Call for Papers - 24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2019)
The symposium takes place September 30-October 2, 2019 in Rostock, Germany.
Paper submission deadline: June 21, 2019
The International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) is well-established as Germany’s premier scientific meeting that covers the full spectrum of visual computing. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary environment.
As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with Eurographics and archived in the EG digital library. Authors are encouraged to submit their original research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* 3D Printing
* Animation, Simulation, and GPGPU
* Geometric Modeling
* Color, Illumination, and Reflectance Modeling
* Material Appearance
* Realistic and Non-Photorealistic Rendering
* Offline and Real-time Rendering
Visualization and Interactive Interfaces
* Information Visualization
* Scientific Visualization
* Visual Analytics and Interactive Data Science
* Visual Interfaces
Computer Vision and Image Processing
* 3D Acquisition, Motion Capture, and Tracking
* Computational Photography, Sensors, and Sensor Fusion
* Image-based Modeling and Rendering
* Object and Pattern Recognition
Applications of/for Visual Computing
* Biology and Medicine
* Games and Film
* Evaluation and Perception
* Physics and Engineering
* Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality
Contributors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages in the EG publication style. Longer papers are expected to make additional contributions. The review process will be double-blind. Accepted papers have to be presented at the symposium. Papers and supplemental material will be submitted using the SRM submission system:
Important Dates
June 21, 2019 Paper submission deadline
August 9, 2019 Acceptance notification
September 6, 2019 Camera ready version
Sep. 30-Oct. 2, 2019 Symposium
General Chair:
Oliver Staadt
Program Chairs:
Hans-Jörg Schulz
Matthias Teschner
Michael Wimmer
LAST CFP: International Geometry Summit (IGS) 2019, June 17-21, Vancouver,
Canada (Registration still OPEN!)
The Second International Geometry Summit (IGS) will be held in Vancouver,
Canada, June 17-21, 2019:
The conference venues will be at the Harbour Centre, Simon Fraser
University, and the Goldcorp Centre
for the Arts, in downtown Vancouver. Both venues are near the waterfront and
a couple of blocks away
from the Vancouver Convention Centre, which has hosted SIGGRAPH multiple
times in recent years.
After a successful IGS16 in Berlin, IGS19 will host four prominent
geometry conferences:
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) - June 17-19
SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design (SIAM GD) - June 17-19
Shape Modeling International (SMI) - June 19-21
Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP) - June 19-21
One Summit registration provides access to all four conferences, as well as
lunches, coffee+snacks
for all five days, and a dinner banquet on Wednesday night.
IGS19 will feature a slew of internationally renowned keynote speakers:
Michael Bronstein, Imperial College London, UK
Annalisa Buffa, EPFL, Switzerland
Mark Gammon, International TechneGroup Inc., UK
Alec Jacobson, University of Toronto, Canada
Hui Huang, Shenzhen University, China
Shahram Izadi, Google, USA
Ligang Liu, University of Science and Technology, China
Holly Rushmeier, Yale University, USA
Scott Schaefer, Texas A&M University, USA
Emily Whiting, Boston University, USA
Jessica Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Gershon Elber, Technion, 2019 Pierre Bézier Awardee from the Solid Modeling
All the keynote talks will be scheduled in a single track, without
overlapping, so attendees wont miss
any of them.
Registration is still open:
f4ff2&Lang=*> &SessionID=fb8ej8fekff4ff2&Lang=*
We hope to see many of you in beautiful Vancouver in late June!
Summit Co-Chairs:
Konrad Polthier, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Weeping Wang, University of Hong Kong, China
Richard Zhang, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Local Organization Chair:
Ali Mahdavi-Amiri, Simon Fraser University, Canada
High Performance Graphics, in league with Facebook Reality Labs, is
introducing a new
c723107ee6fd6c13&id=73ef52e559&e=7646659f71> student scholarship program for
funding travel and expenses to attend the HPG 2019 conference, to a select
group of students from underrepresented groups working in graphics and
related research areas. Our program provides travel and registration
scholarships to HPG, being held in beautiful Strasbourg, France, July
Program Information
We aim to fund junior students, broadly in high performance computer
graphics and related research areas (high-performance computer vision,
machine learning, compiler and language technology). Eligible students are
Ph.D. students in the first few years of their program, strong master's
students, and strong undergraduate students who are genuinely interested in
research. We offer three scholarship tiers:
* Full scholarships - 2,500 dollars reimbursement of eligible travel
* Half scholarships - 1,250 dollars reimbursement of eligible travel
* Registration scholarships - Free registration to the conference
(ideal for students local to the Strasbourg region).
