for Call for Education Papers
The scope of the track includes topics in education concerned with computer
graphics and related areas, relevant teaching/classroom experience, as well
as assignments for use in these subject areas. We invite authors to submit
papers, panels and outstanding student projects specifically related but not
limited to the following topics:
1. Teaching Computer Graphics courses to diverse audiences.
2. Teaching related areas such as Visualisation, Animation, VR/AR/XR,
3D printing, Game Development.
3. Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses in the areas
mentioned above.
4. Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in
other disciplines.
5. Promoting undergraduate research in Computer Graphics.
We invite authors to submit their contributions that fall into one of the
following categories:
* Regular papers [max. 8 pages]
describing the experience of educators in the fields listed above, bringing
ideas on how to make the education process more efficient and interesting,
attracting students to further research work, discussing innovative
opportunities, etc. Whenever possible, we encourage authors to provide
evidence of their effectiveness.
* (Catching) assignments [max. 4 pages]
explaining real assignments, providing examples of handouts and starter
codes and examples of student works. Explanations and descriptions of when
and how to implement and facilitate the assignments in a semester (e.g.,
orchestration details) are highly recommended. Providing a description of
the assessment method is also suggested. Authors may provide all relevant
artifacts as supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide
access to them online upon acceptance.
* Outstanding student projects (individual or group) [max. 2 pages]
should describe the learning context for the project and show how the
student(s) brought creativity to their work. Upon acceptance, authors are
expected to demonstrate the project during their presentation.
The best regular papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious
journals in the field, <>
Computer Graphics Forum,
<> Computers
and Graphics, and <> IEEE Computer
Graphics & Applications, who may invite the authors of these papers to
submit extended versions to their journals.
* Jan 22, 2024: Submission deadline
* Feb 26, 2024: Notification to authors
* Mar 15, 2024: Camera-ready
* All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
Submission Details
Anonymous submissions must be formatted according to the
<> Eurographics
Author's guidelines. Submissions will be made electronically through the
<> Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRMv2) system and are subject to a review process.
The submission deadline for education papers is January 22, 2024.
Eurographics 2024 Education Paper Chairs
* Beatriz Sousa Santos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
* Eike Falk Andersen, NCCA, Bournemouth University, UK
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact the education program
co-chairs via chairs-eg2024edu(a) <>
Dear colleagues,
We have an open PhD position at the Rendering and Modeling Group ( ) of TU Wien ( in the area of Computer Graphics:
Possible research topics include real-time rendering, photorealistic
rendering, and machine learning in computer graphics.
Please forward this announcement to potentially interested candidates.
Application deadline: November 9, 2023.
Thanks and best wishes,
Michael Wimmer
-- Prof. Michael Wimmer------------------------------------------------------
Institut fuer Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Technische Universitaet Wien tel: +43 (1) 58801 18687
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E193-02
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich
Dear Colleagues,
The <> Computer Graphics and Visualization group at TU Delft is looking to fill a <…> PhD position in the area of Visualization and Visual Analytics for the analysis of Fine Arts in close collaboration with the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. The position is full-time (100%) and fully funded for four years.
For more details, please see here:…
Under certain conditions the position can also be transformed into a shorter PostDoc. If you have a PhD or are short of completing it in the area of Visual Analytics and are interested in this area, please contact me directly at T.Hollt-1(a) <> .
We would appreciate it if you could distribute this information among your team or people who might be interested.
Best regards,
Thomas Höllt
Thomas Höllt,
Assistant Professor
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Department of Intelligent Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Delft University of Technology
Full STAR submission deadline
October 27, 2023
Call for STARs
EUROGRAPHICS State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide up-to-date and comprehensive overviews of special topics of current interest in Computer Graphics and related fields. STARs are highly valuable contributions to our community, as witnessed by the high number of citations they typically receive.
We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any recent edition. STAR reports on cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary areas are also highly welcomed. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library. A list of recent STARs can be found on the websites of recent editions e.g., for <> 2023, <> 2022, and <> 2021.
Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the EUROGRAPHICS conference. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions. Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2024, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to present the report at a level that allows non-experts in the domain to follow the presentation. We do not impose strict maximum lengths for these submissions. However, it is recommended that papers be up to 20 pages excluding references and the authors’ short bios, to conform to the general recommendation for CGF survey papers.
