Call for Paper


***** Pacific Graphics 2011*****


The 19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2011) will be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, during September 21 to 23, 2011.




National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan is pleased to announce The 19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2011) will be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, during September 21 to 23, 2011. Pacific Graphics (PG) is an annual international conference on computer graphics and applications. As a highly successful series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.


Paper Publication: The conference will have a full paper track as well as a poster track. The full papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will appear as a regular issue of the Computer Graphics Forum. Poster papers will be made available to the participants in electronic form.




Important Dates:


Abstract Due : April 24, 2011


Full Paper Due : April 30, 2011


Author Notification : June 22, 2011


The First Revision Due for Second Review : July 13, 2011


Final Acceptance Notification : July 24, 2011


Camera-Ready Paper Due : July 27, 2011


Conference : September 21~23, 2011




Conference Organization


General Chair:


Yung-Nien Sun, National Cheng Kung University



Conference Co-Chairs:


Eugene Fiume, University of Toronto


Ming Ouhyoung, National Taiwan University



Program Co-Chairs:


Ming C. Lin,  University of North Carolina


Jan Kautz, University College  London


Tong-Yee Lee, National Cheng Kung University



For more details, please visit the conference web site,