In cooperation with EG, a Eurographics2018 co-located event:
The 14th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
April 15-16, 2018, Delft (The Netherlands)
Submission deadline ** January 30, 2018 **
We are pleased to announce the 14th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 2018. The workshop will take place in Delft
(NL) on April 15-16, 2018. It is organized in cooperation with EG.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality. The workshop provides an
opportunity for researchers in virtual reality and computer animation to
present and discuss their latest results and to share ideas for potential
directions of future research. Plenary keynotes, an industrial session and a
PhD competition will complete the program.
For this edition, the workshop will be co-located once again with the 39th
Eurographics Conference (April 16-20, 2018), and the best papers will be
offered the opportunity to be published in the Computers&Graphics journal!
Topics of interest
Include, but are not limited to:
* animation, e.g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
* virtual and augmented reality
* planning, learning, optimization for animation
* interfaces for creating and editing animations
* perception in animation
* autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
* natural phenomena
* mathematical foundations of animation
* haptics
* sound interfaces
* related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
* applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Computers&Graphics Journal VSI
The "best papers Awards" will be given to the author(s) of full papers
presented at the conference, selected by the Committee. Traditionally, the
three honored papers are invited to submit an extended version to the
journal Computers & Graphics, for publication in a Virtual Special Issue
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas of VRIPHYS.
Paper submissions in PDF should be formatted according to the EG publication
style, following the instructions:
Submissions must be anonymous, should be written in English and should not
exceed 10 pages. We encourage the submission of supplementary videos to
particularly illustrate dynamic aspects of a submission. All materials will
be submitted electronically through the SRM portal before January 30, 2018.
All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the International
Program Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. All
accepted papers will be published as part of the full proceedings in the EG
Digital Library at the time of the workshop.
Important dates
Preliminary Summary: January 23, 2018
Full Paper Submission: January 30, 2018
Full Paper Notification: March 10,2018
Camera-ready: March 27,2018
Conference: April. 15-16, 2018
Poster/Work-in-Progress submission: March 27, 2018
Steering committee
Sheldon Andrews ETS Montreal, Canada
Jan Bender RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Jérémie Dequidt Univ. Lille - INRIA North Europe, France
Kenny Erleben University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fabrice Jaillet IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France
Matthias Teschner University of Freiburg, Germany
Gabriel Zachmann University of Bremen, Germany
For more information, please visit https://vriphys2018.sciencesconf.org/
And see you in Delft!
The 36th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
13-14 September 2018, Swansea University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing (including, Computer
Graphics and Vision, Information and Scientific Visualization, and Visual
Analytics). It attracts researchers from across the country and from further
The 2018 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions in the form of full papers, short
papers, viewpoint papers, and extended abstracts (poster papers).
? Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research, plus
an additional page of references. Papers are refereed by members of an
international program committee (IPC). Authors of accepted papers are
expected to give a 20 minute presentation at the conference. Accepted papers
will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as full paper
? Short papers - The purpose of short papers is to present late-breaking
results, work-in-progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of
existing methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage
double-blind process by an international program committee (IPC). They will
be electronically archived and are fully citable publications. Submissions
for the short paper track should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page
allowed for references. Accepted short papers will be presented orally at
the conference in (approximately) 15 minute presentations.
? Viewpoint Papers (aka. Position paper, ***new in CGVC2018***) - Viewpoint
paper track enables researchers a new possibility to publish their ideas.
Viewpoints articles offer detailed technical opinions on trends in visual
computing or reports on how visual computing has contributed to the
comprehension of data or phenomena, without the need to present completed
research work and/or validated results. We encourage discussions of
challenges or limitations in today's methods and areas of potential new
topics of research. We are also interested in application discussions that
focus on, for example, the areas of physical, life or social sciences,
engineering, or commerce, or areas related to the process of visual
computing in general. We encourage an emphasis on lessons learned from
practical experience for application discussions, particularly where visual
computing has been employed in a real, working environment. Viewpoint papers
are submitted with author names and affiliations (at most 4-pages). Accepted
viewpoint papers will be electronically archived, are fully citable
publications and will be presented orally at the conference in
(approximately) 15 minute presentations.
Submissions to the full, short and viewpoint paper tracks that are not
accepted for publication but are deemed suitable for poster presentation by
the IPC will be offered an opportunity to present in the poster track.
