In the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of the University of

Siegen, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer science

within the framework of the DFG-Research Training Group 1564 – Imaging New

Modalities, the following vacancy is to be filled by April 1st 2014 - one


                Junior Professor


                Sensorics and Sensor Data Processing


The Research Training Group 1564 is focusing on fundamental research for

2D/3D range image based scene acquisition, THz- and multi-spectral imaging,

as well as for new algorithmic approaches for processing and analysis of

mono- and multi-modal data streams delivered by these sensors.

We look for a person who complements the existing expertise in the Research

Training Group. The person should have a clear focus on at least one of the

two priorities of the Research Training Group, i.e. in sensor development or

in sensor data processing and analysis. We expect the person to work

actively in the interdisciplinary field covering both aspects. Sample

research fields are

*             Sensor and algorithm development for 2D/3D scene acquisition

*             Sensor development for THz- and multi-spectral imaging

*             Integration of multimodal sensor systems

*             Sensor data fusion and information extraction from mono- and

multimodal sensor data

*             Probabilistic estimation methods for scene surveillance or material


*             Visualization and visual analysis of mono-and multimodal sensor data


Beside the general public service law, prerequisites for being appointed as

Junior Professor are a Master or Diploma degree, teaching aptitude and a

doctoral degree in one of the stated research topics. Furthermore, it is

expected, that the person contribute in teaching courses specifically

related to his/her area of research.


The salary is according to the German W1 scale. The contract will be for an

initial three years, to be extended for three more years after a successful

mid-term evaluation.


The University of Siegen aims to raise the proportion of women in research

and teaching. Thus, the application of adequately qualified women is

encouraged. If eligible, the position may be funded through the

„Professorinnenprogramm des Bundes und der Länder zur Förderung der

Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Wissenschaft und Forschung an

deutschen Hochschulen (Professorinnenprogramm II)“.


Applications from handicapped persons are welcome.


The application should include a curriculum vita, certificates, a list of

publications and teaching qualifications and experience. Furthermore, a

project proposal describing planned research in the Research Training Group

should be submitted. Please send your application to the Dean of the Faculty

IV,  University of Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany no later than February

10th, 2014.


Further information about the Research Training Group and the University of

Siegen can be found on our website and, respectively.