Eligible expenses include air or ground transportation, meals, and hotel or
other lodging costs. In order to be fully reimbursed the attendee must
register for the conference (we will provide a free registration code),
check in, and attend the entire conference (to the best of their ability), a
special introduction and lunch event for scholarship recipients.
The application process will be a bit informal as this is our first year
implementing the program. If you qualify as a member of an underrepresented
group, please consider applying! We define underrepresented loosely as
including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, disability status,
nationality, and socioeconomic background.
We ask that you submit the following information to
diversity(a) Application material requirements are
described below. Documents should be Word compatible or PDF.
Requirement 1: Identification and Benefits
Please answer the following three questions in one ~500 word essay.
1. In what way do you associate with an underrepresented group?
2. What academic and/or professional benefits do you hope to receive
from this scholarship?
3. What do you hope to or believe you can contribute to the high
performance graphics community?
Please be as specific as possible in your answers. However, we understand
these are somewhat open ended questions.
Requirement 2: Experiences with Computer Graphics
Please provide a brief ~500 word write up describing your work in computer
graphics and related fields. Provide a brief (few sentences) synopsis of
each of your projects, preferably research projects, or ideas. These can be
past, current, or future. Please also mention and submit copies of any
publications, patents, tech reports, etc. that will help us evaluate the
applicability of your work.
Please be as specific as possible in your project descriptions, while
remaining concise.
Requirement 3: CV
Please simply provide an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae.
Please send all the following to the HPG diversity chair at
* Full Name.
* Contact email address.
* Address traveling from, to HPG.
* University or institution enrolled.
* Program enrolled in (Ph.D, Masters, and Undergrad)
* All application materials, i.e., both essays, curriculum vitae, and
PDF or Word copies of any publications not specifiable via links.
Recipient information
All applicants are competing for all scholarships by default. If only one
type is acceptable or desired, e.g. registration scholarship only, please
make that clear in the submission email. We repeat, for clarity, this
scholarship is reimbursement based. We guarantee reimbursement of all
eligible expenses, up the limit of the scholarship received, in as timely a
manner as possible.
We wish you all luck and success in your future careers, studies, research
and development ventures.
Apollo Isaac Orion Ellis
HPG 2019 Diversity Chair
David McAllister
HPG 2019 General Chair
The 37th Annual Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
12-13 September 2019, Bangor University, UK
The annual EGUK conference is a meeting place for all those in the UK
working in computer graphics and visual computing (including, Computer
Graphics and Vision, Information and Scientific Visualization, and Visual
Analytics). It attracts researchers from across the country and from further
The 2019 conference Computer Graphics & Visual Computing will be an
overnight meeting (lunchtime to lunchtime). The conference wants to focus on
increasing the dialogue between academic research groups, researchers in
academic and in industrial developments. In order to facilitate such
dialogue, we are seeking contributions in the form of full papers, short
papers, viewpoint papers and extended abstracts (posters). Optional
single-blind or double-blind - reviewers' identities are not revealed.
Authors may choose whether to anonymize their submission or not.
. Full papers - a paper of 4 to 8 pages describing completed research, plus
an additional page of references. Papers are refereed by members of an
international program committee (IPC). Authors of accepted papers are
expected to give a 15-20 minute presentation at the conference. Accepted
papers will appear in the Eurographics digital library and will serve as
full paper publications.
. Short papers - The purpose of short papers is to present late-breaking
results, work-in-progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of
existing methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process
by an international program committee (IPC). They will be electronically
archived and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper
track should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for
references. Accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference
in (approximately) 12-15 minute presentations.
