Call for Short Papers and Posters Abstracts
15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage Graz, Austria,
September 27-29, 2017 <>
Short Paper and Poster Abstract Deadline: July 21, 2017
Notification: August 15, 2017
The 15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH
2017) aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH
scientists to advance the understanding of critical requirements for
processing, managing, and delivering cultural heritage information to a
broad audience. The objective of the workshop is to introduce and showcase
new techniques and applications for supporting Cultural Heritage information
ranging from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and
data management, to new forms of interactive presentation and 3D printing
solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and
interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.
GCH 2017 provides a scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and techniques
in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage information,
to transfer them into practice, and identify future research and application
opportunities. To advance the dialogue between ICT and CH experts, GCH 2017
will be held in close cooperation with the Museumsakademie of the
Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz, providing opportunity for exchange between
the domains.
Within this workshop, there is a specific short paper track, that encourages
researchers to present their most recent work in a condensed way. Short
paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. While a short
paper is not a shortened long paper, the characteristics of short papers
include: late-breaking results; a small, focused contribution; work in
progress; a negative result; follow-up extensions; evaluations of existing
methods; an interesting application nugget. Each short paper submission
consists of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited pages for
references; reviewers' comments must be taken into account in the final
version. Each short paper submission will be reviewed by program committee
members. A submission can be accompanied by electronic supplementary
material (e.g. images, video, demo). Topics lie in the area of visual
computing applied to digital cultural heritage, challenging the state of the
art solutions and leveraging new ideas for future developments. Equally,
original contributions in the cultural heritage field of relevance to visual
computing are welcome.
Please use the EUROGRAPHICS LaTeX Package
( <> to prepare your
submission according to the EUROGRAPHICS style guide. Please note that the
GCH 2017 uses a double-blind peer-review process to evaluate the
submissions. Each submission should also be complete with all co-authors'
information entered into the submission system Submission and Review
Management (SRM) provided by the EUROGRAPHICS. Please submit your paper to
<> All accepted short papers
will be published by the Eurographics Association and archived in the EG
Digital Library. Note, that summaries of full papers that have already been
published or submitted elsewhere (including in another language) are not
acceptable as short-paper submission to GCH 2017.
Furthermore, GCH 2017 offers scientists as well as practitioners the
opportunity to present their work within the framework of a Poster session
in order to present latest or already published work. Here, both scientific
and practice-oriented contributions are welcome. To participate at the
poster session we invite you to submit an abstract (about 400 words
describing the core of the poster) to
<> The abstracts will not be
published in the proceedings, however they will be published and shared at
the GCH 2017 webpage.
Robert Sablatnig, TU Wien
Benjamin Stular, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana GCH Short
Paper Chairs
The 35th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association, 14-15 September 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2017 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstract - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will also be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK
programme committee. All accepted extended abstracts will be presented as
posters in a poster session and authors of selected submissions will also be
expected to give a 15 minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial project abstracts - a technical abstract of 1 to 4 pages,
demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
abstracts will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a poster session.
Accepted abstracts will appear in the Eurographics digital library. An
extended abstract and industrial project abstract will not be considered as
a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
● Computer animation and image-based animation
● Computer-based arts and entertainment
● Vision-based techniques and image processing
● Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
● Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
● Medical imaging
● Multimedia visualisation
● Computer Games
● Rendering techniques
● Scientific visualization and big data
● Information visualization and visual analytics
● Augmented reality and collaborative environments
● Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
● Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
● Modelling methods
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Camera Ready
16 June 2017
27 June 2017
14 July 2017
4 August 2017
14-15 September 2017
Conference co-chairs: Dr Tao Ruan Wan, Bradford University, UK, Dr Franck
Vidal, and Bangor University, UK. Contact: chairs-cgvc2017(a)
<> ;
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr N P Costen, Manchester Metropolitan
University, UK;
=== VCBM 2017 Call for Papers ===
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2017
in Bremen, Germany
*) Workshop Dates: September 7-8, 2017
*) Submission Deadline: June 19 June 27, 2017
== Aims and Scope ==
EG VCBM ( <>, the Eurographics
Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and
Medicine, is an annual event addressing the state of the art in visual
computing research with a
strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. It provides an
interdisciplinary forum for
experts (researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual
analytics, computer graphics,
image processing, computer vision, human computer interfaces as well as
experts from biology and
medicine, jointly working on next generation visual computing solutions for
medicine, healthcare
and the biotechnology sector. This years workshop (already the 7th VCBM
since its foundation in
2008) will be held during September 7-8, 2017, in Bremen, Germany.
