Dear Colleagues,
— Please forward this to anyone who might be interested —
— Apologies for cross-posting —
With this email, we would like to remind you of the approaching deadline
for submissions to the Computers and Graphics Journal (C&G)
<> Special Section
on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analytics of Molecular Data. All accepted
papers will be presented at MolVA 2023 Workshop <>,
which will be co-located with EuroVis 2023 <> in
Leipzig, Germany. Therefore, at least one of the authors of an accepted
paper will have to register and attend the workshop. For more information,
please see our webpage:
Important Dates
Submission Due: October 30, 2022
First Decision: December 15, 2022
Revised Papers Due: January 30, 2023
Final Decision: February 28, 2023
Publication / Workshop Date: 12-16 June 2023
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
Molecular Graphics & Rendering
Web-based Molecular Graphics & Visualization
Immersive Analytics approaches using, e.g., VR/AR technologies
Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (e.g., molecular structures,
biological networks and pathways, or omics data)
Visualization of Dynamic Molecular Data & Large Molecular Systems
Machine-learning approaches for analysis of molecular data
Tools papers describing new molecular visualization tools or novel
features in existing tools
Best regards,
Jan Byška, Michael Krone, Björn Sommer
MolVA General Chairs
EuroVis 2023 Call for Papers
With this call for papers, we invite submission of high-quality papers that
will set the standard and stimulate future trends in the field of
visualization and visual analytics. Accepted full papers will be published
in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of
the Eurographics Association, after a two-stage peer-reviewing process. All
accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
. Techniques: novel algorithms, visual encoding methods, and/or interaction
techniques for data analysis, exploration, or communication. All sub-areas
of data visualization and visual analytics are welcomed, including
high-dimensional, time-series, spatial, geographic, text, hierarchical, and
network data. Techniques may be specialized for specific devices or
form-factors (e.g., mobile or wall-scale visualization).
. Systems: new software frameworks, languages, or tools for visualization;
systems for large-scale visualization; integrated graphical systems for
visual analysis or interactive machine learning; collaborative and web-scale
visualization systems.
. Applications & Design Studies: novel use of visualization to address
problems in an application domain, including accounts of innovative system
design, deployment and impact. We welcome diverse application areas,
including the physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences,
engineering, arts, sports, and humanities.
. Evaluation & Empirical Research: Comparative evaluation of competing
visualization approaches; controlled experiments to inform visualization
best practices; longitudinal and qualitative studies to understand user
needs, visualization adoption, and use.
. Theory: models of visual encoding, interaction, and/or analysis tasks;
implications from theories of perception, cognition, design, and/or
aesthetics; methods for automated design or visualization recommendation.
For a wider range of paper types, please see "Broadening Intellectual
Diversity in Visualization Research Papers" by B. Lee et al.:
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: November 25, 2022 (Friday)
Full paper deadline: December 2, 2022 (Friday)
Reviews available, rebuttal start: January 26, 2023 (Thursday)
Rebuttal deadline: January 31, 2023 (Tuesday)
First Round Notification: February 20, 2023 (Monday)
Revised Submission: March 10, 2023 (Friday)
Final Notification: March 24, 2023 (Friday)
Camera Ready Version: April 14, 2023 (Friday)
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Submission Instructions
The maximum length for submitted papers to the full papers track is 10 pages
(in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) style, including all images, but excluding
references). Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to
provide extra content. Papers exceeding the maximum allowed number of pages
will be automatically rejected.
Submissions must be made using the Computer Graphics Forum style, using the
conference LaTeX template for full papers which includes a sample document
explaining the required format. Please download the template from
Authors have the option to submit their papers anonymously. In contrast to
previous years, double-blind reviewing is optional, not required: authors
may choose to disclose their identities to the reviewers. The reviewing
process does not consider anonymity as a factor. The process will attempt to
preserve anonymity of authors of anonymized submissions. However, the
program committee, which is responsible for half of the reviews, will know
the authors of submissions reviewed by them.
