Dear colleagues,
The *EuroVis PhD Award* recognizes outstanding dissertations in academic research and development covering topics relevant to visualization. The intent of this award is to recognize excellent young researchers in their early career and to highlight visualization research.
All dissertations by PhD researchers from the European visualization community (e.g., through contributions to the EuroVis conference) that were defended and awarded a doctoral degree between Jan 1, 2022 and Dec 31, 2023 are eligible for the 2024 competition.
The PhD researcher's advisor should nominate the candidate using this online form:…
The nomination package must include:
- A nomination letter written by the advisor including the name, email address, CV and publication list of the candidate, the dates when the dissertation was defended and when the degree was awarded, and a one-page summary of the significance of the dissertation.
- The PDF of the dissertation (or a download link).
- Optional additional letters of recommendation can also be attached.
Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2024. See also<…>
Aligned with the Eurographics PhD Award, the awardees of the EuroVis PhD Award will be offered the opportunity to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal.
Feel free to contact me through eurovis-phd-award(a)<> in case of questions.
Best regards
Thomas Ertl (committee chair)
[ Apologies for cross-posting. ]
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to submit a paper to the Workshop on
"Visualization in Environmental Sciences" (EnvirVis).
The workshop is a co-located event to EUROVIS 2024, the European Conferences
on Graphics and Visualization, held in Odense, Denmark, on May 27, 2024.
The EnvirVis-Workshop aims to bring together researchers in the area of
visualization of geo-scientific, environmental, atmospheric, or climate data
to present and discuss recent developments in the field.
The workshop "Visualization in Environmental Sciences" invites both
contributions in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data
integration with a broad application area in environmental research,
decision-making and public outreach. The proposed scope includes, but is not
limited to, the following areas of research:
* Climate research, atmospheric modeling, meteorology
* Geology, geography, geophysics
* Soil and groundwater research
* Lake, coastal and ocean research
* Energy resources and waste management
* Land use research
* Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Important Dates:
* Submission Deadline: March 01, 2024
* Final Decisions: April 4, 2024
* Camera Ready Versions Due: April 25, 2024
* Workshop: May 27, 2024
Paper Submission:
Papers must be written in English and should have a length of 4 to 8 pages.
Submission instructions as well as a LaTeX2e style can be found at the
workshop website.
Papers will be published online at the Eurographics Digital Library.
Workshop Chairs:
Soumya Dutta, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Kathrin Feige, German Weather Service, Offenbach, Germany
Baldwin Nsonga, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
For further and updated information please see the workshop web page
Best regards
Soumya Dutta, Kathrin Feige, Baldwin Nsonga, and Karsten Rink
EnvirVis Co-Chairs
CGI is one of the oldest annual international conferences on Computer
Graphics in the
world. Researchers are invited to share their experiences and novel
achievements in
various fields of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Previous recent CGI
have been held in Sydney, Australia (2014), Strasbourg, France (2015),
Heraklion, Greece
(2016), Yokohama, Japan (2017), Bintan, Indonesia (2018), and Calgary in
(2019). CGI has been virtual between 2020 and 2022 due to the COVID
pandemic, and
has been held last year in Shanghai, China (2023).
This year, CGI 2024 is organized by MIRALab-CUI, University of Geneva,
Switzerland, and supported by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). The
Computer Journal, published by Springer Nature, is the official journal of
the Computer
Graphics Society.
You are invited to submit your full paper to CGI 2024. As in previous years,
CGI 2024
papers can be submitted either for possible publication in the Visual
Computer journal, or
for possible publication in the CAVW Journal, VRIH journal and CGI
Proceedings (LNCS-Springer) .
All deadlines are 23:59 GMT time on the date stated.
