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Pacific Graphics 2017 Call For Papers ( <http://www.siggraph.org.tw/pg2017/>
Pacific Graphics 2017 will be hosted by National Chiao Tung University and
held in Taipei, Taiwan, during October 16-19, 2017. Pacific Graphics is an
annual international conference on computer graphics and applications. As a
highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium
forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and
around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and
technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Paper submission
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics
and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling,
rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer
interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new
ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.
Paper publication
The conference proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2017 will be published as an
issue of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), the journal of the Eurographics
Association, in print and online. Regular (full) papers will be presented in
oral sessions and appear in the journal issue. A few submissions with strong
potential but not accepted as regular papers will be recommended for a
second review cycle of CGF after major revisions. Short papers will not
appear in CGF, but will be published electronically through the EG digital
Important dates
- Paper submission: Apr 30, 2017
- Reviews sent to authors: Jun 13, 2017
- Rebuttal period closes: Jun 18, 2017
- Decision notification: Jun 28, 2017
- Camera ready: Jul 28, 2017
- Conference: October 16 - 19, 2017
Conference co-chairs
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Jung Hong Chuang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Bing-Yu Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Program co-chairs
Jernej Barbic (University of Southern California, USA)
Wen-Chieh Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Olga Sorkine-Hornung (ETH Zurich, Switzerlan
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
<http://sca17.cs.columbia.edu/> http://sca17.cs.columbia.edu
The 16th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will be held in Los
Angeles, CA, July 28-30, just before Siggraph. The symposium will be hosted
at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
SCA is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of
computer animation. It unites researchers and practitioners working on all
aspects of time-based phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with
single track program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the
best venue to exchange research results, get inspired, and set up
collaborations. Don't miss out!
We already have a number of fantastic invited speakers lined up.
Hod Lipson, Columbia University
Karen Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Invited Talks:
Nils Thuerey, TU Munich
Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley
Andy Nealen, New York University
Hao Li, Pinscreen Inc. & University of Southern California
Simon Clavet, Ubisoft
We invite submission of original, high-quality papers on computer animation,
broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying phenomena. Each
submission will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
significance, and clarity.
All of the accepted papers will be archived in the EG and ACM digital
libraries.Best paper awards will be made this year, and honorable mentions
to the top 10% of submissions. We will also recommend a significant portion
(up to 12 papers) of the accepted SCA 2017 papers to the TVCG journal and
the CGF journal.
We invite work on a broad range of topics, including:
o 2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
o autonomous characters
o clothing animation and simulation
o expressive motion / communication
o facial animation
o group and crowd behavior
o intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
o mathematical foundations of animation
o methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
o nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, ...)
o new time-based art forms on the computer
o novel time-varying phenomena
o perceptual metrics for animation
o perceptual foundations of animation
o physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
o physical simulation
o fluid animation
o planning / learning / optimization for animation
o real-time and interactive methods
o camera control methods for computer animation
o sound and speech for animation
as well as on related problems in robotics, game development, human-computer
interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and others.
We also invite submissions to the poster and demo session, which has
traditionally been an integral part of the SCA program. Posters are not
formal publications, so work submitted as a poster is still eligible for
later publication, and will be exempt from inclusion in the ACM and EG
digital libraries. Details regarding submission format will be announced
closer to the deadline.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 23:59 GMT.
Paper Submission: April 14, 2017
Paper Notification: May 19, 2017
Camera-ready Paper: June 9, 2017
Poster Submission: May 27, 2017
Poster Notification: June 16, 2017
Symposium: July 28-30, 2017
For more information, please visit <http://sca17.cs.columbia.edu/>
We hope to see you in Los Angeles!
o Conference Chairs
Joseph Teran, University of California Los Angeles (USA)
Changxi Zheng, Columbia University (USA)
o Program Chairs
Bernhard Thomaszewski, Disney Research Zurich (Switzerland) and University
of Montreal (Canada)
KangKang Yin, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
o Posters Chair:
Rahul Narain, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (USA)
The abstract deadline for the 28th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
(19-21 June 2017, at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland) has been
extended to March 31st (because of a delay with the SIGGRAPH acceptance
notifications). The abstract and paper deadlines now coincide.
Important dates:
- Abstract and paper deadline: Friday 31 March 2017
- Author notification: Wednesday 10 May 2017
- Final papers due: Wednesday 17 May 2017
This will be the 28th event that continues the series of highly successful
Eurographics Symposia and Workshops on rendering. For more details, please
visit the conference webpage at <http://egsr2017.aalto.fi/>
http://egsr2017.aalto.fi/. We hope to see you and your work in Helsinki!
