Call for Participation Eurographics 2017
**** Early bird deadline approaching: March 19th 2017 ********
This conference continues a series of events organized by the Eurographics
Association covering the wide field of computer graphics, from applied
geometry techniques of meshing and surface reconstruction to photorealistic
rendering techniques, as well as computer animation and simulation of
natural phenomena. This year, Eurographics 2017 is in cooperation with ACM
The 38th Eurographics conference will be held on April 24-28 2017 in Lyon,
France. It will take place at the Cité Internationale Convention Center,
superbly located between Rhône river and Tête dor park (rose and botanical
garden, zoological park).
More information on the conference and registration can be found at:
We are pleased to announce our invited speakers:
- Frédo Durand (MIT)
- Bruno Lévy (INRIA)
- Jos Stam (Autodesk)
Join us in Lyon for Eurographics 2017!
Eric Galin & Raphaëlle Chaine
Eurographics 2017 Conference Chairs
Call for EuroVis 2017 Posters
URL: <>
The posters track of the 2017 European Conference on Visualization
(EuroVis) will present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it
provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable
opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers and engage in
stimulating discussions. A EuroVis poster may describe a piece of work in
any aspect of visualization. For directly submitted posters, we particularly
encourage summary reports of collaborative projects, work in progress, and
application case studies.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 7, 2017
Notification deadline: April 21, 2017
Camera-ready deadline: April 28, 2017
Conference: June, 12-16
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended
abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional
page allowed for references only; download the LaTeX2e template here).
Please make sure that an image embedded in your abstract or poster does not
contain transparent pixels (i.e., an alpha channel of a transparent color)
because this may lead to problems when the resulting PDF is displayed or
The poster draft can be added as additional material but is not mandatory
for the submission. Submissions can also include supplementary material such
as videos or executable programs, up to a limit of 50MB for the entire
submission, including the PDF files. We encourage the use of digital videos
to support poster submissions, particularly if part of, or all of the work
covers interactive techniques. Please use only the most common video codecs
such as MP4 to maximize the chances that the reviewers can view it.
You also need to provide a complete list of authors when submitting your
poster so that members of the program committee can avoid conflicts of
interest during reviewer assignment. All authors must be specified in the
submission system at the time of the submission.
Posters are to be submitted using the PCS submission system at
The posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage single-blind process.
We expect that the submissions will clearly discuss novel and significant
contributions. The reviewing will be based primarily on the sketch content
but will consider other materials if provided.
Poster presentation
Accepted poster will be presented at the poster session of the conference.
The final posters should be printed on paper no larger than paper size A0
portrait (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm = 33.1 in x 46.8 in, cf.
<> At least one author of an accepted
poster must register for and attend the conference to present the work.
Authors will also be required to present a brief half-minute summary of
their talk at the opening fast-forward session.
Poster/abstract publication
Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included
on the conference USB stick and also in the EG digital library with a DOI.
However, publication in the EG digital library can be omitted on request.
Traditionally, the material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the
original authors for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full
paper) with more detailed content and mature results. This should not be
considered self-plagiarism. However, as posters/sketches are citable,
researchers are encouraged to acknowledge novel ideas and results presented
in posters/sketches.
More Information
For any questions concerning poster submissions please contact the
Anna Puig Puig, University of Barcelona
Tobias Isenberg, Inria
e-mail: ev2017-poster(a)
URL: <>
[** Registration & Call For Posters and Work-In-Progress Session **]
[** please circulate to friends & colleagues **]
Dear all,
Please find hereafter the call for Poster and Work-in-Progress session for
VriPhys2017 in Lyon!
And, dont forget to register! (early bied until April 4, 2017) The 13th
Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS),
in cooperation with EG, a Eurographics2017 co-located event You will find
all the needed information here:
in section "Practical Information > Registration"
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
13th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
April 23-24, 2017, Lyon (France)
Submission deadline ** April 4, 2017 **
Work in Progress (WIP) Session
In the scope of the VRIPHYS 2017 conference, an oral session with short
presentations (typically 15 min including discussion) will be organized.
