


JVRC 2012 - Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT-EGVE- EuroVR


Madrid, Spain, 16-19 October 2012





We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing to the

2012 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT-EGVE-EuroVR (JVRC 2012).


In 2012, three conferences are merged together into the JVRC 2012 - Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT-EGVE–EuroVR:

- the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence (ICAT)

- the 18th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments

- the 9th EuroVR Conference


JVRC is an international event which brings together people from industry, commerce, research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces to exchange knowledge and share experiences of new results and applications, show live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies, discuss emerging directions for the field and form collaborations for future work.






* Scientific Track: original, unpublished long and short papers documenting new research contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications.

* Industrial Track: best practices, project results and demonstrations of applications of VR/AR/MR in industry and non-academic application oriented research.

* Poster Track: recently completed work, work in progress, or publicly presentable ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual systems or applications.

* Demonstration and Exhibit Track: live demonstrations of past and on-going projects. Additionally, technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists and members of the VR/AR/MR industrial communities are invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications, in a dedicated exhibition area.






Please, consult submission details at the web site: http://jvrc12.fi.upm.es


Papers and short papers will be allowed 8 and 4 pages respectively in the published Eurographics Workshop Series proceedings.

Accepted industrial papers, poster papers and demo descriptions will be published as an ISBN-registered CD.






Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Human factors issues


     User studies and evaluation trials

     Presence and cognition

     3D user interfaces

     3D interaction metaphors

     Self-representation and embodiment

     Virtual humans

     Sickness and side effects

     Validity and fidelity

     Cost effectiveness and cost efficiency




     VR system architecture

     Collaborative and distributed VR

     Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile devices

     Mixed Reality (MR)

     Advances in display technologies

     Audio and Multimodal Interfaces

     Haptic systems and devices

     Tracking and sensing

     Real-time rendering, modeling & simulation

     Image-based 3D modeling and rendering

     Interactive and immersive multimedia




     Industrial applications

     Aerospace and Transport

     Construction and Architecture

     Manufacturing and Engineering

     Medical and Rehabilitation

     Product and Process design

     Training and Education

     Cultural applications

     Serious Gaming and Edutainment






Papers and Short Papers

     May 15:    Abstracts Deadline

     May 21:    Submission Deadline

     July 2:    Notification of Acceptance

     July 27:   Camera-ready Submission Deadline

Industrial Papers and Posters

     July 6:    Submission Deadline

     July 20:   Notification of Acceptance

     July 31:   Camera-ready Submission Deadline

Demos and Exhibitions

     July 6:    Submission Deadline

     July 20:   Notification of Acceptance

     July 31:   Camera-ready Submission Deadline


     August 31: Earlybird registration deadline





Conference Website: http://jvrc12.fi.upm.es


For any inquiries please contact us at: jvrc12@fi.upm.es or the specific related Co-chairs:

- General Co-chairs at: jvrc12+chairs@fi.upm.es

- Program Committee Chairs at: jvrc12+ipc@fi.upm.es

- Industrial Program Co-chairs at: jvrc12+industry@fi.upm.es

- Posters Co-chairs at: jvrc12+posters@fi.upm.es

- Demonstrations Co-chairs at: jvrc12+demos@fi.upm.es

- Exhibition Co-chairs at: jvrc12+exhibits@fi.upm.es