EGSR 2017 papers chairs
Matthias Zwicker
Pedro Sander
The 35th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association, 14-15 September 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2017 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstract - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will also be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK
programme committee. All accepted extended abstracts will be presented as
posters in a poster session and authors of selected submissions will also be
expected to give a 15 minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial project abstracts - a technical abstract of 1 to 4 pages,
demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
abstracts will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a poster session.
Accepted abstracts will appear in the Eurographics digital library. An
extended abstract and industrial project abstract will not be considered as
a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
● Computer animation and image-based animation
● Computer-based arts and entertainment
● Vision-based techniques and image processing
● Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
● Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
● Medical imaging
● Multimedia visualisation
● Computer Games
● Rendering techniques
● Scientific visualization and big data
● Information visualization and visual analytics
● Augmented reality and collaborative environments
● Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
● Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
● Modelling methods
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Camera Ready
16 June 2017
14 July 2017
4 August 2017
14-15 September 2017
Conference co-chairs: Dr Tao Ruan Wan, Bradford University, UK, Dr Franck
Vidal, and Bangor University, UK. Contact: chairs-cgvc2017(a)eg.org;
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr N P Costen, Manchester Metropolitan
University, UK;
Dear Computer Graphics colleagues,
shall we ask you to (see details below)
* help with WSCG conference papers reviewing (PhD is required)t
held in EUROGRAPHICS cooperation
* consider research collaboration with us on RBF
interpolation/approximation and RBF application
RBF - Radial Basis Functions - our current activities are available at
<http://meshfree.zcu.cz/> http://meshfree.zcu.cz/
If you are interested in collaboration, please, send me e-mail (
<mailto:skala@kiv.zcu.cz> skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz) with subject: RBF
WSCG reviewing (PhD is required)
We are organizing the WSCG conferences on Computer Graphics, Visualization
and Computer Vision since 1992
<http://www.wsc.eu> http://www.wsc.eu
in EUROGRAPHICS Association
We are looking for new reviewers (PhD required).
If you are willing to help in research papers evaluation, please, fill the
form at
and send it via e-mail to us.
Also, please register yourself at
<http://wscgreg.zcu.cz> http://wscgreg.zcu.cz
Please note, that reviewing is a part of the community activities as the
mutual reviewing/comments etc. is vital for research development.
Many thanks
All inquiries to be sent to
prof. Vaclav Skala
<mailto:skala@kiv.zcu.cz> skala(a)kiv.zcu.cz
<http://www.VaclavSkala.eu> http://www.VaclavSkala.eu
The Department of Computer Science, Interactive Graphics Systems Group of
the Technische Universität Darmstadt invites applications
for a position as
Research assistant PostDoc
The position will be initially filled by a temporary contract for three
The applicant should lead and develop the "Medical Computing" research group
within the Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS)
at the Department of Computer Science. The group deals with the development
of new methods, algorithms and systems for the
planning and navigation with minimum-invasive operation procedures, in
particular in the head area.
The position requires a completed doctoral degree in computer science,
electrical engineering or related discipline, in particular with
focus on Medical Computing. The applicant should dispose of profound
knowledge in Medical Computing and experience in third-party
funding. Furthermore, the position requires independent work, interest in
research and a good knowledge of English.
Experiences in the management of scientific groups as well as in the
university apprenticeship and self-government are an advantage.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of
female employees and encourages female candidates to apply.
In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at
least 50 or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries
are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to
the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt).
Part-time employment is generally possible.
The position is taken as soon as a qualified person was found. Please send
applications with the usual documents under information of
the identity number to Prof. Dr. Dieter Fellner, Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Department of Computer Science, Interactive
Graphics Systems Group, Fraunhoferstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt or per e-mail as
a_pdf-document to office(a)gris.tu-darmstadt.de.
Identity number 114
Application deadline: 31st March 2017
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are kindly inviting you to participate to the 6th Workshop on Intelligent
Cinematography and Editing (WICED'17), an associated event of Eurographics
2017, to be held on April 24 2017 at the birthplace of cinematography at
the Institut Lumiere, Lyon, France.
We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker:
Michael Gleicher, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Through the lens of 25 Years: The Real Lessons of Through-the-Lens Camera
The program is now online at <https://wiced.inria.fr/program/>
https://wiced.inria.fr/program/, featuring
16 talks organized in 4 sessions
- Reasoning and Knowledge in cinematography
- Styles and challenges in cinematography
- Live-action cinematography
- Human-Machine Collaborations in Film
Registration includes a visit of the Lumiere museum, featuring the
Lumiere cinematograph
and the Lumiere Factory, the venue for the first film in the history of
cinema (Workers
Leaving the Lumière Factory, 1895).
**** Early bird registration until: April 7th 2017 ********
Register now at
to enjoy early bird registration rates until April 7.
