We are pleased to announce 15 open PhD positions in the MSCA ITN PRIME
(Predictive Rendering In Manufacture and Engineering).
PRIME ( <http://prime-itn.eu/> http://prime-itn.eu/) is a Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network in the framework of Horizon
2020, starting on October 1st, 2020 with a four-year duration. The network
consists of 7 universities and one company as hiring institutions, plus 11
industrial partners.
The goal of this ITN is to have the participants develop skills and
protocols needed for industrial usage of Predictive Rendering (PR)
technologies - image synthesis which delivers results that one can actually
rely on to be visually accurate. Application areas of such systems are in
such diverse areas as product design, architecture, sensor system
calibration, training of autonomous vehicle systems, movie VFX and
manufacturing control. Goal of the ITN is to collectively train young
researchers in this promising, future-oriented and research-driven
application area: each PhD student has an industrially relevant cutting-edge
research topic, descriptions of which can be found in the individual job
<http://prime-itn.eu/positions.html> http://prime-itn.eu/positions.html
PRIME brings some of the main European actors in the field of rendering
research together. And in addition to a high profile academic consortium,
the network can offer students a number of prominent end users of accurate
rendering technology as industrial partners. Having the likes of IKEA,
Procter & Gamble, Weta Digital, Zeiss and Adobe all together in one project
offers unique opportunities to see multiple real world usage cases for
predictive rendering technology in action.
Hiring is open until October 12th, 2020: please refer to
<http://prime-itn.eu/positions.html> http://prime-itn.eu/positions.html for
details on how to apply.
Call for Participation: EG 3DOR Virtual Open Workshop, September 4-5, 2020
13th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2020 (3DOR'20)
For the first time 3DOR is taking place as a Virtual Open Workshop, free for
all to participate, on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th of September 2020.
To attend, one has to first register by sending a registration request to
3dor2020-eventchairs(a)cgv.tugraz.at including their full name and affiliation
by 31.8.2020. They will then receive attendance instructions a few days
before the workshop.
Enjoy 3DOR2020!
Workshop Chairs
Tobias Schreck (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Theoharis Theoharis (NTNU Trondheim, Norway, and NKUA, Greece)
Program Co-Chairs
Ioannis Pratikakis (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
Michela Spagnuolo (CNR Imati, Italy)
Remco C. Veltkamp (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
=SCA 2020 Call for Posters=
Dear Colleagues,
This year, the 19th annual ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on
Computer Animation (SCA), the premier forum for innovations in the
software and technology of computer animation, will be held online,
September 2020 (dates to be announced soon).
We would like to bring your attention to our call for posters. Our
poster track is an ideal venue for researchers to
share their theories and innovations with peers and collaborators. Fresh
content generates discussion, feedback, and inspiration. Moreover, we
are happy to announce that poster abstracts (up to two pages in length)
will be included in the Eurographics Digital Library.
We look forward to receive your submissions,
and we hope to see you all in cyberspace!
Poster Instructions:
* Submission via email to <mailto:sca2020@computationalsciences.org>
* SCA will be using the Eurographics / Computer Graphics Forum style
* Submission deadline: August 29, 2020
* Notification of acceptance: September 3, 2020
Electronic Submission:
All poster abstracts should be submitted via email to
sca2020(a)computationalsciences.org by the submission deadline.
Each email message must be less than 25MB. If this is not sufficient for
your submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission
in parts as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials,
links to external websites are allowed.
Submission Instructions:
Poster abstracts are permitted to be up to three pages in length
(including references, acknowledgements, etc.) and have
to be submitted as a singe PDF file. Poster abstracts should be written
and presented in English. Submissions must be camera-ready, with author
names and affiliations listed. The review process will be single blind.
Supplemental material such as videos may also be submitted
electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Please find the
LaTeX template here. Finally, we also encourage the authors to submit a
PDF draft of the poster of size A0 as supplemental material.
Further Information:
Poster abstracts will be included in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Call for State-of-the-Art Reports
EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021, conferences.eg.org/eg2021 <http://conferences.eg.org/eg2021> ---> enjoy Vienna !
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of a special topic of current interest related to Computer Graphics. We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any recent edition. STAR reports on cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary areas are also highly welcomed. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library. A list of recent STARs <https://sites.google.com/site/drminchen/cgf-info/cgf-stars> can be found here <https://sites.google.com/site/drminchen/cgf-info/cgf-stars> .
Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the EUROGRAPHICS conference. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions. Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
At EUROGRAPHICS’2021, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to present the report at a level that allows non-experts in the particular domain to follow the presentation.
October 29, 2020
STAR abstract submission deadline
November 3, 2020
Full STAR submission deadline
December 22, 2020
First review notification
February 23, 2021
Revised STAR submission
March 9, 2021
Second review notification
March 26, 2021
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission details
Electronic submissions of STARs is mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management System. Papers must be written in English and prepared according to this year’s template, which can be found at the Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) <https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/EG_2021STARs> system.
The deadline for the submission of STAR abstracts is October 29, 2020. The submission of an abstract is not mandatory, but will support the chairs in recruiting the right reviewers for your submission.
The deadline for the submission of STARs is 23:59 UTC, November 3, 2020, with notification of conditional acceptance on December 22, 2020. The revised version of conditionally accepted STARs will have to be submitted by February 23, 2021, for a second review, the final notification will happen by March 9, 2021, and the camera ready version will be due on March 26, 2021.
