Dear colleagues,
We apologize for any cross-posting. Below is the full call for workshop papers.
Second International Workshop on Perception-driven Graphics and Displays for VR and AR (PerGraVAR)
As part of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2025)
March 8-12, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: December 23rd, 2024
* Notification of acceptance: January 09th, 2025
* Camera Ready: January 16th, 2025
* Workshop: March 8 or 9, 2025 (tentative)
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their work to PerGraVAR, part of IEEE VR 2025. The workshop focuses on techniques that leverage the human visual system to enhance visual experiences and optimize rendering in Extended Reality (XR), covering virtual, augmented, and mixed reality.
As XR technologies evolve rapidly with innovations like stereo displays, multi-view systems, holographic displays, lightfield displays, optical see-through devices, and video pass-through systems, new challenges arise in areas such as rendering efficiency, cognitive load management, and cross-platform interoperability. This workshop will foster discussions around these challenges while presenting the latest research on perception-driven graphics and display technologies.
Submission Scope
We encourage researchers to submit early-stage work, such as initial analyses of user studies, perceptual findings, experimental rendering techniques, or sketches for novel devices. We also welcome position papers that summarize a range of previous approaches (e.g., literature reviews), perceptual findings, or experiences. Papers should be between 2 and 8 pages in length. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Novel display devices for XR
* Rendering methods that exploit perceptual issues
* Gaze-contingent rendering and interaction techniques
* Cognitive load management strategies in XR
* Perception-driven cloud rendering
* Interoperability challenges in XR graphics
* Perceptually optimized compression techniques
* Perception & cognition models for XR
* Saliency and attention models
* Validation methodologies and benchmarks (including eye-tracking)
* Depth-of-field, vergence-accommodation conflict, stereo disparity manipulation
Submission Instructions
Submissions must be anonymous, prepared in the IEEE Computer Society <> VGTC conference format, and submitted in PDF via <> PCS Submission Portal. To submit a contribution:
* Login to PCS.
* Select "VR" as the society and "IEEE VR 2025" as the conference/journal.
* Choose "PerGraVAR" as the workshop track.
Submissions will undergo a double-blind review process, and accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Digital Library. Papers that do not adhere to the formatting guidelines will be desk rejected without further review.
For more information about the workshop and submission guidelines, please visit our website: <>
We look forward to your contributions!
Best regards,
Martin Weier, Oliver Staadt, Bipul Mohanto, Colin Groth, Alexander Marquardt, Corentin Salaün, Praneeth Chakravarthula
Dear colleagues,
The *EuroVis PhD Award* recognizes outstanding dissertations in academic research and development covering topics relevant to visualization. The intent of this award is to recognize excellent young researchers in their early career and to highlight visualization research.
All dissertations by PhD researchers from the European visualization community (e.g., through contributions to the EuroVis conference) that were defended and awarded a doctoral degree between Jan 1, 2023 and Dec 31, 2024 are eligible for the 2025 competition.
The PhD researcher’s advisor should nominate the candidate using this online form:…
The nomination package must include:
* A nomination letter written by the advisor including the name, email address, CV and publication list of the candidate, the dates when the dissertation was defended and when the degree was awarded, and a one-page summary of the significance of the dissertation.
* The PDF of the dissertation (or a download link).
* Optional additional letters of recommendation can also be attached.
Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2025. See also
Aligned with the Eurographics PhD Award, the awardees of the EuroVis PhD Award will be offered the opportunity to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal.
Feel free to contact me through eurovis-phd-award(a)<> in case of questions.
Best regards
Anna Vilanova (committee chair)
Anna Vilanova
Professor Visual Analytics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
T +31 (0)40 247 8333
De Zaale, Metaforum MF 6.077
PO Box 513, 5600 M Eindhoven
EuroVis 2025: Call for workshops
We solicit workshops related to all areas of visualization. These informal workshops in EuroVis provide a setting for participants to discuss advanced topics in visualization, involve experts in the field, disseminate work in progress, and promote new ideas. Workshops at EuroVis are open to all registered attendees (“invitation only” workshops will not be approved).
Important Dates
* Proposal Submission Monday, November 11, 2024
* Notification Monday, November 25, 2024
All deadlines are at 11:59 pm (23:59) AoE Anywhere on Earth (AoE)<>.
Workshops should:
* Emphasize emerging ideas, concepts, or technologies that are currently too nascent or too interdisciplinary for a full symposium;
* Encourage information flow not solely from the presenters to the audience but rather engage the participation of all attendees, for example, through collective or small group discussions.
