Due to multiple requests, the deadline has been extended to: March 8, 2020
EGPGV 2020 - Call for Papers (Regular Deadline)
Regular Abstract Deadline: March 2, 2020
Regular Paper Deadline: March 8, 2020
The Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV)
aims to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge on exploiting and
defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. This area is of
growing importance due to the rapidly increasing availability of multi-core
CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and
data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly
affected by this trend and require novel, efficient parallel solutions.
EGPGV 2020 will be collocated with Eurographics and EuroVis 2020, held May
25-29, 2020, in Norrköping, Sweden. The proceedings of EGPGV will be
published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series and in the Eurographics
Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV symposium will be invited to
submit an extended journal version to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
EGPGV seeks papers on graphics and visualization that involve any type of
parallel computing, and/or focus on very large data sets. Papers on
techniques, data structures, algorithms, systems, and applications are
welcomed. Parallel computing is broadly defined, including high-performance
computing and cloud environments, (multi-)GPU computing and heterogeneous,
hybrid architectures, and shared and/or distributed memory architectures.
Further, papers focused on processing very large data sets (either for
visualization or graphics) are welcomed, even if they do not have a
particular focus on parallelism.
Typical symposium topics include:
- Computationally and data intensive rendering
- Scientific visualization (e.g., volume rendering, flow, and tensor
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- In situ analytics and in situ visualization
- Out-of-core processing of large data sets for visualization or graphics
- Simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision
detection, acoustics)
- Mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- Visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and
exploitation, segmentation)
- Scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- Parallelization approaches and algorithms, such as MapReduce
- Database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, and query-based
- Advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- Large and high resolution displays, virtual environments
- Scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
- Data analytics on large scientific data sets
- Machine learning as applied to parallel graphics, visualization, and/or
large data analytics
In general, appropriate topics for the symposium fall into one of four
(1) parallel graphics,
(2) rendering of very large data sets,
(3) parallel visualization and analytics, and
(4) processing of large data sets for visualization or analytics.
EGPGV again calls for Full Papers (8 to 10 pages) and Short Papers (up to 4
pages) in Eurographics format.
New Deadlines:
Mar 02, 2020 Abstract submission deadline
Mar 08, 2020 Paper submission deadline
Apr 14, 2020 Notification
Apr 21, 2020 Camera-ready version
All deadlines are at 23:59 AOE
For additional information, please visit https://conferences.eg.org/egpgv20,
and feel free to contact us via papers(a)egpgv.org.
EGPGV Leadership:
Symposium Chair: Steffen Frey, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Program Co-Chair: Jian Huang, University of Tennessee, United States
Program Co-Chair: Filip Sadlo, Heidelberg University, Germany
Student Program Chair: Mohammad Raji, University of Tennessee, United
Call for Doctoral Consortium
The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD
students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent
opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and
experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as
well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home
institution. In addition, the Doctoral Consortium provides a unique forum
for PhD students to share their work and experience among their fellow PhD
students. The Doctoral Consortium will take place within the Eurographics
2020 conference, to be held in Norrköping, Sweden.
For the first time the two conferences Eurographics and Eurovis (EGEV) will
run together, as a single event, to be hosted in Norrköping, Sweden. The
conference will be hosted at the Louis de Geer Conference Centre, in the
centre of the city, and will be organized by the department of Media and
Information Technology at the university of Linköping, May 25th-29th, 2020.
Who should apply?
PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to
apply. We particularly encourage applications from students who are in the
first half of their PhD work, especially those who already have a clear
research direction (possibly with some published results), as they have
sufficient time ahead to profit from their participation in the Doctoral
Consortium. Students who are close to finishing their doctorate degree, or
have very recently finished it, are also welcome, to share their experience
and to discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.
28th March, 2020
Submission deadline
18th April 2020
Acceptance notification
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission guidelines
Submission website: Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM)
system <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2020DC> .