Electronic submissions of STARs are mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management System. Papers must be written in English and prepared according to this year’s template, which can be downloaded from the <> Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system. STARs must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum guidelines and submitted as anonymous papers.
All following deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
* October 13 October 20, 2023: STAR abstract submission deadline
* October 27 November 3, 2023: Full STAR submission deadline
* December 22, 2023: First review notification
* February 02, 2024: Revised STAR submission
* February 23, 2024: Second review notification
* March 15, 2024: Camera-ready
Eurographics 2024 STARs Chairs
* Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin
* Andreas Aristidou, University of Cyprus
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the STARs program co-chairs via chairs- <> chairs-eg2024stars(a)
Full Tutorial proposals submission deadline November 20, 2023
Call for Tutorials
The Eurographics’2024 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials teaching the technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial, you should consider that tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning, intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics. Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle. Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer lunch break. Full-day tutorials should be motivated by sufficient scientific material. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by external reviewers. The final selection will be based on the quality of the submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference topics, and balance of topics.
Digital support of accepted tutorials will be made available to every Eurographics registered participant and will also be included in the Eurographics digital library. Eurographics does not require copyright for the tutorial notes it publishes. The tutorial speakers may reuse their material freely. For each accepted tutorial, one free registration is provided per half-day of that tutorial.
All following deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
* November 20, 2023: Submission of full tutorial proposals
* January 12, 2024: Acceptance/rejection notification
* March 25, 2024: Submission of final material (see Course notes below)
* April 22, 2024: Conference in Limassol, Cyprus
Submission details
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted by using the <> Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRMv2).
The submitted proposals should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s);
* Institution(s);
* Email address(es);
* URL(s).
Tutorial details:
* Title of the tutorial;
* Keywords;
* Half or full-day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90 minutes);
* A detailed outline of the tutorial;
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target audience for the tutorial;
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in the area the tutorial addresses;
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location (i.e., which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide information highlighting changes, improvements, and/or why the tutorial should be held again in this form.
Course notes
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines, reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides, videos, software, datasets, and any other material the authors consider useful. The acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the final submission of complete course notes. Upon acceptance of the tutorial, additional material should be submitted using the same link in the SRM system as for submitting the proposal.
All course notes of accepted tutorials will be distributed to conference participants electronically.
Eurographics 2024 Tutorials Chairs
* Katerina Mania, Technical University of Crete, Greece
* Alessandro Artusi, CYENS CoE, Cyprus
For any questions concerning tutorial submissions please contact the tutorial co-chairs: <> chairs-eg2024tut(a)
More information on Eurographics 2024 is available at: <>
Members mailing list -- members(a) <>
To unsubscribe send an email to members-leave(a) <>
Dear Colleague,
We have the following open positions below at Eindhoven University of Technology. We would appreciate it if you could distribute them among your team or people who might be interested.
PostDoc in Visual Analytics for trustworthy AI in long-term health risk assessment
Ph.D. in Visual Analytics for prescriptive data analysis
We are looking for a highly motivated PostDoc researcher and a Ph.D. candidate who wants to develop exciting visual analytics solutions involving trustworthy and explainable artificial intelligence.
Both positions are with the Visualization cluster at TU Eindhoven (TU/e), the Netherlands. The visualization cluster
( <> at TU/e has a strong track record in visualization and visual analytics for ML models and high-dimensional data. It has generated several award-winning contributions at major visualization conferences (IEEE VIS, IEEE InfoVis, IEEE VAST, EuroVis); several successful start-up companies (MagnaView, Process Gold, and SynerScope); and several techniques that are used on a large scale worldwide.
More details about the PostDoc position can be found at:…
More details about the fully funded Ph.D. position can be found at:…
All the best,
Dr. Fernando Paulovich
Prof. Dr. Anna Vilanova
Anna Vilanova
Professor Visual Analytics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
T +31 (0)40 247 8333
<> a.vilanova(a)
De Zaale, Metaforum MF 7.093
PO Box 513, 5600 M Eindhoven
Full STAR submission deadline
October 27, 2023
Call for STARs
EUROGRAPHICS State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) provide up-to-date and comprehensive overviews of special topics of current interest in Computer Graphics and related fields. STARs are highly valuable contributions to our community, as witnessed by the high number of citations they typically receive.
