Dear colleagues:
we have a new fully funded PhD position in the Computer Graphics / Geometry
Processing field available in our group.
Thank you for spreading this opening to potential candidates -- and please
excuse any multiple postings.
-- Marcel Campen
Graphics & Geometric Computing group
Osnabrück University
We announce a
scientific research assistant (PhD student) position
at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, in the Graphics & Geometric
Computing group under supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcel Campen.
The research focus of the group ( is on
algorithmic processing of 3D geometric data and related areas, for
applications such as simulation, animation, fabrication, or analysis.
The ideal candidate has knowledge and a background in some of the following:
- Geometry Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Computational Geometry
- Programming, in particular C++
Questions concerning this offer and applications with the usual documents
should be submitted to Prof. Marcel Campen: campen(a)
The deadline for application is September 15th 2019.
The official announcement with application details can be found at:
STAG2019: Call for contributions
STAG 2019 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics Cagliari, November
14-15, 2019 <>
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG) is an annual international
conference organized by the Italian Chapter of the Eurographics association.
For its sixth edition the conference will be held in Cagliari (Italy) on
November 14-15, 2019.
The aim of STAG is the dissemination of research activities and novel ideas
on both theoretical and application oriented aspects of Computer Graphics,
bringing together researchers and practitioners from both national and
international scientific communities to share their latest developments.
This year we invite contributions in the form of full papers or posters, and
we will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony.
Full Papers
Contributions on new ways to solve real problems, clever solutions to
optimize or otherwise improve techniques and algorithms for real-world
applications are encouraged. System, libraries, and workflow papers with
impact on real-world applications are also welcome. We encourage submissions
in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and
related disciplines.
Full papers might be accepted, rejected, or accepted as posters. From all
accepted full papers, an international jury will assign the best paper
Full papers are included in the STAG proceedings, published in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors of a selection of the most outstanding papers will be invited to
submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of the Computers
& Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Upcoming papers of the last edition can be
10410J46Z23> here.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations at STAG
2019. We welcome posters which present recent results, work in progress, new
ideas and small-scale projects which may be of interest to the community,
but which are still too speculative, incomplete, or whose scope is not wide
enough to warrant a full paper. Posters provide a good opportunity for
displaying and discussing ideas. We encourage submissions in all areas of
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and related
Posters will be displayed during the conference, whereas a dedicated poster
session will run in conjunction with the social event.
The authors of accepted posters will be asked to submit the final version of
their 2-page paper, which will be included in the conference proceedings.
For submission information please visit
Important dates
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Thesis Award
STAG 2019 will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony. Starting
from this year, the award will be dedicated to the memory of
<> Matteo Dellepiane, whose
passion, enthusiasm, and commitment for science and computer graphics will
be of inspiration for all the recipients of this prize.
The Matteo Dellepiane Award recognizes high quality research thesis produced
in italian institutions. We aim to motivate young researchers, giving them
the opportunity to present their works at an international scientific venue.
Two awards will be granted: one for the best PhD thesis, and one for the
best MSc thesis.
For submission information please visit
The documentation must be sent to the Thesis Awards Chairs (
<> stag2019-thesis-awards(a) not later than 2019 September
15th, 2019 (extended). Nominations can be sent directly by the candidate,
the supervisor, or by any other person.
The organizing comittee,
Marco Agus, Massimiliano Corsini and Ruggero Pintus
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that VCBM, the 9th EG Workshop on Visual
Computing for Biology and Medicine held in Brno this year, will be hosting
an image contest, where illustrations and biomedical imaging will be
featured side by side. With this e-mail, we would like to invite you to
submit your images to this year's VCBM image contest. The contest is open to
any imagery submissions related to computational biology and medicine,
meaning that visualizations, photorealistic and non-photorealistic
rendering, educational illustrations, as well as hand drawn illustrations
are welcome.
In addition to having an excellent opportunity to present the work in a
relaxed environment or to show off some cool results, accepted submissions
will have the chance to win the VCBM Image Award or the People's Choice
Award. In addition to great honor, the winners will receive surprise
For more information, please see the image contest call at the VCBM website:
<> image-contest/
The deadline has now been extended to August 30th, so there is still a
chance to participate!