. Viewpoint Papers (aka. Position paper) - Viewpoint paper track enables
researchers a new possibility to publish their ideas. Viewpoints articles
offer detailed technical opinions on trends in visual computing or reports
on how visual computing has contributed to the comprehension of data or
phenomena, without the need to present completed research work and/or
validated results. We encourage discussions of challenges or limitations in
today's methods and areas of potential new topics of research. We are also
interested in application discussions that focus on, for example, the areas
of physical, life or social sciences, engineering, or commerce, or areas
related to the process of visual computing in general. We encourage an
emphasis on lessons learned from practical experience for application
discussions, particularly where visual computing has been employed in a
real, working environment. Viewpoint papers are submitted with author names
and affiliations (at most 4-pages). Accepted viewpoint papers will be
electronically archived, are fully citable publications and will be
presented orally at the conference in (approximately) 12-15 minute
. Extended Abstracts (Poster Papers) - The purpose of this track is to
present late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or
evaluations of existing methods. In particular, it provides young
researchers, especially postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities
to receive feedback from other researchers, and engage in stimulating
discussions. The poster track will be managed by the co-chair team and the
International Program Committee (IPC). We solicit poster submissions in the
form of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages (with an additional page
allowed for references only).
Posters will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process. Accepted posters, size
A1 recommended, will be presented at the poster viewing session of the
In addition to directly submitted posters, some submissions to the full,
short and viewpoint paper tracks, that are not accepted for publication but
are deemed suitable, will be offered an opportunity to be presented as
posters. Such submissions will not require an additional review process.
Accepted abstracts (poster papers) do not appear in the Eurographics digital
library, and will not be considered as a paper publication, instead being
similar to a SIGGRAPH one-page sketch or to a conference poster without an
associated full paper. As such, presenting an extended abstract or a poster
at the conference has no effect on your ability to publish a fuller version
of the same work in another venue.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Computer Graphics
Computer Vision
Virtual Reality
Visual Analytics
Visual Data Science
Computer Animation
Computer-based Arts and Entertainment
Image processing
Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques
Graphics Architectures and Acceleration Hardware
Medical Imaging
Multimedia Visualisation
Computer Games
Rendering Techniques
Scientific Visualisation and Big Data
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Geospatial Visualisation
Augmented Reality and Collaborative Environments
Mobile Apps and Interactive Devices
Human Computer Interaction, Robotics, and Haptics
Modelling Methods
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 21 Jun (Fri) 2019 (extended)
Notification of Acceptance: 23 Jul (Tue) 2019
Camera Ready: 10 Aug (Sat) 2019
Conference: 12-13 September 2019 (Thu-Fri)
Publication type | Page limit |
Accepted publication
Full Paper | 4-8 pages, + 1-page refs only |
fully citable publication
Short Paper | 2-4 pages, + 1-page refs only |
fully citable publication
Viewpoint Paper (i.e. Position Paper) | 2-4 pages, + 1-page refs only |
fully citable publication
Extended Abstract (i.e. Poster Paper) | 1-2 pages, + 1-page refs only | not
considered as a paper publication
Programme Chairs
Jonathan C. Roberts (Bangor University)
Gary KL Tam (Swansea University)
Contact: chairs-cgvc2019(a)
Conference Chair
Frank Vidal (Bangor University)
Local organisers
Panagiotis D. Ritsos (Bangor University)
********Apologies for cross-posting********
17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 6-9, 2019
*** Research papers deadline: June 21st (abstract) and June 24th (paper) ***
The 17th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2019)
aims to engage practitioners and researchers across the world working at the
interface of novel digital technologies and cultural heritage. Taking place
at the heart of the Balkans, in the city of Sarajevo this year's event will
explore the role of computer graphics and other digital technologies in
safeguarding, preserving and providing access to cultural heritage which
might be vulnerable from natural and man-made threats such as climate
change, economic hardship, violence and neglect. As such, the event will
enable participants to showcase and discuss new technologies and workflows
available to heritage professionals to document, monitor, study,
conserve/preserve and provide access to both tangible and intangible
Cultural Heritage. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are
particularly relevant to the event and this is reflected in the diversity of
invited contributions.