Template: Format should be in accordance with Eurographics Authors
Eligible Doctoral Consortium students who would like to participatein the
Doctoral Consortium
should submit the following documents as a single PDF file:
Research Statement: A 3-4 pages extended abstract summarizing her/his
dissertation research, singly authored by herself/himself. The submissions
should NOT be anonymous. The use of figures is encouraged. This document
should include:
- university doctoral program context in which the work is being
conducted, including starting date and expected graduation date;
- motivation that drives the dissertation research;
- research objectives/questions;
- background and related work of the dissertation research;
- research approach, methodology and proposed experiments (where
- dissertation status and a description of the remaining work current
and expected contributions.
The research statement should transcend the scope of a single publication or
project, and
instead focus on the general research theme or agenda of the students PhD
Supervisors letter of support: A one-page signed letter from the PhD
students supervisor, supporting her/his participation in the Doctoral
Consortium, and providing the following
- the students status with respect to the institutions PhD
- the expected date of thesis/dissertation defense or graduation;
- why attendance at this Doctoral Consortium would be particularly
beneficial to the student;
- what contributions the student is likely to make to the event if
invited to attend.
Curriculum vitae: A 1-2 pages CV plus the list of all publications.
All three documents must be written in English.
Review Process
The review process is single-blinded. The review and decision of acceptance
will take into
1. Quality of the submission (potential contribution and impact of the
research to the field of computer graphics) and the authors stage of
doctoral research;
2. The benefits of the consortium for the authors PhD research;
3. The authors contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds
and profiles that will integrate the Consortium.
All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral
Consortium, where they will present their work to a panel of experts,
selected by the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs. to match the topics related
to the accepted submissions.
For this, the authors will prepare and bring a poster (format A0, portrait
orientation) which will be used to present their work.
The panelists will then interact with the presenter to discuss her/his
approach and provide
constructive advice and suggestions.
Dear colleagues,
We have just extended the deadlines, so there is still time to contribute to:
VisGap - The Gap between Visualization Research and Visualization Software (co-located with EuroVis & Eurographics 2020) May 25th, 2020, Norrköping, Sweden
Over the years, many visualization methods and tools have been developed and published by the visualization research community. However, most of these are prototypes and never reach a state that can be reliably used by the target audience, e.g., domain scientists. Also, availability of these prototypes as source code or at least as executables is still the exception rather than the norm. The VisGap Symposium aims to shed a light on this gap between research and practical applicability, examine the obstacles every researcher faces, and propose solutions to overcome this problem as a community.
VisGap'20 aims at gathering experts from all over the visualization community in order to advance the way our field works with software, sustains software, and values the effort our members put into developing said software.
We solicit papers with 4-8 pages, with an additional page allowed for references. All submissions must be original works that have not been published previously in any conference proceedings, magazine, journal, or edited book or must present a substantial extension of previous work (at least 30%). Papers must be submitted through PCS (https://new.precisionconference.com/). All submissions will undergo a single-blind, single-stage peer review process. Accepted papers will be published by the Eurographics Association, and be stored in the Eurographics Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the VisGap'20 workshop to present their work.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Requirements for successful visualization in applications in general
- Domain-specific requirements for visualizations
- Reflections on the research community and the visualization software ecosystem
- Incentives and funding for developing/maintaining visualization research software
- Legal requirements (e.g., licensing, certification) for visualizations in applications
- Case studies of (un)successful visualization solutions in applications
- Requirements for novel visualization libraries
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline (EXTENDED!): March 10, 2020
Notification of Acceptance (EXTENDED!): April 10, 2020
Camera-ready Deadline (EXTENDED!): April 24, 2020
Workshop Date: May 25, 2020
More info:
Organizers and Contact
Christina Gillmann, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Michael Krone, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
Guido Reina, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University, Dayton, USA
If you have any questions, please contact us:
mailto: visgap(a)googlegroups.com
Please submit your short and full papers via PCS (Deadline: March 10, 2020):
https://new.precisionconference.com/ (EGEV2020 VisGap Workshop)
Please follow the VisGap'20 guidelines for writing the paper. You can find more info here and templates below:
Best regards,
Christina Gillmann, Michael Krone, Guido Reina, Thomas Wischgoll
VisGap'20 Organizing Committee
MLVis 2020: Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation - Call For Papers
MLVis 2020 will be a co-located workshop at EGEV2020 - Eurographics &
EuroVis 2020 in Norrköping, Sweden. It aims to bring Machine Learning and
Visualization researchers together in order to exchange research ideas. We
solicit short papers on machine learning methods in visualisation, from both
the machine learning and visualisation communities, addressing how the two
technologies can be used together to provide greater insight to end users.
