(Apologies for cross posting)

Call For Posters, Eurographics 24th Symposium on Rendering 2013:
19-21 June, 2013 – Zaragoza, Spain

Poster Chairs:
Jose A. Iglesias - Universidad de Zaragoza
Patric Ljung - Siemens Corporation, Corporate Technology (Princeton)

Poster Submission Deadline: 23:59GMT, May 10th, 2013

  We invite you to submit your poster proposals to the EGSR 2013 Posters program. The Posters Program is seeking posters presenting:

  · Recent research results on rendering previously published in another venue. This is your chance to present your work to the full rendering audience and gain more visibility!
  · Recent research work, late-breaking technical results and work in progress covering the topics of the conference (see the call for papers for more details and a full list of the conference topics).

  Accepted posters will not be considered for publication but, prior authors authorization request, we will give authors the choice to increase the visibility of their work by uploading their posters to the official conference website.

Notification date will be May 15th, 2013. Please visit the website for submission details:

Conference topics include (but are not limited to):

· Global illumination
· Reflectance
· Volumetric scattering and translucency
· Representations of material appearance
· Human perception and error measures
· Rendering hardware and its application
· Computational photography
· Rendering dynamic/animated environments
· Shadows and visibility
· Monte Carlo techniques
· Finite element techniques
· Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
· Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
· Non-photorealistic rendering
· Image-based measurement and rendering
· Sensing for graphics
· Point-based rendering
· Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
· Systems and software architecture for rendering
· Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
· Audio/sound rendering

Please see the website for more information about the conference:
