Call for Posters - EG'22
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of
recent results, work in progress, new ideas, and other smaller projects
which may be of interest to the general community, but which are still
too speculative, incomplete or not of sufficient extent to warrant a
(full or short) paper. We encourage submissions from all areas related
to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization,
perception, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, and
One or more authors of accepted posters are expected to be present at
the conference, to discuss their work and answer questions during the
poster session. Updated information about physical versus virtual
attendance will be posted here
<>. Accepted
posters and the final papers will be included in the digital media with
the proceedings and other material.
(All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC)
Submission Feb. 25, 2022
Notification Mar. 14, 2022
Camera-ready (paper + poster) Mar. 28, 2022
Short video Apr. 5, 2022
Conference in Reims Apr. 25, 2022
Submission details
Poster submissions should be in the form a poster accompanied by a
2-page paper which must be formatted according to the Eurographics
Author’s guidelines. Submissions shall be anonymous and made through the
Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system
<> and subject to a review
The authors of accepted posters are expected to provide:
* a poster in A0 portrait format, with a resolution of at least 9933 x
14043 pixels;
* a final 2-page paper describing the poster content;
* a short video (2 to 3 min) explaining the poster to a virtual visitor.
*Eurographics 2022 Posters Chairs
* *Jasminka Hasic Telalovic*, University Sarajevo School of Science and
Technology, Bosnia and Herzegovina
*Basile Sauvage*, University of Strasbourg, France
For any question concerning poster submissions please contact the poster
chairs: chairs-eg2022posters(a)
Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas of 3D/4D Object Retrieval.
State-of-the-art papers on specific topics of interest are particularly
welcome. Submissions are invited in the form of full papers, which will be
peer-reviewed by a two-stage review process, and published as a special
section of <>
Computers & Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Also, short papers are invited,
which will follow a one-stage review process and will appear in the
Eurographics Digital Library.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* 3D shape analysis
* 3D shape similarity and matching
* 3D mesh sequence retrieval
* 3D mobile media retrieval
* 3D search in large scale data
* 3D object classification, indexing, and mining
* Similarity of non-rigid shapes
* Shape correspondence
* 3D shape decomposition, and segmentation
* Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
* Matching under uncertainty and noise
* Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification
* Sketch-based retrieval
* Query interfaces and search modalities
* Benchmarking issues
* Deep learning for 3D shape retrieval
* Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorisation
* Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
* Applications in all areas relevant to 3D/4D objects, including
multimedia and information systems, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics,
e-science, e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage, among
3DOR - September 1st and 2nd, 2022
Please, forward also to your fellows and/or PhD students
Sent via a list server: eurographics(a)
----------- WSCG 2022 - Call for Papers --------------
30. WSCG 2022 Conference on
Computer Graphics, Visualization & Computer Vision 2022
HYBRID MODE due to CoVid situation (preferably physical mode)
-- In copoperation with the Eurographics Association --
Pilsen (the city of beer) close to Prague, Czech Republic
May 17-20, 2022
- - detailed info
Conference rates: CORE B, Qualis B1, ERA B
Important dates & Submission:
January 10, 2022 - special session proposals via email only
-------------- via submission server only ---------------
February 10, 2022 Abstract - recommended only
February 28, 2022 - Full, Short, Poster papers
(submission via server only [])
Papers will be published in the Computer Science Research Notes
(ISSN 2464-4617).
The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG
(ISSN 1213-6972).
At least one author has to present the paper physically or online or
Proceedings will be made after the conference.
Recent publications available via -
repository since 1992.
Accepted workshops/sessions:
- Meshless methods in Computer Graphics and Visualization
- Other agreements expected
Prof. Vaclav Skala
Conference organizer & Chair
Prof. Vaclav Skala
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen,
Czech Republic
EuroVis 2022 Call for Papers
With this call for papers, we invite submission of high-quality papers that will set the standard and stimulate future trends in the field of visualization and visual analytics. Accepted full papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the Eurographics Association, after a two-stage peer-reviewing process. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference. EuroVis 2022 (…) will be held in Rome, Italy on June 13-17, 2022.