For the research community, GCH 2019 provides an excellent scientific forum
to exchange novel ideas and developments as well as to identify future
research and application opportunities. For the practitioner community, GCH
2019 provides a unique opportunity to feed into technical developments as
well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be transferred into
The event seeks different types of contributions including:
1. Research papers: original and innovative research (maximum 10 pages),
2. Short papers: update of ongoing research activities or projects (maximum
4 pages),
3. Posters: overview of activities (500 words abstract),
4. Tutorials of solutions available to the community, and
5. Special sessions on topics of interest to the workshop.
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following topics:
- Imaging techniques for Cultural Heritage processes, including visual
analysis techniques such as 3D scanning, motion capture, multispectral
imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, and other techniques allowing to record
Cultural Heritage.
- Visual data processing and data fusion
- Digital libraries, archiving and long-term preservation of 3D documents
- Visual analysis of datasets, including semantic-aware representation of
digital artefacts (metadata, classification schemes, annotation), similarity
search and browsing.
- Visualization and virtual museums, including serious games and
- Multi-modal and interactive environments
- Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
- Digital fabrication, including subtractive and additive methods such as 3D
- Organizational aspects of cooperation between ICT and CH experts for
project development
- Best practices and guidelines for deployment of ICT solution in the CH
domain, including budgeting and maintenance
- User demand and reception of ICT solutions in CH institutions
Research papers deadline: June 21st (abstract), June 24th (paper)
Tutorials deadline: July 15th
Special sessions deadline: July 15th
Short papers deadline: August 12th
Poster deadline: August 12th
Notification research papers, tutorials and special sessions: July 29th
Notification short papers and posters: September 9th
Camera ready for all contributions: September 30th
All accepted research and short papers will be published by the Eurographics
Association and archived in the EG Digital Library. The authors of selected
best papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Journal
on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH, see <>
We will seek to publish other contributions in collaboration with proposers
of tutorials and special sessions.
Pacific Graphics 2019 Call for Papers
Seoul, October 14-17, 2019
The 27th annual international conference on computer graphics and applications, Pacific Graphics 2019, will take place in Seoul, Korea from October 14-17, 2019. Pacific Graphics is a flagship conference of the Asia Graphics Association. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Original unpublished submissions are invited in all areas of computer graphics and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling, rendering, animation, imaging, visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems. Papers should be submitted through the SRM system. Each submission should be 7-12 pages in length for the regular papers or 4-6 pages for the short papers, and will be reviewed by an international program committee for technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. All of the accepted papers will be archived in the EG digital libraries and all regular papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum. All submissions will be considered for Best Paper Award and Best Student Presentation Award, which will be conferred during the conference.
The goal of the Pacific Graphics conference is to bring together researchers from a variety of fields to present their most recent results, initiate collaborations, and contribute to the advancement of the research area. The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, work-in-progress sessions, and tutorials as well as presentations by a selection of internationally renowned speakers in all areas related to computer graphics and interactive systems.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 5 June, 2019
Regular/Short paper submission: 7 June, 2019
Decision notification: 24 July, 2019
Camera ready: 27 August, 2019
Conference: 14-17 October, 2019
Keynote Speakers
Markus Gross, ETH Zuerich and Disney Research Zuerich
Masahiko Inami, University of Tokyo
Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
Conference Leadership
Conference Chairs
JungHyun Han, Korea University
Carol O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin
Michiel van de Panne, University of British Columbia
Program Chairs
Jehee Lee, Seoul National University
Christian Theobalt, MPI Informatik
Gordon Wetzstein, Stanford University
Please feel free to forward this announcement.
Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt
Head of Research Group
Graphics, Vision & Video
Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1.4, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Phone +49 681 9325 4028 Fax +49 681 9325 4099
Email: theobalt(a) <>
Kyoto, 2-4 October, 2019
Extended FINAL full/short paper submission deadline - May 31
Submit your titles and abstracts ASAP
In cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics Association, the Society of
Art and Science
Conference web page: <> ,
Submission page: <>
CW 2019 SCOPE:
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment
the way we interact, participate in business and receive information
throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the
evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking
services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively multiplayer online
role-playing games.