Authors have the option of submitting additional material with their
submissions. Supplementary materials, such as videos and supporting data,
are encouraged. For papers that have previously been reviewed for other
venues and have been rejected or withdrawn, the authors are strongly
encouraged to provide the original submission with a cover letter describing
the changes they have made to comply with reviewers' comments and requests.
All full papers accepted to EuroVis appear in a special issue of Computer
Graphics Forum, containing the conference proceedings, and will appear at
the same time in the Eurographics digital library.
EuroVis submissions and papers are subject to the pre-print and
self-archiving policies of the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Details are
available from the journal web site:
Given the uncertainty due to the pandemic, further details will be
communicated regarding possible Open Access charges.
In addition, a video presentation of all full papers accepted to EuroVis is
required ahead of the conference.
Abstracts and full papers are submitted using the Precision Conference
System (PCS): <> Please select Society:
Eurographics, Conference/Journal: EuroVis 2023, Track: EuroVis 2023 Papers.
Submission of an abstract is mandatory by the abstract deadline, with
completed papers due by the full paper deadline. Submissions will not be
accepted if an abstract is not submitted by the abstract deadline. Abstract
submissions require the title, authors, paper type, abstract, and keywords
in the form. The remaining fields (the document, additional material) are
submitted by the full paper deadline. Please note that EuroVis accepted
papers are published as a regular-length journal article, so submitting just
an abstract is not sufficient. Submitters need to choose keywords and
categories appropriate for their paper as this information is used in
reviewer selection.
Full Papers Chairs
Daniel Archambault, Swansea University, UK
Roxana Bujack, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Tobias Schreck, Graz University of Technology, Austria
For any questions concerning full paper submissions please contact the full
paper chairs at: fullpapers(at)
Dear colleagues,
With this call, we invite submissions of high-quality State of the Art
Reports (STAR) to be presented at the EuroVis 2023 conference (
<> and published in the
<> Computer Graphics Forum
journal. The EuroVis 2023 conference will be held in Leipzig, Germany on
June 12-16, 2023.
The call for STARs is included below and further details are on the EuroVis
webpage ( The
STAR submissions will go through a two-stage process, and the deadline for
the first stage, i.e., submissions of STAR sketches of two pages
(+references, +bibliography), is just around the corner on **October 21,
2022** and we look forward to receiving your submissions, details below.
For any questions, please contact us at stars(a)
Best wishes,
Renata, Stefan & Cagatay
EuroVis 2023 - Call for State of the Art Reports (STARs)
State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) are intended to provide up-to-date and
comprehensive surveys on topics of interest to the visualization research
community. We encourage the submission of STARs on topics that have not yet
been covered in any recent STAR or other survey [1,2].
We welcome submissions that introduce emerging areas of research that are of
relevance and interest to visualization research, as well as proposals on
more traditional visualization topics. We also welcome contributions from
related disciplines and application areas demonstrating contributions to, or
benefits from, the area of visualization including, but not limited to,
visual computing, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, virtual
reality, image processing, computer vision, psychology, geography,
chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, data analysis, computational
sciences, medicine, biology, economy, social science, etc. All accepted
EuroVis STAR reports will be published in the
<> Computer Graphics Forum
Important Dates
Submission of STAR Sketch: October 21, 2022 (two pages, +references,
Invitation for full STAR submission: November 18, 2022
Submission of full STAR: February 3, 2023
Review notification: Mar 24, 2023
Second round submission: April 21, 2023
Second review notification: May 5, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: May 19, 2023
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
As part of the acceptance process for Computer Graphics Forum, STARs will
undergo a multi-stage review process where authors first submit a 2-page
STAR Sketch that they receive preliminary feedback on, followed by a full
STAR submission. Submission of the STAR Sketch and full report is mandatory
and will be conducted using the Precision Conference System (
<> PCS). For
detailed paper preparation and submission instructions please refer to the
submission guidelines below.