? Extended Abstracts (Poster Papers) - CGVC 2018 is re-introducing a poster
track. The purpose of this track is to present late-breaking results, work
in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. In
particular, it provides young researchers, especially postgraduate students,
with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and
engage in stimulating discussions. The poster track will be managed by the
co-chair team and the International Program Committee (IPC) for the papers
track. We solicit poster submissions in the form of a poster and an
accompanying sketch (i.e., an extended abstract of at most 2 pages,
Dear colleagues,
we would like to invite you and your students to the 22st Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG) which is a unique conference-like event for Bachelor's and Master's students of visual computing. The event includes an interactive EXPO with exciting industrial workshops of ~20 companies and research institutions which present the state of the art in our field.
Location: Smolenice castle, Slovakia
Date: April 25 - 27, 2018
Deadlines: February 1 (abstracts)
February 18 (full papers)
Web: https://cescg.org
The seminar is an annual event dedicated to Bachelor's and Master's students. It develops their talent, promotes and supports their research activities. The three days program is balanced between:
- presentations of student work
- practical visual computing workshops
- interactive training of academic soft skills.
If you have a student who could participate, please contact us via cescg(a)cg.tuwien.ac.at. Here is some brief info on the submission process:
- Student(s) and their supervisor submit a scientific paper (max. 8 pages long).
- There is no need for significant novelty or a strong contribution, this is just a student seminar. However, a clear structure following the rules of scientific methodology is important.
- All technically sound submissions are accepted. Instead of letting the students compete for a limited number of slots we guide and support them to achieve the highest quality possible.
- Each participating university or institution has to deliver up to 3*#own_submissions reviews with very detailed and friendly feedback.
- Students also cross-review one paper each.
More information follows at https://cescg.org/seminar/#howtoparticipate
- Computer Graphics
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Scientific Visualization
- Rendering and Global Illumination
- Animation, Multimedia
- Image processing and Computer Vision
- Geometry processing and Modeling
- Fabrication
- cheap flights to Bratislava (by Ryanair)
- flights from everywhere to Vienna
- good local bus connections for both airports
- €80 - €120 for students
- includes 2 nights + full board
Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilcik, Christian Freude, Hiroyuki Sakai
TU Wien
The 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology June 20-22, 2018,
Poznań, Poland - http://www.web3d2018.org/
The 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2018),
organized in cooperation with the Web3D Consortium, will address an
extensive range of research, development, and practice related to web-based
interactive 3D applications. The goal of the conference is to share
innovative and creative ideas that enable development of 3D applications for
a wide range of 3D environments, including the web, mobile as well as
virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) setups. Works related to various
application domains, including e-commerce, education, cultural heritage,
entertainment and infotainment, social media, tourism, medicine, military,
industry and construction (and many others) are welcome.
This year's theme "3D Everywhere" emphasizes the global scope and impact of
current and future 3D technology. Web3D wants to foster and support the
increasing development, use, and utility of 3D technologies for application
developers, domain experts, as well as for end users. This includes the
creation of interactive 3D content, robust and versatile 3D content
representation and delivery standards, as well as presentation and
interaction techniques enabling development of user-friendly 3D
The main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Technologies and methods for WebVR, WebAR, and mixed reality
- Novel multi-modal 3D interaction paradigms, including spatial UI, gesture,
and voice
- Online visualization and exploration, e.g., for sci-vis, info-vis, and 3D
object repositories
- Novel 3D content creation and modelling techniques, tools, and workflows,
including semantic and AI techniques
- Algorithms for shape modeling, compression, optimization, analysis, and
- 3D content acquisition, e.g., scanning, reconstruction, etc.
- Rendering of large-scale models, animations, and virtual worlds, including
cloud-based rendering and other services
- Streaming, compression, and transmission of 3D content, in particular in
mobile networks
- Collaboration in multi-user virtual environments
- Novel APIs, toolkits, and frameworks for 3D web and associated application
- Virtual humans, avatars, and complex reactive characters
- Motion capture for composition and streaming of behaviors and expressions
- Annotation, metadata, hyperlinking and semantic web for 3D objects and
- Visual analytics based on 3D web technologies
- Diffusion and adoption of 3D web technologies
- Novel interactive 3D web applications in all areas and sectors, e.g.,
entertainment, education, training, cultural heritage, medicine, military,
smart-manufacturing / industry 4.0, information visualization, scientific
visualization, geo-visualization, building information modeling (BIM), and
PAPERS presenting original work in 3D web research and application may be
submitted in a long or short form (up to 9 or 4 pages). Submissions will be
peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library
and submitted to major indexing services, such as Web of Science, DBLP, and
POSTERS present results of ongoing or recently completed work in 3D web
research and application. The poster format offers the opportunity to
interactively present and discuss interesting results to the Web3D
community. Posters should be submitted in the form of abstracts (2 pages),
which after acceptance will be published in the conference proceedings.
