Call for Papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV)
aims to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge on exploiting and
defining new trends in parallel graphics and visualization. This area is of
growing importance due to the rapidly increasing availability of multi-core
CPUs, GPUs, and cluster systems. Computationally demanding and
data-intensive applications in graphics and visualization are strongly
affected by this trend and require novel, efficient parallel solutions.
EGPGV has two submission deadlines: early submission in December and regular
submission typically in February. This offers authors the flexibility to
choose between two separate submission deadlines. The early submission
deadline also provides the opportunity of improving manuscripts and
resubmitting them to the regular deadline in case they are not successful in
the early review phase, resembling a major revision review process. An FAQ
about the early submission process can be found at the bottom of this email.
Please notice also that this year there are again abstract deadlines one
week in advance to the paper deadlines.
EGPGV 2022 will take place on June 13, 2022, and be co-located with EuroVis
2022, held June 13-17, 2022, in Rome, Italy.
The proceedings of EGPGV will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings
Series and in the Eurographics Digital Library. Best papers from the EGPGV
symposium will be invited to submit an extended journal version to IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
EGPGV seeks papers on graphics and visualization that involve any type of
parallel computing, and/or focus on very large data sets. Papers on
techniques, data structures, algorithms, systems, and applications are
welcomed. Parallel computing is broadly defined, including high-performance
computing and cloud environments, (multi-)GPU computing and heterogeneous,
hybrid architectures, and shared and/or distributed memory architectures.
Further, papers focused on processing very large data sets (either for
visualization or graphics) are welcomed, even if they do not have a
particular focus on parallelism.
Typical symposium topics include:
- Computationally and data-intensive rendering
- Scientific visualization (e.g., volume, flow, and tensor visualization)
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- In situ analytics and in situ visualization
- Out-of-core processing of large data sets for visualization or graphics
- Simulations for virtual environments (physics-based animation, collision
detection, acoustics)
- Mesh processing, level-of-detail, and geometric methods
- Visual computing (image- and video-based rendering, image processing and
exploitation, segmentation)
- Scheduling, memory management, and data coherence
- Parallelization approaches and algorithms, such as MapReduce
- Database-related methods, algorithms or approaches, and query-based
- Advanced hardware for data handling or visualization
- Large and high-resolution displays, virtual environments
- Scientific, engineering, and industrial applications
- Data analytics on large scientific data sets
- Machine learning as applied to parallel graphics, visualization and/or
large data analytics
In general, appropriate topics for the symposium fall into one of four
(1) parallel graphics,
(2) rendering of very large data sets,
(3) parallel visualization and analytics, and
(4) processing of large data sets for visualization or analytics.
For additional information regarding paper submission and publication,
please contact the program chairs.
EGPGV again calls for Full Papers (8 to 10 pages) and Short Papers (up to 4
pages) in Eurographics format (+ 1 page of references). The EGPGV webpage
will be updated soon with more details on submission.
Important Dates:
December 6, 2021 - Early Submission Abstract Deadline
December 13, 2021 - Early Submission Paper Deadline
January 24, 2022 - Early Submission Notification
February 25, 2022 - Regular Submission Abstract Deadline
March 4, 2022 - Regular Submission Deadline
For additional information, please contact us via <>
EGPGV Leadership:
Symposium Chair: Filip Sadlo, Heidelberg University, Germany
Program Co-Chair: Roxana Bujack, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Program Co-Chair: Julien Tierny, CNRS / Sorbonne Universite, France
FAQ on Early Submission:
Q: What happens if my paper is accepted in the early submission review
A: Your paper will have the exact same status as any paper accepted during
the regular submission review cycle. It will appear in the proceedings and
you will present your paper at EGPGV22.
Q: Who can benefit from the early submission process?
A: There are benefits whether the paper is accepted or not accepted. For
accepted papers, the benefit is in getting acceptance earlier and having
more time for, e.g., travel organization. For multiple minor revisions,
major revisions, and rejected papers, the benefit is in effectively adding a
revision cycle, i.e., getting feedback from the early submission and then
submitting the revised paper to the regular submission deadline.
Q: If I do not submit to the early submission deadline, can I still submit
to the regular submission deadline?
A: Yes, you can absolutely submit to only the regular submission deadline.
Q: What is the timeline for the regular submission deadline?
A: We are still in discussions with Eurographics with respect to
camera-ready deadlines. Traditionally, EGPGV has a submission deadline of
late February and a notification of early April. We expect the timeline for
the regular submissions to match this traditional schedule.
Q: What paths can an early submission take?
- It might be accepted straightaway on January 24.
- It could be conditionally accepted on January 24, which would require a
revision on February 7. This could result in an accept, another conditional
accept, or a reject on February 14. In case of another conditional accept,
the revision will be due at the regular submission deadline. In case of a
reject, the work can be resubmitted as new at the regular submission
- It could receive a major revision decision on January 24, which would be
due at the regular submission deadline.
- It could be rejected on January 24. In this case, the work can still be
resubmitted as new at the regular submission deadline.
Lecturers in Computer Science (multiple posts)
The School of Computing at the University of Leeds invites applications for
a number of Lecturer posts at either Grade 8 (this advert) or Grade 7. We
are a highly-ranked academic department with a vibrant research culture and
a commitment to excellence in our teaching. We are recruiting these posts in
support of our current and planned growth in both fundamental and applied
computer science. The positions are open-ended research and teaching
academic positions, with start dates as early as January 2022, or as soon as
possible thereafter.