The STARs undergo a single-blind review process. To demonstrate the relevant expertise needed to produce the proposed STAR, authors should include their short biographies as supplementary materials.
We do not impose strict maximum lengths for these submissions. However, it is recommended that papers be up to 20 pages excluding references and the authors’ short bios, to conform to the general recommendation for CGF survey papers.
Eurographics’2021 STAR Chairs
Holly Rushmeyer, Yale University, United States
Katja Bühler, VRVis Research, Vienna, Austria
For any question concerning STAR submissions please contact the STAR co-chairs: chairs-eg2021stars(a)eg.org <mailto:chairs-eg2021stars@eg.org>
Save the date: EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in VIENNA !!
May 3-7, 2021 conferences.eg.org/eg2021
---> enjoy Vienna !
Dear XR Educators,
Do you have student XR, VR, AR works to share and showcase?
Wednesday August 26th, 2:00 - 3:00 (US Pacific time)
Birds of a Feather meeting: Postcards from the Immersive Edge and Bloopers
from the Virtual Classroom
We would like to invite educators to share students' XR, VR and AR projects
at the session. Anyone with a valid SIGGRAPH pass can join the meeting,
including a Basic pass.
Please send us images, a brief 1-min video or 360 image/video of your
student works.
If you are interested in entering your student works, please contact Miho
Aoki (maoki3(a)alaska.edu <mailto:maoki3@alaska.edu> ). We will send you a
link for uploading files.
Hye Yeon Nam
Louisiana State University
Miho Aoki
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Open PhD Positions in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and
The Institute for Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz
University of Technology (TU Graz), Austria is seeking applications for a
new PhD position, to work on novel applications in Visual Computing:
Currently, we offer a 3-year and a 4-year PhD Position at the Institute for
Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization, with a focus on research in
3D computer graphics, geometry processing and visualization.
For more details please see attachments.
How to apply
To apply, please send your CV, academic credentials and a letter of
motivation to by August 26, 2020 to the Dean of the Faculty of Computer
Science and Biomedical Engineering, E-Mail:
<mailto:applications.csbme@tugraz.at> applications.csbme(a)tugraz.at.
Dear colleagues and EG members:
we have one Early Stage Researcher/PhD position on visual computing subjects available in our group. The activity will concern scalable reconstruction and exploration of complex indoor environments (main topics: 3D reconstruction, (deep) learning, modeling, plus eventually rendering and visualization depending on candidate's skills and interest). The position, available immediately, is funded by a H2020 Marie Curie project (see below). The call is open until 21 September 2020 and we are admitting students eligible for PhD (i.e., already got their master or close to getting it) and for funding in this project (i.e., in the first four year of their research career and not having spent too much time in Italy in the past three years...).
Could you be so kind to inform your students and colleagues of this opportunity? Thanks a lot!
-- Enrico Gobbetti
CRS4/Visual Computing
The Center for Research, Development, and Advanced Studies in Sardinia
(CRS4) is happy to announce the availability of One Early-Stage
Researcher (ESR) position (PhD student) in the EU H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Innovative Training Network on Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing
for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication (EVOCATION).
The ESR/PhD Student hosted at CRS4 will focus on
scalable reconstruction and exploration of complex indoor environments.
How to apply
1. FIRST, REGISTER HERE FOR ESR03: https://evocation.eu/recruitment/apply/
FORMS BY EMAIL BY 21 Sep. 2019: http://jobs.crs4.it/show/jo-48-0635
Training: You will receive scientific skills in cutting-edge techniques
in a highly stimulating and collaborative international environment,
which will include leading research and industrial partners all over Europe,
such as University of Rostock, CRS4, University of Zurich, CNR, TU Wien,
Fraunhofer IGD, Holografika, and Gexcel.
PhD: You will have the opportunity to register for the Doctorate program
in Computer Science of the University of Cagliari. Activities performed
within EVOCATION counting for the doctorate program.
Research topic: The focus will be on scalable reconstruction and exploration
of complex indoor environments. Main topics are 3D reconstruction,
(deep) learning, modeling, plus eventually rendering and visualization depending
on skills and interest. Collaboration with other academic and industrial
groups is foreseen.
Salary: You will receive a highly competitive salary according to Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions rules. The salary will include living and
mobility allowances.
Hosting conditions: Each recruited fellow will have a supervisory team
to develop training and career plans. Participation to local and networked
training activities and International mobility to other partners is part of
the project.
Job location: The ESR will be hosted by the Visual Computing Group of
the CRS4 research center in Italy, at the forefront of research in the
acquisition, storage, processing, distribution, and interactive exploration
of massive data. More information on the Visual Computing group
is available at http://vic.crs4.it/ . The main office is Cagliari (Italy).
Application deadline: 21 September 2020 12:00 - Europe/Brussels
For further information and application instructions, please
visit this link: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/547499
Enrico Gobbetti ( Enrico.Gobbetti(a)crs4.it )
Director of Visual Computing, CRS4 ( http://www.crs4.it/vic/ )
Main Lab: CRS4, Via Ampère 2, I-09134 Cagliari (CA), ITALY
Pula Offices: CRS4, POLARIS Ed. 1, C.P. 25, I-09010 Pula (CA), ITALY