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original, application-oriented research
papers that advance the
fusion of visual computing methods within medicine and biology. All papers
(regular papers as well
as short papers) should focus on a well-defined biological/medical problem,
and demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
*) Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology,
surgery, pathology,
cardiology, nephrology, neurology, etc., including medical education
*) Visual computing solutions for applications that support biomedical
research in systems biology,
*omics research, molecular pathology, neuroanatomy, biomedical imaging, etc.
*) Medical simulation and visual computing solutions that support new
approaches in computational
medicine, including also the uses of stereoscopy and haptics
*) Visualization approaches for data from new or challenging imaging
modalities including real-time
imaging (e.g., ultrasound)
*) Visual computing solutions in the context of the virtual physiological
*) Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Methods might include, but are not limited to:
*) Visualization and analysis of all kinds of biomedical data (signals and
*) Visualization, mining and analysis of biomedical data collections,
including cohort data
*) Information visualization of medical data sets, e.g., electronic health
*) Computer models of biomechanical, physiological, and biochemical
functions in living systems
*) Fusion, analysis and visualization of heterogeneous and/or multi-source
*) Multi-scale methods and data structures for large data
*) Interaction and design of visual computing workflows in medicine and
*) Data tracking and registration
*) Data reconstruction and geometry extraction
*) Real time rendering and interaction with anatomy models
== Information for Authors ==
In addition to full-length papers, there will be again a short papers track,
encouraging scientific
contributions from an even more diverse group of researchers and
practitioners. All VCBM 2017
papers (full and short) will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
*) Full Papers: Full papers are up to 10 pages in length (including
references) and describe
original research contributions in the areas outlined above. The authors of
the best three papers
will be invited to submit an extended article version of their paper as
journal publication to
Computer Graphics Forum.
*) Short Papers: Short papers describe a more focused and concise research
contribution and are
likely to have a smaller - yet significant - scope of contribution.
Potential examples include the
presentation of initial results from novel ongoing research projects or the
exploration of new
application areas. Short papers draw from the same list of topics as full
papers. Their length is
limited to a total of 5 pages (including references).
VCBM 2017 will also feature a poster program, the details of which will be
announced in a separate
== Submission Instructions ==
Papers can be submitted using the Eurographics SRM conference management
system here:
Login with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the relevant
links. Papers can be
up to 10 pages (for full papers) or 5 pages (for short papers) and should be
prepared using the
Eurographics style. More details can be found on the SRM web page. Please
note that the reviewing
process will be double-blind, so take care to anonymize your submission.
More information on the preparation of your submissions will also be
available on the VCBM 2017
website: <>
== Important Dates ==
*) Paper submission deadline (full and short papers): June 27, 2017
*) Author notification: July 22, 2017
*) Camera-ready deadline: August 14, 2017
*) Workshop: September 7-8, 2017
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC+1).
the Full Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2017,
Stefan Bruckner (University of Bergen, Norway),
Anja Hennemuth (Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany), and
Bernhard Kainz (Imperial College London, Great Britain),
together with the Short Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2017,
Dorit Merhof (RWTH Aachen, Germany),
Christian Rieder (Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany),
Ingrid Hotz (Linköping University Norrköping, Schweden).
=== VCBM 2017 Call for Papers ===
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2017
in Bremen, Germany
*) Workshop Dates: September 7-8, 2017
*) Submission Deadline: June 19, 2017
== Aims and Scope ==
EG VCBM (, the Eurographics Workshop on Visual
Computing for Biology and
Medicine, is an annual event addressing the state of the art in visual
computing research with a
strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. It provides an
interdisciplinary forum for
experts (researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual
analytics, computer graphics,
image processing, computer vision, human computer interfaces as well as
experts from biology and
medicine, jointly working on next generation visual computing solutions for
medicine, healthcare
and the biotechnology sector. This years workshop (already the 7th VCBM
since its foundation in
2008) will be held during September 7-8, 2017, in Bremen, Germany.