These presentations should focus on aspects related to Virtual Reality
Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, too speculative, unpublished or recent results are
particularly well suited for this session. The presented work will not be
included in the proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work
without preventing them from submitting their work later.
Therefore this is well suited for Ph.D. candidates, but not restricted to.
Authors are also invited to submit proposals for poster presentations.
Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a
posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We
encourage submissions from all areas which may be of interest to the
Authors will be expected to be present at their posters during the posters
session to discuss their work and answer questions.
To present your work during these Posters and WIP sessions, please send us
by email ( <>
vriphys2017(a) an abstract (1-2 pages
approx.) which must be formatted following the same guidelines as for the
full papers by April 4, 2017. A preliminary version of the poster could also
be sent if appropriate.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on the fly within a few days.
For any question concerning Poster and WIP submissions please contact:
<> vriphys2017(a)
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Steering committee
Jan Bender RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Jérémie Dequidt Univ. Lille - INRIA North Europe, France
Kenny Erleben University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fabrice Jaillet IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Matthias Teschner University of Freiburg, Germany
Gabriel Zachmann University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit <>
See you in Lyon!
Département Informatique Bourg-en-Bresse - IUT Lyon1 - Bureau IN.207
71 rue Peter Fink, F-01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
Tél: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0)
Bâtiment Nautibus, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1
8-10 bd Niels Bohr, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Dear colleagues,
we are looking for highly motivated candidates for multiple open PhD and/or
PostDoc positions (full-time, non-tenured) in Computer Graphics and
Scientific Visualization at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (
Our research topics range from rendering (with a focus on physically-based
rendering, both offline and realtime) to modeling and scientific
PhD candidates should have an interest in computer graphics/visualization, a
solid mathematics background, and proficiency in C/C++. PostDocs will find a
team of highly motivated co-workers and students to collaborate with. We
provide an excellent working environment and equipment.
How to apply? Please email applications (and/or any questions) to Carsten
Dachsbacher ( <> dachsbacher(a)
I would appreciate if you can forward this information to interested
students and researchers!
[** Registration & Call For Posters and Work-In-Progress Session **]
[** please circulate to friends & colleagues **]
Dear all,
Please find hereafter the call for Poster and Work-in-Progress session for
VriPhys2017 in Lyon!
And, dont forget to register! (early bied until April 4, 2017) The 13th
Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS),
in cooperation with EG, a Eurographics2017 co-located event You will find
all the needed information here:
in section "Practical Information > Registration"
Best regards, and see you in Lyon!
13th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
April 23-24, 2017, Lyon (France)
Submission deadline ** April 4, 2017 **
Work in Progress (WIP) Session
In the scope of the VRIPHYS 2017 conference, an oral session with short
presentations (typically 15 min including discussion) will be organized.
These presentations should focus on aspects related to Virtual Reality
Interaction and Physical Simulation.
Work in progress, too speculative, unpublished or recent results are
particularly well suited for this session. The presented work will not be
included in the proceedings, so that participants get feedback on their work
without preventing them from submitting their work later.
Therefore this is well suited for Ph.D. candidates, but not restricted to.
Authors are also invited to submit proposals for poster presentations.
Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a
posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We
encourage submissions from all areas which may be of interest to the
Authors will be expected to be present at their posters during the posters
session to discuss their work and answer questions.
To present your work during these Posters and WIP sessions, please send us
by email ( <>
vriphys2017(a) an abstract (1-2 pages
approx.) which must be formatted following the same guidelines as for the
full papers by April 4, 2017. A preliminary version of the poster could also
be sent if appropriate.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on the fly within a few days.
