Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that VCBM, the 9th EG Workshop on Visual
Computing for Biology and Medicine held in Brno this year, will be hosting
an image contest, where illustrations and biomedical imaging will be
featured side by side. With this e-mail, we would like to invite you to
submit your images to this year's VCBM image contest. The contest is open to
any imagery submissions related to computational biology and medicine,
meaning that visualizations, photorealistic and non-photorealistic
rendering, educational illustrations, as well as hand drawn illustrations
are welcome.
In addition to having an excellent opportunity to present the work in a
relaxed environment or to show off some cool results, accepted submissions
will have the chance to win the VCBM Image Award or the People's Choice
Award. In addition to great honor, the winners will receive surprise
For more information, please see the image contest call at the VCBM website:
<> image-contest/
The deadline has now been extended to August 30th, so there is still a
chance to participate!
With best wishes and hoping to see many of you in Brno,
the VCBM image contest co-chairs of VCBM 2019,
Sergej Stoppel
Noeska Smit