With best wishes and hoping to see many of you in Brno,
the VCBM image contest co-chairs of VCBM 2019,
Sergej Stoppel
Noeska Smit
Call for Participation
24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2019)
September 30 - October 2, 2019, Rostock, Germany
Early registration ends on August 23:
VMV is a unique event that brings together scientists and people interested in the interdisciplinary fields of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, and visual analytics, with special emphasis on the link between the disciplines. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international and interdisciplinary environment. The VMV symposium is also the annual meeting of the Computer Graphics Special Interest Group of the German Informatics Society.
Invited Talks and Program
We are pleased to announce two esteemed invited speakers for VMV 2019:
* Prof. Dr. Holger Theisel, University of Magdeburg
* Prof. Dr. Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart
Details of the invited talks and the symposium program will be announced on the VMV website very soon.
Registration web page:
For early-registration rates, please register by August 23, 2019.
VMV General Chair: Oliver Staadt (University of Rostock, Germany)
VMV 2019 Program Co-Chairs:
* Hans-Jörg Schulz (Aarhus University, Denmark)
* Matthias Teschner (University of Freiburg, Germany)
* Michael Wimmer (TU Wien, Austria)
The 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory
and Applications (HUCAPP 2020) will be held from 27th to 29th February
2020 in Valletta (Malta).
HUCAPP is part of VISIGRAPP, the 15th International Joint Conference on
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.
The submission deadline for regular papers is 4th October 2019.
Accepted papers will be published in the VISIGRAPP Scitepress
proceedings and indexed by Scopus.
During the conference there will be the following keynote speakers:
Alan Chalmers, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Matthias Niessner, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Anthony Steed, University College London, United Kingdom
More information at the HUCAPP website
Best regards
Manuela Chessa
Manuela Chessa, PhD
Assistant Professor in Computer Science
University of Genova - Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering
Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146 Genova - ITALY
Office: Valletta Puggia 3rd floor, room 329
Tel: +39 010 353 6663
Call for papers
ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its
Applications In Industry (VRCAI 2019)
(co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)
Venue: Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Date: 14-16th November 2019
Website: <>
On 14-16th November 2019 the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on
Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2019),
will take place just before SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 (17-20th, Dec) in Brisbane,
Australia. We welcome submissions on the following main themes:
VRC Fundamental and Related Technology in Computer Graphics, VRC Systems,
Interactions, Virtual Storytelling, Virtual Production and Industry
Applications in the VRC.
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):
. Ubiquitous VR/AR/MR
. Intelligent VR/AR/MR
. Distributed and Collaborative VR/AR/MR
. Machine Learning for VR/AR/MR
. Robotics and Tele-Presence
. Aural, Haptic and Olfactory Augmentation
. Geometrically, Physically and Image Based Modeling
. Real-time Visual Tracking and Registration
. 3D Modeling, Interpretation and Reconstruction
. Multi-resolution and Multi-scale Methods
. Level of Detail, Model Compression and Simplification
. Networking, Streaming, Cloud, Latency and Bandwidth Methods
. Real-time Rendering, Image-based Rendering, and 3D Auditory
. Rendering and Visualization of Large-scale Models
. Procedural, Physically-based or Data-driven Animation
. Avatars and Virtual Community
. Metaverse
. Immersive Virtual Environments
. Collaborative and Interactive Virtual Environment/VR
. Multimodal Interface
. Visual Interface
. Speech Interface
. Haptic/Tactile Interface
. Natural Interface
. 3D Enabled Devices
. Interaction Design
. Sketch-based interfaces
. Social and Interactive Computing and Media
. Interactive Graphic Design
. Interactive Sound Design
. Human Factors and Ergonomics
. Clustered VR
. High Performance VRC Computing
. Large-scale Simulation
. Immersive and Semi-immersive Systems
. Projection and Display Systems
. Active and Passive Stereo Systems
. 3D Scanner, Digital Mock-up and Reverse Engineering
. Aerospace
. Architecture, Construction and Building
. Arts and Film
. Education, Virtual Classroom and Learning, and Training
. Engineering and Design
. E-Commerce
. Video Games/Entertainment/Location Based Entertainment
. Virtual Storytelling and Virtual Production
. Visualization
. Geology, Geography and GIS
. Life Science, Medicine and Healthcare
. Manufacturing
. Transportation and Logistics
. Fashion
We invite original and unpublished submissions of full Papers (8 pages) or
short Papers (4 pages). All accepted papers will be published in the VRCAI
2019 Conference Proceedings and included in the ACM digital library
(EI-indexed). All accepted papers will be presented at the VRCAI 2019
Selected papers will be recommended for submitting an extended version in
special section of the following journals:
Computers and Graphics (Elsevier, SCI-indexed).