We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS, and particularly encourage STARs on topics that have not been covered in any recent edition. STAR reports on cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary areas are also highly welcomed. A STAR can also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library. A list of recent STARs can be found on the websites of recent editions e.g., for <> 2023, <> 2022, and <> 2021.
Accepted STARs will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum, which appears right before the EUROGRAPHICS conference. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions. Submissions needing a major revision will be transferred to the standard submission track of Computer Graphics Forum.
At EUROGRAPHICS 2024, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to present the report at a level that allows non-experts in the domain to follow the presentation. We do not impose strict maximum lengths for these submissions. However, it is recommended that papers be up to 20 pages excluding references and the authors’ short bios, to conform to the general recommendation for CGF survey papers.
Electronic submissions of STARs are mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management System. Papers must be written in English and prepared according to this year’s template, which can be downloaded from the <> Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system. STARs must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum guidelines and submitted as anonymous papers.
All following deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
* October 13, 2023: STAR abstract submission deadline
* October 27, 2023: Full STAR submission deadline
* Decenber 22, 2023: First review notification
* February 02, 2024: Revised STAR submission
* February 23, 2024: Second review notification
* March 15, 2024: Camera-ready
Eurographics 2024 STARs Chairs
* Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin
* Andreas Aristidou, University of Cyprus
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the STARs program co-chairs via chairs- <> chairs-eg2024stars(a)
Full Tutorial proposals submission deadline November 20, 2023
Call for Tutorials
The Eurographics’2024 Tutorials Committee invites you to propose tutorials teaching the technical background of a given subject or demonstrating its potential creative applications. Tutorials are intended to show what can be done, but even more importantly, how this is done and what kind of tools can be used to do it. In a proposal for a tutorial, you should consider that tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from research and development to education and application.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals at the beginning, intermediate, or advanced level in all areas pertinent to Computer Graphics. Half-day tutorials are about three hours, plus a coffee break in the middle. Full-day tutorials are twice that long, plus two coffee breaks and a longer lunch break. Full-day tutorials should be motivated by sufficient scientific material. Tutorial proposals are about 4-5 pages in length, clearly indicating the audience that is addressed as well as the syllabus of instruction. They will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs, supported by external reviewers. The final selection will be based on the quality of the submission, qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference topics, and balance of topics.
Digital support of accepted tutorials will be made available to every Eurographics registered participant and will also be included in the Eurographics digital library. Eurographics does not require copyright for the tutorial notes it publishes. The tutorial speakers may reuse their material freely. For each accepted tutorial, one free registration is provided per half-day of that tutorial.
All following deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
* November 20, 2023: Submission of full tutorial proposals
* January 12, 2024: Acceptance/rejection notification
* March 25, 2024: Submission of final material (see Course notes below)
* April 22, 2024: Conference in Limassol, Cyprus
Submission details
Tutorial proposals (in PDF) should be submitted by using the <> Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRMv2).
The submitted proposals should contain the following information:
Presenter(s) details:
* Name(s);
* Institution(s);
* Email address(es);
* URL(s).
Tutorial details:
* Title of the tutorial;
* Keywords;
* Half or full-day tutorial (either 2×90 minutes or 4×90 minutes);
* A detailed outline of the tutorial;
* A statement on the necessary background and potential target audience for the tutorial;
* A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in the area the tutorial addresses;
* If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, indicate the location (i.e., which conference), date, and the number of attendees. Please provide information highlighting changes, improvements, and/or why the tutorial should be held again in this form.
Course notes
Sample course notes, although not required in the submission, are highly encouraged to accompany the tutorial proposals. Notes may include original text, formatted according to the Eurographics publication guidelines, reprints of earlier papers (subject to copyright approval), slides, videos, software, datasets, and any other material the authors consider useful. The acceptance of tutorial proposals is contingent upon the final submission of complete course notes. Upon acceptance of the tutorial, additional material should be submitted using the same link in the SRM system as for submitting the proposal.
All course notes of accepted tutorials will be distributed to conference participants electronically.
Eurographics 2024 Tutorials Chairs
* Katerina Mania, Technical University of Crete, Greece
* Alessandro Artusi, CYENS CoE, Cyprus
For any questions concerning tutorial submissions please contact the tutorial co-chairs: <> chairs-eg2024tut(a)
More information on Eurographics 2024 is available at: <>