Job Offer
Faculty of Computer Science
The Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology, Chair of Computer
Graphics and Visualization invites applications for a
Research Associate
(Subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to
salary group E 13 TV-L)
The position is to be filled as soon as possible and will be offered untill
31st of March 2019. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term
Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz WissZeitVG). The
position offers the chance for further academic qualification (e.g. PhD).
Tasks: The position comes with a teaching load according to DAVOHS.
Research focuses on Computer Graphics and Visualization within the
interdisciplinary research project fast haptic. The main task of the
project is the development of a novel display which combines a 3d display
and a tactile display. With this new display it will be possible to see
virtual objects stereoscopically and at the same time feel them with your
fingers. The task of our Chair is to develop a tracking approach for hands
and fingers. For this, different sensors will be combined in a way to
maximize precision close to the tactile display.
Within your work you will design, build and calibrate the sensor setup.
Furthermore, you will implement a tracking method that exploits fused sensor
Requirements: excellent university degree (Master or equivalent) in the
field of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics or similar
fields; ability to work independently and target-oriented in a team; high
commitment; fluent in English language to write excellent papers and to
participate in international conferences; interest in practice-oriented and
interdisciplinary cooperation with partners.
Knowledge in usage and calibration of sensors as well as in the
implementation with C++ and of GPUs is a plus.
We offer: a diversified, topical and challenging research position with your
own scope for design in an interdisciplinary team of young researchers,
participation in conferences for research exchange, excellent contacts to
partners from research and industry, independent organization of the
research work.
Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to people
with disabilities.
Applications including CV, a short summary of Master thesis and a statement
of research interest should be sent until 30.05.2017 (stamped arrival date
of the university central mail service applies) as single pdf-document via
e-mail in an electronically signed and encrypted form to
<> stefan.gumhold(a) or to TU
Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik,
Professur für Computergraphik und Visualisierung, Herrn Prof. Dr. Stefan
01062 Dresden, Germany. Please submit copies only, as your application will
not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gumhold
Informatik, SMT-CGV Phone: +49 351 463 38212
TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden Fax: +49 351 463 38396 Stefan.Gumhold(a)
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has provided funding (pending final processing) to support registration and travel to the S3PM-2017 Convention (Berkeley, CA, June 19-23) for a limited number of
· Students enrolled in US educational institutions (including domestic and international students); OR
US persons (citizens or lawful permanent residents) who are graduate students in universities outside of the US.
Unfortunately, we cannot support postdocs.
For students awarded travel support, the NSF grant will cover actual documented costs, up to a maximum of $1450, including reimbursement of the registration fee (up to $550), up to five nights shared hotel accommodation (up to $500), and airfare or other travel costs (up to $400).
Applications from women and under-represented minorities are particularly encouraged. Priority will be given to students who are presenting a paper or poster and/or serving as a student volunteer.
Please use the following link to apply: <>
Deadline: May 17th -- the same as the last day for S3PM-2017 early registration discount. But we will consider applications after the deadline if the funds are still available.
Submission: All information and documents must be uploaded at the above link. Please DO NOT send application materials via e-mail.
S3PM-2017: The international convention on Shape, Solid, Structure, and Physical Modeling will host the
two prime conferences in this area:
1. The Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM); and
2. The Shape Modeling International (SMI) Symposium.
It will also Include the Fabrication and Sculpting Event (FASE), the
Pierre Bézier Award Ceremony held by the Solid Modeling Association (SMA), keynote speakers of international reputation, industry panels, and several mini-symposia on important cutting-edge topics and research directions.
For more details about the conference events, venue, agenda, speakers, and other logistics, see <>
Morad Behandish, Publicity Chair
Dear colleagues,
the Rendering and Modeling Group at the Institute of Computer Graphics and
Algorithms, TU Wien, is looking for a motivated PhD student in the area of
real-time shape acquisition.
