14-18 April 2008
The conference is now approaching rapidly, so if you have not done so
already, please register for the conference NOW and make your travel
plans. Remember, the conference is in April this year, not September!
The early bird registration deadline has been extended to *next
Wednesday, March 5th*.
When planning your travel, it might help you to know that there are
regular flights from Athens to Heraklion, both Olympic Airlines and
Aegean Airlines have regular flights on this route. It may be better to
find a cheap round-trip to Athens, and look up the Athens-Heraklion trip
separately, since this appears to give better prices in many cases. Low
cost airlines also operate from some European destinations, e.g. EasyJet
from London Gatwick, and some charter companies already have flights to
Heraklion (e.g., Air Mediterranee from Paris CDG). The new airport in
Athens incorporates domestic and international flights in the one building.
Please help us to spread the word about EG 2008. A great deal of effort
is going into organising the conference, and we have a very strong and
exciting technical programme. This is the first time that the conference
has been held in the spring-time, the community was very much in favour
of the change of time slot, so please help to make this event a success
by coming to Crete!
We look forward to welcoming you there.
Panos Trahanias Nigel John David Duce
Conference co-Chairs Eurographics Chairman