Call for Industrial Presentations


Important Info: The submission deadline is extended to February 28.


Companies and vendors in graphics-related activities are invited to submit presentations of their production and expertise in the following non restrictive list of areas:

                New graphics hardware and system,

                New display and interaction techniques,

                Medical applications,

                Video-game production,

                CAD/CAM software,

                Information visualization systems,

                Animation movie production,

                High performance visualization,

                3D content generation,

                3D reconstruction systems,

                Stereoscopic content production.


We seek technical presentations rather than marketing-oriented talks. The expected duration of the presentation is 20mn including questions.

The submission should be sent to the industrial chairs by email to, in form of a one page pdf abstract describing the proposed presentation.

Note that these presentations are not considered archival publications and are compatible with future submission of peer-reviewed publications.

Also, we weclome people to present techniques that have been published in other journals.


Important Date:

Submission Deadline:                                                   February 28.

Notification about paper acceptance:                   March 7.


How to Submit:

Please directly send the one page pdf file to


For further information please contact the industrial co-chairs.


Industrial Chair


Georges-Pierre Bonneau, INRIA and University of Grenoble, France

Xin Tong, Microsoft Research Asia, China


Industrial track committee


David Bonner, Dassault Systemes                                

Julien Jomier, Kitware SAS                                               

Sylvain Paris, Adobe Systems Inc.                                 

Fabien Vivodtzev, CEA                                                      

Xiaomao Wu