Paper submissions for MLVis should be at most 4 pages in MLVis 2020 latex
style (provided on the website), with an additional page allowed for
references. Papers are to be submitted via the PCS system, link on the
Proceedings will be published by the Eurographics Association, and be stored
on the Eurographics Digital Library. Selected papers may be invited to
special issues, either in the Information Visualization journal or ACM
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: March 25, 2020
Notification deadline: April 20, 2020
Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2020
Workshop: May 25, 2020
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth on the date
EuroGraphics 2020, Norrköping, Student Volunteers
In May, 24-29 of May, the joint conference EGEV2020 (Eurographics and
Eurovis) will be held in Norrköping. These are the two largest European
conferences in computer graphics and visualization. We are expecting that
around 700 persons will attend the conference.
<https://conferences.eg.org/egev20/> https://conferences.eg.org/egev20/
For the conference we are recruiting student volunteers. Among the student
volunteer work tasks will be to support at the registration desk, guiding
and showing the way in hallways in the conference facilities, supporting in
the conference rooms (walking around with the handheld microphone and so
on), but also to man an information desk at the central train station
(primarily during Sunday and Monday).
As a student volunteer you will be working one work pass either before lunch
or after lunch during the conference. While youre not on duty, youll be
most welcome to visit the sessions at the conference (and I strongly
encourage you to take the opportunity to listen to interesting presentations
and make new connections with researchers and industry partners). Lunch will
be included for all student volunteers. And youll get nice blue t-shirts
that will make you shine among the conference attendees.
If you have any questions, or if you want to submit your interest in joining
the work force, dont hesitate to contact me!
With best regards,
/Niklas Rönnberg
<mailto:niklas.ronnberg@liu.se> niklas.ronnberg(a)liu.se
Hello everyone,
as the publicity chair of the High Performance Graphics conference I would
like to invite you to attend High Performance Graphics 2020 and to submit
your work. High-Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for
performance-oriented graphics and imaging systems research including
innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, languages, compilers,
parallelism, and hardware architectures for high-performance graphics. The
conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to
discuss the complex interactions of parallel hardware, novel programming
models, and efficient algorithms in the design of systems for current and
future graphics and visual computing applications.
High-Performance Graphics is co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics.
The program features three days of paper and industry presentations, with
ample time for discussions during breaks, lunches, and the conference
banquet. The conference is co-located with SIGGRAPH 2020 in Washington,
D.C. and will take place on July 16-18, 2020.
Besides our technical paper and posters track I want to specifically
highlight our student competition on creatively using novel GPU hardware
features as well as our diversity stipend supporting underrepresented
groups in STEM.
Please refer to our website for more details:
Call for participation:
Student competition:
Diversity scholarship:
In the name of the HPG committee I want to thank you and we looki forward
to meeting you at HPG2020 in Washington D.C.
Call for Papers
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2020
The 19th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will be held in
Montreal, Canada, August 24-26, and the symposium will be hosted at McGill
University in Canada. SCA is the premier forum for innovations in the
software and technology of computer animation. It unites researchers and
practitioners working on all aspects of time-based phenomena. Our focused,
intimate gathering, with single-track program and emphasis on community
interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange research results, get
inspired, and set up collaborations. We hope to see you in Montreal!