For any question concerning Poster and WIP submissions please contact:
<> vriphys2017(a)
General Chair
Fabrice JAILLET IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Florence ZARA Université Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Steering committee
Jan Bender RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Jérémie Dequidt Univ. Lille - INRIA North Europe, France
Kenny Erleben University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fabrice Jaillet IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Matthias Teschner University of Freiburg, Germany
Gabriel Zachmann University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit <>
See you in Lyon!
Département Informatique Bourg-en-Bresse - IUT Lyon1 - Bureau IN.207
71 rue Peter Fink, F-01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
Tél: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0)
Bâtiment Nautibus, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1
8-10 bd Niels Bohr, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Symposium on Visual Computing and Perception 2017
June 7-8, 2017
TU Braunschweig, Germany
Early bird registration now open:
Computer graphics, vision, and psychophysics form a scientific triad
whose interdisciplinary research is about to fundamentally change the
way we drive our cars, watch movies, play games, communicate with one
another and computers, socially interact, learn, live. In six
distinguished lectures, some of the most renowned scientists in these
fields will share their view on what has already been accomplished,
which challenges still lie ahead, and what we may expect in the future.
The symposium is intended to bring together all scientific communities
interested in visual computing and perception, to stir everyone's
imagination, and to foster exciting new research between graphics,
vision, and perception.
Distinguished lecturers:
Michael Bach (University Medical Center Freiburg)
Imaging in our brain Optical illusions neither trick the eye nor
fool the brain
Heinrich Bülthoff (MPI Biological Cybernetics)
Perceptual Graphics: closing the loop between Perception, Graphics and
Computer Vision
Jan Koenderink (KU Leuven, TU Delft)
Construction of the mirror-world
Erik Reinhard (Technicolor)
High dynamic range imaging: A soon-to-be-successful example of industry
Bernt Schiele (MPI Informatik)
Computer Vision: Progress in the Last Decade and Open Problems
Hans-Peter Seidel (MPI Informatik)
3D Image Analysis and Synthesis -- The World Inside the Computer
Early bird registration now open:
We look forward to welcoming you in Braunschweig!
Prof. Marcus Magnor
Institut für Computergraphik
TU Braunschweig
email: <> svcp(a)
www: <>
Due to several requests the DEADLINE has been extended to: March 12, 2017 AOE
Eurographics 2017 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2017) Call for Papers -- DEADLINE is March 12, 2017 AOE
Eurographics 2017 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2017) Call for Papers
June 12-13, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Co-located with EuroVis 2017
Dear colleagues,
The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to submit an extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for:
- large-data
- HPC and cloud environments
- (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures
- shared and/or distributed memory architectures
- out-of-core
The symposium topics include:
- computationally and data intensive rendering
- scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow, and tensor visualization)
- information visualization and visual analytics
- in-situ analytics and in-situ visualization
- simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision detection, acoustics)
- mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and exploitation, segmentation)
- scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- distributed, parallel, or multi-threaded approaches
- mapReduce-based and database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, query based visualization
- advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
Submission types
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works. Two types of submissions are accepted, as follows.
Full papers
Full papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with the final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Submissions are to be formatted along the Eurographics paper publication guidelines. We expect that full paper submissions will clearly discuss the novel and significant contributions as well as related work in the field. Authors must highlight how their contributions differ and advance the state of the art in parallel graphics and visualization. The full paper and all supplementary material, if any, must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Short papers
This year we introduce a new type of submission: short papers. Short papers target the same interest topics as full papers, but are maximally 4 pages in length. As such, they typically address novel ideas or work in progress which has not been sufficiently solidly validated as for full papers. Short papers can also target use-cases and applications of parallel graphics and visualization, presentation of parallel graphics and visualization tools and systems, industry success stories, and showcases of applications making use of parallel graphics and visualization. The short paper track thus broadens the visualization showcase track that was present in earlier editions of EGPGV. Short papers and their supplementary material, if any, must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Accepted papers (both full and short) will appear in the symposium proceedings and be published via the Eurographics Digital Library.
