EuroVis 2021 Call for Papers
With this call for papers, we invite submission of high-quality papers that will set the standard and stimulate future trends in the field of visualization and visual analytics. Accepted full papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the Eurographics Association, after a two-stage peer-reviewing process. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference. EuroVis 2021 ( will be held in Zürich, Switzerland on June 14-16, 2021.
We encourage submissions from all areas of visualization and visual analytics.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Techniques: novel algorithms, visual encoding methods, and/or interaction techniques for data analysis, exploration, or communication. All sub-areas of data visualization and visual analytics are welcomed, including high-dimensional, time-series, spatial, geographic, text, hierarchical, and network data. Techniques may be specialized for specific devices or form-factors (e.g., mobile or wall-scale visualization).
* Systems: new software frameworks, languages, or tools for visualization; systems for large-scale visualization; integrated graphical systems for visual analysis or interactive machine learning; collaborative and web-scale visualization systems.
* Applications & Design Studies: novel use of visualization to address problems in an application domain, including accounts of innovative system design, deployment and impact. We welcome diverse application areas, including the physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, engineering, arts, sports, and humanities.
* Evaluation & Empirical Research: Comparative evaluation of competing visualization approaches; controlled experiments to inform visualization best practices; longitudinal and qualitative studies to understand user needs, visualization adoption, and use.
* Theory: models of visual encoding, interaction, and/or analysis tasks; implications from theories of perception, cognition, design, and/or aesthetics; methods for automated design or visualization recommendation.
For a wider range of paper types, please see “Broadening Intellectual Diversity in Visualization Research Papers<>” by B. Lee et al.
The maximum lengths for submitted papers to the full papers track is 10 pages (in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) style, including all images, but excluding references). Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to provide extra content. Papers exceeding the maximum allowed number of pages will be automatically rejected.
Submissions must be made using the Computer Graphics Forum style, using the conference LaTeX template for full papers. A LaTeX style sheet and overleaf template will be provided as well as a sample document explaining the required format.
Authors have the option to submit their papers anonymously. In contrast to previous years, double-blind reviewing is optional, not required: authors may choose to disclose their identities to the reviewers. The reviewing process does not consider anonymity as a factor. The process will attempt to preserve anonymity of authors of anonymized submissions. However, the program committee, which is responsible for half of the reviews, will know the authors of submissions reviewed by them.
Authors have the option of submitting additional material with their submissions. Supplementary materials, such as videos and supporting data, are encouraged. For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been rejected or withdrawn, the authors are strongly encouraged to provide the original submission with a cover letter describing the changes they have made to comply with reviewers' comments and requests.
All full papers accepted to EuroVis appear in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, containing the conference proceedings, and will appear at the same time in the Eurographics digital library.
EuroVis submissions and papers are subject to the pre-print and self-archiving policies of the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Details are available from the journal web site:…
Given the uncertainty due to the pandemic, further details will be communicated regarding possible Open Access charges.
Abstracts and full papers are submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS):
Please note you shall select Eurographics as Society.
Submission of an abstract is mandatory by the abstract deadline, with completed papers due on by the full paper deadline. Submissions will not be accepted if an abstract is not submitted by the abstract deadline. Abstract submissions require the title, authors, paper type, abstract, and keywords in the form. The remaining fields (the document, additional material) are submitted by the full paper deadline. Please note that EuroVis accepted papers are published as a regular-length journal article, so submitting just an abstract is not sufficient. Submitters should choose keywords and categories appropriate for their paper as this information is used in reviewer selection.
For more details please see the EuroVis 2021 website:
Abstract deadline: November 25, 2020 (Wednesday!)
Full paper deadline: December 4, 2020
Reviews available, rebuttal start: January 27, 2021
Rebuttal deadline: February 1, 2021
First Round Notification: February 19, 2021
Revised Submission: March 10, 2021
Final Notification: March 26, 2021
Camera Ready Version: April 19, 2021
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
For any questions concerning full paper submissions please contact the full papers chairs: fullpapers(a)
Rita Borgo, King’s College London, UK
G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Tatiana von Landesberger, Technische Universität Darmstadt , Germany
>> Apologies for duplicates if any
>> To be REMOVED from the list
>> REPLY to:
TO: general(a) Sent via: WSCGconf(a)
>> /*Would you help us as a reviewer*/ (PhD is required)?