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original, application-oriented research
papers that advance the
fusion of visual computing methods within medicine and biology. All papers
(regular papers as well
as short papers) should focus on a well-defined biological/medical problem,
and demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
*) Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology,
surgery, pathology,
cardiology, nephrology, neurology, etc., including medical education
*) Visual computing solutions for applications that support biomedical
research in systems biology,
*omics research, molecular pathology, neuroanatomy, biomedical imaging, etc.
*) Medical simulation and visual computing solutions that support new
approaches in computational
medicine, including also the uses of stereoscopy and haptics
*) Visualization approaches for data from new or challenging imaging
modalities including real-time
imaging (e.g., ultrasound)
*) Visual computing solutions in the context of the virtual physiological
*) Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Methods might include, but are not limited to:
*) Visualization and analysis of all kinds of biomedical data (signals and
*) Visualization, mining and analysis of biomedical data collections,
including cohort data
*) Information visualization of medical data sets, e.g., electronic health
*) Computer models of biomechanical, physiological, and biochemical
functions in living systems
*) Fusion, analysis and visualization of heterogeneous and/or multi-source
*) Multi-scale methods and data structures for large data
*) Interaction and design of visual computing workflows in medicine and
*) Data tracking and registration
*) Data reconstruction and geometry extraction
*) Real time rendering and interaction with anatomy models
== Information for Authors ==
In addition to full-length papers, there will be again a short papers track,
encouraging scientific
contributions from an even more diverse group of researchers and
practitioners. All VCBM 2017
papers (full and short) will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
*) Full Papers: Full papers are up to 10 pages in length (including
references) and describe
original research contributions in the areas outlined above. The authors of
the best three papers
will be invited to submit an extended article version of their paper as
journal publication to
Computer Graphics Forum.
*) Short Papers: Short papers describe a more focused and concise research
contribution and are
likely to have a smaller - yet significant - scope of contribution.
Potential examples include the
presentation of initial results from novel ongoing research projects or the
exploration of new
application areas. Short papers draw from the same list of topics as full
papers. Their length is
limited to a total of 5 pages (including references).
VCBM 2017 will also feature a poster program, the details of which will be
announced in a separate
== Submission Instructions ==
Papers can be submitted using the Eurographics SRM conference management
system here:
Login with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the relevant
links. Papers can be
up to 10 pages (for full papers) or 5 pages (for short papers) and should be
prepared using the
Eurographics style. More details can be found on the SRM web page. Please
note that the reviewing
process will be double-blind, so take care to anonymize your submission.
More information on the preparation of your submissions will also be
available on the VCBM 2017
== Important Dates ==
*) Paper submission deadline (full and short papers): June 19, 2017
*) Author notification: July 22, 2017
*) Camera-ready deadline: August 14, 2017
*) Workshop: September 7-8, 2017
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC+1).
the Full Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2017,
Stefan Bruckner (University of Bergen, Norway),
Anja Hennemuth (Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany), and
Bernhard Kainz (Imperial College London, Great Britain),
together with the Short Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2017,
Dorit Merhof (RWTH Aachen, Germany),
Christian Rieder (Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany),
Ingrid Hotz (Linköping University Norrköping, Schweden).
The 35th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association, 14-15 September 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing. It attracts researchers
from across the country and from further afield.
The 2017 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions mainly in the form of extended
abstract and industrial demonstrations. However, we also welcome submissions
of full papers.
Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research. Papers
will be refereed by members of the EGUK programme committee. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the
conference. Accepted papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library
and will count as full paper publications.
Extended abstract - an abstract of up to 1000 words, plus figures and
references. An extended abstract can describe work in progress, interim
results, industrial work, or research presented more fully elsewhere.