We encourage submissions from all areas of visualization and visual analytics.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Techniques: novel algorithms, visual encoding methods, and/or interaction techniques for data analysis, exploration, or communication. All sub-areas of data visualization and visual analytics are welcomed, including high-dimensional, time-series, spatial, geographic, text, hierarchical, and network data. Techniques may be specialized for specific devices or form-factors (e.g., mobile or wall-scale visualization).
* Systems: new software frameworks, languages, or tools for visualization; systems for large-scale visualization; integrated graphical systems for visual analysis or interactive machine learning; collaborative and web-scale visualization systems.
* Applications & Design Studies: novel use of visualization to address problems in an application domain, including accounts of innovative system design, deployment and impact. We welcome diverse application areas, including the physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, engineering, arts, sports, and humanities.
* Evaluation & Empirical Research: Comparative evaluation of competing visualization approaches; controlled experiments to inform visualization best practices; longitudinal and qualitative studies to understand user needs, visualization adoption, and use.
* Theory: models of visual encoding, interaction, and/or analysis tasks; implications from theories of perception, cognition, design, and/or aesthetics; methods for automated design or visualization recommendation.
For a wider range of paper types, please see “Broadening Intellectual Diversity in Visualization Research Papers<…>” by B. Lee et al.
The maximum length for submitted papers to the full papers track is 10 pages (in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) style, including all images, but excluding references). Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to provide extra content. Papers exceeding the maximum allowed number of pages will be automatically rejected.
Submissions must be made using the Computer Graphics Forum style, using the conference LaTeX template for full papers. A LaTeX style sheet and overleaf template will be provided as well as a sample document explaining the required format.
Authors have the option to submit their papers anonymously. In contrast to previous years, double-blind reviewing is optional, not required: authors may choose to disclose their identities to the reviewers. The reviewing process does not consider anonymity as a factor. The process will attempt to preserve anonymity of authors of anonymized submissions. However, the program committee, which is responsible for half of the reviews, will know the authors of submissions reviewed by them.
Authors have the option of submitting additional material with their submissions. Supplementary materials, such as videos and supporting data, are encouraged. For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been rejected or withdrawn, the authors are strongly encouraged to provide the original submission with a cover letter describing the changes they have made to comply with reviewers' comments and requests.
All full papers accepted to EuroVis appear in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, containing the conference proceedings, and will appear at the same time in the Eurographics digital library.
EuroVis submissions and papers are subject to the pre-print and self-archiving policies of the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Details are available from the journal web site:…
Given the uncertainty due to the pandemic, further details will be communicated regarding possible Open Access charges.
Abstracts and full papers are submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS):…
Please note you shall select Eurographics as Society.
Submission of an abstract is mandatory by the abstract deadline, with completed papers due on by the full paper deadline. Submissions will not be accepted if an abstract is not submitted by the abstract deadline. Abstract submissions require the title, authors, paper type, abstract, and keywords in the form. The remaining fields (the document, additional material) are submitted by the full paper deadline. Please note that EuroVis accepted papers are published as a regular-length journal article, so submitting just an abstract is not sufficient. Submitters should choose keywords and categories appropriate for their paper as this information is used in reviewer selection.
For more details please see the EuroVis 2022 website:…
Abstract deadline: November 24, 2021 (Wednesday!)
Full paper deadline: December 2, 2021
Reviews available, rebuttal start: January 26, 2022
Rebuttal deadline: January 31, 2022
First Round Notification: February 18, 2022
Revised Submission: March 10, 2022
Final Notification: March 26, 2022
Camera Ready Version: April 19, 2022
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
For any questions concerning full paper submissions please contact the full papers chairs: fullpapers(a)
Rita Borgo, King’s College London, UK
G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Call for Papers: SIGGRAPH 2022 Technical Papers, Journal and Conference
The SIGGRAPH 2022 Technical Papers program is now accepting submissions.