Visual Computer Paper submissions
- Submission deadline: February 10, 2024
- Preliminary notification to authors: March 23, 2024
- Deadline to receive revised papers from Authors: April 27, 2024
- Final notification of revised papers: May 10, 2024
CGI Proceedings book papers, CAVW journal, VRIH journal submissions
- Submission deadline: May 2, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: June 5, 2024
- Revised final paper: June 20, 2024
The main topics of the CGI 2024 conference are the following:
- Rendering Techniques
- Geometric Computing
- Metaverse (VR/MR/XR)
- Shape and Surface Modeling
- Physically Based Modeling
- Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
- Scientific Visualization
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Medical Imaging
- Computational Geometry
- Image Based Rendering
- Computational Photography
- Computer Animation
- Visual Analytics
- Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
- Volume Rendering
- Digital Cultural Heritage
- Computational Fabrication
- Image Processing & Analysis
- 3D Reconstruction
- Global Illumination
- Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
- Digital Humans
- Saliency Methods
- Shape Matching
- Sketch-based Modelling
- Robotics and Vision
- Stylized Rendering
- Textures
- Machine Learning for Graphics
The scientific program of the conference will include accepted papers from
the first call for
papers and these accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Visual
Journal (impact factor 3.5) by Springer-Nature.
The accepted papers from the second call for papers will be included either
in the CGI
conference Proceedings published by LNCS, Springer, or in the VRIH journal
(Virtual Reality
and Intelligent Hardware journal published by Science Press), or in the CAVW
(Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds) published by Wiley.
Note that for ALL submissions, the review process is double blind, which
requires the paper
and all supplemental materials to be anonymous. Ensure that self-referencing
is anonymous
(refer to your full name rather than "I" or "we"). Avoid providing
information that may identify
the authors in the acknowledgements (e.g. co-workers and grant IDs) and in
supplemental material (e.g. titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid
providing links to
websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines
will lead to rejection
without review.
CGI2024 Committee
Honorary Conference Chairs
- David Feng, University of Sydney, Australia
- Rae Earnshaw, Bradford University, UK
- Franz-Erich Wolter, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
- Enhua Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences/ University of Macau, China
Conference Chairs
- Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Jinman Kim, The University of Sydney, Australia
- Bin Sheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Jian Zhang, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Program Chairs
- Zhigang Deng, University of Houston, USA
- Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Sardegna, Italy
- Ping Li, Hong Kong Poly University, China
- Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland
Publicity Chairs
- Jian Chang, University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom
- Marina Gavrilova, University of Calgary, Canada
- Frederic Cordier, University of Haute-Alsace, France
cgi2024(a) <>
EGSR 2024 will be July 3-5 at Imperial College, London, UK
Call for Papers and other information is at
Key dates:
- Abstract deadline: Tuesday, April 9
- Papers deadline: Monday, April 15
- Industry Track papers deadline: Wednesday, May 29
- Final papers due: Thursday, June 13
- Conference: Wednesday, July 3 through Friday, July 5
Please spread the word, and we look forward to your participation.
Eric Haines and Elena Garces, program chairs
1st Workshop on Visual Process Analytics (VIPRA 2024)
- May 27th, 2024 (in conjunction with EuroVis 2024), Odense, Denmark –
Call for Papers
The 2024 Workshop on Visual Process Analytics (Vipra 2024) is the 1st annual workshop that provides an opportunity for participants to discuss state-of-the-art event visualization and process mining and learn how both techniques can mutually benefit each other. In this workshop we aim to bring together researchers from both Visual Analytics and Process Mining, to learn, create a common language, spark collaborations, and advance both fields.
Process Mining is a data-driven discipline that focuses on extracting valuable insights and knowledge from the vast amount of event data generated within organizations. It involves the discovery, analysis, and improvement of process models by leveraging techniques from data science, machine learning, and data analytics. By examining event logs and historical data, process mining aims to provide a clear, objective view of how processes actually operate, identifying bottlenecks, deviations, and opportunities for optimization. In turn, this supports organizations in making more data-informed decisions, and enhance operational efficiency.