>> Register with the submission server
>> and send us email with subject: WSCG-Reviewer
>>*----------- WSCG 2021 - Call for Papers --------------* <<
>> *29. WSCG 2021 Conf. on Graphics, Visualization & Computer Vision 2021*
>> *Pilsen* (the city of beer) close to *Prague*, Czech Republic
>> *May 17-20, 2021*
>> -
>> -
>> Conference rate: *CORE B*, *Qualis B1*, *ERA B*
>> *Is to be held in the BOTH modes: physically or/and ONLINE*
>> online presentations are intended especially for long-distance
>> ------------------
> Proposals for workshops and special session are welcome.
>> Important dates & Submission:
-------------- via submission server only ---------------
January 10, 2021 Abstract - recommended only
January 15, 2021 - Full, Short, Poster papers
(via submission server only)
>> Papers will be published in the *Computer Science Research Notes*
(ISSN 2464-4617).
>> The best selected papers will be published in the *Journal of WSCG*
(ISSN 1213-6972).
>> "Pay to publish" strategy submission is NOT acceptable. <<
>> At least one author has to present the paper physically or online or
pre-recorded. <<
>> *Proceedings will be made after the conference* <<
Recent publications available via -
repository since 1992.
Accepted workshops/sessions:
- Meshless methods in Computer Graphics and Visualization
- Other agreements expecting
Conference organizer & Chair
Prof. Vaclav Skala
Contact:, skala(a) subject: WSCG 2021
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen,
Czech Republic
To be REMOVED from the list:
*REPLY* to this mail with this email address in the text to
with the subject to WSCG REMOVE
(DO NOT REMOVE your email address in the mail we sent to you).
Prof.Vaclav Skala
WSCG Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
c/o University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
tel. (420) 37-763-2473
Jakákoli ujednání vzešlá z této e-mailové/elektronické komunikace se do jejich písemného potvrzení podepsaného oprávněnými osobami nepovažují za platná, účinná a vůči ZČU závazná.
Any arrangements arising from this e-mail / electronic communication shall not be considered valid, effective and binding upon the UWB until their written confirmation signed by the authorized persons.
Prof.Vaclav Skala
WSCG Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
c/o University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
tel. (420) 37-763-2473
Fraunhofer IGD is the leading research institute for applied >visual
computing<. We seek for excellent candidates to join our Competence Center
>3D Printing Technology<. This is a position within the EU-funded Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Initial Training Network project entitled
"Appearance Printing, European Advance Research School" - ApPEARS. (
What we expect from you
The applicant should have the following background and abilities:
* Master's degree (Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical
Engineering, Natural Sciences or similar)
* Excellent C++ programming skills
* Experience in problem solving and real-world implementation of the
* Knowledge in computer graphics/color science is a plus (geometry
processing, rendering, gamut mapping, color spaces)
* Knowledge in 3D printing is a plus
* Capable and ready to work independently and in a team environment
* Good written and spoken English language skills
* The applicant must fulfil the requirements defined for Early Stage
Researchers (ESRs) who, at the time of recruitment are in the first 4 years
(full-time equivalent) of his/her research career; and have NOT yet been
awarded the doctorate degree.
* Applicants should not have resided or carried out their main
activity (work, study, etc) in Germany for more than 12 months during the
last 3 years.