Submission process
Papers are accepted when submitted via the PCS system ( <> Additional details with respect to the submission process will be announced shortly on <>
Reviewing process
Both paper types (full and short) will be reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee (IPC), in a single review pass. Full papers deemed insufficient in terms of the contribution level expected for a full paper, but presenting otherwise interesting, novel, and valuable results, can be selected by the IPC to be accepted as short papers. The review process is not double blind; we leave it to the latitude of the authors whether they want to disclose their identity in their submissions.
Important Dates
Papers Submission: March 12, 2017 (Anywhere on Earth)
Author Notification: April 20, 2017
Camera-Ready Submission: April 27, 2017
Symposium: June 12-13, 2017
Symposium Chair
Fernando Cucchietti, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Program Chairs
Alexandru Telea, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Janine Bennett, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
Eurographics 2017 Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV 2017) Call for Papers
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: March 6, 2017 AOE (Anywhere on Earth)
June 12-13, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Co-located with EuroVis 2017
Dear colleagues,
The importance of parallel computing is increasing rapidly with the ubiquitous availability of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly affected by this trend and require novel efficient parallel solutions. The aim of this symposium is to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge exploiting and defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. The proceedings of the EGPGV Symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to submit an extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Focusing on parallel computing, the symposium seeks papers on graphics and visualization techniques, data structures, algorithms, and systems for:
- large-data
- HPC and cloud environments
- (multi-)GPU computing, and heterogeneous, hybrid architectures
- shared and/or distributed memory architectures
- out-of-core
The symposium topics include:
- computationally and data intensive rendering
- scientific visualization (volume rendering, flow, and tensor visualization)
- information visualization and visual analytics
- in-situ analytics and in-situ visualization
- simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision detection, acoustics)
- mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and exploitation, segmentation)
- scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- distributed, parallel, or multi-threaded approaches
- mapReduce-based and database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, query based visualization
- advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
Submission types
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works. Two types of submissions are accepted, as follows.
Full papers
Full papers are expected to be eight to ten (8-10) pages in length, with the final length appropriate to the contribution of the paper. Submissions are to be formatted along the Eurographics paper publication guidelines. We expect that full paper submissions will clearly discuss the novel and significant contributions as well as related work in the field. Authors must highlight how their contributions differ and advance the state of the art in parallel graphics and visualization. The full paper and all supplementary material, if any, must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Short papers
This year we introduce a new type of submission: short papers. Short papers target the same interest topics as full papers, but are maximally 4 pages in length. As such, they typically address novel ideas or work in progress which has not been sufficiently solidly validated as for full papers. Short papers can also target use-cases and applications of parallel graphics and visualization, presentation of parallel graphics and visualization tools and systems, industry success stories, and showcases of applications making use of parallel graphics and visualization. The short paper track thus broadens the visualization showcase track that was present in earlier editions of EGPGV. Short papers and their supplementary material, if any, must be submitted via the PCS online system.
Accepted papers (both full and short) will appear in the symposium proceedings and be published via the Eurographics Digital Library.
Submission process
Papers are accepted when submitted via the PCS system ( Additional details with respect to the submission process will be announced shortly on
Reviewing process
Both paper types (full and short) will be reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee (IPC), in a single review pass. Full papers deemed insufficient in terms of the contribution level expected for a full paper, but presenting otherwise interesting, novel, and valuable results, can be selected by the IPC to be accepted as short papers. The review process is not double blind; we leave it to the latitude of the authors whether they want to disclose their identity in their submissions.