TUTORIALS are an opportunity to present introductory and advanced
applications of 3D web technologies to students and to experienced
practitioners. Tutorial subjects can include practices for authoring
interactive 3D scenes and in using 3D graphics in diverse application areas.
Especially welcome are tutorials in the use of open-source software and web
applications, which can be presented in hands-on sessions at the conference.
WORKSHOPS provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both the
web and 3D multimedia communities to discuss and exchange positions on
current and emergent 3D web topics. Workshops may take the form of
presentation sessions moderated by workshop organizers or open discussions
on a specific topic of interest.
DEMONSTRATIONS enable artists, content designers, and developers to share
their innovative 3D works at the conference. Artworks and applications
developed for various platforms, including the web, desktop, mobile and
VR/AR systems, are welcome. Demonstrations should be submitted in the form
of short descriptions (2 pages), which after acceptance may be published in
the conference proceedings.
INDUSTRIAL USE CASES enable practitioners to demonstrate how 3D web
technologies may be used in industrial applications. A special track during
Web3D 2018 will be devoted to industrial use cases to share inspiration,
best practice and requirements of using 3D in various application domains.
COMPETITION (H-ANIM) This annual competition is dedicated to showing how
H-Anim and X3D graphics standards can be used for creating animated music
videos. The competition is organized by the Korean Standards Association
(KSA) and Web3D Consortium. For competitors, attendance at the conference is
not mandatory, but is encouraged.
Questions about the program and conference topics can be sent to
program(a)web3d2018.org <mailto:program@web3d2018.org> .
Conference dates: June 20-22, 2018
Early registration: May 1, 2018
Paper/poster submission: February 16, 2018 Demonstration submission: April
2, 2018 Paper/poster/demo acceptance: April 10, 2018 Camera-ready
paper/poster/demo: April 25, 2018 Tutorial/workshop submission: March 2,
2018 Tutorial/workshop acceptance: April 2, 2018 Industrial use cases
submission: May 1, 2018 H-Anim competition: April 2, 2018 (Winners will be
announced at the Conference)
General Chairs
Krzysztof Walczak, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Program Chairs
Jakub Flotyński, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland Kiyoshi
Kiyokawa, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Daniel Thalmann,
MIRALab Sarl & EPFL, Switzerland
Tutorials & Workshops Chairs
Marcello Carrozzino, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa, Italy Marc
Erich Latoschik, University of Würzburg, Germany Vincent Marchetti, KShell
Analysis & Web3D Consortium, USA
Demonstration Chairs
Jacek Jankowski, Intel R&D, Poland
Giannis Karaseitanidis, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems,
Greece Amela Sadagic, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Industrial Liaison Chairs
Krzysztof Kurowski, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
Jacek Lebiedź, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland Christophe Mouton,
EDF - Electricité de France & Web3D Consortium, France Robert Sitnik, Warsaw
University of Technology, Poland
Steering Committee
Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium, USA
Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School, USA Nicholas F. Polys, Virginia
Tech, USA
Outreach & Communications Chair
Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium, USA
Web Chair
Wiktoria Winkler, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Please visit the website for more opportunities, submission instruction, and
information about the Web3D 2018 Conference:
EUROGRAPHICS 2018 - Call for Doctoral Consortium
Submission deadline: January 26, 2018
Call for Doctoral Consortium
The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD
students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent
opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and
experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as
well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home
In addition, the Doctoral Consortium provides a unique forum for PhD
students to share their work and experience among their fellow PhD students.
The Doctoral Consortium will take place within the Eurographics 2018
conference, to be held in Delft, April 16-20, 2018.
Who should apply?
PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to
apply. We particularly encourage applications from students who are in the
first half of their PhD work, especially those who already have a clear
research direction (possibly with some published results), as they have
sufficient time ahead to profit from their participation in the Doctoral
Students who are close to finishing their doctorate degree, or have very
recently finished it, are also welcome, to share their experience and to
discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.
Submission guidelines
Submission website: <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2018DC>
Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system
Template: Format should be in accordance with
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2018DC/Instruction> Eurographics
Author's guidelines.
The review process is single-blinded. Thus, the submissions should NOT be
Eligible Doctoral Consortium students who would like to participate should
submit the following documents as a single PDF file:
1. Research Statement: A 3-4 pages extended abstract summarizing her/his
dissertation research, singly authored by herself/himself.
