


June 2-4, 2025, Jaén.






Conference chair: Juan Carlos Torres (UGR)

Honorary chair: Francisco Ramón Feito (UJA)

Program chairs:  Olatz Iparraguirre (Ceit, Unav) and Oscar Argudo (UPC)

Local organisation (UJA): Juan Manuel Jurado and Juan Roberto Jimenez






The Spanish Computer Graphics Conference aims to be the discussion forum for researchers and professionals of computer graphics and visualization in Spain. We also welcome submissions from foreign research groups that would like to show their works with the Spanish community and foster international collaborations. It is expected that attendees will be able to present their latest advances in all areas of Computer Graphics. It is also intended to be the place where new lines of research in development, ideas aimed at achieving greater incorporation of Computer Graphics in education, and developments in the field of ICT are discussed.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

    Aerial imagery and geospatial vision

    Applied perception

    Collaborative and distributed visualization

    Computational geometry

    Computational photography

    Computer animation

    Computer graphics applications

    Computer graphics and education

    Computer vision

    Digital image processing

    Generative AI

    Geometric modelling

    Geometry processing

    Graphics hardware and parallelism

    Graphics standards

    Haptic devices

    Human-Computer Interaction

    Information visualization

    Machine learning applied to Graphics, Vision and Visualization

    Natural phenomena simulations

    Non-photorealistic and expressive visualization

    Photogrammetry and 3D reconstruction

    Photorealistic rendering

    Pose reconstruction and tracking

    Procedural modelling

    Scene understanding

    Virtual humans and artificial life

    Virtual, augmented and mixed reality

    Videogames, serious games and e-Sports

    Volumetric modelling and visualization


We want to highlight the possibility of sending educational or industrial submissions, which can be an interesting option for all those who wish to attend the conference but cannot do so in the research track due to contractual reasons.




(the different modalities are explained below)



Full papers


February 14, 2025: Deadline for submitting presentation summaries.

February 21, 2025: Deadline for sending the full version of the papers.

March 28, 2025: Notification to authors.

April 28, 2024: Deadline for sending final versions of accepted papers*.

*Papers selected to be submitted for the Computer and Graphics journal will need to proceed with the submission process before, April 18th.


Short papers


March 21, 2025: Deadline for submitting short paper summaries.

March 28, 2025: Deadline for submission of the full version of the short papers.

April 30, 2025: Notification to authors.

May 9, 2025: Deadline for sending final versions of accepted short papers.




April 11, 2025: Deadline for sending posters.

April 30, 2024: Notification to authors.



April 11, 2025: Deadline for submitting TFG/TFM.

April 30, 2025: Notification to authors.


Presentations of papers already published


April 11, 2025: Deadline for submitting already published papers.

April 30, 2024: Notification to authors.


Render Contest


May 9, 2025: Deadline for sending renders.

May 16, 2024: Notification to authors.




In this edition, the following prizes will be awarded:

** Best full paper presentation

** Best full paper presentation included in COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS

** Best short paper

** Best poster

** Best image render

** Best TFG/TFM (Eurographics Spanish Chapter award)

** Best thesis (Eurographics Spanish Chapter award)





All submissions will be done through CMT platform at the following link  https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CEIG2025/ by selecting the corresponding track 




Submission: research papers with a maximum length of 10 pages.


Contributions in this modality must present research, practice and experience, and original applications. This year, all full papers must be written in English. During the conference, one of the authors of the paper will give an oral presentation to explain the details of the selected work. This presentation can be in English or Spanish, although the slides should be in English. The review process is double-blind, so the submitted paper must be anonymous, eliminating all direct references or indirectly to the authors or their affiliation. 

Those papers that reviewers highlight for their quality may be selected for publication in the Computers & Graphics journal, as a special section. Following reviewers' advice, the final selection will be made by the Program Chairs and an associate Editor from the journal. These articles will be subject to an additional review cycle before being accepted for final journal publication. 