Important Dates
Papers Submission: March 6, 2017 (Anywhere on Earth)
Author Notification: April 20, 2017
Camera-Ready Submission: April 27, 2017
Symposium: June 12-13, 2017
Symposium Chair
Fernando Cucchietti, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Program Chairs
Alexandru Telea, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Janine Bennett, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Dear colleagues and friends,
The papers deadline for the 28th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
(19-21 June 2017, at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland) is approaching
fast! This 28th event continues the series of highly successful Eurographics
Symposia and Workshops on rendering. For more details, please visit the
conference webpage at <>
Important dates:
- Abstract deadline: Monday 27 March 2017
- Papers deadline: Friday 31 March 2017
- Author notification: Wednesday 10 May 2017
- Final papers due: Wednesday 17 May 2017
We are soliciting contributions to two different tracks: the "Experimental
Ideas & Implementations" (EI & I) track for papers that will be presented at
the conference only, and the "CGF" track for papers that will also appear in
the Computer Graphics Forum journal, in addition to being presented at the
conference. Authors will have the choice of submitting their work to be
considered for the CGF track, the EI & I track, or both tracks.
Core conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Real-time and offline rendering
- Acquisition, modeling, and manipulation of light transport & appearance
- Realistic, non-photorealistic, 2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis
- Mathematical techniques for image synthesis
- Computational photography/optics/displays
- Image synthesis for augmented or virtual reality
- Software and hardware systems/architectures for rendering
- Audio/sound rendering
We hope to see you and your work in Helsinki!
EGSR 2017 papers chairs
Matthias Zwicker
Pedro Sander
Local organizers
Jaakko Lehtinen (conference chair)
Samuli Laine
Timo Aila
Call for Papers
15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Graz, Austria, September 27-29, 2017
Full Paper Deadline: May 05, 2017
The 15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2017)
aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH
scientists to advance the understanding of critical requirements for
processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broad
audience. The objective of the workshop is to introduce and showcase new
techniques and applications for supporting Cultural Heritage information
ranging from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and
data management, to new forms of interactive presentation and 3D printing
solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and
interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.
GCH 2017 provides a scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and techniques
in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage information,
to transfer them into practice, and identify future research and application
opportunities. To advance the dialogue between ICT and CH experts, GCH 2017
will be held in close cooperation with the Museumsakademie of the
Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz, providing opportunity for exchange between
the domains.
We seek original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions in the
computer graphics area applied to digital cultural heritage, challenging the
state of the art solutions and leveraging new ideas for future developments.
Equally, original contributions in the cultural heritage field of relevance
to computer graphics are welcome. Specific workshop sessions will be devoted
to reports on applications, experiences and projects in this domain.
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following areas:
. 2/3/4D data acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage
. Multispectral imaging and data fusion
. Digital acquisition, representation and communication of intangible
. Material acquisition analysis
. Heterogeneous data collection, integration and management
. 3D printing of cultural assets
. Shape analysis and interpretation
. Similarity search of digital artefacts
. Visualization and Virtual Museums including storytelling and design of
heritage communications
. Multi-modal and interactive environments and applications for Cultural
. Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
. Semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata,
classification schemes, annotation)
. Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
. Standards and documentation
. Serious games in Cultural Heritage
. Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for
project development
. Best practices for deployment of novel ICT solution in the CH domain,
including budgeting and maintenance
. User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
In cooperation with the Museumsakademie Joanneum, GCH is also planning for a
half-day tutorial program, addressing practices and challenges in the
important areas of acquisition and presentation of CH content.
05 May Full Papers Deadline
30 June Notification Full Paper
14 July Short Papers + Posters
15 Aug Notification Short Papers + Posters
03 Sept Camera Ready Deadline
27-29 Sept Event takes place
All accepted papers will be published by the Eurographics Association and
archived in the EG Digital Library. The authors of selected best papers will
be invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Journal on Computing and
Cultural Heritage (JOCCH, see
Event Co-Chairs
. Dieter Fellner, TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, TU Graz
. Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Program Co-Chairs
. Tim Weyrich, University College London
. Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology
Tutorial Co-Chairs
. Pavlos Mavridis, Graz University of Technology
. Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Short Paper Chairs
. Robert Sablatnig, TU Wien
. Benjamin Stular, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana
Local Chair
. Torsten Ullrich, Fraunhofer Austria, Graz
Full Paper Program Committee
To be announced