
Aachen, Germany
GMP is an annual international conference series on geometric modeling,
simulation, and computing. The modeling and processing of geometric data is
fundamental to many computer applications, including computer graphics,
computer vision, CAD/CAM, medical imaging, engineering analysis, robotics,
additive manufacturing, and scientific computation. GMP conferences provide
researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new ideas,
discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions. The organizers of
GMP 2018 invite submission of full-length papers on topics including, but
not limited, to the following:
* Mathematical foundations of computer-aided geometric design
* Computational geometry algorithms and analyses
* Multi-resolution and heterogeneous modeling
* Geometric feature modeling and recognition
* Representation of curves and surfaces
* Discrete differential geometry
* Isogeometric analysis
* Shape optimization
* Material modeling
* 3D printing and computational manufacturing
Paper Submission and Proceedings:
English is the official language of the conference. Manuscripts must be
written in English. The submitted papers should present previously
unpublished, original results that are not simultaneously submitted
elsewhere. All papers will be rigorously peer-reviewed by members of the
international program committee. The review will be double-blind. For paper
format details and templates, please visit the conference website.
The conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (Elsevier). To meet the high standards of
this journal, papers will undergo a two-stage review process. Authors of
papers that are determined to be acceptable with minor revisions during a
first review cycle will be invited to submit a revised version for a second
review cycle. Only the papers that are accepted in this second review cycle
will appear in the journal issue and be presented at the conference.
Submissions with strong potentials but requiring major revisions will be
recommended to Computer-Aided Geometric Design for a fast-track submission
process with optional reviewer continuity.
Important Dates:
Oct. 26, 2017: abstract submission
Nov. 02, 2017: paper submission
Dec. 12, 2017: first round review notification
Jan. 14, 2018: revised version submission
Feb. 07, 2018: second round review notification
Feb. 14, 2018: final version submission
Conference Co-Chairs:
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Scott Schaefer (Texas A&M, USA)
Hiromasa Suzuki (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
David Bommes (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
John A. Evans (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
Ligang Liu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Postdoc Position with the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge
We seek applications for a full-time Postdoc position with the Institute of
Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of
Technology for a duration of six years. The successful candidate has a PhD
in Computer Science and a track record of research in subjects related to
Computer Graphics and/or Knowledge Visualization as demonstrated by
publications in relevant international journals and conferences. The
research of the position is to be defined in accordance with the interest of
the successful candidate and the research interests of the institute.
Possible topics include but are not limited to geometric modelling, geometry
processing, virtual reality, 3D object retrieval, knowledge visualization
and visual analytics. An interest in application research pertaining to
e.g., computer-aided geometric design, visual analysis of industrial data,
or cultural heritage applications is welcome. The Postdoc researcher will
also contribute to the teaching efforts of the institute in the area of
Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization. It is possible to define part
of the teaching content in alignment with teaching interest of the
Main tasks of the position include conducting internationally competitive
conceptual and experimental research in the area, (co-)supervision of
undergraduate and PhD students, the development of internal and external
research collaborations, and acquisition and coordination of third-party
funded projects. The Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge
Visualization and the Faculty for Computer Science and Biomedical
Engineering at TU Graz offer a highly stimulating and excellently equipped
research environment. The position is embedded in a highly motivated team of
researchers and students. The position is limited to 6 years and expected to
start by December 2017 or later. Please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck at
tobias.schreck(a)cgv.tugraz.at or Ass.Prof. Dr. Ursula Augsdörfer at
u.augsdorfer(a)cgv.tugraz.at for further details or questions.
Applications are considered until November 1, 2017. To apply, please send
your CV, academic credentials and a letter of motivation mentioning the
opening code 7110/17/011 to the Dean of the Faculty for Computer Science and
Biomedical Engineering, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Frank Kappe,
Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz (informatik(a)tugraz.at
<javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('ocknvq,kphqtocvkmBvwitcb0cv');> ).
Postdoc Position with the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge
We seek applications for a full-time Postdoc position with the Institute of
Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of
Technology for a duration of six years. The successful candidate has a PhD
in Computer Science and a track record of research in subjects related to
Computer Graphics and/or Knowledge Visualization as demonstrated by
publications in relevant international journals and conferences. The
research of the position is to be defined in accordance with the interest of
the successful candidate and the research interests of the institute.