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (John Wiley, SCI-indexed).
As in previous years, Posters and Demo submissions will be accepted with a
submission date to be announced at a later stage.
Paper Abstract Due (Optional): 3rd September 2019
Paper Submission: 18th September 2019
Posters/Demos Submission: 8th October 2019
Paper Acceptance Notification: 1st October 2019
Camera-ready Paper: 8th October 2019
Conference: 14-16th November 2019
Program Chairs
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research and Edinburgh Napier University)
Takuji Narumi (University of Tokyo)
Mashhuda Glencross (University of Queensland)
Dear EG members: we have one Early Stage Researcher/PhD position on visual
computing subjects available in our group. The activity will concern
scalable reconstruction and exploration of complex indoor environments (main
topics: 3D reconstruction, (deep) learning, modeling, plus eventually
rendering and visualization). The position is funded by a H2020 Marie Curie
project (see below). The call is open until 02 September 2019 and we are
admitting students eligible for PhD (i.e., already got their master or close
to getting it) and for funding in this project (i.e., in the first four year
of their research career and not having spent too much time in Italy in the
past three years...).
Could you be so kind to inform your students and colleagues of this
opportunity? Thanks a lot!
-- Enrico Gobbetti
CRS4/Visual Computing
Call for one H2020 MSCA-ITN Early-Stage Researchers (PhD positions) on
Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and
Fabrication (EVOCATION)
We are happy to announce the immediate availability at CRS4 of one
Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) PhD positions (out of 14) in the Marie
Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Advanced Visual and
Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication (EVOCATION).
This project has received funding from the European Unions (EU) Horizon
2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
agreement No 813170.
(Deadline 02 Septembre 2019)
EVOCATION, started in October 2018 and lasting four years, is a leading
European-wide doctoral Collegium focusing on scalable and high-fidelity
shape and appearance acquisition, extraction of structure and semantic
information, processing, visualization, 3D display and 3D fabrication in
professional and consumer applications. The ESRs will receive scientific
skills in cutting-edge techniques in a highly stimulating and collaborative
international environment involving eight leading institutions across
Europe, including University of Rostock, CRS4, University of Zurich,
ISTI-CNR, TU Wien, Fraunhofer IGD, Holografika, and Gexcel. Further
information on the EVOCATION network is available at
The ESR will be hosted by the Visual Computing Group of the CRS4 research
center in Italy, at the forefront of research in the acquisition, storage,
processing, distribution, and interactive exploration of massive data. More
information on the Visual Computing group is available at
The specific research topic is in scalable reconstruction and exploration of
complex indoor environments (main topics: 3D reconstruction, (deep)
learning, modeling, plus eventually rendering and visualization).
The main goal is to conduct excellent research, generating results which are
published and presented in top international journals and conferences, while
being practically applicable for solving challenging large scale
visualization problems. The activities will not only include research and
continuing education for network participants, but also support in teaching
(esp. to other network participants), as well as system/software maintenance
and administrative tasks. The work will involve trans-national mobility and
will also include pursuing a PhD degree at the University of Cagliari.
Full details are available on EURAXESS:
Enrico Gobbetti ( Enrico.Gobbetti(a) )
Director of Visual Computing, CRS4 ( <> )
Main Lab: CRS4, Via Ampère 2, I-09134 Cagliari (CA), ITALY
Pula Offices: CRS4, POLARIS Ed. 1, C.P. 25, I-09010 Pula (CA), ITALY