Technical Papers is the premier international venue for disseminating and
discussing new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive
techniques. This year, there are two ways to submit your groundbreaking
research via the Journal Papers or the Conference Papers tracks.
While Journal Papers is a continuation of the Technical Papers program from
previous years, Conference Papers is a new track of the program, allowing
you to share exciting new ideas in a full-length, conference paper format.
Learn more about these tracks on the SIGGRAPH 2022 website, and submit your
latest advancements by Wednesday, 26 January 2022. Questions? Please contact
TechPapers-s2022(a) <>
Eurographics 2022 Call for Short Papers
in Reims, April 25-29, 2022,
Authors are invited to submit short papers [4 pages max, including bibliography] that present self-contained, complete, compact works on all areas related to computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation, simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, computer-aided design, digital fabrication, imaging and computational photography. We particularly invite submissions which present tangible and practically useful improvements to the state of the art, but which are not thematically wide enough to justify an entire full paper. What we would like to see as short papers are individual smart ideas and intriguing findings that might otherwise remain unpublished, due to them standing in isolation – as opposed to falling within the context of some larger scientific endeavour, where they can be easily mentioned in the corresponding publication.
Accepted short papers will be published in the Short Papers digital media proceedings and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work as an oral presentation at the conference.
December 19, 2021
Submission deadline
February 14, 2022
March 14, 2022
April 8, 2022
Fast-Forward video due
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Submission details
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics <> Submission and Review Management (SRM) system. Submitted papers must be anonymous, up to 4 pages in length, and formatted according to the Eurographics Author’s guidelines (short papers LaTeX style package available from the <> SRM system).
Authors of accepted papers will present a super short summary or a teaser during a fast-forward session. This presentation will be around 25 seconds (exact length to be decided) and shall be augmented by slides. To ensure a smooth organization, they will be asked to prepare a short video of the slides for this purpose, in two versions: one with the spoken text and one without. These FF presentations will be available on the web throughout the conference. Details will be sent to accepted paper authors.
A submission to the Eurographics Short Papers program should describe an original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content originating from others without properly crediting their original sources. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, and other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Prior Art
Authors are expected to cite, discuss differences and novelty, and compare results, if applicable, with respect to relevant existing publications, provided they have been published in a peer-reviewed venue.
This also applies to patents, which also undergo a professional reviewing process. But what about technical reports, and other non-peer-reviewed publications, such as technical reports or papers posted on arXiv, which we henceforth refer to as pre-publications? With the rapid progress of search engines and the increased perusal of arXiv papers by the scientific community, asking authors to thoroughly compare their work to these pre-publications imposes an unreasonable burden — a seemingly relevant report that is incomplete in its disclosure or validation might appear online shortly before the deadline. Although peer-reviewed publications are certainly not immune to these shortcomings, they have, at least, been judged sufficiently complete and valid by a group of peers. Consequently, authors are not required to discuss and compare their work with recent pre-publications (arXiv, technical reports, theses, etc.), although they must properly cite those that inspired them (see “Plagiarism” above). Nevertheless, we encourage authors to mention all related works they are aware of as good academic practice dictates. Note that with new works posted on arXiv on a daily basis, it is increasingly likely that reviewers might point out similarities between the submitted work and online reports that have been missed by the authors. In this case, authors of conditionally accepted papers should be prepared to cite these pre-publications in their final revision as concurrent work, without the burden of having to detail how their work compares to or differs from these pre-publications.
Double Submission Policy
By submitting a manuscript to the Eurographics Short Papers program, authors acknowledge that the technical contributions they claim have not been previously published or accepted for publication in another peer-reviewed venue, and that no manuscript substantially similar in content is currently under review. Violations constitute grounds for rejection.
Eurographics’2022 Short Papers Chairs
Nuria Pelechano, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain.
David Vanderhaeghe, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France.