Visual analytics is an interdisciplinary field that combines data visualization, analytical techniques, and interactive interfaces to help people make sense of complex and often large datasets. It focuses on using the power of visual representations to facilitate data exploration, pattern recognition, and decision-making. By enabling users to interact with data through graphical interfaces, visual analytics promotes a deeper understanding of information, uncovers hidden insights, and supports the detection of trends, anomalies, and relationships that might be challenging to discern through traditional data analysis methods alone.
We believe that process mining and visual analytics can mutually benefit each other. Until now, there has been limited interaction between the two fields, despite their shared objectives. In process mining, the emphasis has traditionally been on data extraction and process discovery, often neglecting the visualization aspect, whereas in visual analytics, event visualization efforts have often overlooked the wealth of process mining techniques that can enhance visualizations and analysis. Bridging this gap and fostering collaboration between the two fields will not only lead to more informed, efficient, and data-driven improvements in various domains but also advance the research and innovation in both process mining and visual analytics, ultimately contributing to a more holistic and integrated approach to understanding and optimizing complex processes.
Topics and Scope
We encourage submissions from all areas on the intersection of visual analytics and process mining.
The 2024 Workshop on Visual Process Analytics will cover a range of topics exploring the intersection of PM and VA including (but not limited to):
- VA to support exploration and comparison of discovered process models
- VA to support the comparison of event logs and process models, e.g., in conformance checking
- VA to support the generation of hypotheses about the business process and the identification of process improvement ideas
- VA to represent temporal and spatial uncertainty in PM models
- Research challenges, pitfalls, and opportunities related to the intersection of VA and PM
- The role of AI in PM, and how Visualization and explainable-AI solutions can support model comprehension, exploration, and refinement
Paper Submission and Format Guidelines
We will accept short papers with up to 5 pages plus one page of references (5 + 1).
We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations in any of the short paper types listed below:
- Application/Case-study papers (format: 5 + 1)
- Research papers (format: 5 + 1)
- Position papers and system demos papers (format: 2 + 1)
All material will be submitted via the Precision Conference System (PCS):
For all submissions, please use the EuroVis 2024 LateX2e Style. On Overleaf, this template can be imported easily by selecting "New Project" -> "Upload Project" and uploading the zip file. Use EGAuthorGuidelines-eurovis24-short.tex for your submission:…
Contact vipra.workshop at if you have any questions or visit
Important Dates
- Deadline for submission: March 1st, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: April 12th, 2024
- Camera-ready papers due: April 26th, 2024
- Vipra 2024 Workshop: May 27th, 2024 (in conjunction with EuroVis 2024)
All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.
Alessio Arleo, TU Wien
Stef van den Elzen, Eindhoven University of Technology
Tatiana von Landesberger, Universität Köln
Luise Pufahl, TU München - Heilbronn
Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Universität Mannheim
Francesca Zerbato, Universität St. Gallen
CNR IMATI – Job opportunity in Computer Graphics and Cultural Heritage
CNR IMATI offers a research contract on the theme: “Design and development of services for the documentation and quantitative analysis of 3D assets, and their integration and interfacing with Cultural Heritage Research Infrastructures”
The research position is within the PNRR IR project H2IOSC: <>
Lasting: 1 year.
Location: Genova, Italy
Deadline: December 27th, 2023, h. 18:00
Detailed information on the call can be found here: <…> &view=GEN&voice_code=BND&fcode=WHA&ref_idk=BN-138
a) Master’s Degree or Specialized Degree, or University Degree within the framework of the previous system relating to the theme of the project
For degrees obtained abroad, a legal recognition is required. The candidate who is not yet in possession of the provision for recognition of the foreign qualification must declare in the application form that he/she has submitted the relative request in accordance with the law in force, reporting in the curriculum vitae details of the transmission. In this case the candidate will be admitted to the selection with reserve, it being understood that this recognition must be presented before the stipulation of the employment contract;
b) at least three years of experience or possession of the title of Research Doctor or a PhD relevant to the field of experience requested, that is:
- Design, development and testing of algorithms and software applications for modelling and processing 2D/3D data;
- Creation of easily accessible graphical interfaces, scientific visualisation, and use of semantic web and knowledge technologies to document, index and share data and information;
- Software engineering for code re-factoring and service interoperability, software virtualisation and containerisation technologies, and possibly parallelisation or high-performance computing techniques;
- Software programming skills.
c) knowledge of the English language.