Workshop Organization
Workshop Chairs:
- William BARES, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- Quentin GALVANE, Technicolor R & D, France
- Vineet GANDHI, International Institute of Information Technology,
Hyderabad, India
- Rémi RONFARD, Inria, France
Program Chairs:
- William BARES, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- Rémi RONFARD, Inria, France
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are kindly inviting you to participate to the 10th workshop on 3D Object
Retrieval (3DOR'17), a co-event of Eurographics 2017, to be held on April
23-24, 2017, Lyon, France.
The program is now online at <http://liris.cnrs.fr/eg3dor2017/>
We are pleased to announce our invited speakers:
- Leonidas Guibas - Stanford University
- Daniel Cremers - Technical University, Munich
**** Early bird registration until: April 9th 2017 ********
Workshop Organization
Workshop Chair:
- Guillaume Lavoué, University of Lyon, CNRS, France.
Program Chairs:
- Ioannis Pratikakis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
- Florent Dupont, University of Lyon, CNRS, France.
- Maks Ovsjanikov, LIX - Ecole polytechnique, France.
Dear colleagues,
we are looking for highly motivated candidates for an open PhD position in
the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA), Faculty of Media and
Communication, Bournemouth University, UK. This is a fully-funded 3-year PhD
studentship which includes a stipend of £14,000 each year to support living
This project "Interactive Hybrid Modelling of Heterogeneous Volumetric
Objects" involves the research, design and development of a generic
interactive modelling software system oriented to hybrid modelling of
heterogeneous volumetric objects. The overall project involves the research
and development of new mathematical techniques and algorithms, and the
development of novel software tools, possibly including an Application
Programming Interface (API), a scripting language and a Graphical User
Interface (GUI). An orientation towards the digital fabrication (3D
printing) of the produced geometric models is an additional aspect of this
research project. The exact scope of the project will be defined taking into
account a particular PhD student's interests and skills.
This is project relevant to several application areas such Computer-Aided
Design (CAD), computer simulation and animation, additive manufacturing,
computer art and cultural heritage preservation. A variety of research
problems are to be addressed.
Fundamental research concerned with geometric and topological
representations of multi-material heterogeneous objects will benefit from
new mathematical models and their mapping to data structures and operations.
Applied research will benefit from the development of new efficient
algorithms for realising and transforming both the geometry and physical
properties of volume objects, especially multi-material ones, devising the
specialist high-level language, rendering and fabrication algorithms, and
system architecture design.
The beneficiaries of this project will be CAD and animation system
developers, 3D printers production companies, art and design communities,
and education. The output of the research in the form of the innovative
modelling system will open up new application areas that are impossible to
achieve using existing CAD and animation systems. Designers and animators
will get easier available tools fine-tuned to their specific styles and
facilitating the production of advanced multi-material volume models.
Teachers and students will hopefully use the developed tools for learning
and exploring mathematical and physical dynamic phenomena.
Candidates must demonstrate outstanding academic potential with preferably a
1st class honours degree and/or a Masters degree with distinction or
equivalent Grade Point Average. An IELTs (Academic) score of 6.5 minimum
(with a minimum 5.5 in each component) is essential for candidates for whom
English is not their first language.
The direct link to the project description is
rid-modelling-heterogeneous-volumetric-objects. For further questions and
informal discussion please get in touch with Prof Alexander Pasko (
<mailto:apasko@bournemouth.ac.uk> apasko(a)bournemouth.ac.uk) and/or Dr Valery
Adzhiev ( <mailto:vadzhiev@bournemouth.ac.uk> vadzhiev(a)bournemouth.ac.uk).
The closing date for applications is Friday 14 April 2017.
The Visual Computing Laboratory (ISTI-CNR) and prof. Marco Tarini of
Insubria University have recently won National and European grants for 4
research projects:
- "DSurf: Scalable Computational Methods for 3D Printing Surfaces" (Italian
funding scheme PRIN) on 3D printing technologies
- "EMOTIVE" (EC project H2020) on Virtual/Augmented Reality technologies
for enriching the museum experience
- International Joint Laboratory - National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), on 3D digitization
- "SmartCarePad" (Regional project on 3D printing for medicine)
Very soon, a few new positions will be opened to work with these two
research groups.
We are looking for young and motivated researchers willing to work on 3D
Computer Graphics (subtopics: 3D digitization, Visualization and Rendering,
Geometry Processing and Digital Fabrication).
Eligible master-level candidates may also have the chance to earn a PhD
Calls will be announced soon on the web page of the Visual Computing
( <http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/> http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/ ).
** Stay tuned! **
Please feel free to contact us for any clarifications:
Roberto Scopigno, <mailto:r.scopigno@isti.cnr.it> r.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it
Marco Tarini, <mailto:marco.tarini@uninsubria.it>