Details are here: <>
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific
colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael
Institut fuer Computergraphik und Algorithmen tel: +43 (1) 58801
Technische Universitaet Wien fax: +43 (1) 58801
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E186
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich
Apologies for cross postings
2017 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom
20-22nd September, 2017
In cooperation with the Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH, and the
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
Final Call for Participation
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that use computer
technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in business and
receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds have ever-growing
impact on our lives and the evolution of the world economy. Examples include
social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively
multiplayer online role-playing games. As the University of Chester is
hosting the 2017 conference we particularly invite submissions based on our
specialist areas of virtual and augmented reality, and cybersecurity.
However, a broad range of topics will be accepted for CW2017, including:
* Applications of augmented and mixed reality
* Applications of virtual reality
* Networked and shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modelling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Multimodal interaction and rendering
* Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* Affective computing
* Social computing
* Online communities
* E-learning in cyberworlds
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Welfare in cyberworlds
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Visual analytics in cyberworlds
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES include full papers (up to 8 pages), short papers (up
to 4 pages), and poster papers (up to 4 pages). The papers must be written
in good English, carefully proofread, and formatted to
l> IEEE Manuscript Template. Full papers and short papers will be scheduled
for oral presentation (25 min full papers, 15 min short papers).
Posters/demos will have to be displayed by the authors during the poster
session and will also require 1 min fast-forward slide presentation. All
three categories of papers will participate in the competition for the Best
Paper awards.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference
databases of all major referencing indices (e.g., see the proceedings listed
at SCI, Scopus, etc.).
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES referenced by SCI and other major indices are
currently being confirmed for selected full papers. We have agreements with
The Visual Computer (Springer), Computers & Graphics (Elsevier) and
Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS Journal Subline).
Selected papers will be subject to additional reviewing and the papers have
to be extended and improved with at least 30% of new content.
* Professor Min Chen, University of Oxford, "Myths and Promises of
Data Intelligence".
* Dr. Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge, "Towards perceptually
realistic visual experience"
REGISTRATION and ORAL PRESENTATION of each paper accepted for the conference
will be required to be included in the conference proceedings.
CONFERENCE VENUE: Chester is one of the most historic cities in the UK and
many tourist attractions are nearby. CW2017 will be held in the heart of the
city at the Riverside Innovation Centre. There is a wide selection of hotels
at a range of prices available to book in Chester - for more information see
<> Manchester
International Airport is 30 miles from Chester and can be reached in 40
minutes by road or 1hr 30 mins by rail. Liverpool Airport is 25 miles from
Chester and can be reached in 35 minutes by road. Chester is also well
served by the railway network and has frequent, fast rail links to London
and major cities in the UK.
Monday 15 May 23:59 UTC
Papers (Full/Short) submission
Friday 23 June
Papers (Full/Short) notification
Friday 30 June 23:59 UTC
Poster papers submission
Friday 7 July
Poster papers notification
Thursday 13 July
Author Registration
Friday 14 July
Camera-ready papers submission to IEEE CPS
Links to previous conferences in the Cyberworlds series can be found
<> here.
15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Graz, Austria, September 27-29, 2017
Full Paper Deadline: ** May 12, 2017 ** (extended)
Upon multiple author request, and due to a culmination of bank holidays
leading up to the original deadline, the GCH full paper submission deadline
is extended from May 5 to May 12. Please note, however, that there will be
no further extensions possible. Also, this deadline extension does not
affect the deadline for short papers.
The 15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2017)
aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH
scientists to advance the understanding of critical requirements for
processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broad
audience. The objective of the workshop is to introduce and showcase new
techniques and applications for supporting Cultural Heritage information
ranging from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and
data management, to new forms of interactive presentation and 3D printing
solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and
interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.
GCH 2017 provides a scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and techniques
in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage information,
to transfer them into practice, and identify future research and application
opportunities. To advance the dialogue between ICT and CH experts, GCH 2017
will be held in close cooperation with the Museumsakademie of the
Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz, providing opportunity for exchange between
the domains.
We seek original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions in the
computer graphics area applied to digital cultural heritage, challenging the
state of the art solutions and leveraging new ideas for future developments.