Contact: Chiara Eva Catalano, e-mail: chiaraeva.catalano(a) <>
Lecturer or Associate Professor in Computer Science
Are you an academic with proven abilities to carry out teaching and research
in computer graphics, computer vision or visualization? Do you have an
excellent research record and the ability to obtaining research funding? Are
you passionate about delivering an exceptional student experience in a
research-intensive Russell Group University?
We are looking for an academic who will make a strong contribution to our
teaching, to the delivery of an exceptional student experience, and to our
research in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Visualization.
We have a thriving taught Masters programme in High-Performance Graphics and
Games Engineering, spanning mathematical foundations of computer graphics,
geometric modelling and processing, rendering (both offline and real-time),
animation and simulation, and game engine construction. You will be expected
to contribute to the delivery of this Masters programme; opportunities also
exist for teaching across a wide range of the undergraduate, taught
postgraduate Computer Science syllabus in Leeds, overseas in our partner
universities, and our fully-online programmes.
We are seeking an outstanding candidate with a track record of excellence in
graphics, vision or visualization. You will have the experience and
capability to deliver outstanding teaching in these areas, with the vision
and drive to tackle new challenges. Your research will align with the
schools research theme in computational science and engineering, and you
will work closely with other staff in the theme.
The School of Computing is a friendly place to work, with staff working in
flexible ways in both teaching and research. We encourage colleagues to
apply from a diverse range of backgrounds and we try and provide a
supportive environment to help your career flourish.
You will be expected to align with the Universitys new 10-year
<> strategy: University Values and
Global Change and our institutional values: collaboration, compassion,
inclusivity and integrity.
Please read the How to apply section in the Candidate Brief on what
documents to include as part of your online application.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Professor Gordon Love, Head of the School of Computing
Email: <> G.D.Love(a)
Leeds - Main Campus
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences
School of Computing
Grade 8 to Grade 9
£45,585 to £64,914 p.a.
Working Time:
37.5 hours per week
Post Type:
Full Time
Contract Type:
Release Date:
Thursday 07 December 2023
Closing Date:
Wednesday 31 January 2024
Interview Date:
To be confirmed
0or%20Assoc%20Prof%20in%20Computer%20Science.pdf> Candidate Brief
Hamish Carr, Ph.D.
School of Computing
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT
<tel:+441133437042> +44 113 343 7042
<> H.Carr(a)
June 17-19, 2024, A Coruña.
President of the conference: José A. Iglesias Guitián (UDC)
Co-chairs of the program committee: Julio Marco (UniZar) and Gustavo Patow (UdG)
The Spanish Computer Graphics Conference aims to be the discussion forum for researchers and professionals of computer graphics and visualization in Spain. It is expected that attendees will be able to present their latest advances in all areas of Computer Graphics. It is also intended to be the place where new lines of research in development, ideas aimed at achieving greater incorporation of Computer Graphics in education, and developments in the field of ICT are discussed.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Computer vision
- Virtual reality and augmented reality
- Photorealistic visualization
- Expressive visualization (not photorealistic)
- Geometric Modeling
- Procedural Modeling
- Modeling and visualization of volumes
- Computational geometry
- Digital image processing
- Computational photography
- Computer animation
- Virtual humans and artificial life
- Graphic Interaction
- Graphics hardware and parallelism
- Graphic standards
- Serious games
- Computer Graphics Applications
- Computer Graphics and education
- Haptic Devices and interaction
- Spatial and non-spatial data visualization techniques
- Collaborative and distributed visualization
- Visualization of large volumes of data
- Three-dimensional vision
- Scene Understanding
- Machine learning applied to Graphics and Vision
- Applied Perception
- E-sports
We want to highlight the possibility of sending educational articles, which can be an interesting option for all those who wish to attend the conference but cannot do so in the research track, for contractual reasons.