Possible topics include but are not limited to geometric modelling, geometry
processing, virtual reality, 3D object retrieval, knowledge visualization
and visual analytics. An interest in application research pertaining to
e.g., computer-aided geometric design, visual analysis of industrial data,
or cultural heritage applications is welcome. The Postdoc researcher will
also contribute to the teaching efforts of the institute in the area of
Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization. It is possible to define part
of the teaching content in alignment with teaching interest of the
Main tasks of the position include conducting internationally competitive
conceptual and experimental research in the area, (co-)supervision of
undergraduate and PhD students, the development of internal and external
research collaborations, and acquisition and coordination of third-party
funded projects. The Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge
Visualization and the Faculty for Computer Science and Biomedical
Engineering at TU Graz offer a highly stimulating and excellently equipped
research environment. The position is embedded in a highly motivated team of
researchers and students. The position is limited to 6 years and expected to
start by December 2017 or later. Please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck at
tobias.schreck(a)cgv.tugraz.at or Ass.Prof. Dr. Ursula Augsdörfer at
u.augsdorfer(a)cgv.tugraz.at for further details or questions.
Applications are considered until October 18, 2017. To apply, please send
your CV, academic credentials and a letter of motivation mentioning the
opening code 7110/17/011 to the Dean of the Faculty for Computer Science and
Biomedical Engineering, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Frank Kappe,
Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz (informatik(a)tugraz.at
<javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('ocknvq,kphqtocvkmBvwitcb0cv');> ).
Dear all,
We are looking for a PhD student in the area of computer graphics, virtual
reality, and perception at the University of Lyon, France.
Details are here:
The scholarships provides funding for a three-year period. Applicants must
have earned a Masters or Diploma degree in Computer Science. A completed
application must include a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and
letters of recommendation and has to be sent to
<mailto:glavoue@liris.cnrs.fr> glavoue(a)liris.cnrs.fr.
Guillaume Lavoué
Associate Professor - HDR
INSA de Lyon, LIRIS, France
Tel : (33) 4 72 43 71 36
e-mail : <mailto:glavoue@liris.cnrs.fr> glavoue(a)liris.cnrs.fr
URL : <http://liris.cnrs.fr/guillaume.lavoue>
Geometric Modeling and Processing 2018
April 9-11, 2018
Aachen, Germany
GMP is an annual international conference series on geometric modeling,
simulation, and computing. The modeling and processing of geometric data is
fundamental to many computer applications, including computer graphics,
computer vision, CAD/CAM, medical imaging, engineering analysis, robotics,
additive manufacturing, and scientific computation. GMP conferences provide
researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new ideas,
discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions. The organizers of
GMP 2018 invite submission of full-length papers on topics including, but
not limited, to the following:
* Mathematical foundations of computer-aided geometric design
* Computational geometry algorithms and analyses
* Multi-resolution and heterogeneous modeling
* Geometric feature modeling and recognition
* Representation of curves and surfaces
* Discrete differential geometry
* Isogeometric analysis
* Shape optimization
* Material modeling
* 3D printing and computational manufacturing
Paper Submission and Proceedings:
English is the official language of the conference. Manuscripts must be
written in English. The submitted papers should present previously
unpublished, original results that are not simultaneously submitted
elsewhere. All papers will be rigorously peer-reviewed by members of the
international program committee. The review will be double-blind. For paper
format details and templates, please visit the conference website.
The conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (Elsevier). To meet the high standards of
this journal, papers will undergo a two-stage review process. Authors of
papers that are determined to be acceptable with minor revisions during a
first review cycle will be invited to submit a revised version for a second
review cycle. Only the papers that are accepted in this second review cycle
will appear in the journal issue and be presented at the conference.
Submissions with strong potentials but requiring major revisions will be
recommended to Computer-Aided Geometric Design for a fast-track submission
process with optional reviewer continuity.
Important Dates:
Oct. 26, 2017: abstract submission
Nov. 02, 2017: paper submission
Dec. 12, 2017: first round review notification
Jan. 14, 2018: revised version submission
Feb. 07, 2018: second round review notification
Feb. 14, 2018: final version submission
Conference Co-Chairs:
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Scott Schaefer (Texas A&M, USA)
Hiromasa Suzuki (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs:
David Bommes (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
John A. Evans (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
Ligang Liu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)