Equally, original contributions in the cultural heritage field of relevance
to computer graphics are welcome. Specific workshop sessions will be devoted
to reports on applications, experiences and projects in this domain.
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following areas:
2/3/4D data acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage
Multispectral imaging and data fusion
Digital acquisition, representation and communication of intangible
Material acquisition analysis
Heterogeneous data collection, integration and management
3D printing of cultural assets
Shape analysis and interpretation
Similarity search of digital artefacts
Visualization and Virtual Museums including storytelling and design of
heritage communications
Multi-modal and interactive environments and applications for Cultural
Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
Semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata,
classification schemes, annotation)
Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
Standards and documentation
Serious games in Cultural Heritage
Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for
project development
Best practices for deployment of novel ICT solution in the CH domain,
including budgeting and maintenance
User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
In cooperation with the Museumsakademie Joanneum, GCH is also planning for a
half-day tutorial program, addressing practices and challenges in the
important areas of acquisition and presentation of CH content.
12 May Full Papers Deadline (** extended **)
30 June Notification Full Paper
14 July Short Papers + Posters
15 Aug Notification Short Papers + Posters
03 Sept Camera Ready Deadline
27-29 Sept Event takes place
Submission Information
Please submit your work via the SRM conference management system: A LaTeX template for
preparing submissions can be found here: Please also see the
submission instructions at
All accepted papers will be published by the Eurographics Association and
archived in the EG Digital Library. The authors of selected best papers will
be invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Journal on Computing and
Cultural Heritage (JOCCH, see
Event Co-Chairs
Dieter Fellner, TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, TU Graz
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Program Co-Chairs
Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology
Tim Weyrich, University College London
Tutorial Co-Chairs
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Pavlos Mavridis, Graz University of Technology
Short Paper Chairs
Robert Sablatnig, TU Wien
Benjamin Stular, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana
Local Chair
Torsten Ullrich, Fraunhofer Austria, Graz
Full Paper Program Committee
Pierre Alliez, INRIA
Carlos Andujar, ViRVIG Barcelona
Juan Barcelo, Universidad Autonoma Barcelona
Silvia Biasotti, CNR-IMATI, Genova
Jean-Yves Blaise, CNRS
Ulrich Bockholt, Fraunhofer IGD
Benedict Brown, University of Pennsylvania
Chiara Catalano , CNR-IMATI, Genova
Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick
Paolo Cignoni, CNR-ISTI, Pisa
Livio De Luca, CNRS
Anastasios Doulamis, NTU Athens
Andrea Giachetti, University of Verona
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4
Antonella Guidazzoli, CINECA Interuniversity Consortium
Gabriele Guidi, Politecnio Milano
Sorin Hermon, The Cyprus Institute
Marinos Ioannides, Cyprus University of Technology
Stuart James, University College London
Martin Kampel, TU Wien
Reinhard Klein, University of Bonn
Maria Teresa Linaza, Vicomtech-IK4, Spain
Alamin Mansouri, LABORATOIRE Le2i
Ricardo Marroquim, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Michela Mortara, CNR-IMATI, Genova
Andras Patay-Horvath, Eötvös Loránd University
Sofia Pescarin, CNR-ITABC, Montelibretti (Rome)
Matteo Delle Piane, CNR-ISTI, Pisa
Ioannis Pratikakis, Univserity of Thrace, Xanthi
Patrick Reuter, INRIA Bordeaux
Selma Rizvic, University of Sarajevo
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, University of Brighton
Vincent Rossi, Smithsonian Institute
Maria Roussou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Holly Rushmeier, Yale
Pedro Santos, Fraunhofer IGD
Roberto Scopigno, CNR-ISTI, Pisa
Ivan Sipiran, Universidad Católica del Perú
Michela Spagnuolo, CNR-IMATI, Genova
Didier Stricker, University of Kaiserslautern
Jean-Marc Vallet, CICRP Marseille
Michael Wimmer, TU Wien