Possible topics may include emerging or persisting problems, developing research agendas, networking to find common interests and possibilities for cooperation, interacting with domain experts involving analysis of their domain problems, etc.
When choosing workshop topics to propose, please consider pre-approved workshops and try to avoid large overlaps:
* EuroVA
Note that workshops remain extremely well attended, but as new associated events and publication formats are introduced to EuroVis, the number of submitted papers may drop from previous years. So, a more interactive format (rather than one based mainly on presentations of submitted papers) is encouraged.
Submission requirements
Workshop proposals should include:
* a title,
* the contact details of the organizers,
* a brief description of the organizers’ background, related publications, and research,
* the planned activities (e.g., mainly talks, mainly interactive sessions, a mix), including an outline schedule for the program—workshops are strongly encouraged, though not required, to consider ways to engage all participants interactively,
* the intended result and impact of the workshop,
* a brief justification for why this workshop is necessary (e.g., why would the topic benefit from a more informal setting, in what ways is the topic emergent or a relatively poor fit for the main conference program, etc.),
* a chosen measure for a successful CFP (e.g., number of submissions), possibly including an outline for a “backup policy” (e.g., changing the workshop format or voluntarily withdrawing the workshop before acceptance notification is sent, but should not require the workshop organizers to submit emergency papers to their own workshop),
* a statement of the organization and the development of the list of participants (intended size, detailed selection procedures, and timeline for finalizing workshop presenters),
* a list of any special technology needed,
* the number of poster slots requested, if the workshop intends to feature posters, and
* the proposed dates for the call for participation, author notification, and camera-ready deadlines (author notification must be before the early registration deadline for EuroVis; for inclusion of materials in the EG digital library and/or the downloadable proceedings, the camera-ready deadline must be 4 weeks prior to the conference).
Because the number of workshop time slots is limited, half-day workshop proposals are strongly encouraged. However, well-justified full-day proposals will also be considered. Full-day proposals may optionally state what changes would be implemented to allow the workshop schedule to fit within a half day.
If the proposed workshop is a follow-up of a previous workshop, please include a critical reflection of the prior workshop(s), including a discussion of the results and evidence of impact.
The proposal should not exceed four pages. Please use the template file from…
At least one author for each paper must register and attend the conference in person.
Evaluation criteria
The workshops aim to include various topics and a healthy mix of new and recurring events. Repeat submissions will be partially judged by the previous workshop's success. Workshop success will be judged subjectively, but popularity, research impact, visibility, and attendee feedback will all be considered. Specifically, the workshop proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
* The potential for inspiring people, being influential, and opening new lines of research,
* The degree to which the workshop provides a more interactive environment for participants—all things being equal, preference will be given to workshops that emphasize participant interaction,
* The coherence of the proposed topic and the degree to which it would benefit from a workshop environment,
* The ability to attract people and make them excited about the workshop,
* The appropriateness with respect to EuroVis topics,
* If this workshop has special needs, the feasibility of the proposed plan, including financial, logistics, scheduling, and coordination impact, is also important.
The workshop chairs will balance the proposed topics to support the diversity of topics within EuroVis and complement the main program.
Organizers should consider what steps they will take to encourage diverse participants in their workshop (e.g., a balance of experience, background, gender, etc.) to make participation as inclusive as possible.
If accepted, workshops are required to prepare a short summary (50–100 words) for the workshop website and the web program.
Workshop Support
The workshop organizers will receive the following support from the EuroVis conference:
* One complimentary 1-day registration for an invited speaker,
* Room and AV support suitable for around 50 attendees,
* Food and beverages for attendees: coffee breaks throughout the day, Sunday evening opening reception, space in the poster display area, if requested (from a limited pool set aside for standard workshops; available space depends on the specifics of the venue; early requests given priority over late requests),
* PCS (Precision Conference Solutions) support for managing submissions and the review process,
* EuroGraphics Digital Library publication of the workshop proceedings, if requested (considered archival).
Note that each workshop participant will need to register to attend the EuroVis conference.
Workshop Chairs
* Alfie Abdul-Rahman, King's College London
* Guido Reina, Universität Stuttgart
EuroVis 2025: Call for workshops
We solicit workshops related to all areas of visualization. These informal workshops in EuroVis provide a setting for participants to discuss advanced topics in visualization, involve experts in the field, disseminate work in progress, and promote new ideas. Workshops at EuroVis are open to all registered attendees (“invitation only” workshops will not be approved).