Satoshi Tanaka (Ritsumeikan University)
High-Quality & Transparent Visualization of Large-Scale Point Clouds
Acquired by 3D Scanning
Tomohiro Kuroda (Kyoto University)
Social Hospital and Preemptive Medicine: Prospects of Cyber-Physical
Clinical Medicine in Information Age
Tobias Hollerer (UCSB)
Learning for Reality
CW 2019 will consider the following tracks and topics:
Computer graphics for cyberworlds; Visual analytics in cyberworlds; Virtual
humans and avatars; Applications of augmented and virtual reality; Social
computing and services; Multimodal interaction and rendering; Virtual
collaborative spaces; Multi-user web games; IoT and wearable computing;
Computer vision for augmented and virtual reality; Online communities;
Networked and shared virtual worlds; Art and heritage in cyberspace;
Cyber-museums; E-learning in cyberworlds; Cyberethics and cyberlaws; Welfare
in cyberworlds; Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds; Real-time
analytics, modelling, and simulation for the future smart cities and urban
mobility; 3D city modelling, processing and simulation; Generation of
building/city models; Predictive analytics and
machine learning for smart cities and smart manufacturing; Computer vision
for industry 4.0 / smart manufacturing; Optical inspection for industry 4.0
/ smart manufacturing; Virtual and Augmented Reality for smart cities and
smart manufacturing; Color theory and image recoloring for color vision
defect support; VR/AR for the vision impaired; Image-based ophthalmologic
diagnosis; Image processing/computer vision for vision enhancement
Cognitive informatics; Human factors in transportation, maritime, industry
4.0; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Affective computing; Mobile
BCI; Signal Processing; Machine and deep learning for EEG-based algorithms;
Multi-modal Interfaces; Neurofeedback systems and games; BCI applications
Security protocols; Authentication protocols; Privacy protocols; Password
security; Security of personal data; Content protection and digital rights
management; Risk and reputation management; Identity and trust management;
Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy, security and trust in social
media; Security of embedded systems; Behavioral biometrics; Performance
evaluation of biometric systems; Multi-biometrics; Quality of biometric
data; Biometric template protection; Presentation attack detection; Emerging
full (up to 8 pages), short (up to 4 pages), and poster papers (up to 4
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference
databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus,
and SCI
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of
all accepted full papers:
Computers & Graphics (Elsevier); The Visual Computer (Springer);
Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS); Advanced Engineering
Informatics (Elsevier); Journal of Future Generation Systems (Elsevier)
Papers (Full/Short) submission : ** May 31 (UTC) ** (Extended firm deadline)
Papers (Full/Short) notification : Jul 1
Poster papers submission : Jul 6
Poster papers notification : Jul 15
Author registration : Jul 24
Camera-ready papers submission : Jul 24
Conference flyer for downloading:
Program Co-Chairs: Masahiro Toyoura, Alexei Sourin, Issei Fujishiro
<> cw2019(a)
Conference URL: <> ,
VCBM 2019 Call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2019 in
Brno, Czech Republic
*) Workshop Dates: September 4-6, 2019
*) Submission Deadline: June 14, 2019
Aims and Scope
EG VCBM (, the Eurographics Workshop on Visual
Computing for Biology and Medicine, is an annual event addressing the state
of the art in visual computing research with a strong focus on applications
in biology and medicine. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for experts
(researchers and practitioners) from visualization, visual analytics,
computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, human computer
interfaces as well as experts from biology and medicine, jointly working on
next generation visual computing solutions for medicine, healthcare and the
biotechnology sector. This years workshop (already the 9th VCBM since its
foundation in 2008) will be held during September 4-6, 2019, in Brno, Czech
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original, application-oriented research
papers that advance the fusion of visual computing methods within medicine
and biology. All papers (regular papers as well as short papers) should
focus on a well-defined biological/medical problem, and demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for full and short papers include, but are not limited to:
*) Visual computing solutions for medical applications like radiology,
surgery, pathology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, etc., including
medical education
*) Visual computing solutions for applications that support biomedical
research in systems biology, *omics research, molecular pathology,
neuroanatomy, biomedical imaging, etc.
*) Operation room of the future, including the uses of virtual reality and
augmented reality in medical applications.