What you can expect from us
You will receive scientific skills in cutting-edge techniques focusing on
translational science in expert laboratories, in a highly stimulating and
collaborative environment within the ApPEARS network. You will be enrolled
in the Doctorate program at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology. In addition, you will receive specialised courses involving
business, OpenScience for Open Innovation and entrepreneurship. Transferable
skills will be embedded throughout the project. There will be opportunities
for short term secondments in collaborative laboratories within the ApPEARS
network. Your work will focus on optimizing appearance 3D printing for
distinct applications. In particular:
* Analyze distinct fields of applications for which material
appearance can be reproduced with multi-material 3D printing technologies
(e.g. dental or eye-prosthetics). This evaluation includes technical
requirements but also a market study to obtain user demand and address it in
* Use/develop techniques from AI and machine learning, in particular
deep learning, to optimize printing workflows for the investigated
applications, e.g. optimizing printing material selection/mixing and surface
* Implement these approaches and include them into the 3D printing
pipeline Cuttlefish ( <>
The Competence Center 3D Printing Technology works on a universal approach
to reproduce real or virtual objects with multi-material 3D printing. With
this goal, we develop new models, algorithms and software, to reproduce the
optical material properties of objects in addition to their geometry. Our
goal is the perceptually optimal reproduction of, in particular, color,
texture, gloss and translucency within the bounds of the device
We offer a modern and innovation-friendly work environment, which is imbued
with a mixture of research and applying the research results to
industry-relevant challenges.
Terms of contract according to European Commission's Marie Curie fellowship
The working time consists of 39 hours per week.
The position is initially project-related limited to 31.03.2023.
In case of identical qualifications preference will be given to severely
disabled candidates.
We would like to point out that the chosen job title also includes the third
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft emphasises gender-independent professional
Fraunhofer is Europe's largest application-oriented research organization.
Our research efforts are geared entirely to people's needs: health,
security, communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the work
undertaken by our researchers and developers has a significant impact on
people's lives. We are creative. We shape technology. We design products. We
improve methods and techniques. We open up new vistas.
Job Reference: IGD-2020-28
Closing Date: November 1st, 2020
Call for Short Papers
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021, <> ---> enjoy Vienna !
Authors are invited to submit short papers [4 pages max] that present self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, computer-aided design, digital fabrication and imaging. We particularly invite submissions which present tangible and practically useful improvements to the state of the art, but which are not thematically wide enough to justify an entire full paper. What we would like to see as short papers are individual smart ideas and intriguing findings that might otherwise remain unpublished, due to them standing in isolation – as opposed to falling within the context of some larger scientific endeavour, where they can be easily mentioned in the corresponding publication.
Accepted short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work as an oral presentation at the conference.
December 21, 2020
Submission deadline
February 15, 2021
March 21, 2021
April 12, 2021
Fast-Forward video deadline
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission details
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system <> . Submitted papers must be anonymous, up to 4 pages in length, and formatted according to the Eurographics Author’s guidelines (short papers LaTeX style package available from the SRM <> system).
Authors of accepted papers will present a super short summary or a teaser during a fast-forward session. This presentation will be around 25 seconds (exact length to be decided) and shall be augmented by slides. To ensure a smooth organization, they will be asked to prepare a short video of the slides for this purpose, in two versions: one with the spoken text and one without. These FF presentations will be available on the web throughout the conference. Details will be sent to accepted paper authors.
A submission to the Eurographics Short Papers program should describe an original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content originating from others without properly crediting their original sources. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, and other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Prior Art
Authors are expected to cite, discuss differences and novelty, and compare results, if applicable, with respect to relevant existing publications, provided they have been published in a peer-reviewed venue.
This also applies to patents, which also undergo a professional reviewing process. But what about technical reports, and other non-peer-reviewed publications, such as technical reports or papers posted on arXiv, which we henceforth refer to as pre-publications? With the rapid progress of search engines and the increased perusal of arXiv papers by the scientific community, asking authors to thoroughly compare their work to these pre-publications imposes an unreasonable burden — a seemingly relevant report that is incomplete in its disclosure or validation might appear online shortly before the deadline. Although peer-reviewed publications are certainly not immune to these shortcomings, they have, at least, been judged sufficiently complete and valid by a group of peers. Consequently, authors are not required to discuss and compare their work with recent pre-publications (arXiv, technical reports, theses, etc.), although they must properly cite those that inspired them (see “Plagiarism” above). Nevertheless, we encourage authors to mention all related works they are aware of as good academic practice dictates. Note that with new works posted on arXiv on a daily basis, it is increasingly likely that reviewers might point out similarities between the submitted work and online reports that have been missed by the authors. In this case, authors of conditionally accepted papers should be prepared to cite these pre-publications in their final revision as concurrent work, without the burden of having to detail how their work compares to or differs from these pre-publications.