We invite submission of original, high-quality papers on computer animation,
broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying phenomena. Each
submission will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
significance, and clarity. All accepted papers will be published in the
journal Computer Graphics Forum.
We invite work on a broad range of topics, including:
- 2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
- autonomous characters
- clothing animation and simulation
- expressive motion / communication
- facial animation
- group and crowd behavior
- intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
- mathematical foundations of animation
- methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
- machine-learning techniques for animation
- nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, .)
- new time-based art forms on the computer
- novel time-varying phenomena
- perceptual metrics and foundations of animation
- physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
- physical simulation
- fluid animation
- planning / learning / optimization for animation
- real-time and interactive methods
- camera control methods for computer animation
- sound and speech for animation
as well as on related problems in robotics, game development, human-computer
interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and others.
Important Dates (all dates are 2020 at 23:59 UTC))
Title and Abstract Submission: May 4
Paper Submission: May 7
Paper Notification: June 24
Paper Revised Version: July 1
Approval of the revision: July 13
Paper Final Notification: July 15
Camera-ready Paper: July 23
Symposium: August 24-26
Geometric Modeling and Processing 2020
May 13-15, 2020
Okinawa, Japan
https://indico.oist.jp/gmp2020 <https://indico.oist.jp/gmp2020>
GMP 2020 seeks poster submissions, which describe recent work, highly relevant
results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, in all areas
related to:
• Mathematical foundations of computer-aided geometric design
• Computational geometry algorithms and analyses
• Multi-resolution and heterogeneous modeling
• 3D printing and computational manufacturing
• Geometric feature modeling and recognition
• Representation of curves and surfaces
• Discrete differential geometry
• Isogeometric analysis
• Shape optimization
• Material modeling
Presenting a poster is an important way to get feedback on work that has not yet
been published. Poster presentations will be an integral part of GMP 2020, with a
joint poster session for interactive discussion between presenters and attendees,
plus a fast-forward presentation track where authors will orally present a brief
summary of their work to the attendees. We require at least one presenter per
accepted poster to attend the conference.
Submission Guidelines:
Poster submissions must be in English and include authors names, affiliation, and contact.
The submission must be in the form of a two-page abstract, as a PDF file with embedded
fonts, and must be formatted according to the LATEX guidelines available here:
https://indico.oist.jp/event/10/page/58-call-for-posters <https://indico.oist.jp/event/10/page/58-call-for-posters>
Poster abstracts must be submitted by email to gmp2020(a)easychair.org <mailto:gmp2020@easychair.org>. Additional material
is not mandatory and can be shared as a DropBox link or sent by using common FTP services.
Final posters must be in portrait format with a maximum size given by the A0 standard
(841 x 1189 mm, or 33.1 x 46.8 in).
Important Dates:
March 1, 2020: Two/four-page abstract and optional material submission
March 7, 2020: Notification of results
March 11, 2020: Camera-ready material submission
Conference Co-chairs:
Eliot Fried (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan)
Bernard Mourrain (Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France)
Jorg Peters (University of Florida, USA)
Program Co-chairs:
Carlotta Giannelli (University of Florence, Italy)
Lin Lu (Shandong University, China)
Justin Solomon (MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, USA)
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you about the extended deadline for full papers as
well as short papers to:
Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data
(co-located with EuroVis & Eurographics 2020), May 25th, 2020, Norrköping,
Important Dates (NEW)
Paper Submission Deadline: February 29, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: April 3, 2020
Camera-ready Deadline: April 17, 2020
Workshop Date: May 25, 2020
Molecular visualization and graphics belong among the oldest branches of
scientific visualization, which has been developing for over 50 years. Due
to the continuous advances in both computational biology and computer
graphics techniques, molecular graphics and visualization are very active
areas of research. Not only the ever-increasing dataset sizes yield a
constant challenge for visual analysis, but also new technologies like
advances in web-based graphics or augmented and virtual reality open new
possibilities. This half-day multidisciplinary workshop - which is held in
conjunction with EuroVis for the third time and with Eurographics for the
first time - brings together visualization and computer graphics
researchers working with molecular data.
