University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17-20 June, 2019
CGI 2019 website:
Organized by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS)
In cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Computer Graphics International -is one of the oldest international annual
conferences in Computer Graphics and one of the most important ones
worldwide, founded by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). It is a yearly
meeting where academics present their latest algorithms, and explore new
ideas on various computer graphics topics. Since 1983 it was held in
different countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and North & South America.
CGI 2019, the 36th annual conference will take place on June 17th - June
20th in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the foothills of majestic Canadian
Rockies. CGI 2019 is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and
Conference, Tutorials and Workshops June 17 - 20, 2019
Visual Computer papers submission
Submission deadline: February 12, 2019
Paper notification: March 24, 2019
Camera-ready April 7, 2019
CGI proceedings (short papers) submission
Submission deadline: March 25, 2019
Paper notification April 21, 2019
Camera-ready May 03, 2019
The scientific program of the conference will include full papers and short
papers. 35 accepted full papers will be included in the Visual Computer
journal published by Springer. Accepted short papers will be included in the
conference proceedings.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related to:
Rendering Techniques, Volume Rendering
Geometric Computing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Shape and Surface Modelling
Physically Based Modelling
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
Scientific Visualization
Data Compression for Graphics
Biometric Image and Signal Processing
Medical Imaging
Computation Geometry
Image Based Rendering
Computational Photography
Computer Animation
Visual Analytics
Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
Geometric Modelling
Computational Fabrication
Image Processing
3D Reconstruction & 3D Printing
Solid Modelling
Global Illumination
Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
Human Modelling
Image Analysis
Saliency Methods
Shape Matching
Sketch-based Modelling
Robotics and Vision
Stylized Rendering
Textures Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning for Graphics
Conference Co-Chairs
Marina L. Gavrilova,
University of Calgary, Canada
Hiroshi Ishikawa,
Waseda University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Jian Chang,
Bournemouth University, UK
Local Organizing Chair
Marina L. Gavrilova
University of Calgary, Canada
Local Organizing Committee
Usman Alim, University of Calgary
Ehud Sharlin, University of Calgary
Tony Tang, University of Calgary
>> Call for Papers and Conference Announcement >> WSCG 2019 >> Registration & submission is open
WSCG 2019 (held annually since 1992) 27. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019 – main page of WSCG – WSCG 2019 page
When: May 27 – 31, 2019
Where: Primavera Congress Center, Pilsen (the City of Beer),
close to Prague, Czech Republic
approx. 70 mins. from the Prague Airport by public transport
> Proposals for workshops and special session are welcome.
Important dates:
>> WSCG 2019
27. Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2019
Workshops/Special sessions proposals - December 15, 2018 (via e-mail)
January 31, 2019 - Abstract (recommended),
February 11, 2019 - Full, Short, Poster papers
Proceedings will be published in Computer Science Research Notes (ISSN
The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG (ISSN
>> "Pay to publish" strategy submission is NOT acceptable. <<
>> At least one author has to present the paper at the conference. <<
>> Proceedings will be made after the conference. <<
Recent publications available via -
repository since 1992.
Contact: skala(a) subject: WSCG 2019
Organizer & Chair
prof. Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8
CZ 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
Announcement sent via: skala(a)
Main topics (but not limited to)
Computer graphics
Scientific visualization
Medical visualization
Computer vision
Image processing
Pattern recognition
GPU graphics
Rendering and animation
Virtual reality
Haptic systems
Medical imaging
Graphical human computer interfaces
Graphical interaction
Computational photography
Data compression for graphics
Image based rendering
Physically based modeling
Mathematical methods for graphics and vision
Geometric modeling
Shape analysis
Shape modeling
Shape retrieval
Surface and volume parametrization
Parallel graphics
CAD, CAGD and GIS systems
and other related topics
Sorry for duplicate posting!
Call for Short Papers - EXTENDED DEADLINE December 21st
Authors are invited to submit short papers [4 pages max] that present
self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer
graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation, simulation,
virtual reality, computer vision, computer-aided design, digital fabrication
and imaging.
Accepted short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media
proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Authors of accepted
papers will be expected to present their work as an oral presentation at the
Submission Details
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRM) system. Submitted papers must be anonymous, up
to 4 pages in length, and formatted according to the Eurographics Author's
guidelines (short papers LaTeX style package available from the SRM system).