Double Submission Policy
By submitting a manuscript to the Eurographics Short Papers program, authors acknowledge that the technical contributions they claim have not been previously published or accepted for publication in another peer-reviewed venue, and that no manuscript substantially similar in content is currently under review. Violations constitute grounds for rejection.
Eurographics’2021 Short Papers Chairs
Holger Theisel, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Michael Wimmer, TU Wien, Austria
For any question concerning short paper submissions please contact the short papers program co-chairs: chairs-eg2021shorts(a) <>
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 Calls are open now -> May 3-7, 2021, online ! ---> enjoy virtual Vienna!
sponsored by Eurographics, VRVis, Adobe, Disney, KAUST, Snap, GritWorld
Werner Purgathofer TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing & HC Technology
Favoritenstrasse 9 / 193, 1040 Wien
Tel. +43-1-58801-18655 wp(a) <>
Dear colleagues,
TU Wien is looking for a *PostDoc*
in the interdisciplinary research project *Advanced Computational Design*:
For computer graphics researchers, we have an opening in "Lighting
for Architectural Design", covering lighting optimization and interactive
global illumination.
The focus of the project is to develop advanced computer graphics and
rendering algorithms to improve the early design phase in lighting design.
Applications should be directed via the link on the webpage above till Oct.
31, 2020.
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific
colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael
Institut fuer Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Technische Universitaet Wien tel: +43 (1) 58801
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E193-02
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich
The Graphics & Imaging Lab (University of Zaragoza, Spain), is looking for candidates for one PhD position within our project VIRTUALIGHT: Virtual optics for transient imaging. The successful candidate will be working towards a PhD degree along a four-year contract.
The project comes up from a generalization of our recent Nature paper in which we derive a new formulation called phasor fields which allowed to model the non-line-of-sight problem (to look through corners, or specifically to reconstruct the geometry of an occluded scene through its reflection on an opaque, diffuse wall), as a line-of-sight (direct vision) problem with a virtual optical system, computationally modeled. This allows to solve it by means of typical wave propagation operators, with significantly improved results in occluded scenes with much more complexity. This paper is a milestone which sets the path to solving more complex and/or badly conditioned image and vision problems by their (virtual) computational transformation into more simple problems, which is the basis of this project.
The project research field is threefold:
* Computer graphics and computational imaging.
* Computer vision and deep learning.
* Optics and light transport.
Specific research tasks within the project will be shaped to the candidate’s profile. The deadline for submitting applications is 13-27 October through Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation site. For further details and assistance with the application procedure, please contact the project Principal Investigators: Diego Gutiérrez [diegog AT unizar DOT es] and Adolfo Muñoz [adolfo AT unizar DOT es]. Details in
EuroVis 2021 - Call for STARs
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) are intended to provide up-to-date and
comprehensive surveys on topics of interest to the visualization research
community. We encourage the submission of STARs on topics that have not yet
been covered in any recent STAR or other survey [1,2].
We welcome submissions that introduce emerging technologies, as well as
proposals on more traditional visualization topics. We also welcome
contributions from related disciplines and application areas demonstrating
contributions to, or benefits from, the area of visualization including, but
not limited to, visual computing, computer graphics, human-computer
interaction, virtual reality, image processing, computer vision, psychology,
geography, chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, data analysis,
computational sciences, medicine, biology, economy, social science, etc. All
accepted EuroVis STAR reports will be published in the Computer Graphics
Important Dates
Submission of STAR sketch: October 16, 2020 (two pages, +references,
Invitation for full STAR submission: November 11, 2020
Submission of full STAR: February 5, 2021
Review notification: March 22, 2021
Second round submission: April 23, 2021
Second review notification: May 5, 2021
Camera-ready deadline: May 14, 2021
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
As part of the acceptance process into Computer Graphics Forum, STARs will
undergo a multi-stage process. Electronic submission of the STAR sketch and
full proposal is mandatory and will be conducted using the Precision
Conference System ( <> PCS).
