Dear colleagues and friends,
Attached please find a call for Postdoctoral Researchers in my group on
Computational Design and Fabrication at KAUST.
It would be great if you could circulate this to potential candidates and
among scientific colleagues.
Thanks and best regards,
Helmut Pottmann
Visual Computing Center
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am looking for a PhD student to join my group within Dartmouth's
Visual Computing Lab <> in Fall 2021
(application deadline is December 15, 2020). My group works on a variety
of topics in computer graphics, including rendering, appearance
capture/modeling/fabrication, and computational photography.
This year, I am particularly interested in candidates for a project with
a strong mathematical component at the intersection of graphics,
physics, atmospheric sciences, and non-classical light/particle
transport (in collaboration with researchers at NASA JPL and The Ohio
State University). The project provides opportunities for
cross-supervision/collaboration between these three institutions, and
internship opportunities at JPL.
I've set up a page with more details about my lab and the research
project here:
If you are interested, please see the CS Department's application
instructions here:
I am committed to growing a diverse, interdisciplinary, and inclusive
research group. I am interested in applicants who are able to work
effectively with students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds,
including but not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, women,
individuals who identify with LGBTQ+ communities, individuals with
disabilities, individuals from any income background, and/or first
generation college graduates. Moreover, I am seeking applicants who not
only have the skills and passion for this research, but who also have a
demonstrated ability and commitment to increasing diversity in STEM and
computer science. Applicants should explain in their personal statement
how their teaching, research, service, and/or life experiences prepare
them to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Please forward to anybody who may be interested.
Wojciech Jarosz
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
Call for Papers
Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data 2021
co-located with EuroVis 2021 - June 14th, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland
Molecular visualization is one of the oldest branches of scientific
visualization, which has been developing for over 50 years. Nevertheless, it
is still a very active research area mainly due to the continuous advances
in computational biology and computer graphics techniques. Not only the
ever-increasing dataset sizes yield a constant challenge for visual
analysis, but also new technologies like advances in web-based graphics or
augmented and virtual reality open new possibilities.
This multidisciplinary workshop - which is held in conjunction with EuroVis
for the fourth time - brings together visualization and computer graphics
researchers working with molecular data.
This year the MolVA Workshop teamed up with Computer and Graphics journal
and we are happy to announce that the submitted papers will be accepted
either as journal publications or conference-only publications. The journal
publications will be published directly in Computers and Graphics Journal
(C&G) Special Section on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular
Data, while the conference-only papers will be published in EG Digital
Library. Moreover, the conference-only publications will be offered to
submit an extended version that will undergo another peer-reviewed process
and can be still accepted as a journal publication after the workshop.
We invite short papers as well as full papers (2-4 pages for short and up to
8 pages for full papers, both with an additional page reserved for
references). Note that short papers are not eligible for journal publication
but can be extended after the workshop to full-papers and submitted in the
second round.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts in two-cycle
review according to the standards of Computers and Graphics Journal. You can
find the complete author guidelines at:
All accepted papers will be presented at MolVA 2021 Workshop which will be
co-located with EuroVis 2021 in Zurich, Switzerland. Therefore, at least one
of the authors of an accepted paper will have to register and attend the
workshop. We hope that MolVA 2021 can be held as an in-person conference but
depending on the pandemic situation next year, we may adhere to some
preventive measures. We will follow the scheme that will be put in place by
EuroVis conference.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
* Molecular Graphics & Rendering
* Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
* Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
* Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures,
biological networks and pathways, or omics data)
* Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
* Machine-learning approaches for analysis of molecular data
* Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
Special Section on Computer Graphics Education (and related subjects) in the
time of Covid
We invite submissions to the
<> Graphics
& Visual Computing Journal, the open access sister journal of Computers &
Graphics, Special Section on Computer Graphics Education (and related
subjects) in the time of Covid.
The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly affected society worldwide and forced
Universities and other Higher Education institutions to move their programs
online almost overnight; students and faculty had to adapt to this new
reality and go on with their activities in very different conditions without
any specific planning or training. This was naturally more problematic for
some courses and topics than for others; Computer Graphics and related
courses (e.g. Visualization and Virtual Reality) may have been particularly
challenging as they involve very specific Hardware and Software that
typically students only have access to at their institutions' premises.
Nevertheless, this also brought opportunity to institutions, which should be
better prepared to face new challenges, and perhaps to leverage this
experience to foster a hybrid model of education with significant benefits.
This call addresses papers identifying and debating issues, presenting
solutions, guidelines, and lessons learned based on the experience gained
during these extraordinary times.
Please follow the submission guidelines for the Graphics & Visual Computing
Journal as detailed in the guide to authors. Ensure that you read and follow
the instructions linked below carefully before uploading your submission at:
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed by at least three experts
according to the standards of Graphics & Visual Computing. Authors of
accepted papers will be invited to present their work at the Eurographics
2021 Education track
/> (online).
Important Dates
Submission Due: November 15, 2020
First Decision: December 15, 2020
Revised Papers Due: March 17, 2020
Final Decision: January 31, 2021
Publication: July 2020
The Guest Editors
Beatriz Sousa Santos, Eike Anderson, Gitta Domik
<> Eurographics 2021 - Call for Education Papers
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in the EG’2021 education track. We wish to build and enhance a vibrant community of Computer Graphics teachers who share their knowledge and experience of bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others excited about the field.
We invite authors to submit papers, panels and student projects related to the following topics:
* + Teaching Computer Graphics to diverse audiences (e.g. computer science, engineering, arts);
* + Designing curricula for Computer Graphics and related disciplines (e.g. image processing,
* visualization, animation and games);
* + Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses in computer graphics;
* + Classroom challenges in computer graphics (e.g. innovative and effective assessment, engaging
* student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds, teaching mathematical foundations);
* + Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other disciplines;
* + Incorporating modern technology in Computer Graphics courses (e.g. VR, AR, XR, 3D printing);
* + Bringing Computer Graphics research into the classroom;
* + Promoting undergraduate research in Computer Graphics;
* + Harnessing Computer Graphics and Visualization in curricula for Data Science.
January 24, 2021
Submission deadline
February 22, 2021
Notification to authors
March 14, 2021
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Beatriz Sousa Santos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Gitta Domik, Paderborn University, Germany
For any questions relating to submissions contact the chairs-eg2021edu(a) <> .
More detail at
Educators! Are you teaching computer graphics or using computer graphics to teach? Submit your innovations, experiences and insights to EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in VIENNA !! 3-7 May, 2021 <>
Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger
Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik (EIM)
Universität Paderborn
Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
Paderborn University