- NEW Submission Deadline *December 21*, 2018
- First Notification February 11, 2019
- Camera-ready March 1,2019
Short Papers Chairs
For any question concerning short paper submissions please contact the
papers program co-chairs: <>
chairs-eg2019shorts(a) Paolo Cignoni ISTI - CNR Eder Miguel Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos
= Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine 2019 =
= (Eurographics Medical Prize) =
Submission Deadline: January 25, 2019
Notification: February 22, 2019
The Eurographics Association organizes a biannual competition to
acknowledge the contribution of computer graphics in the medical field,
and to encourage further development. Originally called "Eurographics
Medical Prize", the competition was renamed to "Dirk Bartz Prize for
Visual Computing in Medicine" in 2010 -- in honor of Dirk Bartz who
passed away far too early in March 2010. Dirk Bartz was a highly
recognized and enthusiastic scientist, teacher and promoter of Visual
Computing in Medicine; furthermore, he was an active member of the
Eurographics Association and Chair of the EG Medical Prize in 2007 and
== Call ==
Submissions to the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine
2019 are being invited from researchers and developers who can
demonstrate that a particular benefit in a medical application has
resulted from the use of visual computing technology that they have
produced/developed. We welcome submissions from all areas of visual
computing -- examples include the use of new data visualization
techniques, interaction methods, or virtual/augmented environments.
Entries typically summarize a body of research and/or development that
has been conducted over the course of a project, PhD thesis, etc. and
particular weight is put on demonstrating the medical impact of the
== Winners ==
The top three winning entries of the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual
Computing in Medicine 2019 will receive a prize and their submission
will be published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize Awards" digital
media proceedings. The judging panel will select the winning entry on
the basis of its clinical value, use of visual computing methods, and
novelty. All three winning teams will have an opportunity to present
their results at Eurographics 2019, which means that at least one author
of each winning team must attend to present the results.
The Hall of Fame documents previous recipients of the prize:
== Submission Guidelines ==
Winning entries will be published in the "Short Papers and Medical Prize
Awards" digital media proceedings, and in the EG Digital Library.
Submissions will be made electronically through SRMV2 at
Submitted written entries have to be prepared as papers of up to 4 pages
and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Medical Prize
Guidelines at
The submission of complementary material like videos, demo applications,
and references to additional publications of the authors, theses, etc.
is highly welcome.
== Co-chairs ==
Stefan Bruckner, University of Bergen, Norway
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, University of Magdeburg, Germany
For any question concerning medical prize submissions please contact the
medical prize co-chairs at:
Second call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2019 (3DOR'19)
A co-event of Eurographics 2019
May 5-6, 2019, Genova, Italy
Important Dates
Full/Short Paper Submission: February 4, 2019
Acceptance Notification: March 4, 2019
Camera Ready: April 5, 2019
Workshop dates: May 5-6, 2019
3D Object Retrieval Workshop Series
Search engines are now the default way in which most people engage with
information, as the vast majority of information is born digital. Also, a
new wave of information is underway: low-cost 3D scanners, 3D printers, and
powerful modelling software have made 3D models appeal to an increasing
audience. Repositories of 3D objects are rapidly growing in both number and
size. Yet, the task of exploring such large 3D repositories and retrieving
the models of interest remains a challenging problem. It is crucial to
develop algorithms for content-based searching of 3D object collections;
creating compact and accurate descriptors for 3D objects; creating efficient
storage structures for databases of 3D objects; investigating theoretical
aspects of practical importance, such as the definition of the similarity
concept; interfaces for content-based 3D object search; visualization
techniques for 3D search results; real time aspects of techniques and
algorithms; new challenges such as faceted 3D browsing, social search, and
navigation of hybrid datasets. The complex yet concrete problems above are
drawing increasing attention from the research community.
The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate researchers from
different fields such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine
Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer Interaction who work on or
are interested in 3D object retrieval search and exploration, to present
state-of-the-art work in the field or learn about it and participate in
discussions. This will provide a cross-fertilization that will stimulate
discussions on the next steps in this important research area. 3DOR 2019
will be the 12th workshop in this series.
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas of 3D Object Retrieval. Submissions
are invited in the form of full papers (up to 8 pages) and short papers
presented in a poster session (up to 4 pages). State of the arts papers on
specific topics of interest in the workshop are also welcome and may exceed
the 8 pages limit.
All accepted papers will be published in the EG Digital Library.
Extended and revised versions of selected full papers will be considered for
publication in a special section of the Computers and Graphics Journal
(Elsevier), based on the reviewers' comments and on the feedback from the
3DOR workshop. The deadline for this special issue will be 6 weeks after the
workshop (end of June 2019) and reviewer continuity will be aimed for.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
3D shape analysis
3D shape similarity and matching
3D mesh sequence retrieval
3D mobile media retrieval
3D search in large scale data
3D object classification, indexing, and mining
Similarity of non-rigid shapes
Shape correspondence
3D shape decomposition, and segmentation
Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
Matching under uncertainty and noise
Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification
Sketch-based retrieval
Query interfaces and search modalities
Benchmarking issues
Deep learning for 3D shape retrieval
Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
Applications in multimedia, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science,
e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage.
Also this year, the workshop will feature the 14th Shape Retrieval
Evaluation Contest (SHREC 2019). A separate call for participation will be
issued shortly.
The submission should be formatted according to the Eurographics guidelines.