Important Dates
* Proposal Submission Monday, November 11, 2024
* Notification Monday, November 25, 2024
All deadlines are at 11:59 pm (23:59) AoE Anywhere on Earth (AoE)<>.
Workshops should:
* Emphasize emerging ideas, concepts, or technologies that are currently too nascent or too interdisciplinary for a full symposium;
* Encourage information flow not solely from the presenters to the audience but rather engage the participation of all attendees, for example, through collective or small group discussions.
Possible topics may include emerging or persisting problems, developing research agendas, networking to find common interests and possibilities for cooperation, interacting with domain experts involving analysis of their domain problems, etc.
When choosing workshop topics to propose, please consider pre-approved workshops and try to avoid large overlaps:
* EuroVA
Note that workshops remain extremely well attended, but as new associated events and publication formats are introduced to EuroVis, the number of submitted papers may drop from previous years. So, a more interactive format (rather than one based mainly on presentations of submitted papers) is encouraged.
Submission requirements
Workshop proposals should include:
* a title,
* the contact details of the organizers,
* a brief description of the organizers’ background, related publications, and research,
* the planned activities (e.g., mainly talks, mainly interactive sessions, a mix), including an outline schedule for the program—workshops are strongly encouraged, though not required, to consider ways to engage all participants interactively,
* the intended result and impact of the workshop,
* a brief justification for why this workshop is necessary (e.g., why would the topic benefit from a more informal setting, in what ways is the topic emergent or a relatively poor fit for the main conference program, etc.),
* a chosen measure for a successful CFP (e.g., number of submissions), possibly including an outline for a “backup policy” (e.g., changing the workshop format or voluntarily withdrawing the workshop before acceptance notification is sent, but should not require the workshop organizers to submit emergency papers to their own workshop),
* a statement of the organization and the development of the list of participants (intended size, detailed selection procedures, and timeline for finalizing workshop presenters),
* a list of any special technology needed,
* the number of poster slots requested, if the workshop intends to feature posters, and
* the proposed dates for the call for participation, author notification, and camera-ready deadlines (author notification must be before the early registration deadline for EuroVis; for inclusion of materials in the EG digital library and/or the downloadable proceedings, the camera-ready deadline must be 4 weeks prior to the conference).
Because the number of workshop time slots is limited, half-day workshop proposals are strongly encouraged. However, well-justified full-day proposals will also be considered. Full-day proposals may optionally state what changes would be implemented to allow the workshop schedule to fit within a half day.
If the proposed workshop is a follow-up of a previous workshop, please include a critical reflection of the prior workshop(s), including a discussion of the results and evidence of impact.
The proposal should not exceed four pages. Please use the template file from…
At least one author for each paper must register and attend the conference in person.
Evaluation criteria
The workshops aim to include various topics and a healthy mix of new and recurring events. Repeat submissions will be partially judged by the previous workshop's success. Workshop success will be judged subjectively, but popularity, research impact, visibility, and attendee feedback will all be considered. Specifically, the workshop proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
* The potential for inspiring people, being influential, and opening new lines of research,
* The degree to which the workshop provides a more interactive environment for participants—all things being equal, preference will be given to workshops that emphasize participant interaction,
* The coherence of the proposed topic and the degree to which it would benefit from a workshop environment,
* The ability to attract people and make them excited about the workshop,
* The appropriateness with respect to EuroVis topics,
* If this workshop has special needs, the feasibility of the proposed plan, including financial, logistics, scheduling, and coordination impact, is also important.
The workshop chairs will balance the proposed topics to support the diversity of topics within EuroVis and complement the main program.
Organizers should consider what steps they will take to encourage diverse participants in their workshop (e.g., a balance of experience, background, gender, etc.) to make participation as inclusive as possible.
If accepted, workshops are required to prepare a short summary (50–100 words) for the workshop website and the web program.
Workshop Support
The workshop organizers will receive the following support from the EuroVis conference:
* One complimentary 1-day registration for an invited speaker,
* Room and AV support suitable for around 50 attendees,
* Food and beverages for attendees: coffee breaks throughout the day, Sunday evening opening reception, space in the poster display area, if requested (from a limited pool set aside for standard workshops; available space depends on the specifics of the venue; early requests given priority over late requests),
* PCS (Precision Conference Solutions) support for managing submissions and the review process,
* EuroGraphics Digital Library publication of the workshop proceedings, if requested (considered archival).
Note that each workshop participant will need to register to attend the EuroVis conference.
Workshop Chairs
* Alfie Abdul-Rahman, King's College London
* Guido Reina, Universität Stuttgart