For detailed paper preparation and submission instructions please refer to
the submission guidelines at
We plan to schedule each STAR as an approximately 45 minute presentation
(subject to the schedule management of the EuroVis 2021 program). In any
circumstances, a STAR presentation will be given a longer time slot than
that of a full paper.
Any accepted STARs are required to have at least one (paid) registered
author to attend and present the STAR at the conference.
STAR Sketch Submission
First, authors are asked to submit an initial sketch by October 16th 2020. A
STAR sketch briefly describes the planned STAR by outlining the topic,
discussing its relevance to the visualization community, providing the
planned structure and outline of the STAR together with all key references,
and short biographies of the authors. The length of a STAR sketch main text
is limited to two pages.
To demonstrate the relevant expertise needed to produce the proposed STAR,
brief biographies of all authors are required as supplementary material.
References and short biographies are considered supplementary pages and are
not counted within the two page limit. STAR sketches will be reviewed by the
STAR IPC and comments on suitability and relevance will be provided on
November 11th 2020.
Full STAR Submission
In the next stage, authors are required to submit a full STAR. Full STAR
submissions will then undergo a single blind, two-stage review process,
similar to that of regular papers submitted to Computer Graphics Forum,
where 3-4 external experts on the respective topic will evaluate the STAR.
There is no strict maximum length for full submissions. However, it is
unusual for STARs to exceed 20 pages (excluding references).
STAR Chairs
Noeska Smit, University of Bergen, Norway
Katerina Vrotsou, Linköping University, Sweden
Bei Wang, University of Utah, USA
For any questions concerning State-of-the-Art Report submissions please
contact the STAR chairs at <> stars(a)
[1] M. Chen, Computer Graphics Forum: All STARs, Surveys, and Reviews,, 2018.
[2] L. McNabb and R.S. Laramee, A Survey of Surveys (SoS)-Mapping the
Landscape of Survey Papers in Information Visualization, Computer Graphics
Forum (CGF), Volume 36, Number 3, (June) 2017, pages 589-617.
Call for Papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV)
aims to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge on exploiting and
defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. This area is of
growing importance due to the rapidly increasing availability of multi-core
CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and
data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly
affected by this trend and require novel, efficient parallel solutions.
EGPGV has two submission deadlines: early submission in December and regular
submission typically in February. This offers authors the flexibility to
choose between two separate submission deadlines. The early submission
deadline also provides the opportunity of improving manuscripts and
resubmitting them to the regular deadline in case they are not successful in
the early review phase, resembling a major revision review process. An FAQ
about the early submission process can be found at the bottom of this email.
Please notice also that this year there are again abstract deadlines one
week in advance to the paper deadlines.
EGPGV 2021 will take place on June 14, 2021, and be co-located with EuroVis
2021, held June 14-18, 2021, in Zurich, Switzerland.
The proceedings of EGPGV will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings
Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV
symposium will be invited to submit an extended journal version to IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
EGPGV seeks papers on graphics and visualization that involve any type of
parallel computing, and/or focus on very large data sets. Papers on
techniques, data structures, algorithms, systems, and applications are
welcomed. Parallel computing is broadly defined, including high-performance
computing and cloud environments, (multi-)GPU computing and heterogeneous,
hybrid architectures, and shared and/or distributed memory architectures.
Further, papers focused on processing very large data sets (either for
visualization or graphics) are welcomed, even if they do not have a
particular focus on parallelism.