The research statement should transcend the scope of a single publication or
project, and instead focus on the general research theme or agenda for the
student's PhD thesis.
2. Supervisor's letter of support: A one-page signed letter from the PhD
student's supervisor, supporting her/his participation in the Doctoral
3. Curriculum vitae: A 1-2 pages CV plus the list of all publications.
All three documents must be written in English.
For further information regarding the submission guidelines, please see the
Eurographics DC webpage.
In context of the recently launched COMET competence center Pro2Future -
Products and Production Systems of the Future, we are filling
2 Junior Researcher Positions in Applied Data Analysis and Visualization
at the center's site in Graz, Austria, co-located with Graz University of
Technology. The researchers will work on timely industrial data analysis and
visualization challenges in close collaboration with the center's scientific
and industry partners. Opportunity to develop a PhD thesis at Graz
University of Technology is given and explicitly supported. For further
information, please refer to the opening description below or contact Tobias
Schreck at tobias.schreck(a)cgv.tugraz.at.
Opening Description
To broaden and support our research activities in the field of data-driven
decision support we are currently offering the position of a Junior
Researcher Full-time (38,5 hours/week), at Pro2Future GmbH in Graz (Campus
Inffeld at Graz University of Technology).
Pro2Future - Products and Production Systems of the Future - is a COMET
competence center that attempts for next generation products and
manufacturing machinery with embedded cognitive capabilities. It is a joint
effort of world leading Austrian industrial enterprises and top Austrian
scientific institutions in ICT and Production Engineering: Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Graz University of Technology and Profactor GmbH.
Furthermore, it is endorsed by the Provinces of Upper Austria and Styria,
Austria's strongest regions in industrial leadership. Pro2Future operates
three research sites in Linz, Graz and Steyr.
Project context:
Designing and evaluating predictive maintenance and condition monitoring
systems for industrial applications. Together with internationally renowned
companies from the automotive and metal industries, we investigate how
cognitive decision support can be applied to analyze large amounts of
industrial data. In this regard, prediction models based on analytical
methods as well as visual analytics approaches are to be researched,
developed and applied.
Job profile:
The successful candidate will be engaged in computational and visual data
analysis and data-driven projects. To this end, one or more of the following
skills are required: knowledge about information systems, data technologies,
visual analytics and information visualization, mathematical and statistical
methods for data analysis. Experience in at least one current software
development environment is required. Experience in the field of artificial
intelligence is of advantage. The successful candidate seeks an ambitious
activity in industry-driven research and is particularly willing to obtain a
PhD under supervision of the scientific partners of this project at TU Graz,
including Prof. Tobias Schreck, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge
Visualization. The successful candidate will work within an
interdisciplinary project team consisting of experts including the
industrial partners, project management and scientific partners of Graz
University of Technology. The candidate plays a major role in shaping and
executing the projects' research agenda. Project work will also involve
collaboration and knowledge exchange with the Pro2Future partners, several
allied international research groups as well as participating in the
international research community.
Your qualification:
. A university-level degree in computer science, information systems,
information science, mechatronics, telematics, mathematics, or related
. Programming skills in a current development environment (Java, JavaScript,
C#, Python, ...)
. Fluent English, written and spoken. German is appreciated or the
willingness to learn German is expected.
We offer:
. The opportunity to align the research for your Ph.D. studies to a 3-years
research project, starting in Spring 2018.
. The opportunity to work in a young, dynamic, creative and collaborative
team with strong ethos of mentorship and professional development as well as
focused publication agenda.
. We will provide the successful candidate with a cooperative and supportive
environment to establish themselves and their careers, i.e. particularly the
Ph.D. studies.
. Full-time gross salary for this position is 2,750 Euro per month (14 times
a year).
How to apply:
To apply for this position, please send your application (including CV,
supporting documents, letter of motivation) via email to:
jobs(a)pro2future.at, or by postal mail to Pro2Future GmbH c/o Dr. Stefan
Thalmann, Inffeldgasse 25 F, 8010 Graz, Austria, phone:+43 316 873-30603.
More information on Pro2Future is available at http://www.pro2future.at/.
Pro2Future GmbH is an equal opportunity employer. We particularly welcome
applications from women and international candidates. In case of equal
qualification, female applicants will be hired preferentially.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck
Graz University of Technology
Inst. of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
Inffeldgasse 16c
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 (0) 316 873 5403, Fax: +43 (0) 316 873 105403
Mail: tobias.schreck(a)cgv.tugraz.at
Web: http://www.cgv.tugraz.at/
Call for Posters
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of recent
results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects which may be
of interest to the general community, but which are still too speculative,
incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a (full or short) paper.