Accepted papers not published in Computers & Graphics will be included, by default, in the CEIG'25 Conference Proceedings. These proceedings will be published in OpenAccess format in the Eurographics Digital Library (EG Digital Library), with a DOI. Authors may decide not to appear in the conference proceedings (see below*).




Submission: papers with a maximum length of 4 pages.


This modality will present recent results, work in progress, and new ideas. Accepted short papers will be included, by default*, in the CEIG'25 Conference Proceedings, in OpenAccess format in the Eurographics Digital Library (EG Digital Library), with a DOI. During the conference, one of the authors of the paper will give an oral presentation to explain the details of the selected work, which will be shorter than the presentations of the full papers.




Submission: as Full or Short papers, selecting “abstract with presentation” during the submission process. 


As in previous editions, authors may decide that their paper (title and abstract) appears in the program and is presented like any other, but it does not appear in the official proceedings. This can be especially useful for work in progress that authors want to submit to another conference or journal later. The authors will have a presentation session in which attendees will be able to ask questions and suggest improvements for the final version of the article, in addition to benefiting from a complete and identical review cycle to that received by the rest of the papers sent to the CEIG. 




Submission: abstract and reference to the original work (in original format).


CEIG is a meeting point for the Computer Graphics community in Spain. Therefore, the presentation of recent quality papers already published in other conferences or journals is invited. These articles will appear in the program and will have an oral presentation like the rest of the CEIG papers, but they will not appear in the official proceedings of the conference. 




Submission: one or two-page summary  


This modality addresses works that present recent results, work in progress, new ideas, and other projects that may be of interest to the general community, but which are too speculative or incomplete to result in a paper presentation. The works presented as posters can be original, already published works, academic projects (Bachelor/Master/PhD Thesis) or industrial projects both finalized or in progress. In addition to the original content, a QR code can be added to link to a video demonstrating the work. We also encourage participants to showcase interactive demonstrations during the poster session, whenever possible. 

The objective of this modality is to enhance the dissemination and visibility of the works. This modality is an open space for a more informal discussion among the participants of the conference. This year, as a novelty, special emphasis is placed on the participation of both academic (universities) and non-academic profiles (companies or research centres working on the themes of the conference).

Accepted posters will be exhibited during all the conference days. There will be a fast-forward session on the first day to shortly introduce the posters, and afterwards, there will be a special session during the conference where the authors will be able to present the details of the poster in-situ to the conference attendees.



Submission: one or two-page summary + TFG/TFM report + representative image of the work.


Final Degree Projects (Bachelor's or Master's thesis, TFG/TFM) related to the scope of the conference that have been defended in 2024 (calendar year) may be submitted. A committee will select the best work in each category, which will be published in a special section on the conference website. The best Bachelor’s thesis may be presented as a short paper, while the best Master’s thesis maybe be presented as a full paper, if the authors so wish.




Doctoral theses related to the conference's field and defended in 2024 (calendar year) may be submitted. A one-page summary of the thesis must be submitted, along with the three publications considered most relevant that are a direct result of the thesis, the thesis in PDF format (preferably a link to an open-access publication repository), and the CV of the thesis author. The application may be submitted by the author of the work or any of their supervisors. Applications must be submitted by email to premios@eurographics.es. A committee will select the best work in each category, which will be published in a special section on the conference website. The authors of the awarded works will receive free registration to the CEIG and will have time at the conference for their presentation, as determined in the program.




Submission: image and a brief explanation (maximum 1 page).


Participants are invited to submit a computer-generated image along with a brief description of its creation process. The image should showcase creativity and technical skill, drawing inspiration from computer graphics and visualization. The accompanying explanation should detail the methods, tools, and inspiration behind the image, not exceeding one page in length.

The program chairs will validate that submitted entries conform to the topic and rules of the contest and confirm the participation to the authors. During the conference a committee will evaluate the works based on visual quality, originality, and the clarity of the explanation. The winning image will be featured on the conference website. This is a great opportunity to gain recognition for your creative work within the computer graphics community.

Participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from existing competitions such as CGF Cover Contest: https://www.eg.org/wp/cover-contest/





The program committee will be announced shortly on the conference website.