As a Lecturer you will have a PhD (or equivalent experience) in Computer
Science or a related field, an ambitious research vision, and the ability to
carry out excellent research and teaching in Computer Science. We are
seeking candidates whose research demonstrably aligns with one or more of
our existing research themes, however we would particularly welcome
applications from candidates with research interests in Algorithms &
Complexity, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
We welcome applications from both academic and non-academic organizations,
from future colleagues who wish to work part-time or flexibly, and we
particularly encourage women and members of ethnic minorities or other
under-represented groups to apply.
Full details are available at:
Hamish Carr, Ph.D.
School of Computing
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT
+44 113 343 7042
Shape Modeling International 2021 is approaching quickly. It will be
an online conference on November 14-16; from Sunday to Tuesday.
On Sunday, we will have ``Subdivision History Day''. We will have
three panels with panelists Ed Catmull, Elaine Cohen, Nira Dyn, Tony
DeRose, Leif Kobbelt, Jeff Lane, David Levin, Charles Loop, Ahmad
Nasri, Jan Pinkava, Jorg Peters, Ulrich Reif, Richard Riesenfeld,
Malcolm Sabin, Peter Schroeder, Jos Stam, Luiz Velho, Joe Warren, and
Denis Zorin. The panels will start at 10:00 am in New York time and it
will take a total of three hours.
On Monday, one keynote speech by Siddhartha Chaudhuri and Young
Investigator Award-winning speech by Mélina Skouras. In addition,
there will three paper sessions with nine papers. Presentations will
start at 8:00 am in New York time and it will take a total of five
hours and thirty minutes hours.
On Tuesday, one keynote speech by Lining Yao and Kunii Award-winning
speech by Bianca Falcidieno. In addition, there will three paper
sessions with 10 papers. Presentations will again start at 8:00 am in
New York time and it will take a total of six hours.
For details of the program, please see <>
For registration: <>
Full Registration: $100
ACM/Eurographics/IEEE Members: $50
Students: $10
Registration fee is waived for Keynote Speakers, Subdivision Day
Contributors, and Volunteers.
Please register by choosing waived.
Dear all,
We warmly invite you to register and attend to the 14th annual ACM/SIGGRAPH conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG 2021, formerly Motion in Games), an ACM SIGGRAPH Specialized Conferences, held in cooperation with Eurographics, that will take place virtually 10th - 12th Nov 2021 and is organized from EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
Program available here:
Registration to the conference is free (but required) for attendees.
This year we have the pleasure to receive the four following keynotes:
Caecilia Charbonnier <> President and Research Director of ArtAnim and Chief Innovation Officer of DreamScape Immersive
Topic: Technics and Challenges in Creating Highly Immersive Experiences in Free-Roam Location-Based VR
Markus Gross <> Professor at ETH Zurich and Director of Disney Research|Studios
Topic: The Science to Create the Magic
Morgan McGuire <> Chief Scientist at Roblox and Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo and McGill University
Topic TBA
Ryan Schmidt <> Lead of the Geometric Modeling team at EPIC Games
Topic: Geometry Processing for Next-Generation Realtime Content
Hope to see you virtually at MIG!
Sincerely, the MIG organization team
Conference Chairs
Ronan Boulic, EPFL
Ludovic Hoyet, Inria Rennes
Program Chairs
Karan Singh, University of Toronto
Damien Rohmer, Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris
Call for contributions
The Eurographics2022 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials
teaching the technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its
potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be
done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can
be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial, you should consider that
tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and
development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning,
intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics.
Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle.
Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer
lunch break. Full-day tutorials should be motivated by sufficient scientific
material. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly
indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of
instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by
external reviewers. The final selection will be based on the quality of the
submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference
topics, and balance of topics.
Digital support of accepted tutorials will be made available to every
Eurographics registered participant and will also be included in the
Eurographics digital library. Eurographics does not require copyright for
the tutorial notes it publishes. The tutorial speakers may reuse their
material freely. For each accepted tutorial, one free registration is
provided per half-day of that tutorial.
November 14, 2021 Submission of full tutorial proposals
December 20, 2021 Acceptance/rejection notification
March 27, 2022 Submission of final materials (see course notes
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted by using the
<> Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRMv2).
The submitted proposals should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s)
* Institution(s)
* Email address(es)
* URL(s)
Tutorial details:
* Title of the tutorial
* Keywords
* Half or full-day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90 minutes)
* A detailed outline of the tutorial.
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in
the area the tutorial addresses.
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location
(i.e., which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide
information highlighting changes, improvements, and/or why the tutorial
should be held again in this form.
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly
encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original
text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines,
reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides, videos,
software, datasets, and any other material the authors consider useful. The
acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the final submission of
complete course notes. Upon acceptance of the tutorial, additional material
should be submitted using the same link in the SRM system as for submitting
the proposal.
All course notes of accepted tutorials will be distributed to conference
participants electronically.
Stefanie Hahmann, LJK-INRIA, Grenoble INP, France
Gustavo Patow, ViRVIG-UdG, Universitat de Girona, Spain
For any questions concerning tutorial submissions please contact the
tutorial co-chairs: chairs-eg2022tut(a) <>