Accepted posters will be included in the digital media. Posters will also be
displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a poster session
to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage
submissions from all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering,
modeling, visualization, perception, animation, simulation, virtual reality,
computer vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters are expected to be present at their posters
during the poster session to discuss their work and answer questions.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2-page paper which must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines and may be
accompanied by a preliminary version of the actual poster. Anonymous
submissions will be made electronically through the
<http://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2018> Submission and Review
Management (SRMv2) and subject to a review process.
The authors of accepted posters will be asked to submit the final version in
two formats: a 2-page paper and an A4 version of the final poster. Both
documents will be included in the conference digital media with the
proceedings and other material.
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the poster
chairs: <mailto:chairs-eg2018posters@eg.org> chairs-eg2018posters(a)eg.org
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, February 2nd,
Notification to authors will be on Saturday, Feb 24th, 2018.
Eurographics Poster Chairs
<mailto:chairs-eg2018posters@eg.org> chairs-eg2018posters(a)eg.org
Eakta Jain, University of Florida, USA
Jiří Kosinka, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
The Department of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University has a
full-time opening on the West Lafayette, Indiana campus, beginning in August
2018. This position is for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Computer
Animation, but any level (associate and full professor) will be also
Principal Duties
The candidate for this position will teach and develop undergraduate and
graduate courses, conduct research, mentor and advise graduate students, and
perform service for the department, university, and discipline. The
candidate will be required to develop and teach a variety of courses
including but not limited to 3D Modeling, 2D and 3D Animation, Physically
based Animation, Coding for Animation, Motion Graphics, Lighting, Texturing
and Rendering, Rigging, Simulation, and other subjects in the Animation
The successful candidate must demonstrate excellence in the practice of
animation production, as well as have a defined, solid research agenda in
the field of computer animation. The candidate will be expected to teach
animation related topics in an intensely active learning-based environment
in which innovative pedagogy, creative assignments, diversity of background
and opinion, and excellence in student work are paramount. A primary
responsibility of the candidate will be to help create and implement a
curricular vision that will expand the animation program quality and reach.
Candidates will be expected to maintain an active research agenda as well as
a robust funding program to support their research. The candidate will also
be expected to serve the university community by participating in
committees, recruiting activities, student advising, engagement efforts with
industry, develop curricular materials and laboratory experiences, and
assessment activities intended to maintain accreditation. Applicants must
have an earned PhD in Animation or a related field such as Film and Media
Arts, Computer Graphics, Visual Communication, Computer Science, or a
related discipline. Industry experience and credited work are strongly
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
The Purdue Polytechnic Institutes strategic plan can be accessed at
Application Procedure
All application materials should be submitted to brown650(a)purdue.edu
<mailto:brown650@purdue.edu> with the subject line: Animation Assistant
Professor Position * West Lafayette *
A complete application includes:
1. A cover letter addressed to the chair of the search committee (Prof.
Nicoletta Adamo)
2. A resume or CV
3. A clear statement of teaching and research interests
4. A personal practice portfolio (in digital format)
5. Samples of students' work (if applicable)
6. The names of three references
Preferential deadline is January 15th, but applications will be accepted
until the position is filled.
A background check is required for employment in this position. Purdue's
main campus is located in West Lafayette, Indiana, a welcoming and diverse
community with a wide variety of cultural activities and events, industries,
and excellent schools.
Purdue University is an EOE/AA. All individuals, including minorities,
women, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged
to apply.
The Computer Science and Engineering Department of the Instituto Superior
Técnico (ULisboa) is carrying out an open search process for possible
candidates to future openings for faculty career positions. This open search
is targeted at possible candidates who have an interest in enrolling at the
base level of the university professional career (tenure-track assistant
professor), in all scientific areas of the Department, namely:
- Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
- Human-Computer Interaction
Possible candidates should send to the email address
cse-facultysearch(a)dei.tecnico.ulisboa.pt a zip file containing the following
- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching and research statement
- Contact (including email address) of three researchers or
professionals from the area who can be contacted to provide reference
letters, attesting to the scientific, pedagogical, and professional
qualities of the possible candidate.
These materials should preferably be sent by January 15, 2018, for being
considered for the 2018 open search process. For any additional questions
please contact the Department at <mailto:dei@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>