Typical symposium topics include:
- Computationally and data-intensive rendering
- Scientific visualization (e.g., volume, flow, and tensor visualization)
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- In situ analytics and in situ visualization
- Out-of-core processing of large data sets for visualization or graphics
- Simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision
detection, acoustics)
- Mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- Visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and
exploitation, segmentation)
- Scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- Parallelization approaches and algorithms, such as MapReduce
- Database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, and query-based
- Advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- Large and high-resolution displays, virtual environments
- Scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
- Data analytics on large scientific data sets
- Machine learning as applied to parallel graphics, visualization and/or
large data analytics
In general, appropriate topics for the symposium fall into one of four
(1) parallel graphics,
(2) rendering of very large data sets,
(3) parallel visualization and analytics, and
(4) processing of large data sets for visualization or analytics.
For additional information regarding paper submission and publication,
please contact the program chairs.
EGPGV again calls for Full Papers (8 to 10 pages) and Short Papers (up to 4
pages) in Eurographics format. The EGPGV webpage will be updated soon with
more details on submission.
Important Dates:
December 7, 2020 - Early Submission Abstract Deadline
December 14, 2020 - Early Submission Paper Deadline
January 25, 2021 - Early Submission Notification
Regular Submission deadline: expected to be late February
For additional information, please contact us via papers(a)
EGPGV Leadership:
Symposium Chair: Markus Hadwiger, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Program Co-Chair: Matthew Larsen, Lawrence Livermore, USA
Program Co-Chair: Filip Sadlo, Heidelberg University, Germany
FAQ on Early Submission:
Q: What happens if my paper is accepted in the early submission review
A: Your paper will have the exact same status as any paper accepted during
the regular submission review cycle. It will appear in the proceedings and
you will present your paper at EGPGV21.
Q: Who can benefit from the early submission process?
A: There are benefits whether the paper is accepted or not accepted. For
accepted papers, the benefit is in getting acceptance earlier and having
more time for, e.g., travel organization. For multiple minor revisions,
major revisions, and rejected papers, the benefit is in effectively adding a
revision cycle, i.e., getting feedback from the early submission and then
submitting the revised paper to the regular submission deadline.
Q: If I do not submit to the early submission deadline, can I still submit
to the regular submission deadline?
A: Yes, you can absolutely submit to only the regular submission deadline.
Q: What is the timeline for the regular submission deadline?
A: We are still in discussions with Eurographics with respect to
camera-ready deadlines. Traditionally, EGPGV has a submission deadline of
late February and a notification of early April. We expect the timeline for
the regular submissions to match this traditional schedule.
Q: What paths can an early submission take?
- It might be accepted straightaway on January 25.
- It could be conditionally accepted on January 25, which would require a
revision on February 8. This could result in an accept, another conditional
accept, or a reject on February 15. In case of another conditional accept,
the revision will be due at the regular submission deadline. In case of a
reject, the work can be resubmitted as new at the regular submission
- It could receive a major revision decision on January 25, which would be
due at the regular submission deadline.
- It could be rejected on January 25. In this case, the work can still be
resubmitted as new at the regular submission deadline.
The Graphics and Vision group in Trinity College Dublin is hiring a Marie Curie Fellow, focussing on human and character animation for AR/VR.
The position is part of the CLIPE ( project. The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled.
Title: ESR10: "Immersive characters for Mixed Reality Scenes"
A multidisciplinary research network where you will work in different research centres and top industrial partners across Europe; a fully-funded PhD scholarship for 3 years with tuition fees covered; a very competitive (gross) salary which includes an annual Living Allowance of €36,049.22, an annual Mobility Allowance of €6,483.57 (to facilitate travel to partner labs), and an annual Family Allowance (depending on family status) of €5,402.97
Please visit the following website for more information and how to apply:
Dear colleagues,
Please note that the nomination period for the Eurographics Awards is now
The following categories are open in 2021:
- Young Researcher,
- Outstanding Techical Contribution.
Please follow the instructions in the corresponding web page (
<> ) and send your
nominations to the EG Awards chair ( r.scopigno(a)
<> ) not later than October 31, 2020.
As far concerns the Eurographics PhD awards, please follow the instructions
published at:
and notify the PhD Award chair, Pierre Alliez (pierre.alliez(a)
<> )
With my best regards,
Roberto Scopigno
EG Awards chair
email: <> r.scopigno(a)