Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 2006
(In Cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH - pending)
May 8-10, 2006
Lisboa, Portugal
CFP Deadline: December 16 2005
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
We invite you to participate in the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual
Environments (EGVE), previously known as the Eurographics Workshop on
Virtual Environments held in the previous eleven years. EGVE is an
international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among
researchers and developers concerned with virtual environments and
virtual reality. EGVE 2006 will provide an opportunity for VE and VR
researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations
of their work, and discuss emerging directions for the field.
Original, unpublished papers documenting new research contributions,
practice and experience, or novel applications, from all areas of
virtual environments, are invited. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to
- Interaction techniques for VR
- Immersive projection technologies
- Haptics, sound and multimodal interaction
- VR system architecture and development
- 3D input and output devices
- Augmented and mixed reality
- Collaborative and distributed VR
- Human factors and cognition
- Interactive rendering, modeling and simulation
- VR applications (e.g. scientific visualizaiton,
medicine, education and training, etc.)
Special Issue
Revised and extended versions of the selected papers
will appear in a special issue of the Journal Computers and
Graphics (Elsevier).
Symposium Venue and Format
The event will be held in Lisboa. The event is open to all those with
an interest in virtual environments. Students, in particular, are
encouraged to participate. The two day symposium will be organized as
an assembly of plenary presentations. Invited presentations and
posters presenting work-in-progress on novel applications of VE or new
VE projects will be included.
EGVE'06 will take place in the Congress Center of the Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation. It will be co-located with EuroVis'2006 and
just before EG Symposium in Parallel Graphics in Visualization to take
place in University of Minho, Portugal.
Important Dates:
Electronic paper abstract due: Dec 9, 2005
Electronic paper submission deadline: Dec 16, 2005
Notification of paper acceptance: Feb 17, 2006
Electronic poster submission deadline: Feb 24, 2005
Notification of poster acceptance: Mar 8, 2006
Camera-ready copy of paper due: Mar 13, 2006
Camera-ready two-page poster due: Mar 20, 2006
Symposium Dates May 8-10, 2006
Authors are requested to prepare their contribution as a full paper in
English using Eurographics syposium/workshop proceedings template.
Submissions must be prepared as a PDF file according to the
Eurographics Submission Instructions. The length of submitted papers
should not exceed 10 pages. The proceedings of the symposium will be
published in the Eurographics Proceedings series, in cooperation with
ACM SIGGRAPH (agreement pending).
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
International Program Committee and selected external reviewers.
Rejected submissions with great potential will be invited as combined
Poster/Demo presentations at a dedicated "Work in Progress" session;
an accompanying two-page description will be compiled into a separate
proceedings document with restricted distribution.
Poster Presentations
Two-page submissions for the poster presentation/live demonstration
are also encouraged (see important dates above). More information
will be available on the symposium website soon. Format guidelines
and copyright forms can be found at the symposium webpage.
Symposium Chair
Joaquim Jorge, Instituto Superior Ticnico, Portugal
IPC Co-Chairs
Ming Lin, USA
Roger Hubbold, UK
Local Co-Chair
Miguel Dias, ADETTI, Portugal
Industrial Track Chair
Luciano Pereira Soares, Portugal
International Program Committee Members
Anthony Steed, UK
Bernd Froehlich, DE
Carol O'Sullivan, IE
Carolina Cruz-Neira, USA
Daniel Thalmann, CH
David Roberts, UK
Didier Stricker, DE
Dieter Schmalstieg, AT
George Baciu, HK
Gerard Kim, KR
Grigore Burdea, USA
Heinrich Mueller, DE
Henry Fuchs, USA
Iwata Hiroo, JP
Joao Pereira, PT
Larry Hodges, USA
Mark Billinghurst, NZ
Martin Goebel, DE
Miguel Otaduy, ES/CH
Miguel Salles Dias, PT
Ming Ouhyoung, TW
Nuno Correia, PT
Pere Brunet, ES
Robert van Liere, NL
Rynson Lau, HK
Sabine Coquillart, FR
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, CA
Yiorgos Chrysanthou, CY