Extended abstracts will also be refereed by a panel drawn from the EGUK
programme committee. All accepted extended abstracts will be presented as
posters in a poster session and authors of selected submissions will also be
expected to give a 15 minute presentation at the conference.
Industrial project abstracts - a technical abstract of 1 to 4 pages,
demonstrating implementations and/or product development. Technical
abstracts will be presented at the conference site as large format posters
during a poster session.
Accepted abstracts will appear in the Eurographics digital library. An
extended abstract and industrial project abstract will not be considered as
a full paper publication, instead being similar to a SIGGRAPH one‐page
sketch or to a conference poster without an associated paper. As such,
presenting an extended abstract at this conference has no effect on your
ability to publish a fuller version of the same work in another venue. See
full instruction at the conference website.
Topics include but are not limited to:
● Computer animation and image-based animation
● Computer-based arts and entertainment
● Vision-based techniques and image processing
● Acquisition and reconstruction techniques
● Graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
● Medical imaging
● Multimedia visualisation
● Computer Games
● Rendering techniques
● Scientific visualization and big data
● Information visualization and visual analytics
● Augmented reality and collaborative environments
● Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
● Human computer interaction, robotics, and haptics
● Modelling methods
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Camera Ready
16 June 2017
22 June 2017
14 July 2017
4 August 2017
14-15 September 2017
Conference co-chairs: Dr Tao Ruan Wan, Bradford University, UK, Dr Franck
Vidal, and Bangor University, UK. Contact: chairs-cgvc2017(a);
Local arrangement co-chair: Dr N P Costen, Manchester Metropolitan
University, UK;
Senior researcher in motion capture and 3D character animation
Job Description
Artanim is looking for a senior researcher in offline and real time 3D
character animation from optical motion capture data with possible knowledge
or experience in inverse kinematics solutions and VR/AR.
Working Environment
The position is available within the Artanim Foundation, Geneva,
Switzerland. The applicant will join a modern R&D lab equipped with
cutting-edge motion capture technologies. The foundation has many years of
experience in R&D related to VR/AR, real time motion interaction and
animation, and motion capture applications from different technologies.
Artanim was founded in 2011 and is a non-profit research institution
dedicated to the promotion and development of motion capture technologies in
the medical and virtual reality fields. The offices are located in Geneva,
an international city which provides an outstanding quality of life and
opportunities all around the year.
Profile of the candidate
The candidate has a proven industrial or academic track record of optical
motion capture and 3D character animation research and development for
offline and real time applications, and has a great affinity with computer
graphics, mathematics and software development.
Duties and responsibilities:
* The research and development of 3D character animations based on
offline and real time optical motion capture data in a VR context.
* Development of new projects and collaborations with other
industries/research institutions.
* Close collaboration with other researchers in the team.
* Publication of research results.
* A PhD degree, or a Master degree with several years of R&D in
Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or equivalent.
* A proven track record of optical motion capture and 3D character
animations for offline scenarios and/or real time applications.
* Solid software development experience.
* Strong programming skills in C, C++ and/or C#.
* Experience in character animation solutions in modern game engines
such as Unity or Unreal.
* Knowledge of optical motion capture systems and software (body, face
and/or fingers capture), preferably Vicon.
* Experience in the development of IK solutions is a definite plus.
* Experience in the development of VR/AR applications is of advantage.
* Good interpersonal communication and collaboration skills.
* Good spoken and written English.
How to apply
Candidates should send electronically an application with complete CV,
grades, relevant certificates, and links to relevant prior publications via
The compiled material should be sent in PDF format to Dr. Caecilia
Charbonnier, Research Director, <>
Please feel free to get in contact in case of questions. For more
information about Artanim, please refer to <>
Dr. Caecilia Charbonnier, PhD
Founder, President & Research Director, Artanim
a: 40, chemin du Grand-Puits, 1217 Meyrin - Geneva, Switzerland
t: +41 (0)22 980 91 92
w: <>
The VMV 2017 - 22nd International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and
Visualization - will be held September 25-27, 2017 in Bonn, Germany.