(the different modalities are explained below)
Full paper
February 16, 2024: Deadline for submitting presentation summaries.
February 23, 2024: Deadline for sending the full version of the papers.
March 22, 2024: Notification to authors.
April 26, 2024: Deadline for sending final versions of accepted papers*.
*Authors who wish for their article to appear only in “abstract with presentation” mode must notify this when sending the final version.
Presentations of papers already published
March 8, 2024: Deadline for submitting already published papers.
April 5, 2024: Notification to authors of already published papers.
Short papers
February 16, 2024: Deadline for submitting short paper summaries.
February 23, 2024: Deadline for submission of the full version of the short papers.
March 22, 2024: Notification to authors.
April 26, 2024: Deadline for sending final versions of accepted short papers.
“Best Thesis” Award
March 8, 2024: Deadline for submitting applications for the best thesis award.
March 22, 2024: Notification to authors.
March 8, 2024: Deadline for submitting TFG/TFM.
March 22, 2024: Notification to authors.
March 15, 2024: Deadline for sending original works and TFGs posters.
March 29, 2024: Notification to authors.
In this edition, the following prizes will be awarded:
** Best presentation
** Best presentation included in COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS
** Best thesis
** Best short paper
** Best poster
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All papers must have, at a minimum, the title and abstract in English, although the rest of the article and the presentation in the conference sessions can be done in both Spanish and English. The review process is double-blind, so the submitted paper must be anonymous, eliminating all direct references or indirectly to the authors or their affiliation.
Contributions submitted as papers must present research, practice and experience, and original applications. The maximum length of a presentation will be 10 pages. The details of how to send this modality will be published on the conference website.
Those papers that stand out for their quality, and that are entirely written in English, will be published in the magazine Computers & Graphics, as a special section. These articles will be subjected to an additional review cycle before publication. The selection of these presentations will be carried out by an advisory committee at the request of the presidents of the program committee.
Accepted papers not published in Computers & Graphics will be included, by default, in the conference proceedings. However, authors may decide that their paper appears only in “summary with presentation” mode. The proceedings of CEIG2024 will be published in OpenAccess format in the Eurographics Digital Library (EG Digital Library), with a DOI.
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As in previous editions, authors may decide that their paper (title and abstract) appears in the program and is presented like any other, but does not appear in the official proceedings. This can be especially useful for work in progress that authors want to submit to another conference or journal. The authors will have a presentation session in which attendees will be able to ask questions and suggest improvements for the final version of the article, in addition to benefiting from a complete and identical review cycle to that received by the rest of the papers sent to the CEIG. For this modality, the authors must send the paper like any other article of the conference, indicating that their article is sent within this modality.
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The CEIG is a meeting point for the Computer Graphics community in Spain. Therefore, the presentation of recent quality papers already published in other conferences or magazines is invited. These articles will appear in the program and will be presented like the rest of the CEIG papers, but they will not appear in the official proceedings of the conference. The details of how to send already published papers will be published on the conference website.
The CEIG 2024 short papers will present recent results, work in progress, and new ideas. The papers, of a maximum of 4 pages, will be published in the conference proceedings. During the event, the presentations of short papers will be shorter than the presentations. The details of how to submit short papers will be published on the conference website.
A special call is made for the presentation of short papers for the “TFMs” session, where the Master's Theses related to the scope of the conference, that have been defended in the 2022/2023 academic year, or that are being carried out in the 2023/2024 academic year, will be presented. They will be included in the proceedings unless the authors explicitly express otherwise.
Poster submission will consist of a one or two-page summary of the poster content. The details of how to send posters will be published on the conference website. Posters may be presented in two modalities:
** Original papers: will present recent results, work in progress, new ideas, and other projects that may be of interest to the general community, but are too speculative, incomplete, or not of sufficient excellence to result in a presentation. They will be presented in a Fast Forward session to those attending the conference. A special call is made to the presentation of Final Degree Projects and Final Master's Projects defended in the 2022/2023 academic year, or that are being carried out in the 2023/2024 academic year, as well as theses in progress that wish to show preliminary results of their research. Posters under this modality will be included in a special volume of the conference proceedings, not included in the EG Digital Library unless the authors explicitly express otherwise.