For any question concerning short paper submissions please contact the short papers program co-chairs: chairs-eg2022shorts(a) <>
EuroVis 2022 Call for Papers
With this call for papers, we invite submission of high-quality papers that will set the standard and stimulate future trends in the field of visualization and visual analytics. Accepted full papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the Eurographics Association, after a two-stage peer-reviewing process. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference. EuroVis 2022 ( will be held in Rome, Italy on June 13-17, 2022.
We encourage submissions from all areas of visualization and visual analytics.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Techniques: novel algorithms, visual encoding methods, and/or interaction techniques for data analysis, exploration, or communication. All sub-areas of data visualization and visual analytics are welcomed, including high-dimensional, time-series, spatial, geographic, text, hierarchical, and network data. Techniques may be specialized for specific devices or form-factors (e.g., mobile or wall-scale visualization).
* Systems: new software frameworks, languages, or tools for visualization; systems for large-scale visualization; integrated graphical systems for visual analysis or interactive machine learning; collaborative and web-scale visualization systems.
* Applications & Design Studies: novel use of visualization to address problems in an application domain, including accounts of innovative system design, deployment and impact. We welcome diverse application areas, including the physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, engineering, arts, sports, and humanities.
* Evaluation & Empirical Research: Comparative evaluation of competing visualization approaches; controlled experiments to inform visualization best practices; longitudinal and qualitative studies to understand user needs, visualization adoption, and use.
* Theory: models of visual encoding, interaction, and/or analysis tasks; implications from theories of perception, cognition, design, and/or aesthetics; methods for automated design or visualization recommendation.
For a wider range of paper types, please see “Broadening Intellectual Diversity in Visualization Research Papers<>” by B. Lee et al.
The maximum length for submitted papers to the full papers track is 10 pages (in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) style, including all images, but excluding references). Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to provide extra content. Papers exceeding the maximum allowed number of pages will be automatically rejected.
Submissions must be made using the Computer Graphics Forum style, using the conference LaTeX template for full papers. A LaTeX style sheet and overleaf template will be provided as well as a sample document explaining the required format.
Authors have the option to submit their papers anonymously. In contrast to previous years, double-blind reviewing is optional, not required: authors may choose to disclose their identities to the reviewers. The reviewing process does not consider anonymity as a factor. The process will attempt to preserve anonymity of authors of anonymized submissions. However, the program committee, which is responsible for half of the reviews, will know the authors of submissions reviewed by them.
Authors have the option of submitting additional material with their submissions. Supplementary materials, such as videos and supporting data, are encouraged. For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been rejected or withdrawn, the authors are strongly encouraged to provide the original submission with a cover letter describing the changes they have made to comply with reviewers' comments and requests.
All full papers accepted to EuroVis appear in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, containing the conference proceedings, and will appear at the same time in the Eurographics digital library.
EuroVis submissions and papers are subject to the pre-print and self-archiving policies of the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Details are available from the journal web site:…
Given the uncertainty due to the pandemic, further details will be communicated regarding possible Open Access charges.
Abstracts and full papers are submitted using the Precision Conference System (PCS):
Please note you shall select Eurographics as Society.
Submission of an abstract is mandatory by the abstract deadline, with completed papers due on by the full paper deadline. Submissions will not be accepted if an abstract is not submitted by the abstract deadline. Abstract submissions require the title, authors, paper type, abstract, and keywords in the form. The remaining fields (the document, additional material) are submitted by the full paper deadline. Please note that EuroVis accepted papers are published as a regular-length journal article, so submitting just an abstract is not sufficient. Submitters should choose keywords and categories appropriate for their paper as this information is used in reviewer selection.
For more details please see the EuroVis 2022 website:
Abstract deadline: November 24, 2021 (Wednesday!)
Full paper deadline: December 2, 2021
Reviews available, rebuttal start: January 26, 2022
Rebuttal deadline: January 31, 2022
First Round Notification: February 18, 2022
Revised Submission: March 10, 2022
Final Notification: March 26, 2022
Camera Ready Version: April 19, 2022
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
For any questions concerning full paper submissions please contact the full papers chairs: fullpapers(a)
Rita Borgo, King’s College London, UK
G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2022 edition of the Computer Graphics Forum
Cover Contest.
