4th International Workshop on Volume Graphics
20 - 21 June 2005
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Symposium Outline:
Following successful workshops in Swansea (1999), Stony Brook (2001),
and Tokyo (2003), the 4th International Workshop on Volume Graphics,
VG05, aims to bring together researchers and applications developers
from both the academic and industry sectors who are working, or wish
to work, on volume-based graphics techniques to assess and review the
techniques for volume-based modeling, rendering, manipulation and
applications, and to explore further the potential of volume-based
techniques, especially beyond the scope of volume visualization.
VG05 is co-located with two other conferences: Computer Graphics
International 2005 (June 22-25, 2005) and the Point-Based Rendering
Symposium 2005 (June 21-22, 2005).
Symposium Topics (but not limited to):
- Volume-Based Modeling
Complex and multi-volume scenes
Image-based 3D modeling
Frequency-domain modeling
Physically based modeling
Motion and Deformation
Point-based modeling
Mathematical Foundations
- Data Acquisition and Manipulation
Voxelization and surface reconstruction
Segmentation and feature extraction
Distortion and morphing
Interaction and GUI design
- Applications and Case Studies
Medical imaging
Surgical planning
Forensic science
Scientific computation
Entertainment industry
Internet-based applications
Collaborative visualization
- Volume Rendering
Volume rendering hardware
Direct volume rendering
Point-based rendering
GPU-accelerated techniques
Voxel-based radiosity
Reflection and refraction
Texture mapping
Non-photorealistic rendering
Parallel and distributed rendering
Important Dates (NEW, EXTENDED):
Deadline for receipt of full-length papers January 10, 2005
Notification of acceptance February 28, 2005
Honorary Workshop Chair:
Arie Kaufman (Stony Brook University, USA)
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Tom Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Klaus Mueller (Stony Brook University, USA)
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Issei Fujishiro (Tohoku University, Japan)
Eduard Gröller (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
For more information, please visit
Klaus Mueller, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400
Phone: 631.632.1524 Fax: 631.632.8445
Email: muellerk(a)acm.org