** Papers already published: they will present papers already published in proceedings of other conferences or in magazines, which are within the topics of interest of the conference. The abstract will make explicit reference to the original paper from which the poster comes. Its objective is to give greater dissemination and visibility to these papers within the framework of Computer Graphics in Spain. They will not be included in the proceedings, but they will have a special session for presentation to those attending the conference.
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Intending to recognize the work carried out by the youngest researchers, we award the prize to the best thesis related to the field of the conference defended during the year 2023 (calendar year). To apply, you will need to send: a one-page summary of the thesis, the three most relevant publications that are a direct result of the thesis itself, a PDF of the thesis (preferably a link to an Open Access repository), and the author's CV. to. The author himself or any of his/her advisors may present the candidacy. The details of how to present this candidacy will be published on the conference website.
Final Undergraduate Projects (TFG or TFM) related to the scope of the conference that have been defended in 2023 (calendar year) may be submitted. The work report and a summary or abstract of one or two pages will be sent, plus a representative image of the work. Those selected will be published in a special section on the conference website. The best TFG may be presented as a Short Paper and the best TFM as a presentation if the authors so wish. The details of the TFG/TM submission method will be published on the conference website.
The program committee will be announced shortly.
Call for Eurovis Education Papers
We seek original contributions for presentation and publication in the inaugural Eurovis 2024 Education Papers track. The scope includes various topics related to education:
1. Teaching related areas such as Information Visualization, Scientific Visualization, Visual Analytics,
Designing and teaching online and hybrid courses: novel teaching methods, curriculum design, teaching to diverse audiences, tools and platforms for teaching, assessment techniques for evaluating learning outcomes,
Enabling and exploiting visualization tools and techniques to teach in other disciplines.
Classroom challenges in visualization, e.g. innovative and effective assessment, engaging student interest, managing diverse student backgrounds, teaching mathematical foundations,
Incorporating modern technology in visualization courses (e.g. VR, AR, 3D printing, gaming, etc),
Bringing visualization research into the classroom,
Promoting undergraduate research in visualization,
Visualization Literacy - models and frameworks for evaluating data visualization literacy, strategies to enhance data visualization literacy in the classroom or with general audiences, case studies of data visualization literacy initiatives.
We invite authors to submit their contributions that fall into one of the following categories:
Regular papers [max. 8 pages]
describing the experience of educators in the topics listed above, bringing ideas on how to make the education process more efficient and funnier, attracting students to further research work, discussing innovative opportunities, etc. Whenever possible, we encourage authors to provide evidence of their effectiveness.
Innovative assignments [max. 4 pages]
explaining real assignments, providing examples of handouts and starter code and examples of student work. Explanations and descriptions of when and how to implement and facilitate the assignments in a semester (e.g., orchestration details) are highly recommended. Providing a description of the assessment method is also suggested. Authors may provide all relevant artifacts as supplementary materials during submission, and agree to provide access to them online upon acceptance.
Outstanding student projects (individual or group) [max. 2 pages]
should describe the learning context for the project and show how the student(s) brought creativity to their work. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to demonstrate the project during their presentation.
The best regular papers may be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals in the field, Computer Graphics Forum<>, Computers and Graphics<>, and IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications<>, who may invite the authors of these papers to submit extended versions to their journals. The best assignments may be invited to publish in CGEMS<>: Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source.
All deadlines are in 2024.
Submission deadline: 15 Feb
Notification: 04 April
Camera Ready Version: 18 April
For more information please visit:
Eurovis 2024 Education Paper Chairs
Elif E Firat, Cukurova University, Turkey
Robert S Laramee, University of Nottingham, UK
* Nicklas Sindelv Andersen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Robert S Laramee
Professor of Visualization
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