Upon acceptance, we aim to schedule each STAR as an approximately 45 minute
presentation (subject to the schedule management of the EuroVis 2023
program). In any circumstance, a STAR presentation will be given a longer
time slot than that of a full paper.
STAR Sketch Submission
A STAR Sketch briefly describes the planned STAR by outlining the topic,
discussing its relevance to the visualization community, providing the
planned structure and outline of the STAR together with all key references,
and short biographies of the authors. The length of a STAR Sketch main text
is limited to two pages. To demonstrate the relevant expertise needed to
produce the proposed STAR, brief biographies of all authors are required as
supplementary material. References and short biographies are considered
supplementary pages and are not counted within the two page limit. Authors
receive feedback on their sketches to help improve the submission and to
inform their decisions whether to progress to the Full STAR submission
Full STAR Submission
In the next stage, authors are required to submit a full STAR. There is no
strict maximum length for full submissions. However, it is unusual for STARs
to exceed 20 pages (excluding references). Full STAR submissions will then
undergo a single blind, two-stage review process, similar to that of regular
papers submitted to Computer Graphics Forum, where 3-4 external experts on
the respective topic will evaluate the STAR.
STAR Chairs
Stefan Bruckner, University of Bergen, Norway
Cagatay Turkay, University of Warwick, UK
Renata G. Raidou, TU Wien, Austria
For any questions concerning State-of-the-Art Report submissions please
contact the STAR chairs at stars(a) <> .
Further details of the conference and the call can be accessed here:
Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Interactive Graphics and Vision
Ref: ATR1632
£53,353 to £61,823 per annum
The School of Computing Sciences is on a trajectory for growth across our
teaching, research and innovation portfolio. Within our forward plan we are
looking to further develop and expand our portfolio in the Creative
Industries and links with stakeholders and local agencies in the sector to
help grow our research laboratory in Interactive Graphics and Audio.
We now wish to appoint a full-time permanent Associate Professor/Senior
Lecturer in Graphics and Vision. We are interested in candidates who can
contribute to both our course offering and research portfolio in Creative
Industries. We are particularly interested in candidates who share an
enthusiasm and drive to assist in the exploration of new research
opportunities linked to areas such as imaging from autonomous platforms,
immersive graphics, digital animation, digital gaming platforms, haptics for
a range of application areas such as
engineering/health/medical/environmental as well as 3D reconstruction
environments and Digital Humans.
We recently invested in the establishment of a new Motion Capture
Laboratory, and this provides opportunities for student projects and links
with other research groups in the School and also groups in other Schools
such as Environmental Sciences, History & Archaeology and Psychology.
You will be expected to have a PhD in a relevant area with a sustained track
record of REF-returnable journal publications and grant income as well as an
excellent track record of teaching in a Higher Education environment in
terms of module management and delivery in subject areas linked to Graphics,
Vision and Animation.
The successful applicant will have, or be willing to work towards, a
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education or
Fellowship of Advance HE (FHEA) within an agreed timeframe.
You will be expected to have a track record of attracting research funding
from government funding agencies such as EPSRC or industry in related
domains and will also have a portfolio of recent research publications in
prestigious international journals or flagship conference proceedings in the
domain. It is also desirable that the successful applicant has an
extensive network of national and international collaborators from academia,
government and industry.
You will have experience to undertake project supervision and advisory roles
at both undergraduate and MSc/PhD level and engage with a range of relevant
administrative roles and outreach activities to support the mission of the
We strongly encourage applications from women and all those from Black,
Asian or other minority ethnic backgrounds and welcome applications from all
protected groups as defined by the Equality Act 2010. Appointment will be
made on merit.
The University is committed to building a culturally diverse institution
where all staff and students can flourish and feel valued for their
contribution and individuality. All appointments are made on merit. Our
policies and practices are designed to encourage talented people, whatever
their background, to work and study here. Work-life balance, family friendly
policies and staff benefits are described at
<> Staff Benefits -
Working at UEA - About.
This post is available immediately on a full-time, indefinite basis.
Closing date: Thursday 6 October 2022