We are looking for the cover image to appear in all 2022 issues of the
Computer Graphics Forum. It should be a striking picture demonstrating
creative and/or innovative use of computer graphics technology.
Please upload your exciting and visually appealing image from one of your
latest papers through the online form:
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Thanks again to <> Federico Ponchio for
Pierre Alliez (fade-in), for Bedrich Benes and Helwig Hauser
CGF Editors in Chief
>> ---------- WSCG 2022 - Call for Papers -------------- <<
>> 30. WSCG 2022 Conference on
>> Computer Graphics, Visualization & Computer Vision 2022
>> HYBRID MODE is expected due to CoVid situation
>> -- In cooperation with the Eurographics Association --
>> Venue: Primavera Congress Center
>> Pilsen (the city of beer) close to Prague, Czech Republic
>> May 17-20, 2022
>> - <> - detailed info
>> - <>
>> Conference rates: CORE B, Qualis B1, ERA B
>> Important dates & Submission:
January 10, 2022 - special session proposals via email only
-------------- via submission server only ---------------
February 10, 2022 Abstract - recommended only
February 28, 2022 - Full, Short, Poster papers
(via submission server only)
>> Papers will be published in the Computer Science Research Notes (ISSN
>> The best selected papers will be published in the Journal of WSCG (ISSN
>> At least one author has to present the paper physically or online or
pre-recorded. <<
>> Proceedings will be made after the conference <<
Recent publications available via <> - repository since 1992.
Already accepted workshops/sessions:
- Meshfree methods in Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computational
- Other agreements pending
To be REMOVED from the list:
REPLY to this mail with this email address in the text to
<> WSCGconf(a)
with the subject to WSCG REMOVE
(DO NOT REMOVE your email address in the mail we sent to you).
Prof. Vaclav Skala
<> skala(a) subject: WSCG2022
c/o University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerzitni 8, CZ 30614, Plzen,
Czech Republic
Please note that the deadline for submitting tutorial proposals to
Eurographics 2022 is extended to November 30th
Call for contributions
The Eurographics2022 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials
teaching the technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its
potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be
done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can
be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial, you should consider that
tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and
development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning,
intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics.
Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle.
Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer
lunch break. Full-day tutorials should be motivated by sufficient scientific
material. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly
indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of
instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by
external reviewers. The final selection will be based on the quality of the
submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference
topics, and balance of topics.
Digital support of accepted tutorials will be made available to every
Eurographics registered participant and will also be included in the
Eurographics digital library. Eurographics does not require copyright for
the tutorial notes it publishes. The tutorial speakers may reuse their
material freely. For each accepted tutorial, one free registration is
provided per half-day of that tutorial.
November 30, 2021 Submission of full tutorial proposals
January 10, 2022 Acceptance/rejection notification
March 27, 2022 Submission of final materials (see course notes
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted by using the
<> Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRMv2).
The submitted proposals should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s)
* Institution(s)
* Email address(es)
* URL(s)
Tutorial details:
* Title of the tutorial
* Keywords
* Half or full-day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90 minutes)
* A detailed outline of the tutorial.
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in
the area the tutorial addresses.
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location
(i.e., which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide
information highlighting changes, improvements, and/or why the tutorial
should be held again in this form.
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly
encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original
text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines,
reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides, videos,
software, datasets, and any other material the authors consider useful. The
acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the final submission of
complete course notes. Upon acceptance of the tutorial, additional material
should be submitted using the same link in the SRM system as for submitting
the proposal.
All course notes of accepted tutorials will be distributed to conference
participants electronically.
Stefanie Hahmann, LJK-INRIA, Grenoble INP, France
Gustavo Patow, ViRVIG-UdG, Universitat de Girona, Spain
For any questions concerning tutorial submissions please contact the
tutorial co-chairs: chairs-eg2022tut(a) <>