*) Visualization approaches for data from new or challenging imaging
modalities including real-time imaging (e.g., ultrasound)
*) Visual computing solutions in the context of the virtual physiological
human. Medical simulation and visual computing solutions that support new
approaches in computational medicine.
*) Visual analytics solutions for data coming from epidemiological studies,
like population studies.
In addition to that, we solicit:
*) Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Information for Authors
In addition to full-length papers, there will be again a short papers track
and a survey track, encouraging scientific contributions from an even more
diverse group of researchers and practitioners. All VCBM 2019 papers (full,
short and surveys) will be peer-reviewed and will appear in the Eurographics
Digital Library.
We encourage the use of digital videos to support all submissions,
particularly if part of, or all of the work covers interactive techniques.
Please use only the most common video codecs such as MP4 to maximize the
chances that the reviewers can view it.
*) Full Papers: We do not impose strict maximum lengths for submitted papers
to the full papers track. However, it is unusual for papers to exceed 10
pages (in CGF latex style including all images and references). Papers
should only be as long as their content would justify. Reviewers might rate
a submission lower if it is perceived as being unnecessarily long or might
recommend it for a short paper, instead. Authors are encouraged to use
supplementary material, such as videos or executable programs to provide
extra contents.
As in previous years, the authors of the best three papers will be invited
by the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journal to submit a revised version,
which needs to have a significant amount of novel material and be within the
focus subjects of the CGF journal.
In addition to this, we will feature a Computers and Graphics Special
Section on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. For this,
significantly extended and revised versions of full papers presented at the
2019 EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) will be
eligible and fully peer reviewed according to the standards of Computers and
Graphics. Extended versions of conference papers need to have at least 30%
new material.
*) Short Papers: Short papers describe a more focused and concise research
contribution and are likely to have a smaller - yet significant - scope of
contribution. Potential examples include the presentation of initial results
from novel ongoing research projects or the exploration of new application
areas. Short papers draw from the same list of topics as full papers. Their
length is limited to a total of 5 pages (including references).
*) Surveys: We do not impose strict maximum lengths for submitted papers to
the surveys track. However, it is unusual for surveys to exceed 20 pages (in
CGF latex style including all images and references). Authors are encouraged
to use supplementary material, such as videos, to provide extra contents.
Surveys are also eligible for the CGF and Computers and Graphics journal
VCBM 2019 will also feature a poster program, the details of which will be
announced in a separate call.
Submission Instructions
Papers can be submitted using the Eurographics SRM conference management
system here:
Login with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the relevant
More information on the preparation of your submissions will also be
available on the VCBM 2019 website: <>
Important Dates
*) Paper submission deadline (full, short and survey papers): June 14, 2019
*) Author notification: July 12, 2019
*) Camera-ready deadline: August 2, 2019
*) Workshop: September 4-6, 2019
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC+1).
the Full Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2019,
Barbora Kozlikova (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Lars Linsen (University of Münster, Germany)
Pere-Pau Vazquez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
together with the Short Paper Co-Chairs of EG VCBM 2019,
Kai Lawonn (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany )
Renata Georgia Raidou (TU Wien, Austria)
Bookshop Clearance
Eurographics is having a clearance sale of printed proceedings, that are
held in stock in Germany. Items will be supplied subject to availability!
Those books will be offered free of charge to people who are willing to pay
the delivery costs in advance.
Don't miss this occasion to complete your own library - so please have a
look at the list of books available.
How do you place an order?
Please contact: publishing-support(a) <>
The Department of Medical Physics at the Danish Center for Particle Therapy
of Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark and the Visualization Group at TU
Wien [ <> 1], Austria invite applications for a
one-year PostDoc position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to
join a project in the area of Visual Analytics for Model-based Decision
Making in Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy.
The main contact people are Prof. Ludvig P. Muren [
d3765a6bf6).html> 2] from Aarhus University Hospital and Dr. Renata G.
Raidou [ <> 3] from TU
Wien. The position is available from 1st September 2019. It is funded by a
research grant from VARIAN medical systems for one year, with potential
extensions. For more details, please see the attached pdf, the TU Wien group
page ( <> or
contact Renata Raidou ( <>
rraidou(a) ). Application deadline: before 24 June 2019.