Whereas molecular graphics is an established topic for many years, the
hybrid-dimensional visual analysis of molecular structures is still a quite
new research field with a lot of potential. We would like to encourage
submissions especially using new technologies, such as immersive analytics
or ML-related approaches.
We invite short papers as well as full papers (2-4 pages for short and up
to 8 pages for full papers, both with an additional page reserved for
references). All papers will undergo a single-stage, double-blind peer
review process. Accepted papers will be published in the EG digital
library. The workshop will be held in Norrköping, Sweden, May 25th, 2020,
as part of EuroVis & Eurographics 2020.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Molecular Graphics & Rendering
- Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
- Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
- Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures, biological
networks, and pathways, or omics data)
- Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
- Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
More info:
Organizers and Contact
- Jan Byska, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Michael Krone, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Bjorn Sommer, Royal College of Art, UK
If you have any questions, please contact us:
mailto: molva.eurovis(a)gmail.com
Please submit your short and full papers via PCS (Deadline: February 29,
https://new.precisionconference.com/ (EuroVis & Eurographics 2020 MolVA
Please follow the EG guidelines for writing the paper. You can find more
info and templates in the links below. Web: https://tinyurl.com/molva
LaTeX template: https://tinyurl.com/MolVA2020-zip
Best regards,
Jan Byška, Michael Krone, Bjorn Sommer
MolVA 2020 Organizing Committee
This is a reminder for the upcoming deadline for the EGEV2020 Co-Located Event of the Wisdome Dome Movie contest in Norrköping. Please note that we have moved the deadlines to the 1st of March for the abstract and the 14th of March for the final submissions. Furthermore, the submission system at https://new.precisionconference.com/vgtc has been activated and we are looking forward to your submissions.
Call for Participation
The Wisdome contest is a co-located event occurring in conjunction with the joint conferences Eurographics and EuroVis in Norrköping, Sweden in 2020. The goal of the Wisdome contest is to be a festival of scientific and/or data-inspired dome movies for a public audience. All accepted submissions will be presented in the dome theater of the Visualization Center C in Norrköping on May 25th, 2020. We encourage submissions from a wide array of backgrounds that not only cover diverse academic fields, but also solicit the participation of interested non-academic institutions. Submissions should be targeted at the general public and aim to educate about a specific scientific discovery, a general scientific concept, or the Scientific Method in general. Submissions will be assessed by the referees according to the following criteria,
* creative use of the dome surface, sound and music,
* the visual quality,
* creativity,
* the storytelling quality,
* public engagement, and
* technical excellence
All accepted submissions are invited to be included in a “showreel” of the contest that will be distributed to several planetaria and science centers around the world, which will further increase the visibility of the submissions.
Submissions consist of full dome movie and an accompanying document of up to 2 pages in length, with an optional third page for references. This document must use the two-column style used at the EuroVis conference, and should include short paragraphs addressing the following aspects:
1. description of the submission category and targeted audience, for example: explanatory, exploratory, artistic, or commercial,
2. short explanations how the submission addresses the evaluation criteria,
3. short description of the data that has been used,
4. short description of the rendering and visualization techniques used,
5. summary of your story
The full dome movie should be 3-10 minutes long and be submitted as a monoscopic 180° dome master in either 4096x4096 or 8192x8182 resolution using either the H.264 or H.265 encodings with embedded audio, if desired. Audio formats of stereo, 5.1, or 7.1 are recommended. More technical information about creating movies for the contest, supporting applications/frameworks, and submission information are available at http://wisdome.egev2020.se
Submission Dates
All submission dates are 23:59 UTC.
Abstract submission Friday, March 6th, 2020
Paper and Movie submission Friday, March 13th, 2020
Review Notification Monday, April 13th, 2020