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3rd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented
Reality 2004
Nov. 2 - Nov. 5. 2004,
DoubleTree Hotel, Crystal City
Arlington, VA (near Washington, D.C.)
ISMAR 2004 is the leading conference for Augmented Reality (AR) and this
year presents
an outstanding program of technical papers, live demonstrations,
posters, tutorials
and world-class keynote speakers. Advance program and registration
available at
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2004 (ISMAR
04) will be held
from November 2nd - 5th in Arlington, Virgina, next to historic
Washington DC. It will
also be co-located with the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable
Computers, ISWC04
(Oct 31-Nov 3, 2004), to bring together the MR/AR and wearable
computing communities.
This year there is a particularly strong program of tutorials on the
following topics:
- Developing AR applications with ARToolKit
- Advanced Visual Tracking
- Spatial Augmented Reality
- Extreme MR: Creating extreme MR interfaces for entertainment, training
and education
In addition keynote speeches will be given by Professor Alex Pentland
from the MIT Media
Lab and Dylan Schmorrow, head of DARPA's program on Augmented Cognition
and program
manager for visualization at ONR.
The conference overlaps with ISWC 2004 giving attendees a unique
opportunity to see the
best research on wearable computing and try the latest in wearable
computing technology.
We hope to see you at what will be the best ISMAR conference yet!
For complete registration details see:
Yohan Baillot
Mark Billinghurst
ISMAR 2004 Conference Co-chairs
ismar mailing list