The VMV workshop series is well-established as Germany's premier workshop
that covers the full spectrum of visual computing, and it has reached
significant international visibility. VMV offers researchers the opportunity
to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international,
and interdisciplinary environment. As in previous years, the proceedings
will be published in cooperation with Eurographics.
Extended versions of the three best papers will be invited to Computer
Graphics Forum.
Important Dates:
- 12.06.2017: Paper submission deadline
- 31.07.2017: Paper acceptance notification
- 14.08.2017: Camera ready versions due
- 25.-27.09.2017: VMV Workshop 2017
Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and
experience reports, or novel applications to VMV 2017. Relevant topics
include, but are not limited to:
- Animation
- Applications (medicine, robotics, communications, etc.)
- Color & Reflectance
- Computational Photography
- Dynamic 3D Acquisition and Processing
- Games & Serious Games
- Geometric Modeling
- Graphics and Perception
- Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
- Image and Video Processing and Coding
- Image-based Modeling and Rendering
- Information Visualization
- Interaction with High-Dimensional Data
- Material Appearance
- Medical Image Processing and Visualization
- Motion Capture and Tracking
- Multi-Sensor Fusion
- Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- Object Recognition
- Pattern Recognition
- Realistic Rendering
- Real-time Rendering
- Scientific Visualization
- Statistical Methods, Machine Learning
- Time of Flight, Kinect Imaging
- Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality
- Visual Analytics
- Visual Interfaces
- 3D Printing
Co-Located Events:
- GI-Meeting Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Leitungsgremium GDV)
Conference Chairs:
- Matthias Hullin
- Reinhard Klein
- Thomas Schultz
- Angela Yao
Prospective contributors are invited to submit a paper of up to 8 pages with
color images in the conference style. The review will be double-blind.
Accepted papers have to be presented at the workshop.
Extended versions of the three best papers will be published in Computer
Graphics Forum.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias B. Hullin
Digital Material Appearance
Institute for Computer Science II
University of Bonn
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
D-53113 Bonn
Tel. +49 228 73-54169
Fax +49 228 73-4212
The INRIA Mimetic team has the possibility of funding a 2-year Starting
Research Position (SRP) in Rennes, France. The research topic is fully open
to all scientific challenges addressed by the Mimetic team, in particular
o Human motion analysis through the design of innovative protocols to
capture and enhance knowledge on motion control in complex situations,
o Autonomous virtual humans through the design of elaborate motions
strategies and behaviors in virtual environments, and
o Physical activity in Virtual Reality where VR is coupled with human
motion simulations to carry out controlled experiments.
The conducted research should also address one of the following domains:
Sports (performance, evaluation, training), Ergonomics (assessment, work
drudgery, workstation improvement), Health (assessment, rehabilitation),
Simulation (motion behaviors, planning, navigation, cinematography and
SRP positions are dedicated to excellent researchers with a PhD in computer
science or strongly related to the MimeTIC research topics, and 2 to 8 years
of experience after the PhD without limitation in age or nationality. The
selection will be based on the scientific quality of the candidate and his
potential in developing joint research with members of the Mimetic team.
Please contact <> franck.multon(a)
Dear colleagues,
We are looking for candidates for a postdoc position at the University of
Maryland (UMD), College Park. The successful candidate will work with Prof.
Matthias Zwicker, who recently joined UMD as the "Reginald Allan Hahne
Endowed Professor" in Computer Science.
The intended research topic for this position is at the intersection of 3D
geometry processing and deep learning. Strong candidates with an interest in
other areas in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision, however, are also
encouraged to apply.
The position is initially for one year, with an option to extend it to two
years. The start date is planned for September 2017, but it can be
negotiated if necessary.
Required qualifications for this position include a PhD in Computer Science
with a specialization in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision, a thorough
background on mathematical techniques for graphics and vision, excellent
programming skills, and an outstanding record of academic publications.
Please send your application including CV, academic transcripts, and names
of at least three references via e-mail to <>
More information about the Department of Computer Science at UMD and Prof.
Zwicker's research is available here:
. <>
Dr. Matthias Zwicker
Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Maryland, College Park