Submissions should be done through the SRM website
The 3DOR 2019 conference will use a double-blind review process.
Consequently, all submissions must be anonymous.
Workshop Chairs:
Bianca Falcidieno, IMATI - CNR Genoa, Italy
Ioannis Pratikakis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Program Chairs:
Silvia Biasotti, IMATI - CNR Genoa, Italy
Guillaume Lavoué, Université de Lyon, LIRIS, France
Dear colleagues, (apologies for multiple posting)
Graphics Interface (GI) 2019, the 45th annual conference, will be held at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada from May 28 - 31, 2019. GI is the longest running conference in the field, consistently attracting high-quality submissions on recent advances in computer graphics, human-computer interaction (HCI), and visualization. All accepted GI papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library and will be open access in the Graphics Interface archive. The Michael A. J. Sweeney Award will be awarded at the conference to the best student papers in graphics and HCI. Authors of top papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions to the journals IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) and Computers & Graphics.
GI 2019 will be held in conjunction with Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of AI/GI/CRV 2019. A single registration provides access to all keynotes, invited and paper talks, as well as the common poster/demo session for the three conferences.
GI 2019 consists of both Graphics and HCI tracks, along with several joint sessions. We seek submissions covering all aspects of graphics, HCI, as well as visualization. Authors must request that their submissions be handled by either the Graphics or HCI sub-committee. In cases where significant overlap exists, a submission may be reviewed by members of both sub-committees. All paper submissions are fully peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee and external reviewers. Papers normally have a maximum length of eight pages.
Keynote Speakers
* Otmar Hilliges (ETH Zurich)
* Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University)
Invited Speakers
* Simon Clavet (Ubisoft Montreal)
* Audrey Girouard (Carleton University)
* David Levin (University of Toronto)
* Lennart Nacke (University of Waterloo)
* Matthew O'Toole (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Stacey Scott (University of Guelph)
In addition, talks will be given by the winners of the 2019 CHCCS Achievement Award and the 2018 Bill Buxton and Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation awards.
* Paper Deadline: Wednesday December 19, 2018, 11:59 pm EST
* Author Notification: Monday, March 5th, 2018
Submission Information
Submissions should use the format shown in the conference template. Submissions should be converted to PDF and uploaded to the Precision Conference system at The PCS system will be open for uploading submissions at the start of December.
Submitting a Cover Letter and Previous Reviews
Authors of GI submission have the option to submit previous reviews and an accompanying cover letter (submitted as a single PDF). The previous reviews can be from a previous GI or any other conference submission. The cover letter should describe the results of the previous review process and the subsequent revisions that have been made for the current GI submission. When submitting a cover letter with previous submissions authors may decide whether the material should be shared with external reviewers or not. Submitted letters and reviews will be available to GI committee members.
Thank you,
Andrea Tagliasacchi and Rob Teather
Graphics Interface 2019 Paper Chairs
[ Apologies for cross-posting. ]
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Workshop on
"Visualization in Environmental Sciences" (EnvirVis).
The one-day workshop is a co-located event to EUROVIS 2019, the European
Conference on Visualization, held at Porto, Portugal, on June 3-4, 2019. The
EnvirVis-Workshop aims to bring together researchers in the area of
visualization of geo-scientific, environmental or climate data to present
and discuss recent developments in the field.
The workshop "Visualization in Environmental Sciences" invites both
contributions in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data
integration with a broad application area in environmental research. The
proposed scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of
* Climate research, atmospheric modeling
* Geology, geography, geophysics
* Soil and groundwater research
* Energy resources and waste management
* Land use research
* Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Important Dates:
Short Paper Submision Deadline: February 22, 2019
Final Decisions: March 22, 2019
Camera Ready Versions Due: April 19, 2019
Conference: June 3-4, 2019
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English and should have a length of 4 to 8 pages.
Submission instructions as well as a LaTeX2e style can be found at the
workshop website.
Papers will be published online at the Eurographics Digital Library.
Workshop Chairs:
Roxana Bujack, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Kathrin Feige, German Weather Service, Offenbach, Germany
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
Dirk Zeckzer, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
For further and updated information please see the workshop web page
Best regards
Roxana, Bujack, Katrin Feige, Karsten Rink and Dirk Zeckzer
EnvirVis Co-Chairs
Dear colleagues,
the Rendering and Modeling Group at TU Wien is looking for a *PostDoc*
in *computer graphics/geometry*, with a focus on 3D spatialization (
Details are here:
The research is embedded in the research cluster on "Smart Communities and
Technologies" at TU Wien and offers a great opportunity for both
high-quality computer-graphics research as well as interdisciplinary
Applications are accepted as of now, and the position is to be filled as
soon as possible.
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific
colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael
Institut fuer Computergraphik und Algorithmen tel: +43 (1) 58801
Technische Universitaet Wien fax: +43 (1) 58801
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E186
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich